Chapter 12.
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He felt the sheet being pulled over him but he continued sleeping, he was tired and wanted to stay in bed a bit longer. Kim was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast and let him sleep while she was busy.
"Hey big boy,"she shook his shoulder."Have some coffee, breakfast is almost ready."
He sat up in bed, wiped the sleep out of his eyes."Hey how are you." He asked as he looked at her.She was as beautiful as last night, having already bathed and dressed. Then he stretched out for her hand.
She took it, but when he tried to pull her into bed with him she pulled it away. "No...No, I'm making breakfast and I don't want to burn the bacon. Drink your coffee, I'll call you when it's on the table."
When she left the room, he continued to lay in the bed smiling like a fool. He drank his coffee and kicked his legs out the bed. While sitting on the side of the bed he thought about the night before and realized he had never felt more content and secure in his life than at that moment. He heard her call and quickly got dressed in the clothes he had worn the previous night and walked through in his bare feet to where she was serving the breakfast.
He kissed her on the cheek. Every thing was laid out on the table. He had another cup of coffee and then started on his breakfast."All I can remember before I fell asleep was you saying I'm a stickler for organization. What was that all about?"
She burst out laughing."Do you want to tell me, that was all you heard...David,'ll have to wait for me to tell you the rest.
He had a suit case in the car with a change of clothing and toiletries, just in the off chance that I would stay over. He asked Kim if she would fetch it for him.
"So you had it all planned to stay over night, hey."
"No, not at all. That case is always there, in case I fall asleep somewhere." He replied with a straight face.
"Yes David. You can fool some people some of the time but you can't fool me. But what ever the reason I'm glad you did."
They were both relaxing in the afternoon. David was reading a newspaper and Kim was reading a Ruth Rendell book called King Soloman's Carpet.
He remembered vaguely that he asked her about her sporting life yesterday, but couldn't remember what she said..."Do you still play tennis?"
"No. I gave that up a long time ago." Kim replied then returned to reading her book.
"Oh, that's a pity. We could've had a game."
"I didn't say, I can't play. I said I don't play."
"Does that mean, you can play if you want?"
"David although I haven't played for a long time, but I bet I could thrash you."She said then smiled.
"Okay big deal. Do you want to place a bet. I was high school first team captain. I'll let you know."
"Oh, is it? well let me tell you something. I was captain for the ladies university first team, and captain for the ladies Western Province team. How's that, you big shot." David didn't know how he would reply to that so he said."That's fantastic. Why did you give it up?"
"I went to the Springbok trials for hockey while I was at university. I wasn't chosen even though I was rated as number one forward in the country. I don't know if it was my age, I was the youngest there. I gave up the sport as well as tennis and haven't played since. My dad was very disappointed. He thought I had given up too early but I had other problems too and just couldn't handle the failure of not being elected."
"Oh that must have been terrible for you Kim. I still remember watching you going up on stage at assembly and being congratulated in front of all us kids for achieving something in sport."
"I was very proud of those moments. Anyway those are bygone days."
"Look I haven't played for a while. You are on leave, so why don't we have a game?"
"David I don't have a tennis racket."
"I'll buy you one. Kim If we are going to be a pair for any time, you are going to have to get to playing tennis and learn to play golf. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time on your own."
"I might join you for tennis but not golf."
"Tomorrow we'll go and get you a racket and some tennis shoes and have a game in the afternoon. How's that."
"Okay."She didn't sound too enthusiastic.
"Kim after last night I think you might need time to your self to think about us and I need to get some clothes..."
She cut him short. "David, let me decide if I need time to myself. Why don't I go with you to collect some things and then we can come back here."
"Okay if you are not sick of me yet, let's go to the hotel and on the way back there's a lovely little restaurant in Camps Bay where we can have dinner. How does that sound?"
"Marvelous, absolutely marvelous."Then she walked over to him put her arms around his neck and he held her round the waist. They kissed as intensely as the previous night and then David pulled away suddenly and took a deep breath. "Wew." He Said.
