My memory was pretty spotty after that. I remember being brought up to the Aratrum's medbay and treated for my injuries. By the time I was mostly healed, we had returned to Zarick. Despite being mostly healed, I now had a limp on my left leg, and my armor was almost completely smashed and was still being rebuilt. Keti had shown me some early designs, and it looked pretty good. When I landed, I booked a hotel room and waited to be allowed to leave. Deomaxtis was still being treated for his injuries and is currently resting in a hospital. Apparently, he had been left in the room where I found him for over 35 hours without food and water. After a day of waiting, I was called back to Keti’s office, and I started headng back there, noticing some people looking curiosly at me, as I walked into the office.
When I arrived, I was told that the federation was wanting to form a better working relationship with me. This meeting lasted for about 3 hours, and we worked something out. The regime was still annoyed at us across the border, mostly due to the fact that the federation was now officially hosting, and several bounty hunters from their version of justice. Diplomats are currently working to sort that mess out, and I was advised to keep a low profile, at least for the time being. I had worked out some form of independence from the federation's military. I would be available to be called on, but I wouldn't be working directly under them, and will mostly have my own independence. When the meeting was over, I left the office, but could see many of the workers there giving me dirty looks as I walked back through the office.
By the time the week was over, I and Doemaxits were starting to recover. My limp was starting to get better, and the hospital said that Deomaxtis could be released within a few weeks. I was preparing our transports back to Grakor and was starting to get comfortable within my hotel. At the third week, I learned that I had been called in for negotiations with the regime, and trials for captured Prophet soldiers. Deomaxtis and the other prisoners found in the complex were already having their testimonies being recorded at the moment. The next day, I was shipped off to the station where the trials were taking place.
The courtroom had a simple design. Two tables with the Defendants one table, and the prosecutors on the other. In the middle, was the judges stand, and at the back of the room was the jurors, who were waiting patiently for the trial to start. The defenders were a group of 79 soldiers we had captured from the collapsing base. Prior to this trial, they had been in a holding cell on the station.
The trial lasted for over 6 hours. By the end of it, we had heard testimonies from hundreds of victims affected by their actions, other soldiers who had defected from the prophets, and soldiers who were involved in battles with them. by the end of the trial, the defenders had their every defense shot down, and were eventually given several life sentences for their crimes. In the time between the end of the trial, and my transport arriving to bring me back down to the planet, I had spent most of that time at the station's bar drinking, and chatting with other patrons. An hour after the trial, the transport finally arrived at the station.
By the time I got back to the planet, the Regime had begun working out a deal with the federation, in regards to their protectorship status over the bounty hunters in the galaxy, including me. As I landed, the negotiations were still going on, and I was once again stuck with nothing to do but wait for Deomaxtis too be healed, and probably do even more drinking, at a bar which I had found just down the street from where my hotel was. The day after the trial, I was told that Deomaxtis was healing pretty quickly, and should be done within only one week.
The next day, I was talking to some people at the bar who were unaware of my part in the raid of the Prophet's base. they were debating about whether the federation should continue trying to make peace with the regime, as they would rather them go to war, and destroy the regime altogether. I asked if they themselves were willing to do any of the fighting themselves. They said they were, and I laughed them off. They seemed physically unfit and unwilling to do any fighting, as they had previously mentioned how they would rather leave the fighting to the professionals. I chose not to mention this to them, and quietly left the bar shortly after.
The next day, I was called into the lab where my armor was being worked on. It had just been completed, a few days ahead of Deomaxtis being fully healed. Beyond a new design, including a red and white color scheme with a flame style, they had upgraded it to be stronger, put a missile launcher on the back, and added an arm cannon similar to what I had seen on Zarget for added firepower. I thanked them for their help, and brought it back to my hotel, and packed it back into my bags.
At the end of the week, Deomaxtis was finally fully healed, and we began to head to the transport back to Grakor. He still looked slightly shaken, and exhausted, as we loaded into the transport. We soon headed through lightspeed. While on the transport, I chatted with fellow passengers, while Deomaxits mostly napped through the entire trip. On the tv, the FNN was reporting on the negotiations between the federation, and the regime, which was expected to continue for another few months, to until the end of the year. While I was watching, I noticed that there hasn't been a news report on the actual raid of the compound, nor one based around the trial of the captured soldiers. Eventually, after an hour, we finally arrived back on Grakor.