Chapter 13.
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A couple of days later Robbie invited David to have a game of golf with him at Cape Town Country Club. Being one who cannot refuse a golf invitation Dave accepted right away. He didn’t have to look in his diary to see if he had an appointment that day. He was on holiday.
"What do you think. I feel guilty to play with him after all I'v told you." David asked Kim.
"It's only a game of golf. Go and enjoy your-self. It will give me a break from you."
"Oh, is it."David replied.
After reading that the golf course was established over 100 years ago and billed as the first golf course to be built in South Africa Dave was even keener to play. He got there a couple of hours early so he could hit some balls on the driving range and practice his putting.
By the time Robbie arrived in his golf buggy Dave was fully warmed up and ready to go. “Wow,” David said. “I can’t wait to hit a ball on this beautiful course. I read that this is the oldest club in South Africa?”
“Yes, the oldest and the most beautiful.” Robbie replied.
“How long have you been a member?” David asked after seeing his membership card hanging from his bag.
“For a few years.” he said. “I used to play here a lot but since my business takes me all over the country I don’t get the time to play here as much as I want.”
They were on the first tee when Robbie asked if David would like to put some money on the game.
“What’s your handicap?” David asked before agreeing.
“It’s a seventeen.” Robbie said.
“Is that official or is that your handicap?”
“Oh yes that’s official.” Robbie said and produced his membership card with the official handicap. The card also showed that this was his home club so he had the advantage.
“Okay. David was an eighteen.” He said knowing that if he was playing for money he stood a chance. “How much do you want to play for?” David asked.
“One hundred Rand.”
“Is that for the game?” David asked surprised that he would play for so much.
“No. That’s for a hole!!”
“Hey Robbie, I’m not in that league.” David said. “I don’t mind playing for money, but I want to enjoy my game and I’d b be worried after every hole that you could pay me after the game.” David said laughing at him.
“Okay how about ten Rand a hole then?” Robbie asked.
“That’s okay with me.” David replied.
When they had finished playing David owed Robbie twenty Rand. He didn't feel good that he paid him because on a couple of holes he had seen the guy kick the ball to get a better shot. And then the cards. They didn't mark each others cards like you would when playing in a competition. They market there own cards and David knew that he had cheated. So it looks like he hasn't changed. Once a cheat always a cheat. He thought when he drove back to Kim's.
They had met a few times on the golf course and David just accepted that he would cheat. Then Kim and himself were invited to a barbecue at Robbie’s home. It was a Saturday afternoon the weather was fantastic. Coming from the hotel they drove along Victoria road and on the way they stopped at a lookout site. They got out of the car and looked out to the sea. He held Kim in his arms and he looked at her as they were standing there. “I suppose you have stopped here a thousand times.” David said.
“No.” she replied. “I hardly ever stop here. When I first moved to Llandudno I used to stop almost every time I passed here but the fascination slowly wore off.”
They gazed down at the white beach and the beautiful houses clinging to the steep slopes. For David it was one of the most beautiful places in the world and he could stand there for hours looking at the sea, the white sands of the beaches and the mountain in the back ground. He wondered where an artist would find a better scene to paint.
“There it is Dave. The huge white one.” Kim said.
“Kim there’s so many huge white houses, down there.” David said in astonishment.
“See the one third from the right, that one.” She said pointing in the direction of a row of houses overlooking the sea. It looked very impressive from where they were standing. They drove down the mountain pass until they got to a sign that said Llandudno where they turned in.
“It’s the one on the right.” Kim said, pointing a magnificent villa.
“No wonder the house had cost so much.” David said, as he stopped on the side of the road in front of a huge door that was the entrance to his garage. He was later told that the four cars parked inside were a Bentley Silver Spur, Ferrari 348, Toyota land Cruiser and a Mercedes 500SL convertible. There were also a couple of jet skis and some surf boards. They entered through a security gate after ringing the intercom bell and walked to where all the noise was coming from.
“Hi guys.” Robbie shouted when he saw them. He took them through to his bar which was made from mahogany, the walls were paneled and the shelves were packed with every type of drink imaginable.
