Chapter 19868Please respect copyright.PENANA8Mx64cRboq
Luke’s POV
Previously:868Please respect copyright.PENANAOqax69gb7A
“Because that’s the day I went into the coma too. Along with Puck.” I replied. Still shocked by this news.
Now:868Please respect copyright.PENANAcmfJyT1eoG
“WHAT?!?!?! Are you sure???” Kenza practically yelled through the phone. I held the phone away from my ear as to not break my ear drum.
“Yeah. Puck’s was in an article about him in his local paper and my parents told me when I was still in the hospital.”
“Wow..! I don’t even know how to take this news. This whole thing is just super weird!”
“I want to know why this happened to us. And how.”
“Me too, Luke, me too.” She said. I’m glad I’m not the only one wanting answers to this super weird shit happening to us. “Hey what about Aviana? Have you talked to her yet?” Shit. I had forgotten that she didn’t know about Aviana yet.
“Oh about Aviana-” I didn’t get to go any farther in my sentence because Kenza stopped me mid-sentence.
“SHE’S OKAY RIGHT?!?!?!?!” She screamed. I didn’t get to take the phone away from my ear in time and now it hurts from her loud scream.
“You don’t need to scream Kenza…” I chuckled slightly. “She’s fine….as far as I know anyway.”
“Luke, what do you mean by ‘as far as I know’?” She asked hesitantly.
“I haven’t exactly found a way to contact her.”
“Then what DO you know? And how do you know whatever it is you know if you haven’t talked to her?” She demanded.
“I know that she was also in a coma. I don’t know when she went into it but I do know she woke up the same day as us.”
“What about Star???? If Aviana went into her coma the same day as us wouldn’t Star have been born while she was in the coma? Unless she has a different birthday in this real life…”
“Star’s okay. She was born while Aviana was in her coma. Some lady, whose name I forgot, took care of Star for Aviana. The day I woke up I looked up Aviana the same way I did you and Puck but the only thing I found was that lady’s Facebook. But her most recent post had said they were taking Star to see her mom who had just woken up from a coma. It was posted the same day that we woke up.”
“We have to find Aviana.” Was her reply.
“We will. Trust me.”
“Of course, Luke.” Hearing that she trusted me, even though I already knew it made me feel warm all of a sudden. I didn’t understand why, but i ignored it anyway.
“Back to your non-coma life, besides your parents, what’s it like for you?” I asked her, I wanted to know anything she wanted to tell me and I also just wanted to continue talking to her. I love talking to her.
“Well I apparently have super crazy extreme stalker.”
“WHAT?!?!” What the hell??? A stalker?? Sounds like the coma life was much better for her.
“Yeah, her names May. She kept coming to the hospital but I made them keep her out of my room. And then ‘cause she couldn’t come see me she gave me a phone, but her dumb self forgot to delete everything off it before giving it to me. There were a whole bunch of pictures of me at school, taken without me knowing.”
“No...Thats super creepy. You need to stay away from her.”
“Yeah it is. Trust me, I don’t want to be anywhere near her. That’s one of the reasons I asked to stay with you. If for some reason they found me somewhere to stay around here I wouldn’t want to because I would be away from you guys and I would be close to May.”
“I see that. I hope you deleted all those pictures.” I said a little worried for her about May. That girl just seems creepy and I didn’t want Kenza around her. God, when did I become so protective of Kenza?
“Of course I did. I didn’t want to be reminded of a stalker every time I looked at my phone. I even restored the whole thing so I wouldn’t find anything else creepy that could have been on it.”
“Good thinking, Kenza.” I was laying on my back on top of my unmade bed just talking to her. I could do this for hours. It was silent, comfortably, for a few minutes before I remembered something. “When do you want me to come get you to stay with me?”
“As soon as possible. I mean whenever you can. But you still haven’t asked your parents.” Always caring about everyone else first.
“I don’t care if they say no. You ARE staying with me. I will be there as soon as I can.” I promised her.
“Okay, Luke. Thank you. You know I love you right?” Hearing her say that made me warm again but I know that she meant it as just friends. So why the sudden change in the way it makes me feel?
