Chapter 3.
Kim had lived at Davy's mother's boarding house for about two years before the they emigrated to Northern Rhodesia. She was four years older and regarded Davie as a little brother. In the two years she had grown quite fond of the little guy and on the day they left she held him in her arms and promised that she would never forget their friendship. If he ever came to Cape Town he had come and visit her.
While David was in his last year at school, Kim was in her last year of university, studying for a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Cape Town she had chosen as her major, Physical Science because she wanted to teach sport or try coaching as a career.
She had excelled at high school especially in sport, and because of her leadership abilities she was chosen to be head prefect in her last school year. She was also selected to play both hockey and tennis for the Western Province which was a great achievement for any young girl still at school. She was very popular and had her fair share of boy friends but never allowed any of them to take advantage of her. The furthest they could ever get with her is to put their hand on her thigh and that over her clothes.
At university all her effort went into sport. She wanted to be selected to play hockey for a Springbok team so she could stand next to her father, him in his green blazer and she in hers. In her last year she went to the trials which was the high lite of her years playing the sport but wasn't selected. 'Why?' She knew as well as her team mates that she was the best hockey forward in the country and thought the selectors were biased and unfair in their choice. She continued playing tennis but only on a social basis which disappointed her father tremendously because he felt she was giving up too quickly. She decided to concentrate on her teaching degree.
Four months before her final exams she went to a party with the university rugby captain Jan Niemand. He came from a very old Cape family who were owners of a wine farm in the Boland. Very good looking and much admired by both the men and women of the university he had in his young life been very spoilt. He only had to click his fingers if he wanted something and if it wasn't given to him, he would take it, literally by force if he had to. He could not accept the word no unless it was him saying it.
The party was being held on one of the farms in the Constantia area. Every-one who was any-one was invited. There were two sheep being grilled on a spit and the young people brought their own alcohol if they didn't want to drink the wine or brandy that was produced on the farm.
A popular band had been hired for the evening and the dance floor was packed with the young rock 'n rolling, and when the slow music was being played the couples got the chance of putting their bodies closer to one another.
With high hormone levels one would see couples disappearing and then return an hour or so later with broad smiles on their faces. It didn't take much of an imagination to know what had happened while they were away.
Jan and Kim were on the side watching those on the dance floor. He had his arm around her waist while they were standing there. They looked like a happy and handsome couple. "Are you enjoying yourself." Jan asked smiling at her.
"Yes."Kim replied. "The band is good, aren't they?"
"What about you?"Kim asked.
"What do you mean?"He asked.
"Are you enjoying yourself."She said it louder so he could hear her over the din of music.
"Oh Yes." He replied,"after we finish the wine we can dance if you like?"He had no intention of dancing with her. He had brought her to the dance to conquer her. It was known at university that she was a virgin and that she was saving herself for the man that she marries.
"Oh please, it's such good music." She smiled at him.
His wine glass was empty. Looking at Kim he asked,"do you want me to fill your glass."
She held it up and looked to see what was still left."Okay."She said.
He went off and ten minutes later he returned with the two glasses. He gave hers back to her then he watched her take a sip."Mmm, this doesn't taste the same as the previous one I had."
"No. It's from a different vat." He replied.
After finishing most of the wine she started feeling funny. She had a tingling sensation and for a brief moment everything turned red."Jan I'm not feeling well, I'm sure it has something to do with the wine. Can you take me home please?"She asked.
"Of course. Hold on me and I'll take you to the car," they managed to get to the car and when she was seated, she was still conscious but unable to move her limbs.
"Oh Jan. I don't know what's happening to me. I feel so weak."
"Just relax. I'll take you home." Were the last words she remembered him saying. When she woke up a couple of hours later she was no longer sitting.The backrest of the seat had been lowered and she was now lying down. She tried to move but was in pain. Her panties were off, she was bleeding and her skirt was all creased and had blood stains all over it. "HELP!" she called. HELP ME!! PLEASE HELP ME!!"She shouted.
Some young people who were on their way to their car heard her screams and went to her assistance."What's happened to you Kim." The young lady asked.
"Jesus, who would do such a thing?" the young man asked. "I saw her with Jan earlier." He said answering his own question.
"Who did this to you Kim." He asked.
"I don't know. Jan brought me to the car."
"You look after her."He said to the young lady who was with him. "I'm going to find Jan."
