Chapter 2.
Davy was 17 years old this year and it was his last year at school. In August he would be writing his GCE A Levels which if he passed would allow him to enroll at university.
He had achieved a lot in this school year. He played first team rugby, was the schools tennis team captain and was elected as a prefect.
One of the pupils in his class , a girl by the name of Anne Wellinsky was going away for the week-end and asked Davy if he would like to come along. She was going with her parents to a farm close to the border of Northern Rhodesia and Tanzania. It was a journey of 400 miles by vehicle on the Great North Road from Lusaka to Kapinga and then another 60 miles into the bush.
Her folks were quite wealthy and were both born in the country. He owned a drilling company and had contracts with the government to drill for water where ever it was needed. He didn't do the drilling himself, he had teams that he sent out after he had inspected the sight. In that way he got to know the country and it's people very well.
When she asked if she could bring Davy along her parents weren't at all pleased."Anne when we said you could bring a friend we, we meant a girl friend."Her mom said.
"Oh mommy, please...please. You will like him. He's so nice and a real gentleman and I'me sure daddy will like him too. Come on mommy. I'v already asked him."
"How could you do something like that... not knowing that we would agree to it. I don't know how Colonel Brown will feel about us taking advantage of his hospitality." She said then started walking away.
"Please mommy...I'm sure Davy wouldn't mind sleeping on the sofa." Anne asked running after her mother.
"I'm going to have to ask your father," her mom said.
"I'll go and ask daddy, if it's all-right with you." Anne said because she knew he would give in to her.
"Okay go and ask him... if he agrees then I'll agree as well."
Anne ran off to ask her father who was busy doing something on his Land Rover."Daddy, mommy has said it's okay for me to bring a friend with if I want...I want to bring Davy along."
"Who's Davy? he asked."Lifting his head from under the bonnet of the car.
"He's a class friend...and a prefect at my school."
"You want to bring a boy friend...with you?"
"His not a boy friend. Please daddy." She stood in front of him with her hands clasped together.
"Well. If it's okay with mom, then it's okay with me."
"Oh thank you... thank you daddy."She kissed him and ran off.
Before the end of the journey they would go down on their knees and thank God he was with them.
Davy had no idea where the place was that they were going too. The only reason he went with was that he liked the idea of getting away for the weekend and even more liked the fact that he was going with the Anne the red hair beauty with freckles. She was bright, a bit gullible and because she was so innocent and pure it made her even more attractive to David. They had formed a bit of a bond in class and it lead the other class mates to believe they were intimate which wasn't the case.
He arrived early to help Mr. Wellinsky pack the Land Rover. He had purchased it in 1962 and he wanted to take it on a test drive to see how it performed on the sand roads. David packed all the suit-cases and food for trip in the back.
The vehicle was a four by four and he always carried two twenty gallon Jerry cans, one filled with water and the other with diesel and two spare tires plus the necessary tools clamped onto the side and just in case of an emergency. On a trip like this he added a tarpaulin and a couple of canvas ground sheets. He was often mocked by his mates for carrying all that stuff with him. "One day I might need it." He said not knowing the day was to come, on that week-end.
They drove through the suburbs then down Cairo Road. When they entered The Great North Road David looked at his watch. It had just turned 1.00 o'clock. It was a beautiful day, a lot of cloud about, but according to the weather bureau there was no rain forcast for the day and not for the week-end either.
The road was tarmac most of the first one hundred miles, to Kipiri Imposhi but there were sections of deviations where they were re-surfacing the tarmac. On those sections the traffic had drive on bush roads which were rough and narrow and lots of bends, so drivers had to beware of oncoming traffic.
Mr.Wellinsky drove with one hand on the steering wheel; the other arm rested on the door frame; at times he would point out a place where he had been. It might have been a farm or a village where he had sunk a borehole.
The first town they came to was Broken Hill and as they were passing through. "I played rugby here a month ago." Davy said.
"Oh yes."Mr. Wellinsky said,"and how did you do?"
"We thrashed them."Davy said proudly.
"Has Gilbert Reny got a good ruby team?"
"The best in the country...I'm really proud to be captain." Davy Said.
"I would too."
Just after Kipiri Mposhi the road forked with the one going to the Copperbelt and the other to Tanzania. Mr. Wellinsky took the road that led to Tanzania which was a graded sand road and had miles of corrugated stretches, which made them bounce on their seats and shook the insides of their stomachs to almost make the last meal come up. The Land Rover veered from one side of the road to the other to avoid the potholes and raised clouds of dust for miles. It was never ending and when a vehicle came from the opposite direction throwing up stones and dust he would have to pull onto the side in the hope that a rock didn't fly up and hit his windscreen or that he didn't get stuck in the soft sand. After a few vehicles had passed going in the other direction he would stop and Davy would get out and clear the windscreen of the thin layer of dust that it had collected. They passed several rusted bodies of vehicles that didn't make it to there destination.
I hope we don't end up like that...I wonder what happened to the people who owned the vehicle. Did they have children with them, were they old, were they alone, was it a male or female and did they get to where they were going and what happened to the engine and wheels Davy thought.
It was getting towards evening, the sun was setting and as they came over the hill it blinded him enough to take his eyes off the road briefly before he saw it run across. He swerved but it was too late. "HOLD ON, I'M GOING TO HIT A BUCK." He shouted wanting to protect those at the back from flying forward and banging their heads. They pushed against against the the back of the front seats with their arms to try to hold themselves back and watched in horror as he hit the buck, forcing the Land Rover to slide across to the other side of the road.
"SHIT... just our bad luck."
"Oh God Ray...I hope it's not too much damage."Mrs. Wellinsky said.
"Stay inside the car," he said,"I'll have a quick look to see what the damage is." He got out the vehicle and walked around it. He saw the vehicle's front bumper was damaged where he hit the buck and bits of hair and splashes of blood on the bonnet. Then he looked underneath and saw something hanging from the vehicle.