“What will you have Kim?” He asked.
“Gin and Tonic please, Robbie.” Kim asked.
“And you David.”
“I’ll have a Johnny Walker Black with plenty of ice.” He replied then looked around totally dumb-struck at what he had built.
Robbie poured the drinks and they followed him back to the entertainment area. He was having some of his salesmen around for a barbecue and he was handing out checks to the ones that achieved target for the quarter. It was to motivate them and he did it four times a year. They seemed a nice bunch of guys. David said to Robbie. “Can I come and see you next week, I also want a check.” There were a few in the group, they all laughed.
"What do they do to get a bonus?"David asked.
"I have an agreement with a bank here in Cape Town that I market some of their products for a split in the commission or a charge where commission is not involved. These guys get paid a commission for what they sell and those that achieve their target for the quarter get a special bonus."
After lunch Robbie said to Dianne. “Don’t you want to show Dave around the house, Doll?”
Kim had never been invited to their home so she was as keen as David to see the inside. Diane started the tour at the entrance hall. The moment they walked in they could see that no expense had been spared, the floor was tiled with large Marmi di Carrara Italian marble tiles and a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. They went to the top floor that had a study and TV lounge with guest toilet and sun terrace. Then they moved up the ornamental staircase that led to the bedroom wing with 5 bedrooms all en-suite.
The tour ended when they walked through the dining room and she led them out to the lush lawns with a sparkling pool, barbecue and entertainment area where they had left from for the tour.
Diane poured them each a drink and then they joined Robbie. He asked with his hands gripped in front of him. “Well what do you think?”
“Words fail me Robbie.” Dave said. It is one of the most magnificent houses if not the most magnificent house he had ever seen.”
“And you Kim?” he asked.
“I’m overawed Robbie, more I cannot say.”
They spent another hour chatting to Robbie and Diane. Just before they left Robbie asked David if they could meet sometime during the week.
“Where would you like to meet?” David asked in surprise.
“Why don’t you come around on Tuesday just before lunch? We can pop over to the pub and have a bite to eat, if you like?” Robbie said.
“What’s your address, just in case I’m late and the name of the pub?”
“We’re in Robbie Burns building in Adderley Street and the name of the pub is Mac Gidley’s. It’s a franchise with an Irish theme. They serve a good menu.”
“That sounds great.” David said.
They were on their way home.“Don’t do any business with him Dave.” Kim said sounding a bit alarmed.
“Why not?”
“Because you told me that he was a thief and I know they're not honest. I don’t want you to lose your money. That’s why.”
"I want to see what this guy is doing. How he's making all these millions that he can pay for all that we saw today."
"David what you saw today was only a small part of what he owns. He has a couple of houses that he rents out and then there's our office building in Adderley Street. That building, being in the center of the city, alone is worth a fortune.
Then he still has his share portfolio. Every morning I have to check the prices and work out if they have gone up or down in the last twenty four hours. Then I hand the sheet back to him so that he can work out what his gain or loss has been in the that time.
Those guys he gave the checks to, are only a small part of the team he has. I'v been at the company quite some time, and I still don't know what he does. Every now and then I get an irate client phoning to speak to him and then I have to say he's not in.
The company belongs to his wife. She has eighty percent and he has twenty percent. He only has that because she gave it to him for a wedding present.
"Kim. After I see him, I'll tell you what he does. I promise I will not do business with him."
The following week David went to meet him. As he was driving down Adderley Street he could see the building. It wasn’t difficult to find a four story building with a large neon on top that read. “ROBBIE BURNS INVESTMENTS.” He parked outside then took a lift to the top floor. The receptionist who was filling in for Kim while she was on leave told Robbie that Dave was there to see him.
She led him to the conference room and sat him at a table that seated twenty people. As he sat there he wondered how much money had been spent on furnishing it. A silk rug covered the floor. The table was made of Mahogany and inlaid with green leather. The chairs which were heavy, high, and padded with expensive material. They could swivel so you were able to see the room in its entirety. On the one wall were certificates awarded to the company for various achievements. All framed exactly the same. The wall opposite had a couple of oil paintings by renowned international artist that were bought for the company on telephone auctions. None had been seen by Robbie before they were mounted on the wall. David had been sitting there for about fifteen minutes when he came in.
