I got myself a small log cabin on the edge of town. It was there where I could hide out for the next few weeks since my movement couldn't be tracked due to my usage of the black market. Kietlan was still shopping around the small town for work, but from what I could see, she was having much luck. Considering all the tension going around the galaxy, it was no surprise that people were less willing to pay large amounts of money just to get around the galaxy discreetly. When I saw her at the restaurant where I ate my lunch, I suggested that she just head back towards the center. At that point, I had paid her what I owed, so she had already made a profit. She said that she'll think about it, but won't be heading out just yet.
Meanwhile, the new bounties set out have so far been unsuccessful. Out of them, only 1 had been fulfilled. There were already theories, and rumors floating around about why. The newest message I had gotten from the unknown number postulated it's own theory that most people were already getting sick of this mess, and didn't want any part of it. However the FNN still says that the bounty hunters are still very actively searching for their targets, so we'll see who will be right in that regard. As I prepared for bed, k saw a ship taking off from the planet's atmosphere.
As morning came, I learned that Keitlan had left the planet. Presumably, that was the ship I had seen leaving the previous night. I wondered where she was going, after she was adamant on staying for a few more days, last time I saw her. The number of mysteries was starting to build up at this point was getting frustrating, but I couldn't start making any progress in figuring anything out without drawing too much attention too myself. Because of this, I am unable to do much of anything at the moment.
The next morning, I got the news that three more of the bounties had been fulfilled. The regime was now going into full emergency mode and was searching every nook and cranny in their part of the galaxy for clues as to who's causing this mess. The Federation, however, was strangely calm about the affair. None of the targets placed on their own people had been fulfilled, so it could just me that they were no longer interested in helping one of their enemies, who haven't been very friendly when given aid, without having any risk to themselves. According to the news report, The regime has written off the federation, saying that they could deal with this mess themselves.
The unknown number was mocking this decision, calling them a bunch of idiots, considering their lack of influence over a large part of the galaxy, which I can't help but agree with. Most of the town was also in agreement too, with the FNN stating that the polls have come back with similar results. The federation, however still haven't made any sort of statement on the situation, the unknown number questioned the federation news network's reliability as to this situation, as they had never seen any messages for comment on their side.
I was meant to stay on the planet for the remainder of the week. It was soon after the bounties started getting fulfilled, I realized that I had no real means of getting off the planet. There was a spaceport on the other side of the planet which I would be able to reach by Hover taxi. As the date came closer, I searched for a nicely priced trip back to Grakor, where I should be able to return to my normal life. I was soon able to find it, a trip back to Grakor in 3 days. Now all I had to do was wait.
I packed up my stuff on the third day and bought a taxi to the spaceport. The taxi driver tried to make small talk with me, but I managed to stay silent for the entire eight-hour drive. After I ate a late breakfast at the spaceport, I headed to the port. There the FNN was already playing. This time, it was reporting on 5 new bounties had popped up. Some were expected. Presidents of several worlds. prime ministers, Smugglers, and others the creator probably just had a grudge with. The last one, however, was a shock to everyone in the room. As I began to tune out the FNN channel, they mentioned that it was a little-known bounty hunter. The last bounty was one on me!