Chapter 34.
They were all in agreement. It was nearly 15.00 hours it was time to move.
“What about him?” Copper asked meaning Robbie.
“Let me think about that. Hey you still have time to go and buy him something to eat.” David said.
“Oh yes. I almost forgot.” Copper said.
Then they all left for their positions.
The Lion arrived in Hout Bay at 16.18Hours; Peter had got there about half an hour earlier and was able to find a parking for the Toyota right in front of the jetty. He positioned himself among a few local fishermen and had a clear view of both vehicles. He watched The Rogue get out of his car, look around then reach inside to take out what looked like a kit bag. Then he locked its door and walked over to the Camray. He must have heard that the engine was running because he put his hand on the bonnet but pulled it back very quickly. Peter giggled to himself seeing that. He opened the door looked around again, almost like he was expecting something to happen, climbed inside and then drove away.
After seeing nobody had followed The Rogue, Peter walked slowly over to the car, looked around and took out of his pocket, his vehicle stealing kit which consisted of a screwdriver and small hammer. In two minutes he was inside, started and drove off with the car. He felt more comfortable in this car. It wasn’t a Toyota Camry and it wasn’t stolen.
He took a slow drive to Misty Cliffs while Andy was just about to leave from where he was parked. Three minutes earlier he had seen The Rogue go past in the white Camray and had written on a small pad what other cars were followed him. He noted the time it was 16.40 o'clock when he pulled onto the road and at this time of the day traffic wasn’t too bad. He followed well behind and noticed a few cars were no longer following but others had joined the traffic. It was a lovely January afternoon and Andy saw nothing happening. When he got to Osborne Road he saw David disappear further down the road in the blue Opel Corsa. He did a U-turn and headed for the next spot where he would be waiting.
David had The Rogue in his sights. I looked at the clock and it had just gone 17.00hours and wondered why he was late. He should have been here 5 minutes ago. David Looked down the road and could just see a white car in the distance and then drove on to find a place out of view but would be able to see him come past. He turned into Somerset Way and parked on the corner a bit further up. Five minutes later he passed. David waited two minutes then drove out along the M65 and when he was out of town gave him his first call.
“The Rogue, can you come in please?”
“The Rogue, come in please?” He called again.
“Hello, this is The Rogue.” He answered.
“What are you doing? You are supposed to answer right away. Where are you?”
“I’ve just passed the road to the lighthouse.” He replied.
Oh no, I hope he hasn’t seen Andy but then when I went past I couldn’t see him. David thought.
“The Rogue…Listen when you come into Misty Cliffs look out for Old Camp Road; Turn in there. Did you hear?”
There was no answer.
“The Rogue did you hear me?”
“Hello…hello,” David said. They were coming into the village.
“TURN IN AT OLD CAMP ROAD!!!” David shouted
“Okay.” He answered.
Then David saw him turn. Peter shot in front of him and turned into the road and David followed. He got to the first corner to see if The Rogue had stopped but it was too far away. Peter came back. David stopped him and told him to block the road then David also turned and Peter jumped into the little Corsa.
“I pulled the wires so anybody who wants to move that car will have to push it.” Peter said.
“Well done my friend.” David said. Just then I saw Andy go past in the red Opel Corsa and could hear the noise of the Kawasaki as Copper came round the corner. He stopped and threw the bag in the window. “I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.” He said as he raced off.
David pulled onto the main road heading back in the same direction as they had come. I said to Peter. “I wonder what he meant by tomorrow? I hope he hasn't forgotten that we leave tonight.”
“Andy will remind him. Yeh, he’s a strange one. It could mean anything.” Peter said.
“Take the money out the bag and throw the bag away.” David told him.
“Shit look at this man.” There were Doller bills lying on his lap and on the floor as he emptied the bag.
“Look lets pull over at the next road we get to.” David said.
They came to Light House Road and David pulled in there. “Stuff it in your pants and your shirt and check if there’s no little device amongst the notes as you’re doing it.” They managed to get every note into our clothes and then carried on to Muizenberg.
Then David saw the road block. “Fuck it Peter. What do we do now?” David asked as his heart was beating faster. There were two cars ahead of them.
“Just stay calm Dave. Let me handle it okay.” Peter said.
The officer came towards them while the other one sat in the police car. David opened the window. “What’s the problem Officer?” Peter asked politely.
“Can I look in your boot please?” He asked looking at these two fat guys.
“It’s open. Do you need help?” Peter asked.
“No.” He replied. “I’ll just have a quick look.” He opened the boot and after looking inside closed it again then came back to the window. “Thank you, can you please get out the car?”
David looked at Peter, he shook his head as if to say relax. They got out but stood as close to the open door as possible so he didn’t see the front of our bodies where the money was hidden. He looked in the front of the car then opened the back door and looked inside and under the seats then he said. “Okay, thank you sir.”