“David...Hi," he said in a welcoming voice.
David turned round in the chair to see him. He was dressed in a dark, pinned striped Savile Row suit and white shirt.
“Robbie, it’s good to see you.” David said and returned his smile.
Robbie seated himself on the opposite side of the table to David and lay down the yellow pad that he had been holding.
"This is quite a company that you have, Robbie."
"Yeh. I'm very proud of what I'v achieved here. It's taken me a long time to build it up like this and it hasn't always been easy."
"Do you occupy all the four floors?"
"No. Two of them I rent out. Come David, lets get over to the pub. I'm thirsty and I'm sure you are too. I must say, you are looking good, Dave. Have you been playing any golf lately?”
“No. In fact the last time I played, was with you.”
“Well then we must correct that but first should we go across to Mac Gidley’s?”
They walked across the road to the pub. It was crowded mainly by English speaking patrons. There was a lot of brass and the walls were covered with Irish theme pictures. It felt as if one was in a pub somewhere in Ireland. It was crowded but Robbie had reserved a table. After their lunch and a couple of drinks he handed David the prospectus and went over the details with him. "Basically, it's an investment made up of a wide variety of different instruments."
The figures that he presented, were for illustration purposes only because David had given him no numbers to work on. "I’ll have a look at this and give it to my accountant for comment.Okay."
David told Kim that he had been to see him. She was not impressed. “Dave, I’ve told you not to do business with him if you don’t want to lose your money. Please listen to me.” She said, showing her annoyance because he had not taken her advice.
“Kim, I only went to see the guy. I’ve done no business with him. He's given me a prospectus which I will give to my accountant to have a look at.” David said.
He had been in Cape Town about four weeks and thought it was time to get back to his office. Things had gone pretty quickly the last few weeks. "Kim I need to get back to Johannesburg. The girls are most probably wondering where I am."
"So when are you planning to leave."
"My flight is booked for Wednesday."
"Well we have two nights+ before you go back. We'll have to make the most of it."
They went into Cape Town and spent their time at the movies, wandering through the park where they fed the squirrels then went to lunch and as David had promised, went to say good-bye to Attie and Marianne.
"Look at this Attie."Marianne said. "Would you have guessed that your daughter would walk through the door with Davy Paterson?"
"How are you my girl? It's the best I'v seen you in years. Isn't it Ma." Attie said.
"Yes my darling."
"So what have the two of you have to say?"Marianne asked.
"I'v come to say good-bye to you. I'm going to miss this woman so you will be seeing a lot more of me. If I can get everything done at the office I will be back sooner than later."
While waiting at the airport he took out the folder Robbie had left with him.
As he walked into his offices on the Monday morning Carol was there to meet him.
“Hi David, how are you?”
“Hello Carol every-thing is just great with me.” He replied with a smile from ear to ear.
Maureen, Emily and Jane came out of their offices to greet him when they heard his voice. “Hello David.” They all said at once.
“You look so well. Cape Town is really good for you.” Jane said with a little grin. “Or is it a lady that does that for you.”
“I’ll let you know in due course.” He said so that he could keep them guessing.
“Could we all meet in my office in half an hour?” He asked, and then made his way through the reception to his office.
He placed his briefcase on his desk and the first thing he did was to take out the framed photo of Kim and put it on the desk. As he entered he was again pleased at the way he had it decorated. He had placed the large mahogany desk and firm upholstered swivel chair on the one side of the office. At the back of his chair, hanging from the wall was a large Pierneef painting.
On the other side of the room there was a comfortable, blue three seated Chesterfield sofa and a couple of armchairs covered in a small blue and white print with a mahogany coffee table in the center standing on one side of the office. On the walls were various certificates from university and a couple of the more prestigious awards that he had received over the years. The office was his way of measuring the success for which he had worked so hard over the years.
