Chapter 31
David typed out the ransom note addressed to Mrs. Bruce. And put it into a plastic cylinder the same as the others they would use in future for messages. It would be dropped in his car when we kidnapped him.
Their demands for the release of Mr. Robbie Bruce are as such.
1)There will be no negotiation on the price for his release because this is the money stolen from only a few investors by your husband.
The total amount is to be paid in American Dollars as stipulated below.
The police must not be involved.
The moneys to be delivered in a kit bag which is with this note.
Instructions would be sent to you when you are ready to pay.
If they are not followed through to the letter we will not hesitate to kill Mr. Bruce in the worst possible way. We will leave him where he is held at present and let him starve to death and then you can buy his body back from us…still at the same price of USA$160 thousand.
Your codename is Rogue and ours is Lion. These will be used by you and us when contact is made. Make sure that both code names are known by the driver.
The notes are to be put in bundles of 100 notes. USA$320 thousand into 3 Values: USA$10.00, USA$20.00 and USA$50.00 and put in a kit bag.
4000 -----------USA$50.00 = USA$200000.00 40 Bundles of $50
4000------------USA$20.00 = USA$ 80000.00 40 Bundles of $20
4000------------USA$10.00 = USA$ 40000.00 40 Bundles of $10
They had staked out the house for four days and in that time the garage door was never opened which made David think the family might have gone on holiday. He had thoughts of packing it in and said to the others. “We’ve parked here for four days and haven't seen any movement. Do you think we should call it off for a few days?”
“No, I don’t think you must do that David. Sooner or later he must come home.” Copper said and the other two agreed with him. Then David thought about all the money and time that he had spent so far and changed his mind.
On the fifth day at around 6.30 o'clock they were just about to leave after having sat there nervously for four hours when David saw the red Ferrari driving towards them. “OKAY, here he comes.” He said. They were so surprised, for a minute there was a bit of a panic, but they very quickly realized what each of them had to do.
“Wait. I’ll tell you when to go.” He said and waited. As soon as he saw Robbie’s head turn to look back as he was reversing he said.” Right go.” They timed it perfectly. David drove out the parking while Peter and Copper ran up the pavement. Copper was so hyped up, when he pulled the door open, he did it with such force it nearly came off its hinges. David saw Robbie look up when Copper grabbed him. He pulled him out the seat, like a stuffed doll and with that their heads collided knocking Robbie out. In all the mayhem the Ferrari stalled but it was in reverse gear otherwise it would have run down into the street and blocked our escape.
Peter threw the ransom note into the car and grabbed Robbie’s legs as the two ran the couple of paces carrying the unconscious body. They threw him into the van like a bag of potatoes and as he landed he hit his head on an arm rest that was sticking out slightly. He screamed but Andy was quick and stopped that by holding the rag soaked in chloroform over his mouth for a few seconds while Peter and Copper jumped in and David raced off. Andy then pulled the body onto the floor and sat on top of him and pulled a black hood over his head.
The radio was on and they were listening as instructions were given by the operator to the police in vehicles who were patrolling and responding to incidents. David had heard nothing regarding the vehicle they were in. He looked into his rear view mirror and could see a car quite a way back with lights flashing and siren blaring approaching them. OH no, they’ve got us, flashed through his mind and his heart skipped a few beats. The closer it came, the faster his heart was beating. Then it was on his tail and overtook him to disappear down the road. David looked at the guys in the back, took a deep breath and wiped his forehead.
They got to the shop/ office and carried the unconscious body inside.