"Why did you do that. I was just starting to enjoy myself?"She asked.
"We could stay here and finish what we started if you want or go for lunch. We can't do both."He replied.
"Well in that case, let's go for lunch and finish what we started later on." Kim replied
"Hey Kim, do you know what I did with my car keys?"
"What are those in your hand?" She said and they both laughed.
They were driving on the Atlantic Coastal Road and David was really enjoying going through the bends, a left bend here, a right bend there. He thought It must be fantastic for a grande prix driver in a Formula 1 going around the bends in Monte Carlo because that would be the closest he could think that they would get to driving on this road.
They arrived at the hotel and walking through the foyer Kim said."So this is how the rich live,"
"I think most of those staying here, have their bills paid by the company and a lot are overseas visitors who are paying by Dollars or Pounds. With the exchange rate, that they get, it's cheap for them."
"I could get used to living like this." She said."Tell me, How do you afford to live like this." Kim asked.
He turned to her."I don't live like this. I have a one bed room apartment in Hillbrow. I haven't been on holiday for years because I'm so involved with my job, I thought I would spoil myself. Hence..."
After packing what he had come for they went down to the bar and had something to drink."While we're here would you like something to eat or should we stop in Camps Bay?"
"If you don't mind, can we rather go to Camps Bay."
David parked the Porche outside the restaurant. He wasn't one to show off but he felt great getting out and having the people look at them. They walked up a few stairs and sat at a table that was unoccupied.
A few minutes later the waiter brought along the wine Kim had ordered. Across the road was the white beach and lovely blue ocean. They watched the young people strolling on the beach and ones playing bat and ball. "I bet you could thrash them Kim,"
She smiled but didn't comment and he didn't notice. His attention was focused on others that played volleyball and on the surfers who were riding the waves and the swimmers who dared to go into the icy waters. "You couldn't buy this view." He said.
"That's why I live down here David."
"You know. I often wonder what made the folks leave this place. Not that I didn't like it up there, I loved it. What sort of life would I have had if they stayed here. Maybe I would have been a tramp or beach bum." Then he chuckled.
"No I don't think so David. I think you would have done well where ever you were. I don't know you that well but I guess you had a very interesting life.
He didn't reply to that. Instead he asked her."I haven't asked you what you do. What sort of work do you do?"He looked at her for an answer while he took a sip of his wine.
She had her elbows on the table, and holding the wine glass with two hands replied."I work as a secretary for a investment company."
"That interesting. What's it's name?"
"Robbie Bruce Investment Co."
"Did you say, Robbie Bruce?"
"Is it a big company?"
"No. He has about twenty five people working for him."Kim replied.
"Is there any chance that I could meet him? I would love to see if it's the same guy that I played with as a kid."
"Dave I really don't want to do that, but if you really want to meet him I'll phone him when we get back to my place.
Kim made the call as soon as they arrived at her place. "David," Kim shouted, "where would you like to eat and when."
"Let's make it for tomorrow evening at the Mount Nelson. We can meet in The Planet Bar and after drinks move to The Planet Restaurant."
Kim had made the arrangements.
David said. "If you want, we could stay over for the night and then you'll see how the rich live. The room is paid for. Come to think of it, if you want, we can stay over for a few nights, it would be like a holiday for you."
"Oh that would be really nice David, a bit of luxury for a few days. We can drink as much as we like then."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well first of all, you don't have to drive and secondly you need to be drunk if you have to listen to Robbie all night."
"Is he that bad?"
"Wait... He talks such a lot of bull shit, and mostly about himself---" she shook her head and laughed--- "you will be lucky to get in a word."
He looked at Kim before they left for the restaurant. She was dressed and busy in front of the mirror trying to hang her ear rings. "You look beautiful." He said with the same desire he had when he first saw her.
"Thank's babe." She said then pecked him on the cheek.