Oh shit what am I going to do he thought."Okay you lot. Get out and please stay off the road."
They all got out and Davy saw the damage."Mr. Wellinsky let me have a look for you." He lay on his back and wiggled his head and body partly underneath to see what the damage was. The head was stuck onto the bottom of the engine and he tried to get a grip of the animal so he could pull it loose but the engine was still too hot and he burnt his hand as he touched it. "OW." He shouted.
"Davy are you alright?"Anne asked concerned.
"Are you alright?"Mrs. Wellinsky asked.
"I'm fine but he buck is stuck. I think the engine needs to cool off before we can do any thing," he said, then pulled himself up...looking at Mr. Wellinsky he said nervously, because he'd remembered seeing all the scraps on the wayside. "That's not our only problem."
"Whats are you saying Davy?"
"Well I think your radiator has blown."Davy said."Those jerry cans; do any of the two have water in them?"
"Yes the one has 20 gallons."Mr. Wellinsky replied.
"Well I hope that we can get to the next town without blowing the engine. You'll have to watch your temperature gauge Mr Wellinsky." David said as he tried to patting the dust off his clothes.
He had only just looked under the car and his clothes and the back of his head was full of red sand. Anne patted the back of his head and clothes with her hand to try to get the sand off."Sorry Davy I can't get it all off."She said.
"Look. I think we're going to be here quite a while so we might as well make our-selves as comfortable as possible." Mr. Wellinsky said. "Can you get one of those groundsheets down for me Davy?"
Davy got on top of the Land Rover and pulled out a ground sheet and lay it on top of the elephant grass that grew on the side of the road. Then he dived on top of it to try and flatten it as much as he could. It wasn't as easy as they thought. The grass was tough and when they eventually managed to stand on it to there were blades of grass that stuck up where it had broken. It was uncomfortable and there were lot of flies buzzing around their faces.
"Ohhh, that was saw...what bit me?"Anne asked then jumped up and lifted her skirt to scratch her thigh where she was bitten.
"Ohh. I think it's these ants." The little sister said.
David wanted to laugh but he dare not. He knew how soar it was to be bitten by one of those Matabele school he often had one put down his back of his shirt and would spend hours scratching.
"No I cant stand this...all these flies in my face. Shoo, get away from me." Mrs. Wellinsky said trying to chase the flies from her face but it didn't help.
"Oh mommy. This is horrible." The little girl said trying to swat them with her hand.
"I know my darling but I can't do anything about it." She replied.
Anne was running around trying to get away from them but it was in vain because they followed her where ever she went.
Davy went to car to see if it had cooled down enough for him to try and pull the buck out.
"Wait Davy,"Mr Wellinsky said, then collected another piece of canvas for Davy to lie on.
He spread it on the ground and lay on top. He touched the underneath but the engine, it was still too hot. "I think we're going to have to wait a bit longer."
"Do any of you want something to drink?"Mr. Wellinsky shouted from the vehicle.
"Dad why don't you just bring out some Cokes and I'm sure Davy will have a beer." Janette said then looked at him and smiled and he returned the smile. The flies were unbearable and sitting on them. It wasn't enough to swat them they just kept coming.
Mrs. Wellinsky stood up. "Oh I can't bear this anymore, I'm going to sit in the car."
"Darling you cant do that. If the car is hit by something coming the other way you'll be dead."Mr. Wellinsky Said.
"I don't care. I can't stand these flies and ants all over me, any longer."
"I'm coming with you mom."The youngest daughter Shirley said.
"Why don't you go too."Davy said to Anne.
By now the sun had gone down over the hill and darkness was beginning to set in, but it was full moon. Thank god it's not too dark. Davy thought.
"Mr.Wellinsky, I'm going to try to get the buck out again otherwise we're going to sleep here tonight." David went underneath but couldn't do anything."I can't get it out." David called and then came out from under.
"I can't have them sleeping in the car. Come son, give me a hand? I need to get that tarpaulin off the roof." Mr. Wellinsky said."Don't forget the poles."
Davy jumped on the bonnet and threw the roll of canvas down. The women got out the vehicle to help with spreading it over the canvas that they had put down earlier. They had just got it up when they saw a vehicle's lights in the distance coming towards them. Davy took the torch they had and ran towards it, so that he could warn them of the danger. He ran about 500 yards and when he saw the lights were close enough for them to see the beam he started waving it up and down. The vehicle went past him but slowed down and were able to see the Land Rover stuck on the side of the road. They swerved to the other side then came to a stop about two hundred yards away.
Mr. Wellinsky ran towards them in the hope that they could help him. A couple of aggressive blacks jumped out. They acted as if they had been smoking marijuana. They were laughing at him the suddenly the one turned nasty. "What your trouble, hey. You fucking white pig," the bigger of the two said.
When he saw how annoyed the black guy was he started back peddling."I'm sorry my friend." He said before being hit in the face. Mr. Wellinsky fell in the middle of the road then the other one kicked him.
"Wheres your money? Fat pig." The black shouted while the other one was pulling on his watch. "Gimma that."
"Wait, I'll take it off for you...please don't hit me." He got another kick.
Shit what am I going to do Davy thought as he ran back through the bush so they wouldn't see him. In the moonlight he could see where he was going.
Being concerned for the women his first priority was to protect them.
He moved them further into the elephant grass that was a yard taller than them, where they couldn't be seen.Terror clutched them as they knelt huddled together, shivering not from cold but from fear. They were crying, scared... thinking of what the blacks would do to them if found. He put his finger over his lips to quiet them.
The blacks were shoving, kicking and and shouting at their father who was heading towards the Land Rover. Davy didn't have time to calm them down, he had to get to the Land Rover before the natives did. His first thought were survival and how to protect these people.