He called Carol to bring the other three girls through to his office. He was standing at the door as they entered. He smiled and thought how lucky he was to have such a lovely and loyal team. They all had their own personalities, but had one thing in common. They were loyal and would never let him down. It didn’t take long for Carol to see the frame on his desk.
“Oh Dave, can I have a quick look please?” Carol asked then picked up the picture and showed it to the others.
“Dave she is beautiful. I hope you will tell us all about her.” She said then smiled at him.
They all sat together on the sofa and armchairs and they told him what the last four weeks had been like for them while he was away. Maureen who marketed medical aid had done exceptionally well. Not only had she achieved her target, she had exceeded it by 20%. They all congratulated her on a fine job. Jane did the short term insurance and had managed to get a well-known company's fleet of vehicles insurance which they had for months tried to take over from an opposition insurer. The other two ladies Emily and Carol couldn’t handle the volume of queries, paper work and all the filing. He phoned an employment agency and asked them to send over a girl Friday to help clear the backlog and he went out to see the clients he needed to.
To show them how grateful he was to them, he bought them each a bottle of perfume of their choice and took them and their partners out to a restaurant in Hyde Park. The only thing missing was Kim.
Things got hectic he was seeing up to six clients a day and the girls were working over- time to keep up with the volume of paper work. There was policy information they had to get from the different assurance companies, schedules to type and quotes to get for the products he would be presenting to the client. If there was an error they would have to redo it. Everything had to be perfect. He got involved in the work and only phoned Kim late at night when he got home. He also flew down to Cape Town at least twice once a month.
Some time later he came into the office one morning. He had a message to phone Kim urgently. She was in a bit of a state.
"Hi Babe, whats the problem?"
"Daddy died last night."
"He was in such good health---"As Kim spoke tears welled up into his eyes.---"What was it."
Kim was crying.
"I'll be with you later, okay." He put the phone down then started to cry. He liked Attie, but he was crying for Kim. How was she going to handle the death.
"Carol can you come to my office please?"
She came running in because she knew it was something urgent."Yes David---" She saw he was sad.---"Oh, David. What is it?" She asked really concerned. She had never seen him like that before.
"Carol, Kim's father died last night. I need to get down to Cape Town."
"Oh I'm so sorry. Look you go home and pack and I try and get you on the earliest flight possible."
"David, don't concern your-self with the office, I'll phone those that you had appointments with."
What would I do without her? He thought.
After checking in and getting his boarding pass he still had an hour to go before they would call his flight. The announcement came over the loudspeaker “Will all those travelling on SAA 235 to Cape Town please proceed to the boarding gate.” He had a seat at the window and when the plane was in the air, He watched as Johannesburg disappeared into the back ground and for the next hour and half he would sit reading a news-paper. As soon as the plane reached it's altitude the captain welcomed the passengers on board and gave them some flight information. The seat-belt light then went off and two gorgeous stewardesses, smartly dressed in the airways blue suit uniform with shirt and scarf came around with the cabin trolley and handed out drinks. The flight wasn’t too bad; there was no turbulence and arrived in Cape Town’s D.F. Malan airport without incidents.
When he came out the arrivals he could see Kim through the window. She was waving her hand and when he came out the doors she held out her arms, he dropped his two cases and stepped into them. They held each other tightly for a long time before they moved back to look at each other.There were tears in both their eyes. She was distraught and he held her in his arms until she had calmed down.
She looked lovely, as gorgeous as ever. He pulled her towards him again and held her and she held him. Then she put her hand behind his head and drew his face down so she could kiss him. As they kissed the passengers from his flight walked past and some smiled.
“Come on,” Kim said. “The car is outside.”
The car was in the parking lot. It was a white convertible BMW. “Smart, hey.” David said. “You didn’t tell me you had bought a new car.”
She smiled, “climb in.” she said.
They settled into the black leather seats. “I still have to pay for it.” She said.
He had never been a passenger when Kim drove so this was going to be an experience. They left the airport and got onto the highway. She put her foot on the accelerator, they passed one truck and then another and then a line of cars. He looked at her and she smiled. Her hair was blowing around her face and every now and then she would wipe it to the side with her one hand. “Why don’t you slow down a bit; then you won’t have to do that so often.” He said wiping his hair off his forehead. “Then we can enjoy the scenery as well.”
