Chapter 16
Luke's POV
I woke up the next morning feeling like I hadn't slept one minute. I reached for my phone, and when I couldn’t find it I realized it was still in my hand from last night.
I pressed the unlock button to read the time but it was dead.
Without getting out of bed I looked around for the charger. It was across the room plugged into the wall. I reluctantly got out of bed to plug it in.
When I plugged it in, it started up. Once it was finally on I didn’t look at the time because there was a Facebook notification distracting me.
I hurriedly opened the app, hoping it was Kenza accepting my friendrequest. There were two notifications, well one notification and one message from last night. Both were from Kenza!
I was smiling like an idiot, just staring at her name. It took me a moment to snap out of it. Once I was focused again, I opened the message and read it.
"LUKE!!!! Omgomgomgomg!!! Please tell me you're real. Doctors keep telling me you're not. But I knew you were. I just woke up from a freakin coma! Can you believe that?!? Apparently everything I remember about you and the others wasn't real. I couldn't live with that. I was just about to look you guys up before I got a bit distracted with a different complication. But anyway back to the coma. I was in it for two freaking years apparently. Now that I think about it.....if I knew you from my coma, how do you know me????? Please message me back soon!! I want to talk to you guys so bad. I miss you guys....even though it feels like we were just watching movies last night. I don't have a phone so I can't promise an immediate reply. But I will reply ASAP. Bye Lukey :P Love you"
Kenza was in a coma too?!!!???? What the hell???? And she woke up today?! What is going on?
All four of us were in a coma at the same time, we all woke up on the same day, and the weirdest part is that we only know each other from the coma, we've never met in real life.
What is wrong with us?!?!
I typed a reply back to her.
“KENZA!!! I’m real, it’s really me. You’re not going to believe this but the four of us were all in comas. That’s how we know each other. We HAVE to meet up soon and then I can tell you everything I know. It’s WAYY too much to type! Lol. If you get released soon, and you aren’t going back to school this year (I’m not) do you want to go meet up with Puck? Me and Alice are going. He’s like 30 minutes from where I live. Where are you at?
Love, Luke
I pressed the send button and then closed out of the app.
The next thing I did was call Puck. Even though we had just talked last night I had to tell him about Kenza.
He didn't answer, it just kept ringing and because it was a hospital phone it didn't have voicemail. He must not be in his room or he was still sleeping, he always was the heavy sleepier out of us all.
Alice then walked through my open door. "Morning Luke!” She was happy this morning. I don’t know how she could be, it’s too early at the least. 861Please respect copyright.PENANARoNoSMrhzg
“Morning Alice. Did you have anymore dreams about all of us?” I was curious if anything new had happened that I didn’t know about.861Please respect copyright.PENANAguegNtLg3C
“Nope! They stopped. But I think thats because you guys woke up.” She was smart, I didn’t even think about that. 861Please respect copyright.PENANAXwbsFsr76I
“That makes sense.”861Please respect copyright.PENANA7MYogqmm0F
“Yep! I know it does cause I’m smart!” She said excitedly.861Please respect copyright.PENANAF47jvqrcyx
“Yes you are.” I said laughing. 861Please respect copyright.PENANAhpDBjtcO49
“You were up late talking...who were you talking to?" Jeez. She changes topics fast. I thought, laughing in my head.
"It was Puck. I'm waiting on him to call me back now."
"Why does he need to call back?"
"Cause I got a message from Kenza!"
Alice's eyes got huge as she smiled a wide smile. "REALLY?!?! When can I see her?"
"Soon, Alice. She might go with us to see Puck." I said with a laugh.
"YAY!!!!!!" She squealed, running out of my room and down the stairs.
I put my phone down to follow Alice and got up to follow her. I then realized I still hadn’t checked the time. I bent down to pick it back up and looked at the time. It was 9:38 A.M.
My stomach started to growl as I followed, down the stairs. I found Alice in the kitchen and what else I found surprised me. There as a full breakfast still warm waiting on the table. It surprised me because I was used to having to make everything for me and Alice, not being made for me.
Mom walked into the kitchen from the living room, on the other side of the house. "Oh, I was just about to call you down for breakfast, good timing." We both laughed lightly. Then Alice and Dad walked in, they gave us questioning looks but didn't say anything so neither did mom or I.
We all sat down at the table, and dished food onto our plates. I was piling french toast on my plate when Alice screamed.
