I saw the door close, and I closed my blinds. I mean, should I really be going over there and spying? I thought to myself. But that's not right, is it? I sat in my room and just anxiously waited for Neisha to come out. I paced back and forth from my bed and tried reading. I just couldn't get the fact that he likes her out of my head. I really thought he didn't like her. Why is she not leaving? Why do I care so much? What is my problem?
She wasn't out of his house, and she was there for at least an hour. I took a bath to try and calm myself down when I heard them arguing.
"How dare you think that I want to do that, I don't want you like that, I made myself clear many times to you haven't I? All I wanted was a friend to help me through my breakup with Kylie."
"But you broke up with her! You didn't want to be with her!" I heard Neisha screaming from the neighbor's house.
"No, I did want to be with her, but just other things got in the way," Lee stated.
"I thought you wanted me? I thought that was why you brought me here?" I heard Neisha sobbing uncontrollably at the next-door neighbor's house. I thought to myself, "Thank God, they didn't have sex!"
"No, why did you think that, I just want somebody to console me. You're my best friend's girl. I wouldn't do that to him." Lee wasn't faking it, he meant every sincere word he had said to me.
"Oh, go to hell you jerk," I heard Neisha say. The door to the house slammed shut. The alarm for the house then went off.
I quickly snuck out of the bathtub so that I could see Neisha leave. She looked back at me from Lee's room across the driveway, where I was standing in the window, wearing nothing but a towel. She gave me the finger!
After Neisha left, Lee walked into his bedroom. I was watching as he hurriedly ran downstairs and shut the alarm off before the police got there. The towel then got caught on my table right when I was going to close my blinds. Not sure if I did this subconsciously or accidentally, but it is what it is.
And there I was.....stark naked in front of Lee.
Lee closed his blinds to give me the privacy I needed, so after the blinds closed and I closed mine, I put on some pants and a belly top that showed my belly and opened them back up. I don't like belly shirts, but this was all I had. I wanted to feel the wind circulating in my room. Lee looked at me; it looked like he longed for me. He didn't say anything, but he stripped down into his boxers. I felt my heart beat faster to the point where I could feel it. I went to text him.
"Goodnight, Lee. You need to make sure to close your blinds next time you decide to strip." I had hoped he would respond because I was teasing him.
"Night," he responded. He didn't say anything about me being stark naked.
Oh my god, he replied. Yay. Wait... what if he replied only because he wanted me to leave him alone, or he just saw me naked? What if it's just a thing boys do to make girls chase them? I decided I wasn't going to reply. I was hoping to get him to hunt me instead. Not sure that he would. I don't like these games, but sometimes you just want to feel wanted. I don't know if he even wanted me anymore. It was kind of evident that he just recently broke up with me, but why would he send so many mixed signals? Again, I am overthinking and should just take it for what it is.
I texted him once more, figuring why not. "I heard a lot of yelling and the alarm went off after Neisha slammed the door. I heard some of what was said."
I left it at that, because crickets came from the other end.
The next day came and I woke up with some guy following me on Gramsta. I didn't know the guy and I was hoping it wasn't that Troy guy. I mean he scared me. At least Troy was upfront about what he wanted, even if he was a complete jerk. Lee also didn't like him. Why save me from someone trying to rape me just to seduce me into having sex with you? So I didn't accept nor decline the request. I let it sit there. I didn't know who it was, and if that Troy thing taught me one thing, it's to get to know somebody before you start to date them.
I went through my day. Cleaning the house and doing my homework was what I was focusing on—trying very hard to sink myself into it rather than think of what happened yesterday. The relationship between Lee and me didn't end with any type of closure except lies. I heard a couple of knocks on the door as the postal man was standing there.
"Kylie?" questioned the postal man.
"Yes?" I confidently said with messy hair
"This delivery is for you," he stated. I need your signature for this envelope. I sign it and he hands it to me.
"Ok thank you!" I was confused about who gets me a signature required envelope. Maybe it was just a joke. I ran upstairs and opened it.
It was a letter that said:
Dearest Kylie,
I want to tell you that I think you're terrific, and you don't deserve to be treated the way you have been. I'm sorry that Lee threw you out and broke your heart. He's a punk. Not sure what you expected, he's a jock who doesn't know what he's missing out on. I don't even think he has the ability to know what he is missing.
You are so very unique. You are beautiful and you deserve to be treated better. I think that I would treat you better. If you could please add me on Gramsta so I can get to know you better and so that you could know me better, that would be great! So you know I am not some creep with bad intentions. I would like to ask you out on a date when you are comfortable talking with me.
Your secret admirer
Along with a small envelope came another little envelope inside. It had some candy hearts with the words spelled out "you are the bomb".
I went back outside to ask if there was any more information about the send, but the postman was already gone. I did what any ordinary girl would do. I instantly went on the internet and checked out his name. I snooped to see if anybody else might recognize him or if any of my friends were friends with him. That was kind of hard considering that he didn't have a picture except a picture of a bomb. I didn't know why, but I went to my phone and accepted the follow request. Immediately, he started liking all my photos, including the one I had been tagged in by Lee. So, I decided to message him.
"Stalk much, lol?" I messaged him.
"Well, who could ignore a beauty as bright as yours?" I felt my heart flutter. I couldn't believe how fast my heart was beating, and I didn't even know him. Maybe I just needed someone to love to make my pain go away. Someone new.
"Beauty? You barely know me!" I questioned the stranger.
"But, I feel like I do. I mean, your smile is so beautiful in this one. You are like a princess in these. You are beautiful not only on the outside but more evident on the inside."
"I try, I am not beautiful like the other girls in my art class, but I try. How do you know I am beautiful on the inside if you don't know me?" It was such an odd way to talk to a stranger. It felt good but still creeped me out.
"Sometimes you try so hard to fit in, to wear the sexiest shoes, to put on the most stylish outfits, to spend all the money in the world to realize that fitting in is not what you are supposed to do. Sometimes even those who have the most money in the world are not happy. Sometimes it is the love that completes somebody." The stranger said.
"I had to give that a little thought, and I really had to pee!" I thought to myself. I left my phone on the bed and ran to the bathroom quickly.
"Ding, ding!" my phone went.
"Another notification," I thought.
I rushed to see what it was; it was the stranger saying. "Check out your front doorstep."
I looked out the window suspiciously before running down the stairs to see what came.
It was a cute little necklace that said, "He who holds the key can unlock my heart."
It was missing the key that unlocked my heart.
"Hey, why are you buying me these expensive things?" I said inquisitively.
"Because I think you deserve it." He said.
"K" I didn't know what else to say, these things are expensive and I'm not a prostitute that can be bought with jewelry. I don't even know this person. Just weird.
"What? Are you mad about something?" He quizzed me.
"I just barely know anything about you!" I said.
"Trust me, you know me more than you think!" He riddled me with the answer.
"Ok," I didn't feel like giving long responses because the last time I did, the guy didn't share my feelings. I wasn't about to give too much to someone I didn't know and didn't even know if I wanted to know.
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