The rifle in the car, I still have time to get to it before they do. He saw Mr. Wellinsky fall and the blacks shouting for him to get up.
"nga thina bbulala yena?"said the smaller of the two. (Should we kill him?)
"ni nga omunye nye," his partner asked. (What about the other one?)
"eli nye?" the smaller asked. ( Which one.)
"nye na isiHlant,thuthaza." The partner said. ( The one with the torch, fool )
Davy had heard what they said. Now knowing what to expect, instinct for survival set in. Now is the time he thought, to get to the Land Rover and take the rifle out. Davy was as scared as the girls Panic rose in his throat, his chest shook and his heart beat at twice the normal rate. He grabbed the rifle and running towards them he shouted as loudly as he could and fired some shots in the air."EH WHENA, YE HAMBA KHONA MANJI MONA MINA ukuDUBULA." ( HEY YOU, GO QUICKLY OR I SHOOT. )
They saw him running towards them, shooting in the air and shouting in their language.
"-GIJIMA." The one black shouted to the other. "Run."
In their haste the one fell over the other trying to get away. That gave Davy the time to still kick him, as he tried to get away. Meanwhile the partner, thinking only of himself had already reached there car and pulled away.
Davy could see him running after the car which eventually stopped and waited. David turned to see the car disappear over the horizon and watched as the dust settled on the road before he thought they might be safe. He looked at Mr. Wellinshy sitting on the sand road. As he watched them run off a huge burden of fear lifted from his body. He didn't know how to react, but he knew he could not cry , not there anyway.
He slung the rifle over his shoulder and with his other arm he helped him onto his feet. "Mr. Wellinsky come," Davy said, "let me get you to where the girls are." He leaned on Davy while he was being led to the women. Blood trickled from a cut above the eyebrow where he was hit the first time and the one side of his face and clothes were smeared with the red earth from when he was lying on the ground. He was in a lot of pain and held on his chest.
The girls came out the long grass when they heard the car drive off. "Daddy... Oh daddy what did those savages do to you?" Anne asked crying.
"Oh my darling, look at you."Mrs. Wellinsky said trying to keep calm and not get the girls even more worked up.
"Davy thank you, thank you."Anne and her little sister came and put their arms around him."What would we have done if you weren't with us."She whispered to him.
He felt proud. Proud that he was able to compose himself and think of what to do and proud that he had saved them all from certain death because that is what would have happened. Those two thugs would have murdered them if they had the chance.
"Oh Davy thank god you were with us today. I don't know what would have happened had you not got the rifle. I'm so stupid we should have had it with us."Mrs. Wellinsky said.
"The bastards have taken every thing from me. My money, my watch and even my dignity." Said the father then he burst out crying.
They lay him down on the canvas."Do you have some Aspirin or something for the pain?"David asked the mother.
"I might have some in my bag."She said digging in her bag while Davy went to fetch the canvas water bottle that was hanging on the front of the Land Rover. I'm going to make a first aid kit when I get home. She thought.
They could do no more than wait till the following morning. By then the engine will have cooled down and Davy will try to get the buck out. Mrs. Wellinsky brought out the food she had packed but none of them were hungry. They had no appetite to eat. Mr. Wellinsky and David each had a cup of black coffee. In all the father's preparedness he never brought blankets but the girls had one that they put on the seat to sit on. They used that to cover themselves and Davy made a fire to keep them warm.
David let them sleep while he kept guard with the rifle. As he sat, propped up against the tree his eyes switched from watching the fire and the insects dancing around the flames before committing suicide and watching falling stars shooting through the clear skies
Twice in the night he had to run up the road to warn a vehicle of the danger. Once a guy in a truck stopped and asked if he could help but Davy let him continue on his journey and the other time a vehicle slowed down then carried on without stopping. It was going to be a long night for Davy who sat by the fire and every now and then put another log on. Sometimes he would nod off to sleep only to wake up with a little fright. You have to stay awake and look after these people he thought.
At first light David got up stretched and with the rifle went to see if he could loosen the buck. He got right underneath and was able to grip the animal with both his hands and somehow pull it free from where it was stuck. The light wasn't strong enough to see if there was any damage. He pulled the small impala out. Thank fuck it's not a fully grown thing, otherwise we would've be in the shit. Davy thought.
When the family awoke they saw the real damage done to the older man. Both eyes were swollen and a mixture of black, blue and purple. He couldn't see out of the one and he talked with difficulty. Each word was an effort as he tried to move his lips. He ribs were bruised and and he had difficulty breathing and his jaw and the side of his face ached dully. They would have to stop at a hospital to get him attended to.
Anne saw the buck lying on the side of the road. "Davy you got it out." She cried."Look mom, dad, Davy has got the buck out."
"Well done Davy. "Said Mrs. Wellinsky."Davy do you drive, son."
"Yes.I'v been driving since the age of fifteen," he replied. He wasn't much older, he still had to have his seventeenth birthday but at that moment he felt like he had grown up. He rolled the tarpauline and canvasses up and put them on top of the vehicle and when everybody was comfortable they drove off for the next stage of the journey.
They still had more than 200 miles of sand road, corrugations and pot-holes to contend with before they got to where they were going and that would take at least eight hours if there were no more problems... but there were. The radiator was damaged so as soon Davy saw the temperature gage moving towards red, he would stop let the vehicle cool down fill it up with water and clean the wind-screen of the red dust.
"Thank goodness we have the jerry can of water, other-wise we would be in real trouble."
