It was then that I got another message. This time it said, “It appears that they are blaming you for any assassinations that took place in the past. Be wary.” Now, I was getting confused. The regime was known to keep its secrets from its citizens, including the true purpose of their diplomats, but why would they randomly choose to pin it all on me now? Racking my head, I remembered 6 previous assassinations of regime politicians, and diplomats spread out across the past few months, only 2 of which were done by me, so why would the regime be making such a move now? Before I could think about any of this further, I was knocked to the ground by an explosion behind me.
I got up quickly, only to be briefly blinded by a flash bang grenade hitting the ground in front of me. In the bang, I saw my bag fall to the ground an spill open, including th pistol I brought with me. Grabbing it quickly, I stood up, and started searching the nearby area. There were guards already checking out the area, with some starting to lead other civilians out of the danger area. Before we could make any major strides though, one of the guards was shot through the head beside me, as were two others. While the other guards called for medical attention, I continued forward in the direction of the gunshots.
The gunshots were coming from a tall tower to the east of the spaceport, and I was able to sneak my way in there. As I slowly crept up the staircase, I heard more guards start to surround the tower, I managed to get up to the top of the tower and started to enter the top room, spotting a person on the other end of the room. I was then forced to rush to cover as I was being fired at. After a few minutes, my attacker stopped, having run out of power. As he moved to reload, I dashed out of my hiding spot and slammed it against the side of his head. In response, he jammed a shocker device against the side of my stomach.
I collapsed to the ground, in excruciating pain. He got up and moved to my side. “Looks like I’ve got myself a bounty, “ he said, putting on a smile. He grabbed the shocker, and in a brief moment, I grabbed my dropped gun and fired once into her stomach. He collapsed to the ground writhing in pain, as I watched. Still weakened from the shocker, I dragged myself out of the room, and back to the stairwell. Below me, I saw the guards making their way up, I stumbled past them, and made my way back down to the spaceport.
I returned to where I had left my bag earlier, slowly picked it up, and put my pistol back. Guards were still moving people out of the presumed danger area, and I saw someone, presumably the attacker being brought out of the tower in a stretcher. As I got into a hover-taxi to get to my hotel, I got a new message from the unknown number. This one simply said “They’re going to start cracking down. Let the games begin.” I was left with only with that for the entire way to the hotel, and up through my room, with all the time in the world to figure out what they meant, or wait for another message.