-Candice’s P.O.V-
A few days have passed; My Love and I have decided to make a team. I’ve promised to be on best behaviour as long as they don’t try to take him from me. I mean, who wouldn’t like such a perfect, handsome, and intelligent boy? (Yangire-chan please don’t fangirl 😂) Just the mere thought of him makes my cheeks flush and my head soar.“Hey Candi?” His smooth as silk voice courses through my veins, “Y-yeah?” “You spaced out for a second...You alright?” OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!How sweet and kind is he? I’m not that much to worry about am I?? “U-um yeah! I was just uh, you know...thinking about you...” I mumbled the last part in a light breath. “What was that?” “Nothing!”
(I am mildly uncomfortable so imma switch to Third-Person 😅 Sorry)
-Third Person P.O.V-
”So...who are our ‘Team mates?’ “ A soft hiss of security erupted out of the obsessive girl’s throat, “Candi.. you promised.” Her significant stated strictly but the psychopath just shrugged her shoulders, “I just wanna knowww.” She chimed innocently. Shaking his head, the Harry Potter-headed boy sighed, giving in to his insane lover, “Just a few people—“ “Like...???” He was cut off, he glared at the puppy dog-eyed imp and sighed once more.
”The Mai Twins: Kamuro And Semuro, Pierce Palven, Shin Atsuki and Alfred Camin.” Now, normally the ravenette would be fiercely concerned about her one and only taking a girl into their team, but she held back since there was only one and that she didn’t seem like the type to become a target of hers, after all, it was just ONE girl right? Easy to dispose of if necessary. The name that triggered her was Shin Atsuki, “Atsuki!?” Her golden star looked her way and nodded, “Isn’t he blind?” Her voice dropped octaves, knowing the tall male would be nearby at this hour to meet them.
“Yep. But there’s the secret with all of us here.” An unfamiliar voice vibrated in her ear, she jolted forward, to reveal Shin Atsuki standing tall and high in all his glory. (Yangire-chan, for you to use your imagination now) “I, THE GREAT SHIN ATSUKI, AT YOUR SERVICE.” The dark male’s voice boomed, he cared no less nor no more of the bystanders near him.
“Yeah, great and blind too.” The pair concluded a matter-of-factly. “I AM NOT BLIND, IM JUST SHORT-SIGH—“ that sentence was put to a halt as the once vertically straight boy was now splat on the floor, horizontally straight. Chuckles and fits of laughter were spread between the few as he stood up. “Fine fine, I guess I am a bit blind, but at least I’m on time, where’re the others?”
The trio looked about, finding no clue of the other few. “Maybe they gave up? Yeah, it’d be better with just three of us anyway right Ba—“ “Candice.” “Sorry...” the shortest of the group hung her head low in wait of the fellow members. Shin just laughed, he found it amusing how the boy only had to say one thing and even she of all people would zip it. Candice Evergreen. She held various secrets and facts about various people way before the Survival Games, but she had not wished nor will wish to expose any of it; that was her policy. How did Shin know? Let’s just say he’s good at researching things.
Footsteps could be heard coming towards the mates, slowly but surely progressing faster and closer as time hopped by. “HALLO!!!!” Two voices shouted in the gaps between the new-found friends. The twins were here. “I suppose you are Kamuro and Semuro?” Candice interjected, “THAAAATSSS RI—“ “Do stop shouting, you’re hurting my ears.” Shin insisted, the two boys hunched slightly in embarrassment.
”Sorry, we’re just excited to meet you all.” The taller brother, Kamuro apologised. That’s what the Mai Twins were famous for after all, getting all agitated or excited over almost anything. “What took you guys so long? And where’re the others?” Baron asked coolly, he wasn’t the least bothered by their loud acts of surprise. “Don’t know” Semuro, confirmed. The pair was definitely an odd one.
Kamuro was tall, with shaggy hair and slanted eyes. His voice was lower in pitch yet louder in volume by the beat. He was usually more sociable than his brother as well. Semuro was short, not too short but a bit shorter than average. His hair was short, but it was poofy and he had big, round eyes. Those eyes of a type you would see on stuffed animals. Despite their differences, they fit each other like slots in the Ying-Yang; even if Semuro’s voice was softer and more girlish than his brother’s.
A few more minutes passed by, their break was about to end. Where could the other two be?? Just as that thought slipped, Pierce and Alfred appeared, arguing about something. “Oi.” Kamuro growled slightly, “You’re both so late. Where were you?” He demanded, “This one—“ Alfred, a short boy about Semuro’s height and age pointed in disgust to his ‘friend’ “SHE. FORGOT.” Pierce looked down at him in disgust, “I did NOT!” She accused.
“Okay okay..” Semuro said, raising his hands out in between the two to form a barrier, “Calm down..” he assured, watching both persons take a deep breath. “Alright..” Candice hummed, “Since we have all of us here, what’s the deal Baron-dear?” She averted her gaze to the soon-to-be ‘Leader’ of the group. “Well,” he began, “the main idea for us is to wipe out all the other diary users.” “But what happens when there’s only us left?” Pierce kept a close eye on Candice, she didn’t know her very well, but she didn’t look like a ‘normal’ girl.
Pierce was probably the most observant of the group, standing next to Candice, both of them were able to identify and point out flaws in things, most of their guesses being proven right by the cleverests: either Shin and Baron. The strongest of the group would probably be Alfred standings alone and The Mai Twins standing together.
“We’ll have to see when that time comes.” Baron explained, and they were off.