Chapter 15.
Because Simon spoke the language and was Zambian by birth and his father was a chief in the area, they gave him the job of getting the approval and concession for them to start the building.
Simon knew a lot of people in the Local authority and in Zawa (Zambia Wildlife Authority) so he got approval to start construction almost immediately.David was going to use the money he had saved overseas to pay for the lodge.
The three of them Andy, Simon and him went to choose the site that the lodge would be built on. It was in the area where they used to camp as boys and not too far from civilization +- 20 kilometers to Ngomo where there was an air strip and station.
“Let’s look at the river.” Andy said.
They drove around till they found a little hill then parked the Land Rover and walked to the top. They could see a place across the river which looked pretty good. ”What do you think about that spot?” David asked the two of them.
“That looks great to me but I think we need to get closer.”
Both Andy and David agreed with Simon so they got back into the Land Rover and navigated their way back to where they had a clear spot of the river. Along this part of the river the beach was at its widest where herds of animals could gather and the water ran slowly in places. It was home to otters, hippos and the sand colonies of skimmers and crocodiles basking in the sun and also where the hippos crossed sometimes.
A path that had been walked on a million times, led the animals through the bush down to this part of the river, almost as an invitation for them to come and have a drink and very much like a street that led an alcoholic to a bar.
They looked away from the river and David wondered. We can’t build it here but what if we build it about there, where the Sycamore trees are and if they would see it too."Where do you guys suggest?" He asked.
Andy and Simon looked around. Andy took off his bush hat and swatted a midges from his leg."You wont be biting me again, you little shit."
"What do yo think Andy?" Simon asked.
"Hmmm. I don't know so much hey. I think it would be fantastic if the guests could look onto this spot. What do you feel about that David?"
If I could make a suggestion."What about at those Sycamore trees?"Simon asked pointing in the direction.
"And you Andy?" David asked knowing he would agree with Simon.
"Yes. I agree with Simon. That looks a good place."
Just what David wanted. He wanted them to make the decision because, up to now he had been doing that. Okay, if that's where you want it, that's fine with me."
“That’s great.” Andy said. “But we’re going to have a tough time clearing some of the area.”
"Just think what it's going to look like. The lodge up there and lawns and gardens all the way down to here. It's going to be fantastic believe me. Just one thing Andy, we must try to clear it without taking too many trees away.” David said.
That day they all walked away knowing the next two years are going to be a hard slog.They drove around and pegged out a rough boundary. The next day Simon submitted what-ever was necessary to get a 14 year lease that could be converted to 99 years at a later stage. The ball started rolling.