May 23rd, 2314
I kneeled at the edge of the rooftop, waiting for my target to show up. The rain fell on my armor, providing a constant plinking sound to the wait. Eventually, I saw a small ship slow out of Lightspeed above the Grakor’s atmosphere. Slowly, I put my helmet on, and scanned the area, with it.. The ship came to rest on the landing platform I was overlooking, and the door slid open. My target exited, surrounded by guards, and other diplomats. Soon, another group came up to the landing platform to greet him. Slowly, picked out my Ego-34 Sniper rifle, and trained it on his head, waiting for the opportune moment.
My target is a man named Trak Malor. He is a diplomat from the regime controlled Worlds, to the Federations. He showed up here today, to help smoother tense relations between the two factions. Apparently, he is a controversial figure, as both sides are still itching to go to war with each other, and the Ovnorak council have been looking to cut diplomatic ties. But for now, they keep him around. Not for much longer though. A few days ago, many of the bounty hunters in the area had gotten an anonymous message, putting a bounty of 300,000 credits on his head. Since then, many have been eagerly awaiting a chance at him.
Back to the task at hand, I put my finger on the trigger, and fired. The gunshot rang out, but he didn’t fall over. One of his guards did. He had just wandered into my sights at the wrong time. He was quickly led of the platform, as the other guards started firing in my direction, and I ducked down, grabbing a smoke grenade from my belt, and throwing it at the platform. As I heard shouts of confusion, I put my sniper back, activated my jet pack, and flew over there, taking out the five remaining guards with a pistol.
Trak was already moving down the stairwell off the landing platform, so I had to move quickly. The platform was atop a seven story building, which was heavily guarded, and my delay had given him time to make it down three stories already. I quickly ran down, making it closer to him, and firing my pistol twice, taking out his remaining guards, but running out of shots before I could get to him. I replaced its energy chip, but I had already lost sight of him.
Now out on the streets, I spotted him running through a crowd of people trying to get too a nearby police station. I fired twice at him, with my reloaded pistol, hitting him once in the leg, and causing him to crawl into a nearby alleyway, while I followed closely behind. As I I showed up, I was hit in the arm by a shot. Apparently diplomats are required to bring their own firearms in case of emergency. Luckily, my armor was able to stop it from making any major damage, and he fired a few more times before running out of power.
Now defenseless, I was able to take him out with a simple shot to the head. Looking to my left, I saw a camera recording these events, and was able to hack into it and grab the footage as proof. Since it had happened so close to the police station however, they were already on their way, so I had to move quickly. Using my grappling hook discharged from my forearm, I got onto a nearby roof., where I watched the police arrive, and take the body. They would check the footage, obviously. But, that wouldn't be much of a problem for me. My job done, I ran off to get my reward.