At one of the little villages they found a clinic run by the Peace Corps. Davy and the girls remained in the vehicle while Mr. and Mrs. Wellinsky went inside. It was filthy. There was old and new blood on the floor. Flies were crawling all over the place including the peoples faces. Because they were so used to this they didn't bother to kill or frighten them away. There were pregnant ladies lying on the floor in pain ready to give birth to maybe their ninth or tenth child. Women with babies on their backs that were crying either from hunger or pain. Men walking around with wounds to their head, body, arms and legs. There was a man on a drip who been bitten by a snake and had saliva was coming out his mouth. And then there were those that were on the verge of dying waiting to be transported to a larger hospital where they could get the care they needed. There was a young American doctor who would attend to Mr. Wellinsky as soon as he had finished attending to those who arrived earlier. For the doctor it was a great experience and he would learn to treat people with deceases and wounds that will be found nowhere, but in Africa.
While Davy and the girls were sitting in the Land Rover there were a group of black women of varying ages, sitting on the dusty pavement, their backs against the wall of building. With only a loin cloth covering the bottom part of their bodies they sat feeding their babies with their different sizes and shapes of breasts. They looked at at the vehicle then turned to each other said something and then burst out laughing. One suddenly stood up and with her hands together, palms turned up started begging for money until Mr. Wellinsky came out the clinic and asked her politely, to disappear.
"I'm not waiting to be treated here. I have more of chance of picking up some tropical or transmittable decease than actually being healed of my wounds." He said still in agony. "Let's go onto the farm, I believe they have a small hospital there.This place is so filthy I wonder if any of the patients really come out of there alive?"
The vehicle by now had cooled off enough for them to fill up the radiator and jerry can with water and carry on their journey. They had been travelling for an hour when Davy saw the heat gauge entering the danger area.
"Sorry folks we have to stop, the engine is overheating." Davy said and pulled the vehicle to the side of the road. Davy stopped and parked the on the side of the road. He got out, and as he opened the bonnet a cloud of steam came gushing out.
They were there for about twenty minutes when suddenly the elephant grass parted and a black man appeared. The girls eyes bulged and their mouths stood open. They said nothing and after patting their mom on the shoulder pointed. Their mother turned around to look and got such a fright she almost had a heart attack.
He stood there naked accept for a small buck skin covering his pelvis. His face looked pinched with loathing, or hatred and as his lips were pressed together, his cheek bones stood out as if the skin covering them was parchment. His matted hair stood up straight and a few quills were protruding as if he had, had a scrap with a porcupine and come off worse. His body was covered in a fine dust from the brown, red earth. Over his shoulder hung a quiver with arrows and he had a bow and arrow in his hands that was ready to be used.
David reacted immediately. "Moni, muli bwanji?" David asked. ( "Hello, how are you?")
He didn't answer. Standing there motionless, he stared at them for a few minutes then turned around and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.
The girls were still sitting in the Land Rover."Oh my God Ray... "Mrs Wellinsky started crying."Why did we have to do this trip?"586Please respect copyright.PENANA6kqaBqTOKn
Anne put her arm around her mothers shoulder."Mom we'll soon be there."
"I hope we are not going to have any more occurrences. I just can't take it any longer. My nerves are shot."
"Mr. Wellinsky, you don't happen to have a bottle of brandy or whisky with you, do you?" Davy asked.
"Why do you ask?"
"I think maybe we could all do with a tot."Davy laughed,"only joking, but I'm sure it would make Mrs. Wellinsky feel better."
"You know son, for a young man you think like an adult. It was meant as a gift for the colonel but under the circumstances I don't think he would mind a few tots missing." He opened a bottle of Black Label Whisky and took out three glasses. He poured a tot in each and gave one to his wife, one to Davy and he took one himself.
"I can't drink this Mr. Wellinsky." Davy said.
"Of course you can. I'v seen lesser men than you drink bottles of the stuff. Drink up and lets get going."
Davy swallowed the tot and as it went down his throat he coughed and splattered, his eyes turned red and tearful and he took a couple of seconds to recover.
"I'll have another one of those. Thanks."He said then burst out laughing and they all joined him. They needed that to bring a bit of humor into what was a very serious trip so far.
"I wonder where he's come from and where he is going. I don't think you can get anything wilder in Africa than that."Davy said.
"You know I have worked many years in the bush drilling holes for water and never have I come across something like that.Thank goodness I could only see out the one eye. I don't know what I would have done if I saw two of them standing there." Mr. Wellinsky said.
They all burst into laughter again.
When they eventually arrived at the estate, Davy drove through a gatehouse with a clock tower and wrought iron gate. Then up a long a cypress lined drive, passing the terraced walls and rose gardens into the courtyard. He could not believe what stood in front of him.
"Look at this...Isn't it magnificent?" Said Mr. Wellinsky. In front of them was a magnificent three-storied, pink-bricked mansion with a tower in the center, a red tiled roof and a line of elegant arches supporting a first floor terrace from which a union jack flag hung limply.
"It looks like an old English manor house."Mrs. Wellinsky said.
"Yes something that you see on the estates over there."Mr. Wellinsky said."Not in a remote place like this,in the middle of Africa."
"Whoopee."Anne shouted. "I'm so glad we made it here without further trouble."
Davy could only smile sensing the excitement and relief of them having arrived safely and in one piece. He didn't want a trip like that again and he didn't know how they were going to return to Lusaka with the radiator overheating like it had.
Just then Colonel Stewart Gore Brown appeared. "It looks like your radiator has just blown up, old chap." He said before greeting them. He was a big man, stern looking with a hooked nose and had a monocle over his right eye and Davy estimated he was about seventy five. He was in fact eighty.
"Hello Stewart."Mr. Wellinsky said.
"Oh my god, look at you. What's happened to you, man?"He asked.
"Stewart it's a long story. We'll tell you all about it later. Right now I'm in a lot of pain."
"Okay come inside, let us get you fixed up. I'll get one of my porters to bring in your luggage." The colonel said. There wasn't much to bring in because they thought that they were only staying for a week-end. They had a surprise coming.
