I arrived at Rak's position on the other side of the planet within a few hours. She was sitting outside a restaurant in square one. A district on the other side of the planet. Many had mocked the federation for the naming choice at the time, and ever since. Using my sniper, I aimed it at her head and prepared to fire. Before I could shoot, however, she collapsed to the ground, a massive wound on her back. Someone had got to her before me! Before I could search for the other bounty hunter, I was put under fire yet again. I quickly ducked down and saw my attacker at the top of a nearby taller building.
Activating my jetpack, I flew up to the building to find that my attacker had disappeared. As I continued searching around, I was suddenly blinded as a Z-16 gunship rose in front of me. Behind the front window, I could see a man in a dark flight suit, with an unrecognizable insignia on his chest plate. Before I could take off again, it unloaded its dual blasters in my directions. I ducked and dodged through the shots, but my armor was heavily damaged. I quickly activated my slightly damaged jetpack and flew off. Once I was out of range, I saw the gunship fly off. On its side, was the federation logo, which appeared to be scratched off, and replaced by the same logo as I had seen on the pilot's suit. I quickly activated camera mode on my HUD and snapped a picture of it.
I pushed past Deoxmatis as I speed walked my way back to my room. Once there, I used my tablet to search up the logo I had seen. According to the results, the logo belonged to a once prominent terrorist organization which had been seemingly shut down several years ago. In fact, the last news article to mention them was over ten years ago, which was a small article talking about terrorist organizations who have fallen over the last fourteen years. Apparently, the people who mad that article were running out of ideas, and just came up with a random topic to fill time.
With the gunship clue not leading anywhere, I returned to my search for other bounties. The number had dropped considerably since the last time I had checked, with many saying that they had already been completed. Confused, I searched up the identity of the people who had finished the bounties. Although none of them gave a name, they had a simple image. It was the same logo which I had seen on the gunship! Something was going on, I just didn't know what. After a few more minutes, I found another bounty, which was in a nearby park. But I wasn't going to take it. I was going to watch it.
I perched myself onto the top of a building and waited. The target was still sitting in the park, and talking to one of his friends. A gunshot rang out, and he collapsed to the ground, dead. There! I saw the killer, sitting on a building opposite me. With my jetpack, I launched myself towards it, and as I landed, another gunship rose up behind me. I landed on the balcony on the flaw below the roof and watched as the gunship flew off. As it turned away from the roof, I tossed a tracker on two it, before it left the atmosphere.