Chapter 9.
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David flew from Jan Smuts Airport to Cape Town International. He had planned to spend five weeks down there and make the most of his holiday. The lady from Hertz had been waiting for him to arrive so that she could hand over the keys of a Porche 911 that he had rented. It wasn't often that they rented out Porches so she wanted to give him the best possible service and personally take him to where the car was parked.
After inspecting it and signing the papers he was allowed to go. He felt great as he drove out the airport parking onto the highway that took him into the city. Never having driven one of these, he pressed his foot down on the accelerator to test the power and it shot forward going from 100 KPH to 180 KPH in 5 seconds. "Oops." He said to himself."Slow down, you've only just started your holiday."
On arriving at The Mount Nelson hotel known to the locals as The Pink Lady he parked and got out. He stepped back a few steps and looked at the car. It was a bright red 911 and if anybody at that moment asked he to describe his first time experience he would not have been able to. He felt that all round it was a great experience.
He booked in while his car was being parked and went up to his room. Ten minutes later the porter arrived with his luggage. David noticed that he was waiting for his tip.
After unpacking he opened the curtains and took in a deep breath, of the Cape air, then checked the room. He looked in the bar fridge and saw some miniature whiskeys. He poured himself one, threw in some ice and slowly sipped it while sitting in an armchair reading the entertainment program. There seemed to be enough going on in the hotel so he didn't have to go out for his entertainment and if he fancied going into town it was only a twenty minute walk.
The first few days he stayed on the premises. During the day he would lay at the pool and catch up on some reading which he had neglected the last couple of years, maybe go for a sauna and massage and do some work in the gym on his already muscled body. In the evening he would either relax in his room or go down to The Planet Bar for a few hours where he would sit quietly on his own eavesdropping the conversations around him or he would strike up a conversation with some other lonesome stranger sitting at the bar.
One evening he got chatting to an elderly American lady who was being ignored by her bald and over weight husband. He was trying to chat up the bar lady and was slowly getting pissed. It didn't take much time or effort from David's part before they were in his bedroom. After spending twenty minutes pleasing her she gave him her card."David if you ever come over, please give me a call." She said then they returned to the bar. David looked at the card. Her name was Shelly Winters and she was the owner of an estate company in Florida. The husband hadn't noticed that she had been away."Come on darling, we have to be up early tomorrow, have you forgotten we've got a plane to catch." She said and took him under the arm for support when he got off the stool. As they walked out she turned to David and winked at him. In return he gave a little wave.
On another occasion he was sitting at the highly polished mahogany bar his elbows resting on the top enjoying a whisky when he noticed a young lady sitting on her own and looking very pleased with herself while having a drink.
"I see you're on your own. Do you mind if I join you?" He asked.
"Please." She replied.
They introduced them selves and got chatting. She was a pharmaceutical rep who was on a business trip from the United Kingdom and the reason she seemed so pleased with herself, she had told David, was because she had closed a deal with a big pharmacy chain and that guaranteed her income for the following year.
They sat chatting for most the evening while she drank gin and tonics and he Johnny Walker Black Whiskey and later they ended up in her room. In bed he found her to be a bit frigid. He whispered in her ear."Are you all right with this?" She nodded with her eyes closed. But when, after considerable difficulty he finally entered her she suddenly came alive under him. Bolting forward she wrapped her legs around him and began to cry out, softly at first, it got louder and louder and as he accelerated his thrusting her voice got so loud it hit a feverish pitch where he wished he could silence her. Having never made love to a noisy woman he didn't know how to react, what to say or what to do so he continued thrusting and tried not to think what the people walking passed thought.
The next morning while she was asleep he got up, gathered his clothes and sneaked out the room with his shoes in hand and his shirt hanging out his trousers. It was the first time he had men turn and look at him as he passed. Both nights were memorable and he thought if he ever wrote a book he would include those two experiences.
He decided that he would go see Attie and Marianne. He had been to Cape town on many occasions but they were flying visits. In the one day and out the next and never had the time to visit them.
Before he left the hotel he wrapped a bottle of 18 year old Chivas Regal and a box of chocolates. When he phoned earlier to ask if he could come around they got a shock. It was so long ago, eight years in fact that he had come to see them that they thought he was dead.
He handed the whiskey to Attie. "I hope you enjoy it Attie. I chose an eighteen years old because that's how long I felt it was that we saw each other," then handed Mrs. Barnard the chocolates. "This is for you Marianne. I wasn't going to look for chocolates that were that old. I hope you enjoy them."
"Thank you David. I tell you something." Attie said as he looked at Marianne for her agreement."You still look the same as you did eight years ago. Doesn't he darling."
"Oh yes. He looks very well." She said and smiled.
"Since you both flattered me so, tell me how you've been since I last saw you?
"Oh we've been well David." They said. Even at that age, Attie at plus eighty and Marianne in her seventies both looked in great shape."They still looked a handsome couple."
David had tea with them even though he couldn't stand the stuff. He would far more rather have had a tot of the whiskey he gave to Attie. They spent a few hours making up for time lost and eventually he got around to asking them about Kim.
"David, I was wondering how long it would take before you asked about her."Marianne said.
"She's fine." Attie said.
"Does she still live in Sea Point?"
"When did you last speak to her, son?"Attie asked."It must be a long time ago because she hasn't stayed there since she got divorced and that's nearly six years ago." Attie replied.
"Is that so? You mean they're no longer together?" David asked surprised.
"No. We were actually surprised that the marriage lasted that long. That poor girl has had her heart broken. She can't settle down. I've said to her she must be patient that one day her prince charming will arrive on her door step and then she will live happily ever after." Marianne said." But she thinks that she is going to spend her life as a spinster. She's forty eight this year. What about you David? Have you ever been married?"
"No Marianne. No decent lady would want me..." he broke off laughing at himself.
"I don't believe a word of what you said. I'm sure a lot of ladies would love to have your shoes under their beds." Marianne replied.
"Why don't you phone her David. I'm sure she would like to hear from you." Said Attie who had been sitting there quietly, listening to Marianne. He loved her and when she spoke he sat back and listened.
"Have you got her telephone number? I'll try phoning her tonight."
When he got back to the hotel he found some miniatures in the small bar. He dropped a block of ice in a glass and then poured himself a whiskey on top. Then looking at the piece of paper he had written her number on he wondered Should I phone her? eight years is a long time. She could have changed quite a bit. He phoned the number.
"Hello... Kim."
"Yes. Hello, whose speaking?"
"David Paterson."
"Davy how are you? What a surprise to hear from you."
He hated her calling him Davy. "I'm fine. I spent a couple of hours with your dad and Marianne this afternoon. God they look well for their ages."
"Yes they do, don't they. Tell me where are you phoning from?"
"I'm staying at the Mount Nelson and am very lonely. Is there any chance that we could meet somewhere for some chit chat?" David said then laughed at what he had said.
Smart hey. I should have known you were in Cape Town because that's the only time I hear from you. Is there nobody in the hotel that you can chit chat to, as you say?" He heard her laughing."What's this chit chat nonsense? That's what old ladies do. If you want to meet me for lunch I'm available but I have no time for chit chatting..." she broke off, laughing at herself.
He grinned. "What about lunch tomorrow...Without chit chat?"
"That would be lovely. Do you want to meet somewhere or do you want to be a gentleman and pick me up?"
He laughed at her sense of humor. "Okay. Give me your address and I'll do the gentlemanly thing."
She gave him the address and they arranged a time.