He took the two suit cases and put them in the car and when they arrived at the hotel he took them up to the room. They still had some time before they were to meet the Bruce's so Kim asked David if she can use the telephone.
"Hello Ma." She said. "You won't believe where I am."
"Oh my child, where is it, that makes you sound so happy?" Marianne asked.
"I'm in The Mount Nelson. Do you remember saying to me that I must be patient, my Prince Charming will come along. Well I think he might have arrived." David was sitting in a chair drinking a whiskey and listening to her. He was smiling broadly.
"Don't tell me that you're in David's room." Marianne asked surprised.
"How did you know?" Kim asked looking at David and shaking her head in wonderment at her step mother.
"Just old ladies intuition." She replied.
"Okay if you want to get hold of me, I'll be here for a few days; Bye."She put down the receiver and looked at David."You are my Prince Charming, aren't you."
"I am your Prince Charming." He said then took her in his arms and kissed her. Had it not been that they had a dinner date, they would have made love right their.
They were sitting at a bar table in the Planet Bar when the Bruce's arrived. David and Kim stood up. Kim introduced them as Robbie and Dianne and David shook their hands. He was tall and slender and very good looking, with jet black hair combed back and dark, deep set eyes. He was dressed immaculately in a black three piece suit and white shirt and a striped tie to match. His wife Dianne was petite, very sun tanned and had black hair. She wore a black dress showing just enough leg to make any man turn around and look. They were a handsome couple and looked like they had just stepped off a set of the 'God Father.'
They had drinks together and did some small talk before they moved on to the Planet restaurant. The restaurant manager met them at the door. "Good evening Mr. Paterson, ladies and gentleman, how are you this evening?"
After the greetings he led them to the table that had a card on it.'Reserved for Mr. Paterson and Guests.'
Kim looked around, it was the first time she had been in there. God this is lovely. She thought. It's a very stylish restaurant with crystal balls and a planet chandelier. A place where you could meet the odd actor and looking at these two couples they were certainly not out of place.
"You don't remember me, do you?" David said to Robbie while the two ladies looked on.
Their focus changed to Robbie."No I don't." He replied.
"That surprises me." Davy said. "Because even though so many years have passed I still recognize you. I can understand that you don't recognize me, but you should remember my name after all we spent three years together at Wineburg primary school. Even Kim was at school there. Did you recognize her name when she started working for you because she was a hero at our school."
"Is that so, Kim?"Dianne asked. "Were you a hero?"
"I think David is exaggerating a bit."
"No I'm not Kim. Every child and teacher knew and loved you." David replied,"from what I can remember she is the one who put Wineburg Primary on the map."
"Look guys. I was never at Wineburg." Robbie said. "Should we move on?"
The food arrived and they started eating. "So tell me Kim how did the two of you meet."
"We've known each other nearly forty years. My dad and I lived at his mom's boarding house before they moved to Rhodesia."
"That's interesting, and you never mentioned him before. You are a bit of a dark horse , hey Kimberley."
"I had no reason to mention him. We met on many occasions when he came to Cape Town but just as friends." Kim looked at David. They both knew it was a white lie, but who cared.
Dianne asked Kim if she wanted to come with her to the ladies room."That's a good idea Dianne, it will give these two time to get to know each other." They knew what was going to happen next. They had heard it so many times before and didn't want to go through the misery of listening to it again.
"So Robbie what do you do for a living?" David asked and it was just the right question to ask him because he would talk all night on how great he was.“Kim told me you were a broker. Which companies do you represent?” David asked assuming that he sold life insurance like David did.
“I market high yielding bonds and am also involved in arbitrage.” He said proudly.
“Is that junk bonds?” I asked.
“They are high-yield bonds commonly known as “Junk Bonds”. They’re called that because they are issued by cash strapped companies, those that have had their ratings reduced by the rating agents.
“I know what high yield bonds are Robbie.”
“These companies can’t raise loans through the normal channels. The bonds help provide easy credit for them.” He said looking all proud while Diane his wife hadn’t noticed or heard what he had said.
