Chapter 17
Kenza’s POV921Please respect copyright.PENANA1YWNnadPYs
Once everything was deleted, I started downloading apps and making it my phone. The first app I downloaded was Facebook and its messenger app. Luke hadn’t messaged me back yet. Hopefully he will soon. I went to his pictures and found a really cute one of him……wait did I just say he was cute???921Please respect copyright.PENANAGB6RMdvKnz
I ignored that thought and kept looking through the pictures. There was one that I really liked of him and Alice so I made it my background picture. 921Please respect copyright.PENANAWtKh0PE9BQ
Now:921Please respect copyright.PENANAhapjigQTMN
After setting my background I was just downloading apps and playing games on the phone, impatiently waiting for Luke to message me back.921Please respect copyright.PENANAEOY1r1iDUe
It was about an hour and half later when Luke messaged me. I opened it, and read it. It said:921Please respect copyright.PENANAoKaZgE8dRk
“KENZA!!! I’m real, it’s really me. You’re not going to believe this but the four of us were all in comas. That’s how we know each other. We HAVE to meet up soon and then I can tell you everything I know. It’s WAYY too much to type! Lol. If you get released soon, and you aren’t going back to school this year (I’m not) do you want to go meet up with Puck? Me and Alice are going. He’s like 30 minutes from where I live. Where are you at?
Love, Luke
P.S. I MISS YOU!!”921Please respect copyright.PENANAGqqJ8Vmn2i
I was starting to type out a reply and then the door to my room opened again. It was my doctor, Dr. Breakson.921Please respect copyright.PENANABUXH0Lp01K
“I heard you asked for a laptop earlier.” He said while checking the IV and heart monitor.921Please respect copyright.PENANAphegZcH32w
“Yeah. But I got a phone, so I don’t need it anymore. Thanks though.”921Please respect copyright.PENANAHKVEUCxxNJ
I was about to start typing a reply to Luke when he spoke up again. “I have some good news for you Kenza.” This caught my attention. Good news? For me? I’ve gotten only bad news from people in this hospital since the moment I woke up.921Please respect copyright.PENANAlRoBvGlDA4
“Good news?” I asked. What could possibly be good news for me? It’s not like I could go home, I technically didn’t have a home anymore.921Please respect copyright.PENANA4BrhVangVf
“You’re able to leave this hospital as soon as we find you a place to stay.” He was smiling now, I guess it was a good thing I could leave. I just didn’t know where I would be going afterwards.921Please respect copyright.PENANAW0u3WRv0cj
“Cool.” I said flatly. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy to be getting out of the hospital, but then there’s the problem that I have nowhere to go after I left here.921Please respect copyright.PENANAYfBVFHIPEg
“I thought you would be happy that you could leave…..” Dr. Breakson trailed off.921Please respect copyright.PENANASoYngJuG7W
“I am but– “ I paused, I didn’t know how to word it so I wouldn’t get his pity. I hated being pitied.921Please respect copyright.PENANA85hGKGy7i5
“But…?”921Please respect copyright.PENANAW0bTMXfvZT
“But I have nowhere to go. I have no family left and I surely don’t want to stay here. I’m only 16 so I’m not old enough to live on my own. Among a few other things that’s wrong with my life.” I didn’t mean to say all that, but words just came spilling out of my mouth.921Please respect copyright.PENANAnbruzWnq4B
“We have the police looking into possible family members and places you can stay at. So far they haven’t found anything.” He looked at me with a sad look in his eyes. Of course he pitied me. Who wouldn’t pity a 16 year old girl who has literally nothing left and nowhere to go?921Please respect copyright.PENANA1lzqfCkHpC
“Do you know what happened to my stuff?” I asked. If I was getting out I would need all my stuff…..even though it would all be two years old and I’d need to buy all new clothes.921Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3XhyYdX4K
“As far as I know all your’s and your parents stuff got put in a storage locker near your old house.” At the mention of my parents I felt my throat get heavy and tears come to my eyes. I turned my head away, not wanting him to see me have a break down. But I wasn’t going to let myself cry. I had to be strong. I was on my own now and there was no place for weakness. 921Please respect copyright.PENANAwQKA4RSYN7
“Okay.” I said turning back to face him once I had my emotions under control. 921Please respect copyright.PENANAHZ7yU4k8Ir
“Do you have anywhere you can stay until we find you a home or somewhere good for you to live? Like a friend’s house or something?”921Please respect copyright.PENANA3PnH8xDkhv
I thought about it for a minute. My only friends were Luke, Aviana, and Puck. Maybe I could ask Luke to stay with him for a while. He had already offered for me to go to Puck’s with him...maybe he would let me stay longer. I had no reason to stay here anyway. I mean, yeah there’s school but that’s almost over so theres no point in starting now and there was no way I would even consider staying in this area, I didn’t want to be near May. “I can ask my one friend if I could stay with him, he just doesn’t live around here.”921Please respect copyright.PENANAYdCcKiXTyJ
“Okay, let me know what he says and I can get you out of here. Like I said even if the place is temporary that will get you out of here.”921Please respect copyright.PENANAvEoJZt1BO6
“Alright, I’m gunna ask him now.”921Please respect copyright.PENANA77yKN2orSy
“When you get an answer call one of the nurses in from the station and I’ll come soon after that.” He said while walking out the room.921Please respect copyright.PENANA8h7irhCK9Q
Instead of typing a reply to Luke right away, I went into the phone’s contact list to find out my number. I wrote it down on the paper with May’s number, all while crossing her number out. I had no use for it. Next I opened the Facebook message draft to Luke and typed a real short message back to him.921Please respect copyright.PENANAwka0V4neIB
“Call me as soon as you get a chance. I need to ask you a favor. My number is 321-845-2980.