"What did you say happened to you?"
"I came over an horizon..."Mr Wellinsky told him the story."Stewart if it wasn't for this young man, who kept his cool we would all be dead today."He said."Yes, I'm sure about that. He first protected the girls and then he got the rifle and came running towards them shooting into the sky. That's what frightened them. It certainly would have frightened me, if I was about to rob somebody and he came at me like that."586Please respect copyright.PENANAzhubWB6qG1
Davy looked at Anne and smiled. "I only did that because I was scared. Not only for those around me but for myself as well."
Mrs. Wellinsky patted her forehead with her handkerchief and pushed her fringe out her eyes."That's not true Davy. You were very brave and deserve a medal." She said.
He adjusted his monocle with his right hand...looked at Davy. "Well done young man. You are what we need in this army. Would you like to join the military?"
"I'm not sure what I want to do, Sir."Davy replied.
"I'm sure you would make a damn good officer."
"Thank you, Colonel."
"What type of car were they in . Do you remember?"
"I'll never forget the car or the thugs. It was a two tone Zephire Zodiac. White on top and red on the bottom."
"And the registration. Did you get that?"
"No." The dad said.
"That's a pity. Look I'm going to get onto the radio and see if they can get them. You said there were two of them?"
Two servant's appeared dressed in white shirts, white cotton Bermuda shorts, scarlet waist coats and cumberbands and pillbox hats. They had removed the luggage and brought it inside. Colonel gore got one of the doctors from the hospital to come and look at Mr. Wellinsky. He had no broken bones and the doctor couldn't tell how many ribs had been broken. He put on dressings to the wounds and strapped up his rib cage.
When they entered the mansion they realized how much work had gone into building it. There were wooden floors throughout and a staircase that led to a few of the twelve bedrooms. The dining room was large with a table that sat fourteen guests, six on each side and one each at the top and bottom, and had portrait painting of ancestors hanging on the walls and a large one of his favorite aunt, Ethol Locke King. The library had a huge selection of books and he had further book shelves in the sitting and smoking rooms. And there was a billiard room.
They had a bath and got cleaned up then went downstairs into the sitting room where the adults were served wine and David, Anne and the younger sister had light refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Wellinsky were smartly dressed and so were the girls while Davy wore a pair of trousers and open neck shirt. The colonel like he did every night came dressed up in black tie for dinner.
At the dinner table the Colonel raised his glass."Thank you Ray and Margarette for coming all this way to see me. You are welcome to stay as long as you wish. Tomorrow I'll get my mechanic to look at the Land Rover. He's a clever young fellow and as long as it doesn't need new parts he will fix it."
An English gentleman and soldier Colonel Gore had come to Africa in 1911 with the Anglo, Belgium Border commission to map out the land border between the Belgium Congo and Northern Rhodesia.
"I always wanted an estate but land was too expensive in England so after coming to Africa I decided I would build it in this beautiful country. I admired the Bemba workers and when I completed the work with the commission in 1914, I took a party of 30 servants and porters and went back to their country looking for a site where I could build the estate of my dreams." He took a sip of his wine.
"That must have been a feat on it's own." Mr. Wellinsky said.
"It was Ray, but I was young and strong in those days and the blacks did all the hard work. They carried all my luggage." He replied.
David watched the big man sitting at the head of table, how he dictated the discussions and every now and then he would adjust the monocle in the socket of his right eye with his right hand.
"When I arrived at Shiwa Ng'andu lake I knew that I had found site where I would build. I saw the lake and the hundreds of species of different animals and birds. I decided to buy six hundred acres from the British South Africa Company who made land available at cheap prices for those who wished to settle in Rhodesia."
He sat with his elbows on the table holding a glass of French wine between his two hands, took another sip."Then the first world war broke out and I returned to Britain to do my duty to the Queen. That delayed the building till I returned in 1920. The area was then known as the British Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia. At that time there were no roads and the the site was 400 miles from the nearest rail-head at Ndola a journey of many days over rivers and through crocodile infested swamps."
"Colonel Brown may I ask. Who was the architect and how did you manage to bring all the bricks and timber from so far away?"Davy asked.
"I was the architect. I knew exactly what I was going to build. Even at the young age of sixteen I had drawn a plan of how the house would look like."He replied. "Almost every thing had to be made on site; including every brick used in the construction. I also built a sawmill to cut all the wood that we needed. With hundreds of laborers and with the help of oxen to haul the bricks in the scorching heat a we managed to build a substantial house. We added to it as the years went by. As well as building the estate, access roads and bridges, I also built roads and bridges for the colonial authorities as well." He said."I loved every minute of it."
The next morning they attended the raising of the Union Jack flag. All the staff were present. He said a few words and then they were dismissed to carry on their duties. It looked like the Colonel couldn't get the life in the military out his system.
David and Anne walked down to the lake.They watched the fishermen in their dug-outs that they or there fathers made before them. The one with a long pole pushed like they do on the canals of Venise; while the other would cast the net out and retrieved it almost immediately. All the fish that had been caught whether big or small they would and drop into the base of the dug-out then repeat the casting. They did that until they thought the catch was big enough and then returned to where-ever they had come from.586Please respect copyright.PENANAiTeBM2yZRC
Davy and Anne were lying on the grass in the shade of a mango tree. He had a blade of grass between his teeth and they were watching a spider about to eat the fly that it had caught in it's web. She turned to look at him, her lips quivering and her mouth dry she took the blade of grass out his mouth and lightly pressed her lips on his. He looked into her eyes...her beautiful blue eyes, then wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with the same passion as she kissed him.
She pulled away and whispered to him."Davy I'm caught in your web. What are you going to do to me?"
He turned her on her back and after kissing her lightly, said."I'm going to eat you like the big bad wolf wanted to do to little red riding hood."
"Go on then, eat me,"She said.