“Robbie I know what High Yield Bonds are.” David said again.
He told David that he started at Barclays Bank as a clerk and when he left in 1980 he was managing a fund of more than Rand 250 million. He started a fund called The Bruce Fund with Rand 250 thousand, two junior analysts and one junior trader. Today after 10 years the fund has assets under management of Rand 800 million, his original 2 analysts and 10 traders. He also has 5 investors who he works with and bonds are only one of the many investments he looks at when creating an investment portfolio for an individual or company.
“Arbitrage is where I do a lot of my business. You know, buying low and selling it immediately at a higher price to profit from the difference.” He said. “I do that with anything a person wants to sell, buildings, boats, cars and of course bonds. We as a company do business with anybody and everybody as long as they have money to invest we will try and help them,” Robbie said.
Kim wanting to avoid a confrontation between the two said."David do you want to order another bottle of wine?"
"Yes sure."He said then waved to the waiter showing him to bring another bottle of wine."That's very well done." David was impressed when he was told that.
"You know." He went on."I don't want to blow my own trumpet but I've been an over achiever since potty training."
David burst out laughing and the ladies returned from combing their hair.
"More whine?"David asked. Then filled the glasses.
"That's true David. Do you know I could talk at the age of two. And, let me tell you I could also count to twenty."
David didn't know what to say but when Kim took hold of his hand under the table, he smiled at her.
"Yes I majored in maths and science for my B.Com."
One of the ladies said something which got Robbie away from talking about himself but as soon as they stopped talking he said to David."I was a top sportsman at school and university and today I don't play anything other than golf but I try to keep fit on the equipment I have at home."
"Where do you play golf?" David asked.
"At Cape Town Country Club."
"Look I'm on holiday for another three weeks, do you think we could have a game?"
"What handicap are you?"
"A seventeen."David replied."And you?"
"Oh I'm a sixteen. I used to be as high as an eleven."
"Then you're a good player. Remind me Kim, not to play him for money."
"Look if you want to play with me you have to bring a lot of money with you." Robbie said.
"I'll bring a lot of money with me because I know it's going to cost me my pay packet when I play there and to pay for the drinks after-words."
They finished the wine and then went there own ways after Robbie promised to phone David for a game.
They were on their way up to the bedroom when David said."I'm quite impressed by the man. He's good looking, smart or clever what-ever you call it, rich and I think when he stops talking about him-self quite charming."
"David don't be fooled by him. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Any-way I don't wan't to talk about him, I have more important things on my mind."
"Like what?"
"Well if you don't know you'll soon find out my little boy."
David put the 'Don't Disturb' sign on the door. And then they started stripping each others clothes off and when they were both naked David put his arm around her neck and slowly lay her with her back on the bed. David had never experienced love making like he did with Kim, full of passion and that is what he thought it would be with her. As he held her in his arms and kissed and caressed her he looked into those beautiful eyes and said."You know I have always loved you, from the very first day I met you."
"Oh. What a fibber you are. Why has it taken you so long before you kissed me?"
"Serious. I was so jealous of Michael the night I came to your apartment. I couldn't stop thinking of you. How we met and how I used to worship you."
Later Davy went to the bar fridge an took out the bottle of grand cru he had ordered earlier. By now it was nicely chilled so he opened it and poured them each some in a glass.
They lay in the bed drinking the wine and chatting when she said."I was telling you the other night before you so rudely fell asleep on me that I was a stickler for organization. Well what I meant is that there is a place and time for everything as well as a purpose. I think every women should relax and allow herself to be pleased in the bedroom...It's the one place I can let go. I'm an artist and expressing myself in a sexual way, no matter how it changes throughout the years is something that comes naturally to me. Right now, with you I feel sexier than ever."She said then she rolled over and pulled his face towards her and kissed him.
He turned her on her back and kissed her and she kissed him back...
