Chapter 5
Puck’s POV
I was slowly waking up from a great sleep when I realized how uncomfortable I was. I could have sworn I fell asleep on Luke’s couch, which is super comfortable. Without opening my eyes I felt around.
I felt hard crisp sheets and rails….rails? There’s not rails on Luke’s couch. I cautiously opened my eyes.
All I could see was white. Am I going blind? I realized I was looking up at the ceiling so I moved my head to look around the room.
I was in a hospital room. What the actual fuck? It was then that my brain registered that I was hooked up to a heart monitor. My heart rate speed up, it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.
Why am I in a hospital? What happened last night? Where is everybody? I was trying to remember what happened and how I ended up in a hospital, but all I could remember was falling asleep on Luke’s couch with my 3 best friends and the girls.
The heart monitor was now going crazy. It was annoying me. So what do I do? Well what any sane person would do, pull the monitor off of me to make it shut the hell up.
I relaxed slightly when the sound stopped. Then the door to my room slammed open as 3 people came running into my room. The first two I recognized as my parents, but that didn’t make sense they were out of town and even if they weren’t they wouldn’t care enough to come to the hospital. Trust me, they never have for the many times I have been in the hospital because of football.
The other person was a women, she had dark brown hair, eyes covered with wide rimmed glasses, and a doctor’s coat on. From her look I’m saying she’s my doctor.
“PUCK! Oh, Puck. You’re awake!” That was my mom. I don’t understand why she was acting like this. It’s not like they care about me.
“Son, I can’t believe it. They said there was a slim chance you would ever wake up.” Said my dad. Now I’m really confused, my dad never showed emotion towards me.
For normal people who don’t know what happened or how they ended up in the hospital, their first words would be “What happened?” but not me. I said “What are you guys doing here?” As if they came home early from a vacation or wherever it is that they go.
This time it was my parents turn to be confused. They wore it plainly on their faces. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t we be here?” My mom asked me. They had walked to right beside my bed. My mom wearing a peach dress and my dad jeans and a t-shirt.
“You don’t ever come to the hospital when I’m in one, nor do you guys care. So as I said what are you guys doing here?” I thought my question was clearly stated but I guess not.
“Son, we have been here every day. At least one of us were always in your room. Your friends came almost every day for the first few months that you were here. There has always been someone nearby.” That was my dad.
“First few months?! How long have I been here?!” FEW MONTHS?! How many shocks am I going to bear today? First my parents are here and they actually care and then I’ve been in the hospital for at least months! This all makes no sense at all.
The doctor who has been watching quietly behind my parents by the door now walks towards us and speaks. “Puck what is the last thing you remember?”
I tell them what happened last night at Luke’s and how I woke up here totally lost and confused. After I tell them I demanded to be told how long I have been here.
The doctor, whose name I learned was Dr. Cole, said, “Two years. You were in a coma for two years, Puck.” That was the last thing I heard before my head exploded. Not literally. Just with pain from all this confusion.
I don’t know how long it took for me to think straight, it could have been seconds, minutes, or even hours.
When I could think again I said the only thing I could think, “I need to see Luke, Kenza, Aviana, and the girls.” I then see my parents turn and look at each other in confusion. What is with all the confused looks? I’m getting tired of it. I just need something normal right now.
“Puck, who are talking about? Your friends, Peter and Will just left but I have no clue who you’re talking about.” My mom said to me. And now I was confused again, how can she not know who my best friends were? We were always together. Was she talking about the Peter and Will that used to be my friends back in middle school? The guys who left me because I started to hang out with “The Freaks”?
“Mom,” it felt so weird saying that. I haven’t had a proper conversation like this with my parents in forever. “I don’t know why you’re talking about Will and Peter I hate them, but how can you not know Luke and the others? They are my best friends! I need to see them!” I got louder the closer I got to the end and by the end I was yelling.
Dr. Cole jumps in the conversation again. “Puck, I’m going to have to take you and get some testing done. I believe your brain may have suffered some damage from the coma or your accident.” My parents are nodding with sad looks on their faces when Dr. Cole looks at them for approval.
What? Testing? There’s nothing wrong with my brain. I still don’t see how I was in a coma. Or what happened to me? And where are my friends? I need to see them. I need them to get through this. There better be a good explanation for what I’m going through.
“Wait!” My voice cracks as I say this. “What accident? What happened? How did I end up here?”
“I guess now is as good as it’s going to get to be a good time to tell him what happened.” Dr. Cole says to my parents.
I look eagerly to my parents and awaited to hear what happened to me to land me in a hospital. 822Please respect copyright.PENANA8OwdBx8YiQ