The coordinates I was given led to space station Zata in the same system, so I didn't have to travel very far. As I arrived, I received a message telling me to find a yackat, a fur-covered species, who should be able to stand out from the others at the space station. As I landed, I wondered to myself whether I could trust the unknown number. For all I know, I could be walking into a trap! I decided that I might as well try, as I had already arrived, and had no other leads to go off of, besides the tracker. Eventually, I found my contact at the cafeteria on the other side of the station.
He introduced himself as Nad Zarick. He led me to a Federation branded transport at the spaceport. In the pilot's cabin, serving as Nad's co-pilot, an android named Z-337. Androids, as a whole, had been mostly integrated into Federation society, and it was rare for us to see them doing anything too strange. However, the regime is much further behind in the artificial intelligence front, and the federation's refusal to share has been a source of tension throughout their history. Word is though, that the regime has managed to get up to less advanced robot types. Eventually, we set off towards our destination.
Soon after we left the station, and jumped to lightspeed, we were set to arrive at the Federation's capital planet of Zarick. We slowed from lightspeed and landed on a spaceport east of the capital building. And quickly led me to a nearby building labeled ”Galactic security”. Where I was shepherded into a waiting room and left there for a while. Eventually, I was led to a nearby office, with the name "Keti" on it. Inside the office, there was a woman, no older than 40 in a Federation uniform. I recognized her as Keti Zanor, one of the most popular Federation generals, who had been moved to the Federation Security Bureau.
She motioned for me to sit in front of her desk. Surrounding it, were several of her awards, pictures of families and friends. As I sat down, she moved closer to the desk. "So, I presume you have some questions you want to be answered, so let's get to that quickly." She hands me a chip that I plugged into my tablet, after some thought. Once my tablet booted up, I saw the Federation logo for a brief second, before it disappeared and turned into a group of files marked "Important info". They also had subtitles on them, with words that are all too familiar to me at this point. names of Regime Senators, locations of all the current bounty targets, and "Zarget’s Prophets” The name of the terrorist organization that is the cause of my current problems.
"Why are you giving me this information?!" I demanded. "Because," Keti responded. "I have a deal for you that will benefit us both." I glanced up from my tablet. "What are you thinking of?" She smirked. "You see, we have been looking into the possibility of the Prophets' return. Last week we attempted to make a raid on their base. You've heard of it probably." I nodded, having heard much ridicule about their failed operation in the outer rims, just a few days before I started getting these messages, but didn't put too much attention on it.
"Well, we completely underestimated they're strength and numbers." She continued. "But the higher-ups at the Federation didn't see it as too much of a problem, as they received the regime's increasing hostility as a larger problem. So we started looking for someone who might be able to help us deal damage to the hunters. We started trying to ally ourselves with other more independent fightrs. We found you." I pulled back from the table a bit, confused. “But why me?” I questioned her. “Soon after the failure, we heard of you on the FNN. We decided to give you a try, since you were being used by the hunters. We helped you through this tough time, hoping to get you on our side. We waited to long.”
She motioned for me to follow. “We gave them time to rebuild, to prepare themselves. They brought bounties on the regime, neatened relations between them and us. They're ready to make a move.” Were calling in our allies.” We entered a room labelled “control” inside, there werew hundreds of personnel working on computer screens, at the center of which was a massive map of the galaxy. “I have the impression that you have discovered the location of this base, would you kindly point it out to us?” Keti said to me. I went through my memory, trying to remember where the tracker had ended up in. Finally, I remembered it as a planet only a few light years away from here, and pointed it out to them. “Alright,” She said. “Let’s go.”