The next day they were sitting in the garden having high -tee. There was a selection of thick delicate finger sandwiches, dark chocolate cakes, freshly baked scones served with cloted cream and preserves and coffee and tea. It was a difficult choice, where to start. As they ate David got back to talking about Robbie. "You know Robbie denies he was ever at Wineburg primary with me. I don't know why he lies."
He took a bite of one of the sandwiches. "When I started school there were four or five kids that I used to hang around with. We would play soccer together at break or swap comics." Said David... "One of them was Robbie. He was my best friend and the two of us clicked from the first day that we met and became almost inseparable. Robbie was a good looking kid and had the personality to attract both boys and girls and he used it to the best of his abilities. He was also good at sports and more often than not he was the one that was chosen to lead the teams. If it happened to be, that some other kid had been selected to be the leader, Robbie would be the first chosen to join him." He paused while taking a bite of his sand-witch.
Then he continued. "We spent our afternoons together and on weekends would go to the cinema on a Saturday morning. On Sundays Robbie would have to go to church so I wouldn't see him."
Kim sat listening intently. She didn't want to interrupt as she ate a chocolate cake."Mmm. This is delicious. Here have a bite."
David took a bite. "Mmm. It is nice." Then continued.
"We did all the things together that little boys did. Hang around together at breaks, play sport after school, tease the little girls and go to each others houses to play with their toys. Robbie always said that one day he will be the richest man in Cape Town."...David broke off, laughing to himself. "It looks like he's achieved it."
He paused, took a scone and smeared it with cream and preserves then took a bite."Here baby try this." Kim took a bite."Yes I'll have one of those."
Then he continued. "Some-times we would go to each others house in the afternoon to play. We had a lot of fun then things changed. In the third year of school I found Robbie to have a split personality. One day he was great to be with and the next I didn't want to be near him. He had a foul mouth and a terrible attitude and became mean and got a lot of enjoyment out of teasing other kids. One day an angel and the next a devil. He was selfish, rude, a bully, a liar and a thief. He couldn't stand it if someone else had something and he didn't. He was aggressive and would pick on the boys that were younger and weaker than him."
"What was the problem? Kids don't just change over-night like you say?"Kim asked.
"I have no idea." David replied "One day we went to the swimming pool and during the afternoon I went to look for him because he had been away for a while and after I couldn't find him decided that I would change and go home. When I walked into the change room I caught Robbie with his hands in other peoples pockets.
"What did he say when he saw you?"
"When I asked him what he was doing he didn't know how to answer. 'Oh nothing, just looking for something.' He said...Can you believe it."
After taking a sip of coffee, he carried on "It was a problem at the time and it was reported in the local paper that people had various things stolen. I didn't know if Robbie was one of the culprits and I didn't want to tell anybody because I would be known as a 'tell tale' and I was his friend, how can I report my friend."
"I tried to avoid him but then he would come to our house. Kim you must have seen him when he there?"
"David I never took any notice of your little friends. If they were Fifteen or older I would have." Shirley said then burst out laughing.
"I thought you only had eyes for me."David said with a grin on his face.
Kim lifted her head a tiny grin appeared on her beautiful lips. She took a deep breath and reached for the cream filled doughnut."If nobody is going to eat you, I will." She took a bite and left some cream on the top of her lip.
David went on with his story. "He didn't care what trouble he caused as long as he got what he wanted. One day he came to the house with a bicycle that he said his uncle had bought for him. He wanted me to come for a ride with him. So I got on the carrier and off we went. We didn't go very far when a policeman pulled us over and asked where we got it. Robbie told him that he got it from his uncle while I stood on the side watching what was going on."
"God, the little liar." Kim said.
"The policeman asked me if it was the truth. I didn't know what to say so I said I didn't know. Then he told us that it was reported stolen a couple of hours ago and that we must to come to the police station..."He ate another cake. "I was only eight and I started crying." He said slowly.
"Ah my poor baby." Kim said really meaning it.
