Chapter 8
Luke’s POV
At that moment the door opens and the 5 people come back in. “Have you guys done your talking?” The doctor asks. I nod my head. “Yes, and I believe you guys. You two are my mom and dad.” I finish looking at my parents.
Everyone smiles. “Now, we are have to tell you what happened and how you ended up in a coma. Are you ready?” This time it was my dad talking. I simply nod my head and awaited to hear my story.
My mom was the one that told the story. It went like this: I had stayed late at school to work on a project with one of my friends, which turned out wasn’t Puck, Aviana, or Kenza. I left school and drove to Alice’s school to pick her up. She was in an after school program that ran late and both our parents were still at work so I pick her up on days like this.
I had picked her and we were on our way home. Me driving and Alice in the back seat on the passenger side. I was going through a stop light when another car ran right through the stop light ramming into the driver’s side. The car backed up and kept going. Not stopping to see if we were hurt.
I had been hurt, even unconscious, but Alice didn’t hesitate. While being scared to death she got out of her seat and found my phone, calling 911. Alice didn’t even get a scratch on her but I on the other hand didn’t wake up until today.
I was 14 at the time. My parents let me drive when they had to work and Alice and I needed rides, even though you have to be 16 to get your license. They said they regretted that decision.
But I didn’t. I wouldn’t change the way this worked out for anything. I got to meet my 3 best friends through this coma and I would go back just to see them again.
The doctor, Dr. Shoe, had also told me that there was nothing wrong with my brain. I had been right.
My parents were happy that I believed them about everything. And besides, it’s not like I have anything else to go off of. Alice reassured me through the whole story that they were saying the truth, even though she’s only 7 I trust her the most.
After I heard about what happened the adult’s decided I needed time alone. The doctors and nurses left and so did my parents, taking Alice with them.
Once they left I got my phone out to google my friends. That sounds weird but how else would I start to look for people that I had no way to contact?
Puck’s POV
“Wait!” My voice cracks as I say this. “What accident? What happened? How did I end up here?”
“I guess now is as good as it’s going to get to be a good time to tell him what happened.” Dr. Cole says to my parents.
I look eagerly to my parents and awaited to hear what happened to me to land me in a hospital.
“You had been at school for football practice for an hour or so after school. I had called you to let you know everyone was going to dinner and that if you wanted to come we could stop and pick you up. But you declined, saying you needed to get back into shape for the season. So we went to dinner and you stayed at practice. Your friends Peter and Will were coming over till we got home from dinner. You guys started to walk to our house together. Peter and Will called us and the hospital to tell us that you had been hit by a car. It had come onto the curb where you were walking behind the others. According to them you were awake for a few seconds, just long enough to sit up and then you passed out. The car stopped, a man yelled out the window, “Is he breathing?” Will yelled back that you were and the car drove away. The paramedics arrived just as the car was gone from view. You didn’t wake up until just now. You weren’t supposed to make it.” My mom explained it all to me.
I couldn’t believe what I heard. I couldn’t have been in a car accident. Even though it was hard to believe deep down I knew it was true.
Dr. Cole was watching my face the whole time. She spoke next. “Puck, you know this is true right? That this is what happened?”
“Yes, it feels right. Not that I remember it but it does seem right.”
“Good. Now before I send you to get your testing I need you to answer some questions for me.” Dr. Cole said.
“Okay. Go ahead.” This should be easy.
“What year is it?” Well she started with a super easy one.
“2015.” Simple.
“Good. What are your parent’s names?”
“Greg and Michelle Comi.”
“What position do you play in football?” Why would she ask this?
“Quarterback. Star quarterback.”
Dr. Cole looked at my parents for confirmation. They nodded giving it.
“Okay good. That’s all I have for you. Now I’m going to have a nurse come in to take you to testing.” She said.
“Whatever. There’s nothing wrong with my brain. There’s no damage. Everything’s good. But whatever. You’re the doctor. Whatever proves it to you.” I said to her. I knew there was nothing wrong.
Kenza’s POV
After a nurse, not Nurse Jackie, finished doing a bunch of test on me I was back in my room and I was told there was nothing wrong, waiting on Dr. Breakson to come back so we can “talk more”. The nurse had told me nothing was wrong so I had no clue what he wanted to talk about and I couldn’t help but wonder.
Maybe it was about my friends, or that girl, or about how I ended up in a coma, or many other things. I didn’t get too far into my thoughts when he came back. I was now sitting up in bed, my long brown hair was put up into a hair tie now. It had been a complete disaster earlier when I woke up.
“Are you ready to talk Kenza?” He asked straight away, taking a seat in the chair next to my bed. “I guess.” I simply replied.
“You’re probably wondering what happened to land you in the hospital and then into a coma,” He looked at me for confirmation and I nodded.
