The flashing lights with sirens are always a bad sign. You're getting pulled over or there's a medical emergency. There was only one other time that I saw those flashing siren lights. With my mother. I was suddenly brought to tears which wasn't surprising since I was drunk, but I was just reminded of that same pain I experienced not too long ago. I got home and Marissa laid me on the couch and went next door she started knocking on his door
"Lee? Lee, are you there?
She tried knocking once more but nothing. It seemed like the house was completely vacant. But it wasn't. Lee either wasn't home or he didn't want to answer the door. His car wasn't in the driveway so it is very likely that he wasn't home. He's been either ignoring my texts or he's disappeared. I tried to text him and dropped my phone. Marissa picked it up and texted him.
"Lee, this is Marissa. Kylie, well she got drunk and I was just wondering can you come watch her for me?"
But unfortunately he didn't respond. Marissa looked at me seriously.
"NO" I said because I knew what she was thinking.
"Kylie, you have no other choice!"
"I barely know him, I just met him and what if all the stuff my mom said about him was true!?"
"Will it make you more comfortable if I stay with you?" Marissa said as she was very concerned.
"Yes," I said with slurred speech.
Marissa put me back in her car and she buckled me up. She put on her seatbelt and drove to my father's apartment. He had moved from the hotel to a more permanent place. She helped me inside the building by holding me straight. She asked me what apartment was his, and I couldn't remember. She checked the mailboxes and found his apartment that had his name on it. She proceeded to knock on the door until my father answered.
"Hi, dad" I said while laughing and stumbling into his apartment. I didn't know what else to say.
"She's a little drunk and I can't have her by herself and she can't be at my house. My mom would literally kill me. You don't have to worry about watching her though I will. I can stay just to watch her and keep her safe."
"Okay? I don't really have a choice. She is my daughter!"
"Yes, you do just tell Kylie and me to leave if you don't want us here." Marissa said curiously because she couldn't understand his tone.
"No, I want to help her, her mother raised her for the last 10 years and I want to help her now because she really needs it" my dad said.
"She really wants me to stay here for the night so I'm going to do that. Kylie and I can crash on the bed or the floor. It doesn't really matter to me. Kylie is probably going to remain awake for a while though. So we will just talk if that's okay?" Marissa questioned my father.
"I'm not worried" he said smiling, and remembering when he was young and had the same issues.
My father went to the other room and turned off his light and went back to bed. "Try to keep it quiet, gals" he said as he turned off the hallway light. I was kind of rambling and muttering all this information that was on my mind. It all just kind of spilled out my mouth. I wondered why Lee had to go? Where was my mother? Why is my father suddenly back in my life? What does he want? Nothing Marissa could answer. I finally asked for something Marissa could help with. Water. So she got up and got water for me.
"Yea, Kylie" she asked
"Why doesn't Mystery Man text me back anymore?"
"Is there something maybe he didn't like?"
"I told him I have this horrible disease. I kind of said to him to forcibly accept it. He said it wasn't a big deal and then he told me about his ex-girlfriend. How he loved her and how he was attached or whatever to me. How he actually thought Lee still loved me and how I didn't see it because I loved him back and denied everything. In a lot of ways Lee is very much like Mystery Man. His name is actually Kyle which is weird because my name is Kylie, you know."
I started getting tired. Mumbling even more, becoming almost incoherent. I don't know how Marissa continued to stay my friend. Always so much drama with me.
"I hope Lee is okay, I love him and I just really love him, you know?"
"I mean your love is something I will never understand. You guys compliment each other. It's like he's protective of you but in a less overbearing way than your mother."
"My mom, where is she?" I started to cry remembering my mom is missing.
"It's okay Kylie." Marissa patted my back and told me everything will be okay.
"Kylie, you're an amazing person and I have no idea why all these awful things happen to you, but you'll find your way. You always do,"
"Maybe I am being put through this now so that I can handle any curveball life throws at me."
"Maybe. Maybe these are your curveballs."
"I want to hear you talk about your life enough about me, maybe it will put me to sleep. My head hurts and the room is spinning, my arms hurt and I have hives all over me so help me sleep please?" I just needed to hear anything besides what was rolling around inside my head. Anything.
"Well Marc and I are getting back together," which was the last thing I heard before I was completely nodded out of it. I didn't know until that night that I wouldn't remember anything that was said after I was drunk.
I woke up the next day and had no idea where I was. I was so confused. It wasn't like I was chained up or anything, so it wasn't a bad thing. I also had my sidekick, Marissa, next to me, which helped. I had the worst headache. I got up to use the bathroom and somebody was already in the bathroom. So, I waited and then my father came out. So I quickly put the pieces together. I didn't remember how I got here or why I came here.
"We are in your apartment?" I looked at my father as I questioned him.