He looked at her lying there so beautiful and so vulnerable."Anne I don't think this is the right place or time."
Standing up he put his arms out to help her. She took hold of his hands and he pulled her up and towards him. As she came into his arms he held and kissed her.
They continued their stroll hand in hand through the beautiful manicured rose gardens and strolled on the lawns until a bell rang to let them know tea was being served. Later in the day she sat and read a book while he drew pictures of the estate then filled them in with water colors so he could remember exactly what it looked like when he left there.
"One day if I ever have money I would like to build a place just like this."He said taking his eyes off the painting.
Anne put her book down and looking at him said."You sure are ambitious. Where will you build it?"
"I'd love to build it in Itezhi Tezhi. Where we go fishing. But I don't know if that will ever happen...what are your folks going to do once the country gets it's independence from Britain?"
"Who says the natives will want independence. All they want is the right to vote and to govern themselves."
"Yes. But all the other countries have asked for independence and that is sure to happen here as well."
After the radiator was repaired they stayed a couple of days longer then returned to Lusaka after fifteen hours of trouble free driving.
"You know if I hadn't gone there that week-end we wouldn't be sitting here. Later the estate was managed by the colonel’s daughter and husband Major John Harvey who gave work and accommodation to about six hundred people---"He pauses---"Hey man, you guys should have seen it. It was built like an English manor house, with rolling lawns, hedges and rose gardens. That's what we are going to do here. We still have a lot of work to do."
"And you know of cause that both Major Harvey and his wife Ruth were murdered?"Simon said."It's a bloody shame because the place is now in ruin, and I don't know if it will ever be rebuilt."
It was in that year Davy lost his virginity. When he thought about it, he could have lost it a lot earlier in life but that didn't happen because he was far more interested in sport. He was the schools rugby and tennis teams captain and even though he was tough and good looking he was a bit shy when it came to women.
Often he would hear this guy or that guy talking in the change rooms about their conquests and a name that came up regularly was Denise Phillips. He heard that she was a fantastic fuck.
She was one of the girls in his class and she fancied him. A beauty, wild and adventuresome she had pitch black hair that hung over her shoulders, dark brown eyes with lips that puffed a little and a lovely figure. From what he had heard from the other guys, he thought she was a bit of a slut and could have any guy she wanted, why me he thought.
He played along with her. Then one day she asked him to come to the movies with her. The film was called Lolita and he had heard it was quite spicy.It was about a middle aged man that was obsessed by a beautiful, fourteen year old girl.
Denise was two years older than him and what-ever she lacked in intelligence she made up in looks and sex appeal. Davy was watching the movie when she whispered to him."Davy look at me," when he turned his head she kissed him. If the lights had gone out and the cinema was in total darkness at that moment, his face would have lit it up, so red was it. He tried to resist but she was an artist when it came to kissing. She had her arm around him and he felt like a little fly caught in her web.
He put his hand on her leg...He had kissed girls before but had never gone so far. He felt wonderful for what he had done. He had pleased her and that was more important to him than pleasing himself.
They were walking to her house."Davy will you come help me with our science project tonight?" she asked."Please Davy, I'm having so much trouble with it."
"Denise I don't think I can. I have to complete my work too." He said not really wanting to go out that evening. His final exam was important to him because he wanted a university pass.
"That's a pity."She said. "My mom and dad are going out tonight and I don't really, want to be alone."
That's different he thought. "Look I can come over but I must leave as soon as your folks get back. Is that Okay?" He asked, knowing that it might not be the science he was going to help her with.
"Should we say seven o'clock then?" She asked.
He didn't want it to be a disaster because he would be the laughing stock of his class. There is no doubt that his performance will be talked about. Not only among her friends, it could spread to the young guys as well. Davy was popular among the females of the school and the young guys but he had never had a serious relationship.
She opened the door for him and seated him in the lounge while she went into the kitchen to get them each a coke. She was dressed in a mini skirt and skimpy blouse, both which could be removed very easily and quickly.
Sitting on the sofa opposite him her legs got wider apart until he could almost see her sex through the nylon panties she wore. She took one of her books and asked him. "Would you like to come and sit next to me, I need help with a few problems and then we can relax." By then he already had an erection which he tried to cover when he crossed the room.
"Do you remember the day you said you love me." She asked looking up at him.
"Hmmm." He murmured.
"Do you remember? You made me a promise. Did you mean it?" She asked looking directly at him and smiling.
He looked at her then thought to himself.'What is she going on about? I never said I loved her.'
"Davy...Did you mean it."
"Yes of course." He said, because now wasn't the time to say that he never said that. Not the night that he was going to lose his virginity. He moved closer to her and put his arm over her shoulder. "Okay what can I help you with?" He wanted to get it over as quickly as possible because he could feel stirrings in his groin. He wondered does she notice that I'm nervous.
She looked at him and could see his lips were dry and he stuttered. She turned her back and laid her head on his crotch. "Lets not worry about my assignment. I'm sure every thing's okay. Kiss me Davy, I want to feel your lips on mine."
He wet his lips with his tongue, bent his head and started kissing her. Their tongues were in each other's mouths and when they paused she rolled off the sofa onto the floor. "Come to me Davy." She said looking up at him from the carpet.
He went down next to her and immediately he helped her to unbutton her blouse. She had beautiful firm breast and the brown nipples were standing up straight. While his kissed and fondled her breast his hand felt the whole of her body until he got to her sex. He felt her panties were wet which exited him even more then he felt for her clit which he played with until he entered her sex with his finger. By now he had an erection like he never had before. His jeans were bulging and she felt it as he rubbed against her leg. She pulled off his tee-shirt and then pulled down his jeans. When he took his underpants off his penis sprang up like a jack in the box.
Davy was sitting on his knees and his penis sticking out like an iron rod. "Oh Davy let me hold it?" She asked as she curled her small fingers around it.
