Chapter 26.
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David looked at him. “Just relax Copper. Things will sort themselves out.”
“Give me a cigarette please?”
“Hey! You don’t smoke. What’s wrong with you? I’ve never seen you like this.” David said watching him pace up and down.
“Dave I need to go. I’ll see you tonight. Okay?” He said then walked out without paying for his beer.
The waiter was just about to run after him when David called him back. “Let me sign the bill.” He said.
He heard that Copper hadn’t booked out so he could expect him back later. He wondered where is he going to.
David went to see if Kim had awoken. When he got to the room she was already dressed and ready to come down and see him. “Hello, my love---”He asked smiling---“How are you feeling?” Then he kissed her lightly on her cheek.
“Wonderful. I had a leisurely bath and then slowly made myself presentable.” She said smiling at him with her head tipped to one side allowing her blonde hair to fall onto her shoulders.
She looked like she had just come off the set of 'Out of Africa,' she wore a sleeky tailored khaki safari suit with a red floral scarf and had a pair of ankle boots to go with it. He looked at her. “You look fantastic.You should have had the part that Meryl Streep played in Out Of Africa”
"Oh yes, David. That's what I love about you. You're always putting me on top of a pedestal."
He took her hand and they went to the dining room where she joined Gail and Debra for breakfast. “Good morning ladies.” He said. “It doesn’t look like you two danced till the small hours of the morning.” With that Gaile let out a shriek of laughter that had the guests laughing too.
“Always the charmer our David. You better watch him Kim; he’s quite good at side tracking the young ladies that come here.” Gail said then started her infectious laughing which had every-body else laughing. He left them to get to know each other while he went into the kitchen to see how Ma was getting on but he didn’t see her. “Where is the old madam Patrick?” He asked looking in the kitchen.
“She’s gone into the garden Abambo.”(Sir)
He saw Ma standing under the shade of a Mango tree and he approached her. “Hello; David.” She said when she saw him.
“Hello Ma what are you doing here out here?” He asked then slapped a fly that had landed on my cheek.
“You know, I am nearly 75 years old. In all my life I have never been in a place that has such a diversity of plant and bird life. I could stand under this tree all day and look at the species of different birds that fly in and out of this small area.”
He could see the joy she was having standing there. “You know Ma I came here shortly after we arrived in Lusaka in 1955 and loved this place ever since. It broke my heart when we got the agreements signed and I knew Kim wasn’t going to share it with me.”
“Life Can sometimes be so cruel, can’t it David.” She replied then took his arm between hers and walked back into the lodge. “I’ll get them put a bench at the spot under the tree where I saw you so you can watch what ever in comfort and if you feel like it, try one of the ripe mangoes before the monkeys eat them all.”
“Thank you.” She said as we walked inside.
He led her to where the noise was coming from. He didn’t know what the joke was but it must have been funny because all three the ladies were in fits of laughter. “Gail.” He said.” I’m bringing Ma in here to join you young ladies but I hope you are not going to corrupt her like you have done with Debra and that includes my wife as well. She has had such an innocent life till now.” With that he had them all shrieking including Ma.
He asked Andy to take the four women out for a game drive. Andy kept a record of his sightings. He could tell you what he had seen, where, what date, time, and how many animals.
They came back two hours later. Kim was all exited. “Dave I saw the most fantastic thing today.” She said. “We watched a leopard on a high bough of a Marula tree, surveying its prey before it sprang and killed it. Andy said it was an Impala. The leopard dived off the branch onto the impala’s back and brought it down, then gripped it in its throat with his teeth and when there was no more movement he swung it on his back; then climbed back into the tree and hung it on the same thick branch from where he came.”
“You lucky lady; In all the time that I’ve been in this place I’ve only seen a leopard once and that was for about a minute down by the hide.”
She put her arms around my waist and took a big breath; then said. “Dave this place is so beautiful, I’ll never leave it. Every-thing I’ve ever wanted and need in my life is right here.”
“Oh yes and what is that.” He asked, smiling at her.
“Do you remember I once told you there are only seven things I need to make me happy?” She asked.
“Yes, I vaguely remember.” He answered.
“You mean, that you don’t remember.” She said sounding a bit disappointed.
“Kim, that was so long ago.” He replied.
“You should have remembered David.”
“Well it’s changed. I’ve added one. They are; food, water, shelter, love, truth, surprises, secrets and the last one is what David?” She asked like she knew he didn’t know the answer.
“I don’t know Kim. What is the last one?”
“It’s actually the most important thing in my life…..She waited and when I couldn’t answer, she said. “You; you are the most important thing in my life.”
He pulled her head up so he could kiss her. Then He said. “And you are the most important in my life.”
They went to see the others. They were sitting on the terrace chatting away. Ma said. “I suppose Kim told you that we’re not leaving here.”
“Yes Ma. She told me that every-thing she wants in life, is right here. Is that the same for you?
“Yes exactly the same.” She replied looking at me.
“I don’t think that Kim is prepared to share me Ma.” He said. Then Gail burst out laughing and the others too.