“Okay David.” She said with the beautiful smile she always has. It wasn’t too long before they went over Chapmans Peak the part of the drive he enjoyed so much. “Here we are.” She said as they pulled up in front of her house.
They were inside and he pulled her to him, as he kissed her on her lips and neck she said. “Oh baby, let me feel you,” as she pushed against him while pulling off his shirt then unzipping his trousers. His hand went under her dress and he pulled her panties down. He massaged her thighs then gently he slipped his finger into her wet sex, his heart raced, he wanted to be inside her. She had his penis in her hand and was slowly masturbating him. She leant against the wall and he lifted her till she was resting on my pelvis, then he slipped inside her. They moved slowly the pleasure was so intense almost painful and then it happened. They stood there for a couple of minutes breathing and holding each other then he slowly pulled it out. As he let her down he kissed her and she kissed him.
They showered together. He washed her and she washed him and when they were finish he held the towel and wrapped it round her.
Later she told him what the cause of death was. The last few weeks had been tough. Her father had cancer of the prostate and had finally succumbed to the illness. After having experienced such a turbulent time with him getting well then relapsing she was still able to hold herself together. She never told David because she didn't want him worried.
They chatted about Attie. How he loved to tell a joke, the laugh, if you heard it in a crowd you would know he was close by, his love of people and the people that loved him. They knew that he would be missed, not only by them but by others as well. They also spoke about Marianne. How will she ever cope without him?
The next week they had his funeral. The mayor of Cape Town attended together with sportsmen from all walks of sport. Amongst the mourners were old men and women, children and teenagers. Family members came from all parts of the country. They came from as far as Pietersburg and as close as Newlands.
David spoke to some of the people who Attie taught how to sell encyclopaedias. They had since gone on to better things. Some were now directors of companies and each person David had spoken to said it was because Attie had taught them to be honest and ethical in their dealings with other people.
The church was packed and the hearse was led by 4 traffic cops on motor cycles to Constantia Cemetery where he was laid to rest in a Bern Grave so Marianne could be buried with him later.
They had a wake at Newlands and David met a lot of his friends, all men and women that achieved and have contributed to this wonderful country. When everybody had left they drove Marianne home and stayed with her for the night. She spoke as if she would not be able to go on without him. He had been her one crutch, someone that she could lean and depend on. From the time they had married she had never been to bed alone.It was a difficult time for Marianne and Kim but more so for Marianne because she was going to a house that would feel empty and without Atties laughter whereas Kim would have David around her for a short time at least.
A day or two later when David could leave Kim alone for a while he stayed over for the night at the pink lady because he was meeting a good friend of his from Johannesburg and he knew it would be one of those nights when it was foolish to drive.
The next morning he got a call at 6.00 o’clock in the morning. Who phones a person at 6.00AM unless it’s a death or an accident? After it had rung for about five minutes and he finally picked it up the receiver it went dead. He slammed the handset down and got back into bed. Two minutes later it rang again.
“Hello; David is that you?” He asked.
“Yes. What’s the problem?” David asked thinking someone had, had an accident or died.
“It’s me Robbie. How would you like to fly with me to George? I have some business I’ve got to take care of up there and when I’m finished we can have a game at Fishers Lake Club.”
“How did you get my number?” David asked.
“I phoned Kim’s place thinking you were there. She gave me the number.” He replied.
“Shit!” He said. “I hope you didn’t wake her.”
“Don’t worry Dave. She was already up, getting ready to come to the office.” He said sounding pleased with himself.
“Robbie, can I phone you back?” He didn't really want to get out of bed.
“Phone me back in ten minutes I need to know if you want go.” Robbie said.
He looked around the room it was a mess. His trousers were lying on the floor at one place and his shirt at another. He could see only one shoe and he didn’t have his underpants on. What had he done last night?
Then he remembered. He met Peter Harris (Name changed for obvious reasons.) whom he had known years ago and happened to be on holiday in Cape Town.