-Kenza”921Please respect copyright.PENANAuMfJbDgrq1
I sent the message and then laid down on my side. All of a sudden I felt like crying. My parents’ death hit me hard. It must have taken a while to sink in and now that I had time to think, everything was catching up to me. So much for being strong….921Please respect copyright.PENANA2NNsJdECx5
I just laid there, curled up on the white hospital sheets crying my eyes out for my parents. I don’t know how long I stayed like that, it could have been hours or even minutes. I only stopped when I heard my phone ringing. At first it scared me because I didn’t know what it was.921Please respect copyright.PENANAqvvxxgxXUE
Realizing it was my phone I grabbed it and answered it without looking at who was calling, I knew it was Luke.921Please respect copyright.PENANAWSLlytu0HY
“Hello?” My voice was still heavy from just crying. Hopefully he doesn’t question me about it. I didn’t want to talk about them yet. 921Please respect copyright.PENANA8i1i5QjNgP
“Kenza!!” Unless Luke sounds like a high pitched girl this wasn’t Luke. “It’s May.” She squealed out.921Please respect copyright.PENANAH7dkmURdPj
I was mad. I didn’t want to talk to her. I only wanted to talk to Luke and she wasn’t him. “What?” I snapped in an irritated voice.921Please respect copyright.PENANAKNb8KGtNtI
“I haven’t seen you in like forever!!” She apparently couldn’t take a hint that I didn’t want to talk to her.921Please respect copyright.PENANAt3bkktg4Jy
“May you just saw me like yesterday.” I was getting even madder every second that I was talking to her. I didn’t want to talk to some creepy stalker.921Please respect copyright.PENANAt27FQdPi8s
“Which was like forever ago!” God she sounded so preppy. I couldn’t stand it.921Please respect copyright.PENANAVqQPU4QkJ8
Even though we had only been talking maybe a minute I was fed up with her. She caught me at the worst time and because of that I couldn’t control the words coming out of my mouth. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?” I didn’t mean to be so loud or rude, but I didn’t regret asking it. She’s super creepy and I didn’t want to deal with her anymore.921Please respect copyright.PENANA4Abe9ONMgx
“I—what do you mean?” I could tell she was trying to act innocent. Well sorry to break it, she wasn’t succeeding at it. At all. 921Please respect copyright.PENANAyXu0NIYI4v
“You’re super creepy. You won’t leave me alone. You keep coming to the hospital. And then the whole phone thing. And probably the worst, the pictures you took of me. So again WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?” I was yelling by the end of my mini speech. After I started talking the words just kept coming out of my mouth and the next thing I know I had said every little thing that was wrong with her.921Please respect copyright.PENANAE5yujBtAhg
After my mini rant May was silent. It took her a few seconds to break that silence.921Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5tb0NPFi7
“What pictures?” She asked, in a cold voice.921Please respect copyright.PENANAWpnYvsT36Y
“The pictures of me at school that you took, without my permission, on that phone you gave me.”921Please respect copyright.PENANAz4uRG6EKCz
“Oh, those,” She started laughing. Her laugh wasn’t a normal laugh, it was like a criminal laughing at their own stupid mistake in a crime. “Whoops. I meant to delete those.”921Please respect copyright.PENANARypanIQUB5
“You’re INSANE!!!!” I yelled at her.921Please respect copyright.PENANAEdkujRlo9e
“Oh trust me I know. It’s amazing!”921Please respect copyright.PENANAm4Zc1ccSOq
“Just leave me alone. I don’t like you at all. You’re super creepy and you lied about us being friends. What kind of person does that?” I wanted her to leave me alone.921Please respect copyright.PENANAzx9XgvLnAu
“An insane person, like me.” She said, still laughing.921Please respect copyright.PENANAconVzIcWu2
“Don’t talk to me ever again!!!!” I yelled into the phone right before hanging up.921Please respect copyright.PENANAXhgdcuUCl3
Hopefully that will get rid of her, although I doubt it will.921Please respect copyright.PENANAEFkFKXNXpk
I was so mad and creeped out by May that I completely forgot about my parents being dead.921Please respect copyright.PENANA6qwn60qcVd
I was so engrossed in my thoughts about May, that when my phone started ringing again it scared me so bad that I fell off the bed.921Please respect copyright.PENANAymc1ho6P99
Getting back up onto the bed, I grabbed the phone, this time checking who was calling before I answered.921Please respect copyright.PENANA4zlg3tZRv1
To my relief it was Luke. 921Please respect copyright.PENANAYVxzOO93Tx
*A/N: Thank you so much for reading!! I wouldn't mind hearing what you think will happen next (hint hint {comment}) Also any constructive criticism would be appreciated too :D*