“Of course Kenza. I love you too.” I replied. “Oh, where exactly are you? I can’t exactly come get you if I don’t know where you are.” I said laughing again.
“Village Hospital in Smith City-”
“I know where that’s at. I will be there ASAP.”
“Thanks, Luke.”
“Welcome, Kenza. I’ll call you when I’m almost there. Okay?”
“Yes. Bye.”
“Bye Kenza. See you in an hour or so.” And I hung up.
I slowly got out of bed trying to find the right thing to say to my parents about Kenza. Do I just ask ‘Hey, Mom, Dad can my friend come and live with us for a while?’ or should I just ask to be taken somewhere and not give them a chance to say no?
I continued trying to figure out what to say while I walked downstairs. I went to the living room hoping they were both in there watching TV or something. Mom was watching TV , but Dad wasn’t in the room. “Hey, Mom where’s dad?”
“I believe he’s in the kitchen washing breakfast dishes.” She answered without looking away from the TV.
“Kay thanks.” I walked toward the kitchen. I still didn’t know what to say. I was just going with it till I got to that point. Then I would make a quick decision on what to say.
Dad was in here, standing over the sink,wringing out a dish rag. “Can you come to the living room so I can talk to you and Mom?” He jumped, throwing the dish rag back into the sink making bubbles go everywhere.
“Luke, you scared me!” He turned around, showing off the soap bubbles covering his face in various spots. I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. I couldn’t form a sentence I was laughing so hard.
Finally I choked out a ‘’Sorry.” Still lauhging hard.
“Son, what was so funny?” He asked trying to sound mad but he was trying too hard to not laugh that he couldn’t accomplish it.
“You, You have soap all-all over your face!” I said still laughing. He quickly touched his face with his hand. He didn’t help anything by doing that, he just moved it around and made it cover more of his face. I started laughing harder at that.
“What now? Did I make it worse?” All I could do was nod in agreement. He finally got a towel and wiped his face off.
Once he was done I walked back towards the living room , where Mom was still watching TV obliviously of what just happened.
Dad had followed and sat down next to me. “Violet, Luke wants to talk to us. Can you pause the TV?” She listened and now both their attention was directed towards me.
“So I was talking to Kenza a few minutes ago and she told me she has a problem. This problem I can help with so I’m going to help her.” I didn’t know what I was saying or where I was going with this yet.
“What kind of problem?” Mom asked looking at Dad a second before asking. They shared a look that I couldn’t see.
“Well her parents died-” I didn’t get to finish wherever I was going with that sentence because Mom interrupted me.
“Awwweee. That’s so sad! What can we do to help?” Well wherever I was going with this sounded like it was going to work.
“I was getting there. We can help her in a major way.” I paused for a second thinking how to word it best. “I’m not really asking this cause I already told her yes, but she needs a place to stay and asked if she could come here.”
“Absolutely not.” Mom snapped.
“But just a second ago you said that you wanted to help her! This is how to help her!” I snapped back at her.
“That was before I knew you were going to ask if she could live here!” She yelled at me again.
“Like I said I wasnt asking! I already told her she could! I’m the only person she has to ask!”
“What about other family members ?” Dad asked. Now when I don’t want him to get in this conversation he decides to, why couldn't he stay out of it like every other one we’ve had since I woke up?
I went to the find the car keys so I could go get Kenza. “I’m going to get her now. If you don’t want me driving then come drive me there. I’m going whether you say I can or not.”
I heard feet running, but it wasn’t from the living room, it was from the stairs. “WAIT!! LUKE!! I’m coming too!” It was Alice, of course.
“Don’t think I forgot you. I was going to call for you in a second.” That’s what I was going to do but she made it easier by coming herself.
“Good.” Alice said happily.
I didn’t hear either my parents moving so I yelled out one last thing before opening the door and walking towards the car. “I’m going now. Either one of you come now or I’m driving there myself!”
I gave them three minutes, neither came out the door. So I made sure Alice was in her seat right and then got in, driving away towards Village Hospital.