The soldiers were about to fire when another humanoid walked in and motioned for them to lower their guns. I sneaked a peek at Deoxmatis. He looked sickly, yet strangely fixated on the wall in front of him. I tried to move to get a look, but I was knocked back by one of the soldiers. I heard the Flashtroopers beginning to move upstairs over the radio, I tried to call for them, but I found that my radio was starting to malfunction. Before I could do anything else though, the humanoid steps towards me, and grabbed me. Before I could react, I felt a needle being stuck into my neck. I coughed a couple of times before collapsing.
When I woke up, I found myself strapped to a table, in a dark room. I could still hear the sounds of a battle coming from outside, but it slowly began to die down. Two spotlights turned on in the room. One over me, and the other over Deoxmatis, also strapped to a nearby table I looked down and saw that I wasn't wearing my armor anymore, as it was left hanging on a nearby table. As I struggled, I saw that Deoxmatis had started to stir beside me. Slowly, he turned to me, but before either of us could speak, the projector behind us turned on and began to play.
The figure I had earlier seen in this room appeared. "Hello, prisoners." He said, with a hint of humor in his voice. "You must be wondering what is happening, so let's get to the point. The room you're in will be filled with gas soon. In fact, by the time this video has finished playing, you will only have 1 minute before the room is filled with gas, and you will be killed. While this happens, the Federation will be taken out. It refused to take action to protect the citizens of the galaxy and must be taken down. Goodbye." The projector then shut off.
We started hearing gas being pumped into the room. I tried to struggle, as the gas slowly filled the floor space of the room. The table where my armor was was only a few meters away! "Hey!" I heard Deoxmatis calling behind me. "What?!" I responded, still trying to break out. "I can see the release valve from over here." Barely able to turn my head, I could see it too. It was then that I remembered something. I had left the laser sword in my pocket! After some shuffling around, I was able to get it from where I let it, presuming that I wouldn't need a melee weapon in this battle.
I quickly activated it, as the gas continued to rise. It came out as a 12-inch long blade, made of plasma, and I quickly got to work. As the gas continued to rise, I managed to cut through all of my straps, and roll of the table. Covering my mouth, and coughing hard, I jumped back to my feet and stumbled towards the release valve, stopping the gas from rising, and allowing it to start to dissipate. I cut through Deoxmatis's restraints, and we were able to leave the room, with me grabbing my armor as we went.
As I put my armor on, and we started to leave, we saw hat the battle outside was still going on, with fighters flying past, and explosions rocking the building's foundation. As we walked, Deoxmatis told me what he had learned about the Prophets. The organization had been started by Zarget, the man who we had both seen in the room. He was a refugee from the Ulm system, who had been gunning for war with the Regime for several years. After failing, he finaly decided to take some major action.
He formed the Prophets a few years ago. It was made of similar refugees and like-minded thinkers. They launched several attacks along the Federation-Regime border, building tension between the two factions. After several years of trying this, they launched the current plan. Assassinating popular leaders, politicians, celebrities, and such. As he finished explaining, we had left the hallway, and started searching for any Flashtrooper squads still hanging around. We started going upstairs and kept looking but it seemed that they had abandoned the building long ago. But when we looked around, we could still see the Aratrum hanging around the planet.
With no other options, I tried to comtact Keti through the radio she had installed into my helmet. After a few attempts, I was able to make contact. "Where are you?!" She almost shouted through the radio. "I could ask the same of your forces." I retorted, with my ears still ringing from the sudden noise. There was some far away chatter from the other side of the radio. Eventually, she came back to the radio. "The army can meet you at one of the landing spots. They are currently busy doing a last sweep of the area." SHe said. "Great!" I responded, slightly annoyed.
As we started to move again, the ground around us shook again. As we rushed to the window, we saw several explosions rising from the ground. The window was blown open by another explosion, knocking both of us to the ground. Deoxmatis stumbled back and fell through a hole in the floor that neither of us had noticed. I quickly activated my jetpack and flew down to help him up. His leg appeared to be injured, and so i helped him up, and let him lean on my shoulder. As I helped him hobble out of the room, I heard a large bang behind me. Setting Deoxmatis downon the ground, I turned to find a larger figure behind me, with one of his arms having been turned into a blaster cannon, which he had pointed at my head.