They were in the army together and later he joined the permanent force. They both had mutual friends that had served up there so they had lots to talk about. Peter told him about some of the skirmishes that he was involved in.
“Dave I was involved in a lot of action but the one I remember best was an operation in the farming area of …. another successful operation.”
He took another swig of his beer and then told David about another experience he had.“We were deployed by helicopter into this one area…twenty four hours later after nearly being grazed by a lion…we got into a position on a high mountainous ridge and were overlooking a village that was next to the… river. At this place the river was wider than normal because they had so much rain and upstream the flood gates at Kariba dam had been opened...yes we had some fun up there."
David didn’t know if he would call that fun. He thought if that was him, he would have shat in his pants.
“I did a couple of times. I wasn’t a hero.” Peter said
David didn’t want to hear anymore. He thought the whole thing was a waste of time. Lots of young people died. What for? For a few politicians who made themselves rich.
“So tell me, did you ever get married?” David asked.
“Yes. But it didn’t last too long. While I was in the bush fighting terrorists, somebody was in her bush fighting her.” Peter replied laughing. “I learnt my lesson and never remarried. I only have one night stands.”
“What do you do now?” David asked.
“Now, no more of that ball and chain stuff. I can go where I want when I want. Freedom man, nothing beats freedom. If I want to get bombed I do it and if I’m desperate I’ll always find some woman that needs some loving. By the way do you know of any ladies that need a man?” Peter asked.
“If you want a woman and you’re not afraid to pick up one of those tropical diseases there is a lovely thing that stands in the doorway on High Level Road.” David replied.
“Hey I might go and check it out later.” Peter said starting to slur his words and that was the last David remembers of their meeting.
He switched on the kettle that stood on the dressing table then sat on the side of the bed with his head between my hands. He thought about going. He had played there once before and enjoyed the game. It was a golf course designed by a well-known professional and was rated as one of the top ten golf courses in South Africa.
He looked for his silver vial that held all the important cards. He eventually found it. Robbie’s card was there plus one from Peter Harris. The kettle boiled so he made himself a cup of coffee then phoned Robbie back to say that he will join him.
“Okay; meet me at 9.00 o’clock at the airport and take a change of clothing just in case we have to stay over. The weather might change.” Robbie said.
David phoned Kim and told her that he’s playing golf with Robbie in George. “I know.” She said. “Robbie phoned me about 30 minutes ago and wanted to speak to you. I said you weren’t here and gave him the hotel number. Does that mean I won’t see you tonight?” She said sounding a bit down.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night, but I don’t know what time we will be back, so don’t expect me before 8.00 o’clock. Okay. I must run I’m meeting him at 9.00 o’clock. Love you.” David said
He had been waiting about half an hour for Robbie; when he arrived. He looked good dressed in his brown leather flying jacket. He had two suitcases with him one for overnight and another case that pilots use for their manuals and also his golf bag.
“Don’t we have to book in an hour before we fly?” David asked.
“Not when you’re flying your own plane.” Robbie said.
David was speechless and his heart missed a couple of beats. He had never flown in a light aircraft before. “What else is he going to surprise me with?” He thought to himself and followed Robbie.
“Sorry.” Robbie said. “The reason I’m late is because I went to lodge my flight plan.” They went through security to where the plane was parked.
It was a Cessna 182 a single prop with four seats. “I’m going to brief you before we start.” Robbie said. He handed David a set of earphones with a mike and asked him to say something so he could hear if they worked.Then he gave David a few instructions of what he must do in case of an emergency.
Looking at his watch Robbie said it should take them 2 hours flying time, it’s just gone 10.00. Robbie set his GPS for the direct route which would be about 380 kilometres via Stellenbosch, Swellendam, Heidelberg, Mossel Bay and they would arrive in George at about 12.00 o’clock. The flight was free of trouble with very little turbulence and looking out the window they had beautiful views of the land and its towns, rivers and mountains.
While they were flying Robbie asked."Have you looked at the prospectus yet."
"Yes. I sent it to me accountant for his opinion. He makes all the decisions when it comes to money."
