Chapter 13
Kenza’s POV
As soon as Dr. Breakson left my room I opened the laptop. But before I could get any farther, the door was opened again. In walked the May girl. I could tell she had been crying, there were tear tracks down her checks and her eyes were red.
“…..Hi, May…”
“Hey, Kenza. Sorry I left like that.”
“It’s okay. I get it. And for what it matters I’m sorry that I don’t know who you are.” I really felt bad and I wanted to know if I really knew her but I just couldn’t remember her at all.
“You don’t have to be sorry. I know you can’t change what you remember.” Her voice was getting heavy like she was about to cry again.
“Well….why don’t you tell me how we meet and all that stuff and maybe I’ll remember something.” I thought this would cheer her up and I didn’t want her to start crying again. I really hate when people start to cry.
“Alright….So obviously you went into your coma in eighth grade towards the end. That year was the year we started to become friends. I had moved around here in March and started going to your school a few weeks after that. It started out that no one talked to me and then ever so slowly you started to talk to me. I was actually surprised. I had rumors that you didn’t talk to anyone that you just sat away from everyone reading all the time.”
I couldn’t remember any of this. My memory of eighth grade had no friends in them, no one even bothered to talk to me. But I was okay with that, I didn’t like the attention. So why would I go talk to someone else voluntarily?
“This was around the end of April beginning of May. We weren’t close friends or anything but you were my only friend, the only one that even bothered to talk to me and from what I observed the only friend you had. When you were in the car accident I came here as fast as I could. I’ve come every day that I could since then.”
May had a slight smile on her face remembering what must have been a great memory for her. A memory that didn’t even ring a bell in my head. But why would she lie about something like this? Maybe she was telling the truth but it didn’t seem like it to me.
I wasn’t going to question her on it just yet so I just went along with her story. “That sounds vaguely familiar…but I’m not quite sure just yet. Could you give me some time to think about this and maybe remember it?” I wanted to see if I could find a loop hole in her story that would make it not true or see if she would be surprised that I remembered it.
Like I predicted, she seemed rather surprised that I remembered something. “You actually remember that?” she asked in disbelief. I couldn’t tell if that disbelief was that I actually remembered something or if it was I remembered something didn’t really happen.
I nodded and then said “Yeah.” She got up happily and bounced to the door. Turning the knob she turned around and said “Just call me when you feel like talking or hanging out or something. I wrote my number by your hospital phone sense yours broke in the crash.”
“Will do. Bye May.”
“Bye Kenza.” And with that she left the room.
The whole time that she was there I had had the laptop open sitting on my lap waiting for her to leave. Now that she was gone I could do what I was going to do in the first place.
I clicked on the internet icon and waited for it to load. Stupid hospital internet, being slow.
I was originally going to try to find Luke and my other friends first but since May came, I want to find out about her first.
I went to Facebook first. If she was truly my friend I would have added her on there. It took me a second to log on. It has been so long since I’ve used social media and I had forgotten which password I used. I should really start using one password for everything. That would make my life so much easier.
When I finally logged in and the page was done loading, I went to look at my friends list. Before I got that far I got sidetracked, I had a friend request. I opened it up. I heard my heart rate speed up, making the heart monitor to beep loudly.
This couldn’t be real, could it? But he has to be real. So why wouldn’t this? I went to click on the name, and as I was about to the door to my room was thrown open and a nurse was running in, with a panicked look on her face.
I just sat there and stared at her. When she finally focused on me she visibly calmed down. “I thought something was wrong because your heart monitor went off.” She said watching me closely.
“Sorry I just got excited.” She turned to leave before I thought of something. “Hey wait,” I waited for her to look at me and then started again. “That girl, May that was here when I woke up, was she here everyday sense day the first day I got here?”
Confusion was written on her face and then realization crossed her features. “Oh, you mean that weird girl……uhhh….yeah she was here every day. That’s for sure.”
“What do you mean by that?” I was the one confused now.
“She barely ever left. Most the time she slept here.”
“What? That’s creepy. I don’t remember her and she said we were just becoming friends right before the coma happened. This girl is creeping me out. I don’t know her and she’s acting like were the best of best friends.”
The nurse just watched with sympathy. “I’m sorry honey. I can have her be kept out of your room if you would like.”
“Please do. But don’t make it seem to obvious, just something like I can’t see visitors or something like that. I want to figure out what’s going and not let her catch on that I know something’s up.”
“Sure thing, Kenza.”
“Thank you so much.” I said with a smile.
“Anything to help.” She smiled back and walked out the room.
Now back to that friend request. I finally clicked on the page and it was him. It was really him. Luke was real. And by his pictures so was Alice. I was beyond happy now. There was no way none of them were real.
I clicked the add friend button and then went to send him a message. I started to type.
LUKE!!!! Omgomgomgomg!!! Please tell me you’re real. Doctors keep telling me you’re not. But I knew you were. I just woke up from a freaking coma! Can you believe that! Apparently everything I remember about you and the others wasn’t real. I couldn’t live with that. I was just about to look you guys up before I got bit distracted with a different complication. But anyway back to the coma. I was in it for two freaking years apparently. Now that I think about it….if I knew you from my coma how do you know me? And what about the others????? Please message me back soon!! I want to talk to you so bad. I miss you guys….even though it feels like we were just watching movies last night. I don’t have a phone so I can’t promise an immediate reply. But I will reply ASAP. Bye Lukey :P Love you
I read over it a few times before I pressed send. It was pretty late out now so I decided to give up on the May search for the night and continue in the morning. I closed the laptop and placed it next to the phone on top of May’s number.
Laying back in bed I slowly fell asleep wondering how tomorrow would go.