Her scream made everyone jump in their seats and me to almost throw the french toast plate, but it wasn't a scream, scream. It was her screaming words.
"Alice, don't scream!" Mom scolded her. Alice looked down at the table. "Now what did you say?"
"I said guess who Luke got a message from!" Her screaming did not sound like that. I don’t know what it sounded like but it wasn’t close to that.
Everyone's gazes turned towards me. Thanks Alice. They had expressions on their faces that said 'go ahead, tell us'.
"Kenza messaged me." I said it like it was something normal, which to me it was, but then on the other hand it wasn't normal in real life.
"Are you sure? How can you be sure? For all we know they could all be fake people." Mom was just rambling on. I zoned out waiting for her to finish her rant. I didn’t want to hear Mom telling me my friends weren’t real when I knew they were.
"Mom, I know for sure they are real. I'm sure I would know my friends when I'm talking to them." I said. Before anyone could say anything else I spoke again, "Oh and I kinda invited her to go see Puck with us....I hope you don't mind."
"Luke..." Dad trailed off and then just shook his head, while mom sighed.
"I wasn't going to leave her out. I have to find all my friends." They didn't understand that these 3 were my friends and I needed them. I was going to do whatever I could to find them.
"They're my friends too." Alice said speaking up again. "We will find them Luke." She said directly to me.
"We will Alice," I agreed.
Just then I heard my phone ringing. I pushed my chair back and ran up the stairs to answer it before it goes to voice-mail. Alice was following a few steps behind me.
"Hello?" I answered when I got to it, sitting down on my floor with my back against the wall.
"Hey Luke....You called a few minutes ago..?"
"Yeah, Kenza messaged me on Facebook last night!"
"No way, Dude! Are you serious?!?"
"Dead serious.” I paused for a moment before adding, “ She was in a coma too!"
"What the hell, man??? That's literally all of us."
"I know. It gets weirder though, she woke up today too."
"That's definitely weirder."
"Right.” I was trying to think of what to talk about next when I remembered inviting her to see Puck. “Oh and I told her that if she gets released in time she can come with me and Alice to see you."
"Cool! I can't wait!!” I could tell he was really excited to see us, as was I. “ What all did she say in her message?"
"Not much, she basically explained she was in a coma and how she was told we weren't real."
"So basically what we went through."
"I wanna talk to Puck!" Alice, who was sitting next to me listening to our whole conversation said.
"Okay, Alice. Give me a second then you can." She probably wanted to talk to him almost as much as I did. Almost.
"What did Alice say?" I heard Puck ask.
"She said she wanted to talk to you." I said with a chuckle.
"Oh okay. Give her the phone. We can talk and figure out when you’re going to come and visit later."
"Alright, I can't wait to come!"
"Me neither. I'll talk to you later."
"Bye Puck." I said and then handed Alice my phone.
I decided to let them talk and went downstairs, back to my parents in the kitchen. While walking in they both watched me and then kept watching me as I sat down and started eating again.
"Yes?" I asked them after a few minutes of being watched. I was getting tired of being watched like I did something wrong.
"Care to share as to why you took off like that and where your sisters at?" Mom asked me.
"Puck called and I had to tell him about Kenza's message." I then went back to eating again.
"You forgetting something...?" Dad commented, watching me eat.
"What would I be forgetting?" I questioned back.
"Your Mom's other question about your sister."
"Ohhhh, right. She's upstairs talking to Puck."
Again I went back to eating. I didn't realize how hungry I had been until now. I also noticed that Mom and Dad we're both done eating, just sitting there watching me eat, which was kinda creepy.
"Why is she talking to Puck? She doesn't even know him, and technically neither do you." Mom said. Why do they keep saying that I don't know him? Of course I know him he's one of my best friends.
"Well Mom, I do know him, and so does Alice." They were still watching me, so instead of eating the fork full of french toast I had, I set my fork down and folded my hands.
"Alice does not know anyone named Puck." Dad started. "Let alone a Puck your age." Mom finished for him.
"But you see, she does. She meet him and my other friends in her sleep, much like how I meet them in my coma. We all know each other and remember the exact same things, including Alice."
Now the looks on their faces weren't creepy, they were actually funny. Both of their faces practically said 'You're lying' combined with 'You're stupid'.
I actually laughed out loud. I don't know why I thought it was so funny but I did.
While they sat there like that I picked up my fork and continued to eat my waffles, just letting it sink into their heads.