"When we arrived at the police station we were put into an office and told to wait while they contacted the owner. I asked him, "why did you lie to me?"
He didn't answer then we heard the kid arrive and recognized his voice straight away. It was a boy, three or four years older than us. Fortunately we were in an office where he didn't see us."
"Do you remember who it was? He might have been in my class."
"No idea. We were kept there for a couple of hours. Later he returned and gave us a talking to and warned us, that if it happened again, he would put us in jail. He told us that he would be coming to our house to let our parents know what we had done. I had done nothing but go for a ride with him. From then I didn't speak to him again. I don't think he's stopped stealing."
"So what happened afterwards, did the cop come to your house?"Kim asked.
"No. Thank God. My dad would have given me a hell of a hiding. For days I kept on thinking that they might come today, but they never came. Every night I used to prey that they don't come. Kim...I was only a little kid. My dad never gave us hidings but I was sure as hell that he would if the cops turned up at our front door."
"I never asked him, how he felt that day. Was he scared as me? Was he scared the police would come to his house? I don't think he was."
"I wonder if he has changed."
That evening Kim was resting with her head on his chest. “Have you ever read The Kama Sutra?”
“No. Why do you ask?”Kim replied.
I read it in my last year at school. I'm not saying I'v perfected the art of lovemaking but I did learn a lot about women when I read it.
She looked at him."So what did you learn."
"I learnt that love must be mutual. Love must be honest because if it's not honest it will never last. You have to feel that you belong to that person and only them."
"Do you think you could be honest with me David. Really honest. No secrets from the past or secrets in the future?"
"Since I was a child I'v waited for this moment, when I could have you in my arms and love you. I am not, after thirty years of dreaming to be with, going to ruin what we have."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes...I'm sure about that."
"So tell me about the book."
"I was 17 years old when my mom walked into my room while I was reading it. She got so upset, she wanted my dad to come and talk to me but he refused. Looking back now, I can see why young people were pretty confused about sex. But what added to the confusion, was the fact that our parents were themselves confused. On the one side we would be told how important it was not to be ashamed of our bodies, to respect sex as a beautiful gift as long as it’s enjoyed by both parties but when you’re caught in bed with their daughter who’s also enjoying it they go crazy. Do you understand that?” David asked.
“I suppose you have to have a daughter before you’ll understand. Didn’t your mom say that young girls need more protection than boys?” Kim Asked.
The next morning after a breakfast and a shower they got dressed. Kim put on a white linen dress and let her hair down. He told her she was beautiful. She laughed with delight. “You know Dave. You were the first other than my father to say I was beautiful. Do you still remember that?”
“I never forget anything I ever said to you. You were walking up the staircase and I was at the bottom. I always thought you looked like Hayley Mills.” He said.
They decided to go to Clifton beach and as they walked outside of the hotel the morning sunshine hit them like a slap in the face. David searched in his pockets for his Ray Bans. Because it was Sunday the beach was crowded and they had to look for a place to lie down.
They both had their swimming costumes on under their clothes so they didn’t have to find change rooms. After lying there for about an hour they got up, gathered their things and then strolled along the beach. Every now and then he would run into the icy water, get himself wet and then come out again.
They got back to the car and took a slow drive to Cape Point which was the second furthest place south that they could go. When they arrived they walked up the steps to the light house and looked out to see where the two oceans, the Atlantic and the Indian came together to be part of the seventy one percent of water that covers the Earths surface.
As they traveled around the Cape cliffs Kim said that humans only require 7 things in life to be totally happy.
“Yes, and what were they?” David asked.
“Food- water - shelter - love - truth - surprises and secrets.” She said.
“Does that mean you won’t share your secrets with me?” David asked smiling.
“Yes.” She said.
After a pleasant drive they went home. Kim was in the shower when David joined her. Her eyes were closed and she felt his touch, his warmth and his affection and as he soaped her she turned and put her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. She had never felt as she did at that moment, deliriously in love.