"Do you like it?"He asked.
"Oh yes. Let me feel it in my cunt." She said as she lay on the carpet. He looked at her lying there with only her panties on. "God you are beautiful." He said then he pulled her panties off and spread her legs. He took his two thumbs and opened the lips of her sex to see her clitoris. Shit that's beautiful. He thought wanting to kiss it.
"Come on Davy, don't keep me waiting. I want you inside me."
As he held his penis she raised her thighs. "Can I put it in?" He asked.
She didn't answer so he entered her. As he did so, she gave a little gasp then she arched her back so that he could push all that he had inside her. She looked at him and tried to stay in rhythm with him as he went up and down. His chest muscles shone from the sweat as he tried to please her. He thought of the Kama Sutra and started moving in different ways. He let his penis come out completely and looked at her for a reaction then pushed it in again. He watched her and the moment he felt she was having her orgasm he went faster. The feeling of the wet sex rubbing against the head of his penis exited him so much but he held back until he felt his penis would explode. Never had he experienced anything like that before. After they had finished they lay with their arms around each other trying to get a second breath.
Then they heard a car come up the driveway and the reflection of the lights shone through the curtain. They both jumped up and were dressed and sitting decently on the sofa when her mom and dad entered the house.
Davy stood up and greeted them. "Did you have a good evening, Mr. Phillips...and Mrs. Phillips?"
"Oh yes." They replied."Were you able to help Denise with her assignment?"
"Oh. Yes sir. I think she knows what to do." Denise wanted to burst out laughing when he said that. She wasn't quite sure what he meant.
"I think that's very nice of you to give up your time to help her. I appreciate that."
"Oh it was no trouble Mr. Phillips." Davy replied. "Well I better get going. I still have some work to do."
Davy said good night. As he walked home he was singing and dancing along the road. He had never experienced anything as good as tonight and when the guys were in the change rooms at school talking about fucking he would be able to join in.
The next week-end that Davy, his brother and his dad went camping Davy got to speak to Simon, his colored friend, "tell me have you ever had a fuck."He had never asked anybody the question before. Not even his friends at school.
"What do you mean?"
"You know fucked a girl?"
"Do you mean jig, jig?"
"Call it what you want. Have you put your cock inside a girl before?"
"Yes of cause I have. Many times.We learn from young, man. The girls by my house always want me to jig, jig with them."
"It was my first time this week."Davy grinned,"hey my friend it's better than wanking, don't you think?"
"Simon laughed at Davy. These whiteys some-times surprise me," he thought to himself.
Davy was friendly with Tony, who was good looking and resembled The Beetle guitarist Paul Mc Cartney and was very popular with the girls. He had come to Northern Rhodesia at about the same time as Davy but they only met when both entered high school. They had the same interests, fishing, boxing, camping, cars, movies and sense of humor. He also played both tennis and rugby for the school and when they went on a rugby tour they shared a room.
They were on their way home from the movies."Do you want to come and look at my latest Playboy."Tony asked.
"Sure." Davy said. He was the only one that Tony shared the books with.
They went inside."Hello Mrs. Reynolds."Davy said to Tony's mom who was in the sitting room reading a magazine. She was a pretty brunette who looked younger than her age of thirty six. "How are you."
"Fine Davy, and you?"She replied and smiled.
"Oh, I'm okay."He said then returned the smile.
He went into Tony's room who had already got all his Playboys from under the bed."Shut the door Davy."
"Does your mom know that you have these."
"Don't know and if she does I don't think she would say anything."
"Shit, you should have heard my mom go off when she saw me reading the Kama Sutra. I wonder what she would say if she found one of these under my bed..." He broke off, laughing at himself.
Davy looked at the latest. It was the May issue and the cover picture was a hand with a long glove stretching out and a miniature playgirl sitting on it. The playgirl or center page girl that month was Sharon Clintron, an actress and model.
"Shit look at this women. What beautiful tits. Hey, how would you like to fuck something like that? Shit I'm getting a cock stand just thinking of it. Oh baby, please come into my arms."
"Hey Davy."Tony burst out laughing."You better not walk out like that."
Davy looked at him and smiled."Like what?"He asked.
"With your cock sticking out like that. Fuck me." Tony pointed at his pants and laughing loudly.
"Oh, is it," Davy looked down. His pants had a huge bulge sticking out."Hey buddy,"he said,"get down." Then slapped it. "I can't take him anywhere." They both laughed so loud they bent down and held their stomachs in.
He made sure he didn't have the bulge before going home. I wonder what Tony's mom would say if she saw it sticking out like that?'He thought.
Before he left they spoke about what they were going to do the next week-end. They had a tennis match against another school the next. "I think I'm going to the club for a couple of tennis games."
"That's a good idea? I'll join you." Tony said.
When Davy left he walked through the sitting room where Mrs. Reynolds was still seated. "It sounded like you two were having a lot of fun."
"Yes, Mrs. Reynolds. Okay Bye."Davy said as he left the house.
Davy was in his room. He hadn't seen his mom when he arrived home. He was lying on his bed and thinking about the Playboys that he had seen and was getting aroused. He unzipped his jeans and was rubbing his penis when he heard his mom calling him.
"Yes mom; what is it?" He shouted.
"I'm just checking to see if you're home. When you 're ready you can come through for dinner." She said through the door. Since the last incident she didn't walk into Davy's room without warning.
"Okay mom. I'm coming."
Davy and Tony were together on the week-end. They played tennis at the club and afterwards went to a barbecue and while they were there Tony met a girl who he took to some place quiet to have sex with. When they got back he asked Davy if he wanted to have a go as well.
"I asked her Davy, and she said it was alright. She's inside if you want."
"I don't want to fuck her! Not when you've fucked her first. I would be competing with you and I don't mind beating you at tennis, I don't want to beat you at fucking as well." They laughed.