Wanting to change the subject David asked him why he had bought the plane. “Just one of the things I wanted in life. I spent so much time waiting when I flew with the airways. Booking in I was waiting; getting on the plane I was waiting; arriving at the destination I was waiting. I was so sick of waiting everywhere. I joined a flying club and when I had done my 50 hours I wrote the exam. I passed top of the class.Then I went out and bought this plane. That’s the best thing I ever did.” Robbie said.
“How long have you owned it?”
“About 6 months.”
“Is that all?” David asked with shock, wondering. Is it was safe to fly with him when he's done so few flying hours. It was too late to think of it now when they were flying over the Langeberg mountain range. He should have asked him before he got into the plane.
“Yes” Robbie replied. Looking at David. "You must think about that investment it’s a good deal. The interest is almost double the banks are paying on fixed deposit.” He said then looked out the window.
“I'll send a fax and all the figures to my accountant and ask him to give me an answer as soon as possible…"
Every now and then they would see another plane flying above them. David listened to Robbie talking with the pilots. Then he started to make his approach into George. He contacted the tower and was told that he could land. They could see the runway in the distance when Robbie started to reduce his speed and the plane started to descend. As soon as the wheels touched the tarmac Robbie said, “touching.” He followed the center line on the runway with the front wheel. As he taxied down the runway he asked the tower where he could park.
A shuttle was at the airport to take them to the hotel and golf course. Robbie left David there and then had the shuttle take him away. While Robbie was away David went to change and sign in. There was a huge sign that read “Husler welcomes all golfers.” Next to it was a painting of a nude lady. David gave his name to the gentleman sitting at the welcome desk.
“Are you playing with Robbie Bruce?” The gentleman asked.
“Yes; how much do I owe?” David asked.
“Nothing; Robbie has already paid. Here’s a welcome pack for you.” Inside was a Lacoste polo shirt and on the pocket, a logo with “Robbie Burns Investments.”
David went to the driving range to hit a couple of balls and did a bit of putting practice. Robbie returned about 1.00 O’clock and brought with him two other gentlemen who were going to be part of the four-ball. He introduced David. They both worked for an investment bank in Cape Town and had driven up to George a couple of days before to see some clients in the area.
On each hole there were a couple of ladies from Husler the porno magazine handing out shooters, and a photographer taking pictures, if you wanted one. David took his own pictures to show Kim.
David had enjoyed the game and the company was good. The course was one of the best he had ever played on and the scenery fantastic. After a shower they went into the lounge area where they were having the prize giving and auction and buffet dinner. The food was good and they had women all over them. But as soon as they knew that David and the bankers weren’t interested they moved on to another table.
That did not apply to Robbie because he had a gorgeous red head sitting on his lap. When she came to the table he introduced her as Bridgette. She had a few freckles on her cheeks that made her look even sexier than she was, deep bright blue eyes and a pretty mouth. Her bare breasts that were a good size thirty eight were firm with a little tassel hanging from each nipple. Robbie and her had a drink then disappeared but came back later. Now she was fully dressed, if you can call it that. She now had on a slinky black dress that showed all her curves and the only part of her breasts covered, were her nipples. She sat on Robbie’s knee for a while and sometimes when she moved her leg, you could see her sex, she had no panties on.
During the evening David was told by one of the bankers that the golf had cost four thousand Rand and that they got invited by Robbie quite often. They told him that Robbie is very generous and they always had good fun when he was around. It didn’t matter where they were he always had a women with him. Later he bid for a painting which he gave to Bridgette. When the auction was finish and only a few stragglers were left the two bankers left and David left with them.
The next morning while he was at breakfast the red head popped in briefly to have a cup of coffee. David didn’t think she remembered him from the day before because when he greeted her she ignored him. Robbie didn’t arrive till about 12.00 o’clock. He looked as if he had an early night. There was no sign that he had gone to bed at 4.00AM
“Sorry man.” He said. “I’ll be with you in a while, I need to sort out the bill then we can get out of here.”
"How much do I owe?"David asked.
“It’s on me you don’t owe anything.” It must have been a huge bill because he only came back at about 2.00 o’clock.
“Okay let’s get out of here.” Robbie said.