He saw Jan standing in a circle with a group of his rugby buddies.They were drinking and shouting, it looked like they were all drunk. "Hey Jan, I think Kim has been raped."
"So what am I supposed to do about it?"He said then laughed and the others joined him.
"SHE CAME WITH YOU DAMN IT." The young man shouted."The least that you could do is look after her."
"She's a bloody cock teaser." Jan said.
"IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY. YOU'RE A BLOODY DISGRACE." The young man replied and ran back to the car. As he ran he could hear the laughter at the back of him. By now there was a group of people around the car. "Come on, give us some room," he said "We've got to get her home or to the hospital."
They carried her to another car. "What's your address Kim." He asked.
She gave it to the young girl. It wasn't too far from the farm. When they got to her house the young man banged on the front door. Marianne woke up to the banging on the front door.
"I have Kim in my car, she's been raped. Do I bring her in here or take her to the hospital."He asked.
"Oh my baby. Please bring her inside."Marianne said shocked.
They laid her on the sofa and then Mr. Barnard came in. "What's the problem."He saw Kim lying on the sofa. "What's happened my baby."
She burst out crying. She couldn't contain herself and she couldn't tell him what happened to her. Then the young girl said. "She told us that Jan Niemand had raped her."
He wasn't going to sit there when some one had just raped his child. He ran out the sitting room and got dressed. "Attie where are you going. You can't go out now."
He was fuming. "Don't, don't tell me what I can't do. Where will I find that little cunt?" He asked.
"His at the Pretorius' farm." The young man answered.
Attie Barnard got into his car and raced to the farm. He parked the car and as he walked to the area the festivities were being held he kicked up dust. Some young guys who saw him said."Do you know who that is? It's Attie Barnard."
"Attie Barnard!! Shit he's a big guy. I wonder what he's come to do here? Should we go and have a look?"
"Another said."Hello Mr. Barnard."
Some followed him because he was an idle to the rugby followers in Cape Town.
Ah, their the little cunt is. Attie thought to himself when he saw Jan standing with his friends enjoying themselves. As they saw him coming they gave way. He grabbed the captain by his collar and butted him with his head."You little cunt, you want to fuck with my daughter."
As he fell Attie hit him flush on his nose."COME NOW, YOU CAN FUCK WITH ME." He shouted as one could hear the bone break and see the blood splatter.
"Oh my god, is nobody going to help him," said a young girl who had just witnessed what had happened.
Jan's friends tried to stop him going any further."Please Mr. Barnard stop," someone said and tried to pull him away but Attie shook him off. No one was going to stop this raging bull from giving Jan the punishment he needed. When Attie had enough and Jan was lying there in the dust of the farm yard he turned to walk away. "No one is going to fuck around with my daughter. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Were the last words they heard from him.
"Did you see what he did to Jan,"someone said, "shit I wouldn't dare touch Kim and have him coming after me."
"Yes; I would leave town straight away if I heard he was after me."Another answered.
By the time Attie got back to the house the home doctor had been to see Kim and given her something to take for the shock and pain which she took after she had given a statement to the police and blood samples were taken for DNA purposes.
Jan spent two weeks in hospital. His nose and cheek bone as well as his collar bone had been broken and he would need plastic surgery on his face at a later stage.
Later there were charges laid against Jan Niemand and counter claims against Attie Barnard. Nothing came of either because Jan Niemand skipped the country to avoid criminal charges and being put in jail. Later his parents also left the country to immigrate to Holland. They could not take the shame their son had brought on them.
Kim experienced high levels of anxiety and for weeks she woke up at night screaming. She had difficulty concentrating, making decisions and doing daily tasks.
Marianne came into her room. "Kim, don't you want to come out for a while my darling." She asked.
"Oh Ma. I don't have the energy." Kim replied sticking her head out from the blanket.
Marianne was now sitting on her bed and rubbing her leg."You know, it's going to do you good to get out instead of sitting in here all day."
"Ma. Please I don't want to go out."
"Can I get you something. Are you hungry."
"No Ma; Please I want to be on my own."
Marianne left her room and closed the door behind her.
Kim didn't go out the house and slept or stayed in bed all day. Two months later Kim started getting morning sickness and after tests, it was found that she was pregnant. She decided that she would keep the baby but after seven months she had a miscarriage. She didn't go back to university and what was to be a teaching career in sport never materialized. She felt she had failed in everything she wanted in life and fell into deep depression. It was only a few years later that she was able to leave her parent's home and look for work.