They were together at Tony's house one day when Davy asked. "Do you see your dad."
"No."Tony replied.
"You don't see him?"Davy asked in surprise. "How do you feel about that."
"I don't mind. He's an asshole." Toni replied.
"Why do you say that."
"Because he is an asshole. When we came here, after a few years, I had just started high school when he said to my mom that he doesn't feel safe with her and a native as a house boy. He thought that she might get raped. So they got a maid. She was young about twenty. She was a nice girl and my mom got on well with her.Then one day my mom got back from shopping and she caught him in bed with the girl. My mom went crazy and at one time I was really worried about her. They got divorced and now he pays her maintenance each month. It's enough for her not to work."
"I feel sorry for you Tony. Not to have a dad to do things with."
"That doesn't bother me. I feel sorry for my mom. She should have someone that she could spend her life with but she has said she wont get married till I'm out of school and can support myself."
They were together for the week-end like most times then Davy didn't see him at school on the Monday. He heard from a teacher that Tony was in hospital. He had an emergency appendix operation. On the Tuesday Davy went to the hospital to see how he was.
He came into the ward when he heard Tony's mother say."Of course I need you." She was holding his hand and patting it with her other."In a couple of days you will feel okay and then you can come home."
He said hello to Toni and his mother and they spoke for a while. Davy also promised Tony that he will take notes for him so he doesn't miss any because exams were in a few weeks time.
"Thanks mate."Tony said. "If you go to the house my mom can give you my books. Okay Mom?"
"Yes my love." She replied."How did you get here Davy?"
"I walked Mrs. Reynolds."
"Well if you leave with me I'll give you a lift." She said.
They were driving and Davy noticed that she was showing some of her leg which stirred things in him a bit.
"Do you want to come in? I'll make us some tee and give you Tony's books."
He was sitting in the lounge and watching her. She was stretching for some cups so he got up to go and help her."Can I help Mrs. Reynolds." He asked;
"Yes please, I need the cups on the top shelf." She replied.
It was a narrow kitchen and to get the cups he had to squeeze past her. He put his hands on her waste and unintentionally brushed his penis against her hip. He had an instant erection. His heart was pounding, his mouth went dry and the palms of his hands started sweating. What would happen next.
She turned to look at him and in doing so he could see that she wanted him to hold her. He pulled her towards him but she resisted."No David..." Then he tried again and in response she came against him with her breast and put her arms around his neck.
They kissed a prolonged kissed with tongues going in each others mouths. His hand went under her dress."Wait Davy..., not so fast," she said pushing his hand away. They kissed a little longer. He kissed her lips then her neck and she sighed.
Then his hand went under her dress and felt the skin of her thigh, it was like velvet so soft. He touched her pantie with his finger and he felt the wetness of her sex and she sighed.His finger went under her pantie to lightly touch the lips then her clitoris making her shake with pleasure. His penis was stiff and hurting. He moved his finger into her vagina massaging it in and out. She sighed then looking up at him she said, "wait Davy." She fiddled with his belt to loosen it and pulled down his jeans and underpants.
Then with his throbbing penis in her hand went down on her knees and looking up at him she started licking then sucking it. She pushed and pulled it in and out of her mouth as he held her head between his two hands. Never before had he ever had feelings like that and to stop him ejaculating he pushed her head away.
"Okay Davy,"she said as she went down on the floor. She pulled off her panties, lifted her skirt and spread her legs. Looking up at him she whispered."Come on big boy, fuck me." He went down on his knees and opened the lips. he could see the clitoris standing up and she took his penis in her hand and guides it into her sex.
As he balanced himself, his weight on his arms he slowly started penetrating her. His back was arched as he went in and out first slowly and then faster. She screamed with pleasure then she started bouncing her hips. Give it to me oh... give it to me, oh...Davy. His body stiffened and as she wrapped her legs around his waist she cried out aloud coming in a series of convulsions. He could do no more, he had given her every-thing and she had done the same. They lay there for a few minutes in each other arms and then she moved. "David I need to get Tony's books for you."
Davy did as he promised. He took notes and then copied them into Tony's books and when he came out of hospital Davy gave him his books back. Tony invited Davy to his house but he made all sorts of excuses to avoid going.
When he asked Tony what he was going to do after he left school he had no idea. He did not know if his mom had any intention of going back to England. He did say that when he came out of hospital his mom seemed to have changed. She seemed to have more confidence and started doing things that she had never done before. He didn't say what those things were and Davy didn't ask. They both wrote the exams and both passed with a few extinctions. The two of them celebrated with the other students of their class and that was the last that David saw Tony. He felt bad that he had spoilt such a good friend-ship, but assumed what happened was part of growing up.
After his exams his dad took him and Andy on their last fishing trip to Itezhi Tezhi. Davy knew that he would never see Simon again.They had become like brothers and it saddened both of them that they would not see each other when the trip was over so they tried to make the most of it. They fished and hunted and ate and drank beer.
Davy saw Mrs. Reynolds on a couple of occasions but from a distance and would always remember her as the one who made a man out of him and showed him what it was like to make love to a mature women.
Northern Rhodesia was going to get it's independence from Britain the following year and there were many whites who were worried that the same would happen as did in the Belgium Congo and Kenya where many whites were murdered so a lot of them moved Southern Rhodesia, South Africa, Australia, Europe or back to where-ever they came from.
After leaving Lusaka the Patersons moved to Bulowayo, a small city in Southern Rhodesia. Davy knew that his plan or dream of opening another Shiwa was only a pipe dream.
Things did change. Northern Rhodesia became Zambia and they got their first president Dr. Kenneth Kaunda who ruled the country as a one party state for many years. When most of the whites had left they were replaced by the Chinese who came into the country in the thousands.