He pulled me into his room,
"Yup. Now that you are sober, I gotta say you got some bedhead. Besides that, shame on you. You are supposed to be the responsible one instead you almost get caught drunk by the cops. Why do you think I am here? To prevent that stuff from happening. You just don't seem to care that I want to help you and that I want to prevent you from going down a similar path that your mom has been going down for 10 years. Why do you think your mom was always gone, never around, never spent a lot of time with you? Your mother is an alcoholic! That's probably why she ended up in the hospital, but she didn't want to tell you. She is very good at hiding things and very easily manipulated. She can look straight into your eyes and lie to you. Promise me Kylie, you will stop drinking and you won't have anything to do with drinking anymore. It doesn't bring out the best in you. You rambled for a very long time last night. You can go to parties but don't drink Kylie. Alcoholism runs in a family. Also, do you have any idea how dangerous it can be considering you have AU. It could literally cause you to go to the emergency room. There's a reason you are on a special diet Kylie." he pointed his finger at me while saying all this and I was just waiting for him to finish lecturing me. It was way beyond the normal parenting lecture. It just wouldn't stop. I said out of desperation to get out of the lecture the first thing that made sense.
"Can I go to the bathroom now, I really have to pee?" I said while moving myself around so it made it clear to him how bad I had to pee.
"Oh, oops. Yea sure I forgot you wanted to use the bathroom."
"Thank you" I said with relief. Not sure if I was more relieved to be able to use the bathroom or that I was done with that conversation.
I got back into the living room and texted mystery man.
"Hey" at 10:00am
"Hey" at 10:01am
"Can we hangout today?"
"Yea sure, what do you want to do?"
"I want to go skip rocks. I don't care. Anything."
"Lake Mead?"
"Let me ask my father." Not that it really mattered what he said, but I figured I would give him a chance. At least he was here. At least he was trying to help.
I proceeded to ask him and he told me to be careful and that he hopes I have fun.
I had to be really careful. After all, Lake Mead was water.
"Yes, sure I will pick you up in 20 minutes"
"Oh wait, not yet. I'm at my dad's."
"Okay that's fine, I'll pick you up there"
"Where is the address?"
I gave him the address.
"It might be a little quicker to pick you up there since your dad lives closer to town, so I'll be there in like 15. I have to change and wear my mask to protect my identity."
"Okay, I guess. Although I don't understand why you still need to protect your identity, Kyle."
He walked up to the door and knocked, making sure he got the correct apartment he knocked again. My dad told me to answer once he rings the doorbell. Marissa was getting ready to leave as well. He rang the doorbell and then my dad opened the door. I itched at the hives creeping up my arm.
"Hi there Kyle, I just want to tell you that girl means everything to me, and I know how to use a gun and shovel so watch your step or I might be digging your grave. I may have just reconnected with her and haven't been there in the past. Truth is, I am here now. Treat my daughter the way she deserves to be treated and don't let her too close to the water"
"I understand that you want to protect your daughter sir, and I want to do the same thing as well. I'm trying to show your daughter the things she refuses to believe such as there's reasons she is going through all this and there's a reason she met you and her mother ran away. It could all work to her advantage." he said.
I had no clue what he meant or how he was putting all the mishaps in my life into any kind of arrangement that made any sense. Or even how this could have any advantages for me. It was a constant heartbreak.
"Ok, you crazy kids have fun then" my dad said to me while smiling.
"Okay, I'll see you later!"
When Kyle and I were on the highway I put my hands out of the window and felt the heat on my hand and it gave me hives. It took only a few minutes and we were there. I felt the wind on my face and the way the sun trickled on my skin but I had to be careful because I didn't want to get more hives and then end our trip like that, not fun! I needed fun, not more problems.
Kyle grabbed a rock and skipped it across the water and it was extremely fun taking turns.It was like every stone unleashed some anger that I felt. I also especially had fun when I buried him in the sand. My heart may have felt ripped out but Kyle made it much better. I was able to be myself and forget about all the new events in my life. I looked at him and smiled. I thought to myself maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to give Kyle a chance. I was so happy and it was strange because I felt my heart pound the same way it did when I was with Lee. It must have been connected or something.
"Hey Kyle?"
"I just really feel connected to you!"
"Yes, I think we should give us a chance"
"But what about Lee?"
"If it's true love and it is meant to be I will be pushed back into his winds" I replied.
Kyle picked me up by my waist and spun me around creating indents in the sand. Then, we decided to leave our markings in the sand so we drew a heart and put our initials and prints in them. I took a picture and I kept it in my memories and I kissed his cheek. I also took a picture of that and saved it on my phone. I was happy, but I hope nothing destroys my happiness this time because I don't know how much more heartbreak I can take like the impending dread wondering if this person will be taken away also.
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