Chapter 11
Luke’s POV
I got woken up some time later by the door to my room opening, a nurse was coming in. “Sorry to wake you up,” The nurse started, “but I need to check and make sure everything is working right, then you may be able to go home.” Finally I can go home. Maybe I could look some more for Aviana and Kenza and hopefully meet up with Puck.
“Okay. How long is this going to take?” I wanted to be out of here as soon as I could be. All I want is to find all my friends and go back to how it was before, well before I woke up anyway. With a few changes considering mine and Puck’s parent situations are different than we remembered.
“A few minutes at the most. I have to check your blood pressure, read the heart monitor, and a few other simple things. Then we can call your parents to sign you out.” YES! Not much longer. I may not remember being here for the two years that I have been, but this day has been boring here. Other than the fact that I found Puck and talked to him. It would be much better if I could go to him instead of only talk on the phone.
“Alright.” I replied. She walked towards my bed and looked at the annoying heart monitor. Then checked some other things out. She was in and out of the room in less than 2 minutes. She told me she was going to call my parents.
I was happy to be going home but it would be much different than what I remember it to be. I won’t be taking care of Alice, my parents will be there, and I won’t live alone in an apartment with no one telling me how to do things. Hopefully this will all work out.
10 minutes after the nurse left the door was pushed open again, only this time it was flung open and Alice came running towards me. She jumped up onto my bed and landed in my lap while wrapping her arms around me.
“I missed you Lukey!” She said in her 7 year old voice.
“I missed you to Alice.” I replied, laughing. “Even though I saw you not even 24 hours ago.”
She slowly let go and just sat in my lap. “I know, but I didn’t see you for so long because you were in that coma, besides my dreams anyway, and I thought that maybe you would fall asleep and not wake up again.”
“Alice, I’m awake now and I won’t be going back to a coma. I won’t leave you. I promise.” I didn’t ever want to leave her again, I can’t imagine what it was like for her to go through me being in a coma. Even before I was in it we were really close, it must have been really hard.
“Pinky promise?” she asked, holding her pinky out towards me.
“Yes, pinky promise.” I wrapped my pinky around hers.
“Mommy said that you can come home today, are you coming home?”
“Yes, Mom and Dad should be signing papers so I can leave now.” She got a huge smile on her face and squealed, “YAY!”
She jumped off my lap and stood in front of me, grabbing my hand. She pulled a little and said, “Come on, get up so we can go now!” She was very impatient. I allowed her to ‘pull’ me up and we walked around the room collecting everything that was mine.
Not that there was much, I may have been here for 2 years but I was in a coma so I didn’t have a need for personal belongings. All I had was a few changes of clothes, my phone, and my shoes. All my stuff was packed into a backpack that I put on my back.
After we packed we sat side-by-side on the bed waiting on our parents to come in the room to leave. We didn’t have to wait long. As they pushed the door open I could see the huge smiles on both their faces. Everyone was extremely happy that I was going home today.
“Are you ready to finally go home, Luke?” Mom asked me. I nodded my head with a smile on my face. I stood up while picking up Alice to carry her. Most people think she’s too old to be carried but she’s small for her age and likes it. We all walked out of the room together and continued all the way to the car without speaking.
Once we got in the car mom started talking with the serious stuff. “As you know you were in a coma for 2 years, which means you missed that much school. We’re going to have to talk to the local high school about what to do. They may want you to test to see were you place or something entirely different. But it’s your choice if you want to start school right away, wait a few weeks, or because it’s April we could just wait till next year and see where we can go from there.”
I want to find all my friends before I even thought about school, but I guess school is important. I thought about it for a few seconds and decided that I would wait for next year. There’s really no point in starting school when the school year is almost over. “I’ll wait till next year.” I simply said. She nodded and continued talking.
“Okay. When we get home look at your room and if there’s anything you want or need we’ll go get it.”
“Mom, I’ll be fine. It’s only been two years. Just relax. Tell me what I missed about you guys.”
“Oh, well, we had to hire a babysitter for Alice because we both work 1-9 during the day. Uhhh, Alice is doing great in school. She has straight A’s.” I looked over at Alice who was sitting next to me to see that she was smiling and blushing. “Nothing really important has happened to us.”
“Good job, Alice! You’re doing better than I ever did in school.” I said while chuckling. “Thanks.” She said, turning her head away to look out her window. I did the same out my window and watched the streets pass by. I really needed to find a way to go meet Puck and find the 2 girls. Then I had an idea.
“Hey Mom, Dad…can I take Alice to meet someone, they live about a half hour away from here?” We were stopped at a red light and my parents were looking at each other. If people could talk in their minds that’s what they were doing or at least looked that way. While they silently looked at each other I turned to talk to Alice. She was already looking at me with a curious look in her eyes.
“Where are we going, Luke?” She asked me.
“To see Puck.” I smiled at her. Her face instantly lit up.
“Can we go? Can we pleeeease go? Mommy please?” Alice practically begged our parents before they even got the chance to answer my question.
“I don’t think it’s safe for you to drive just yet. The last time you drove you ended up in a coma. And we don’t even know who this Puck guy is. Or how you or Alice know him.” Dad said. Alice looked as if she was about to cry. She must really want to see him.
“Puck is one of my 3 best friends. I knew him from my coma. And before you say it wasn’t real, I found him and I called him. He’s real, he remembers exactly what I do. He was also in a coma. And Alice knows him because she had dreams about what I remember to be real.” While I was speaking the light had turned green and we were now continuing our drive towards home.
“I find that hard to believe but if you really want to go meet him, we will take you.” Mom was the one to speak this time. “THANK YOU!” I said loudly while Alice just kept saying “Thank you,” over and over again.
“But,” Shit, what could but be? “Only after we get home and you’re all settled in. Got it?”
“Yes, Mom.” I said.
I was going to meet up with Puck! He still hasn’t called me but that’s probably because he’s still getting testing done. When he calls me back I’ll tell him I can come meet him today. I can’t wait to talk to him in person and I’m sure Alice can’t wait either.
This has been one busy day for me. I woke up, found out I was in a coma among many other things that had to do with the coma, and found one of my friends and getting closer to find the others. Judging by the way today went I would have found all my friends by the end of the week. Hopefully luck is on my side and that happens.
The only bad thing is that we all live in different places. How is that going to work for us? I don’t know the answer to that yet. But I do know that we will figure something out, we always do.