The shuttle service took them to the airport. Once they were in the air. David said.“It was a great day yesterday, thank you.”
“Oh, by the way, please don’t say anything about the red head to Kim.” Robbie said nervously.
“No. Why do you think that I would tell Kim? It’s none of her business.” .
“As a matter of fact Dave, Dianne is a beautiful, talented woman. She is very intelligent, brilliant at social functions and a truly superb mother for the two boys.”
“So what’s the problem then?”
“When we first got married she was everything I wanted. She was the perfect wife. She did it all…entertaining, ran a good home, and sex was perfect but then things began to change. We had the two boys and slowly, we started drifting apart. It was my fault, all of it. It was my unhappiness, my need, my craving for that bonding, that complete surrender of one for the other that caused the problems and worst of all, we weren’t fucking anymore. Excuse my vulgarity but that’s it. We don’t have sex.” Robbie replied.
“And what about Bridgette, how does she fit into your life?”
“I’ve known her a long time. She knows that things can’t change with me and Diane, at least for the moment and she’s prepared to wait.”
“Wait for what?”
“Wait for me and Dianne to get divorced.”
David thought to himself. Here is a guy that has every-thing. He has a beautiful wife, two lovely boys, a successful business, a lovely house, fantastic cars, a plane and money in the bank. But he doesn’t have happiness. What an absolute prick.
They walked into the terminal. Robbie had to go and settle the landing costs and whatever else. They said goodbye to each other and David left to fetch his car in the parking.
When David got to Kim's she was waiting, as normal with open arms. David grabbed her around her waist and lifting her off the floor he took her to the bedroom and lay her on the bed.
”What are you doing David?” She asked looking up at him.
“I’m going to fuck you.”
”Well baby in that case, I better prepare myself.” Kim sat up then pulled off her panties and threw them across the floor. Then she pulled up her dress and lay on her back. He looked at her lying naked from the waist down with her legs open. Her hair was trimmed and the sex was slightly open showing her pink lips.
Kneeling in front of her, he pulled her by her legs till her sex was against his nose. His tong found her sensitive spots and she sighed. As he stood up she raised her hips and holding his penis he guided it to her entrance. David felt the wetness and pushed it in further. She sighed as she felt it going in and out.
“Fuck me baby,”
She grinned while looking at him. “Am I not already doing that?” She asked.
“Oh yes; and so nicely.” David said then he kissed her on the neck then her ear then the lips again. He looked at her and enjoyed her beauty. Then they kissed and kissed again.
He pulled his penis out and rubbed it against her clitoris and while he did that he looked at her and could see the enjoyment she was getting.
“Do you like that my baby.” He asked.
“Oh my love, please don’t stop.” Then she came and he pushed inside her to come as well.
They lay there enjoying each other. She turned to him and he kissed her. Then she stood up and took the rest of her clothes off and came back on the bed.
“Do you want more?” She asked.
He pulled her closer to him. Their bodies stuck together and when he felt her nipples touch his chest and felt his penis stiffen again. She pushed him on his back and as she sat above him took it in her hand till she felt it inside her. He was more aroused as she moved her hips up and down to the left and right and then she came off of him and lay on her back. He slipped his finger inside her sex and she took his stiff penis and was massaging it in a slow motion while his finger was rubbing the lips of her sex and clitoris. He looked at her as they moved and not saying a word he felt her body stiffen, her head fall back and her mouth open. He kissed her, his knees started trembling as he was coming; she moaned and he knew that she was coming again. He carried on massaging till her knees bent and she pushed his hand away. They were exhausted. They had given each other every thing of themselves and he kissed her on the forehead they looked at each other; not saying a word. They lay there for ten minutes then Kim looked him and said. “Do you want something to eat? I’ve cooked.”
“Yes please, I’m starving.”He replied.
Kim got up and went into the bathroom and had a quick shower and when she had finished he followed her. When they had finished they got dressed and later had dinner.
They sat on the sofa, Kim rested her head on his arm as he held her. They listened to music and drank wine and when they were tired enough went to bed. He held her in his arms; close to his body so he could feel the love inside her.