“Well I wanted to talk to you about how you ended up in a coma and then what happened after the coma.” He stopped for a second to let this settle in. “As you know you were in a coma for two years. This coma happened because you were in an accident. A car accident. You were in the car with your parents. On your way to your school. It was after school but you left the book you were reading in your locker. You had to have the book, so your parents drove you to get it on your guy’s way to dinner.
“Well, on your way there the breaks went out in your car, the car went sliding through a stop sign when a truck was coming down the adjacent road. It hit your car resulting in it to spin out of control and land on its top. Your mom, who was in the passenger seat died on impact while your dad made it till the next day. You on the other hand, because you were in the back seat and had your seatbelt on, only got knocked unconscious. Your dad told us what happened when he got here but didn’t make it through the night. You just woke up for the first time since the crash.” I was shocked.
My parents…were dead? I wasn’t close to them but I still couldn’t believe they were dead. ”I’m sorry, Kenza.” He said. “I’m going to leave you alone now. Is there anything you need or would like?” I was numb and in so much shock.
“A phone, or laptop, or anything I can use the internet on. Please.”
“Your phone was broken in the accident. I can bring you a laptop to use. With one condition, no inappropriate websites.”
“Okay.” I agreed. Like I even wanted to look at those kind of websites. Gross.
Dr. Breakson walked out of the room. I took this alone time to collect my thoughts. What I came up with was:
I was in a coma for two years.
This happened because I was in a car crash.
My parents died from the car crash. Does that mean their deaths were my fault? It was my book we were going to get. So it must be my fault.
I have a best friend May. Who I have no clue who she is.
Luke, Aviana, and Puck didn’t visit me in the hospital.
Dr. Breakson thinks they aren’t real.
I still need to find out about Luke and my other friends. That’s why I asked for a laptop. After Dr. Breakson gives it to me I’m going to ask him about my friends. Find out everything I can so I can get in touch with them again.
Dr. Breakson came back into my room a few minutes later carrying a small blue laptop. He handed it to me and I thanked him. He turned to leave but I called out to him. “Dr. Breakson, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can.” He had turned back around and came to sit in the chair in the room.
“You said nobody named Luke, Puck, or Aviana came to visit me, if they didn’t then what were you thinking when you asked if I was sure that they were real?”
“Well Kenza, in some rare, extremely rare, cases in coma patients they will make up a world in their head while in the coma, which they believe is real. But within a few minutes of waking up they realize that was a false place and this is real. But with you, you believe that both are real. That’s why I had you do some testing, to see if there was damage causing this. But as you know there wasn’t. I have no explanation for you. I believe they are not real. But I know I can’t convince you of this.”
He was right. He can’t convince me that they aren’t real. I know that they are and I will find them.
“Do you have any more questions?” He asked me before leaving the room. I shook my head no and he left.
Aviana’s POV
“Oh, a few more things. How did I end up in a coma? And, where are Luke, Puck, and Kenza?” I continued.
“We don’t know who you’re talking about. Never heard of them. Alright well tell you.” My mom said to me. She didn’t even ask who I was talking about. What kind of parent does that? Oh wait, they aren’t my parents they don’t want a ‘disgrace like me’ in the family. So my friends must have been what happened in the coma. If Star was real they must be real too. I have to find them. I will never give up on them.
“Whatever. Just tell me what happened.” I snapped again at them.
“Don’t talk to me like that. I am your mother you will show me respect.” My mom snapped at me.
“First you’re not my mother, you just kicked me out. Second you can’t tell me what to do anymore. And third, just tell me what happened so you can get out of my room.” She had made me mad. How can she tell me what to do when they just disowned me? That make complete sense right?
After my outburst my dad explained what happened.
I had left the house to go to the corner store. They didn’t know what for but I knew that was when I was going to ask the nice lady who worked there, Mariah, how I could tell my parents about being pregnant. Mariah had always been so nice to me. I trusted her more than my parents. I had forgotten about her until now.
He said that they got a call from the corner store women saying something had happened and they needed to get there right this second.
When they got there, there were already two police cars and an ambulance in the parking lot.
It turns out someone had backed out of a parking space fast and rammed into me. Mariah had seen what happened through the front windows of the store and came running out.
She said she seen the truck that hit me speeding out of the parking lot and by the time she got to me I was laying on the ground, barely awake. She had called the 911 and then my parents. In my opinion my parents didn’t need to be called at all. But she did what she thought was right.
Mariah had already known that I was pregnant so she made sure the paramedics knew and that they knew my parents didn’t know yet.
I was taken to the hospital and Mariah tried to ride in the back of the ambulance with me but my parents wouldn’t allow it. I hated them for that. Mariah cared more for me than they ever did.
I was at the hospital in the ICU for a while getting everything checked out, they told me the baby was safe, and that I needed some sleep. So I went to sleep and just woke up today.
When he finished explaining I said, “Okay, you’re done. You can leave now. When I get released I’ll call you. I’ll get my stuff out your house then you won’t hear from me ever again.” I laid back in the bed, closing my grey eyes.
I was done talking to people today. I just wanted to be left alone.
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