Chapter 33.
The next morning they all arrived at different times. Copper and Peter took a mini bus. “Hey man that was an experience, sitting among those okes. I was scared they would knife me.” Peter said and laughed Ha…ha.
“You should have been in the one I had. I’m sure that guy wanted to frighten me because he was driving like a real idiot. In and out the traffic; it didn’t matter if a car was coming from the other direction, he just went. Look at my hand?” Copper said and showed them his hand. It was shaking a bit, but not anything like he made it out to be.
“Yeh…yeh Copper.”David said laughing at his exaggeration.
“No, honest David he was driving like a maniac.” He said looking at Peter for support.
Peter said nothing, he just looked at Copper and laughed.
David laid out the map. “Today is the day." He said then he read out the notice to them. “The green light is shining. The Rogue.” They all laughed with excitement at the news.
“Copper at 4.00 O’clock this afternoon you will phone them. All you will say is. The Rogue this is the lion. The Rogue may leave now. He will find a white Toyota Camry parked at the closest parking to the third jetty at Hout Bay harbor. He must change cars and read instructions.”
“Then what do I do?” Copper asked.
“You ride to Misty Cliffs and wait for me at Old Camp Road.” David said
"Andy the instructions will be in the Camray. He must drive to Kommetjie. I want you to wait somewhere between Hout Bay and Sunnydale and when he passes remember now, in the white Camray, you wait a couple of minutes and then follow him. Don’t get too close to him because you want to see if he is being followed. When you get to the first street in Kommetjie called Osborne Street turn around and drive back to the M65 and follow it. Where the M65 comes to a tee, there is a dirt road that goes to the light house, park there so that you can see him and any other cars following. If you recognize any other cars that were following earlier you must get in front of him to warn us. Okay do you know what to do?” David asked Andy.
“Yes David, don't worry brother.” Andy said.
"It's all typed here."David gave Andy the instructions.
“Peter check that the Camray has a full tank. The last thing I want is that it runs out of petrol. When you get to Hout Bay harbour, park the car at the closest parking to the third jetty. Leave the note and the walkie talkie on the front seat under the cloth and leave the car running otherwise he won’t get very far unless he knows how to start it with-out keys.” David said with a grin. “Then wait and watch to see that he has no one following him and he takes a bag out when he changes cars. When his out of sight I want you to take his car and drive to Misty Cliffs. You’ll need to park a few streets before Old Camp Road to see him pass then follow him."
“What happens if there is somebody following him?” Peter asked.
“In that case, go and have a few beers in the yacht club and we will pick you up later.”
They left a cylinder with a note and a walkie talkie in the Camray.
The note gave instructions to the driver of what he has to do. Under the cloth you will find a walkie talkie, under no circumstances must this be covered by your hand, sat on or covered with the cloth. Switch it on and now drive with your lights on and follow these instructions. Your speed is not to exceed 70 KPH. Go back too Main Road. Follow it via Noordhoek to Ou Kaapse Weg till it crosses Kommetjie Weg then turn right; drive on to Kommetjie until you reach Kirsten then turn right and follow the road down to the end where on the right is a white cross, dig there for the next instructions.
“My intention is that at Misty Cliffs he turns into Old Camp Road. The road does a small U-bend and then there is a straight for about 700 metres then another U-bend. It’s on that first bend after the straight Copper; that’s where I want you to wait out of view. I want him to put the bag down there and when he does that you to grab it and come back down the road.” I said and looked at them. “Are there any questions?” I asked. “By now Peter would have arrived with The Rogue’s car. You will block the road on the straight and I will pick you up. We’ll wait at the entrance to Old Camps Road for you Copper, to pass the bag to us.”
“What if he doesn’t drop the bag?” Copper asked.
“Surely you don’t want me to answer that.” David said. Peter and Andy both burst out laughing knowing exactly what Copper would do.
“And what happens to me when I give the bag to you?” Copper asked.
“Andy will be driving down the M65 towards Muizenberg at a speed that you will allow you to catch up very quickly. Once you pass him find a place to dump the bike and gear that you’re wearing and join him.”
“Copper I want you to go and buy Robbie something to eat and a two litre Coke. Don’t say anything. If he asks what’s happening say we haven’t heard.” David said. “I don’t think we’ll see him again.”
“What do you mean David?” Andy asked.
“I thought if we get the money the quicker we’re out the better. So my plan is to leave right away and drive to Keetmanshoop border, which is a 9 hour drive up the West Coast then go back via Windhoek. So when you and Copper are finished, grab your things and meet me outside my hotel. If I can sell the car we'll take a plane from there to Lusaka. If not I’ll drive up and enter Zambia through the Caprivi.” David said.
“Hey that’s a long way David.” Copper said.
“I know but it’s the closest border.” David said. “If one of you wants to come with me you’re welcome.”
“I think we’d all like to come with you David---"Copper grinned---"I'm not going to let you get away without paying me and I'm sure they won't either, will you?"
"What a question." Andy replied.
“Thanks Copper I thought I could rely on you for company.” David said.
“The way I see it David. We’re all involved. I’m willing to take that chance.” Andy said. What about you Pete?”
“I’m okay with that.” Peter said like he didn’t have a care in the world.