Chapter 6
Kenza’s POV
I didn’t want to wake up yet. I’m so tired. But yet I knew I needed to open my eyes. So that’s what I did.
When my eyes were opened I was shocked. I wasn’t on a couch, I wasn’t with my friends, and I definitely wasn’t someplace I knew.
It was dark out but I could tell I was in a hospital. I knew because of the smell, the sanitary hospital smell and also from what I could see of the room I was in. The walls were plain white, with posters about health and cleaning, with one window on the right, there was a dry erase board that had RN: Nurse Jackie wrote on it in blue marker, and the thing that made it the most obvious: the hospital bed I was in.
What am I doing in a hospital? This thought kept circling through my head while I looked more intently around the room. Something in the corner caught my eye…wait not something, someone. Someone was sitting in a chair in the room with me.
I couldn’t tell who the person was. I was hoping it was either Puck, Luke, or Aviana. But from what I could see of the persons shape, it didn’t look like any of them.
“Hello?” I whispered, hoping the person would wake up. Within a few seconds the person, a girl, was standing next to the bed I was in with a shocked expression on her face.
“OHMYGOD!! KENZA!!” The girl squealed rather loudly. She looked to be around my age. She had brown hair and eyes with pale skin. My first reaction to her squeal was pain. She was really loud.
“Ouch…that was loud,…Uhh who are you?” I went to say her name and then I realized I had no clue who this girl was. Her face twisted into pain, like I had just punched her in the stomach.
“What do you mean ‘Who am I?’ I’m your best friend! You know, May.” She sounded so hurt saying that. I could tell me not knowing who she was physically hurt her. Even though she says she’s my best friend I have no clue who she is. She doesn’t even look familiar. I don’t even have that feeling that I’ve seen her before. There is no way I know this girl. She definitely isn’t my best friend. My best friends are Luke, Aviana, and Puck.
My confusion of where this was coming from must have been evident on my face because she said, “You really don’t know who I am?” I nodded my head. She then burst out crying. I didn’t know what to do.
Turns out I didn’t need to do anything. “I-I’m s-s-sorry, I-I need to st-step out-t for a-a minut-te.” She stuttered still crying. And ran out the room.
A man then came into the room. He said he was my doctor and that his name was Dr. Breakson. “I seen that girl come running and crying out your room so I thought I would check on you, and boy is this a surprise. You’re awake.” He said to me.
“Why wouldn’t I be awake? What am I doing here? Who is that girl?” I started asking questions. I needed answers. I don’t like being confused, I want this confusion to go away.
“Kenza, you were in a coma for two years. That girl, she’s been here every day since you got here. I have no clue who she is.” Dr. Breakson answered my questions calmly. I stared at him dumbly.
“Coma?” That’s the only thing I could focus on. A coma? How is that even possible?
“Yes, a coma. You were not expected to wake up. I’m going to ask you some questions. I need you to answer them truthfully and exactly with what you think is right. Can you do that for me?” I still couldn’t understand that I was in a coma so I just nodded mutely.
“What is your name?”
“Kenza Bentley.” I answered without a second’s hesitation.
“What is the year?”
“2015.” These questions are simple.
“How old are you?”
“What’s the last thing you remember before waking up this morning?”
“Falling asleep on the couch with my 3 best friends, Luke, Puck, and Aviana. Along with Aviana’s daughter Star, and Luke’s little sister Alice.” This reminded me that I hadn’t heard anything about them since I woke up. Where are they?
“Would these friends of yours have come to the hospital if they knew you were here?” Why wouldn’t they?
“Yes, of course. That’s what best friends do.”
“There are no visitors listed under any of those names on your chart. Are you absolutely sure they are real? They could have just been a dream life you were living while in your coma.” What? They hadn’t come to see me? Of course they would. They had to be real. There is no way that was a dream. No matter what this doctor tells me I will find my friends again.
“I am absolutely sure they are real. I don’t care what you say. They are real and I will find them.” I hope Dr. Breakson got my point that that conversation topic was over.
“Okay. I’m going to have to take you to get some testing done to make sure everything is alright with your body. And then we need to talk some more. Alright?” I again nodded.
After a nurse, not Nurse Jackie, finished doing a bunch of test on me I was back in my room waiting on Dr. Breakson to come back so we can “talk more”. The nurse had told me nothing was wrong so I had no clue what he wanted to talk about and I couldn’t help but wonder.
Maybe it was about my friends, or that girl, or about how I ended up in a coma, or many other things. I didn’t get too far into my thoughts when he came back. I was now sitting up in bed, my long brown hair was put up into a hair tie now. It had been a complete disaster earlier when I woke up.
“Are you ready to talk Kenza?” He asked straight away, taking a seat in the chair next to my bed. “I guess.” I simply replied.
“You’re probably wondering what happened to land you in the hospital and then into a coma,” He looked at me for confirmation and I nodded.