Chapter 25.
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John flew low over HIPPO’S CROSSING so Kim and Marianne could see the lodge from the air. “Look's like you ladies are going to get red carpet treatment when you arrive.”
“It looks fantastic my love.” Kim said beaming from ear to ear.
They arrived at Hippo Lodge and Simon had arranged for a red carpet leading up to the entrance and all the staff to be lining up it in their uniforms. When Kim and Ma got out the jeep they couldn’t believe what he had done. David stood back and watched as Simon shook their hands then he walked with them up the carpet. He introduced them to all the staff by name and seniority. Some of the guests were leaning out their room windows to see what all the fuss was about.
Kim and Ma felt like royalty and when they got inside Simon introduced them to his father and mother. Marianne’s face lit up when she shook hands with them. She had never had the pleasure of meeting an African chief before. His father wore a European suit but his mother wore a tribal outfit of skins and bright patterned material. Then he took them through to their rooms and David followed.
David thanked him for what he had done, especially for organizing that his mother and father were there and asked him to arrange a table for nine in their special dining room and arrange that, Andy and Gaile, him and his wife Debra and his mom and dad join us for dinner.
When David got into the room Kim was crying. “What’s the problem, baby.” He asked.
Holding him round the neck. “Look at this Dave.” The room had bouquets of flowers and red rose petals leading from the door to and on top of the bed and a bottle of Don Perignon in an ice bucket and two gowns; one with the name “Kim” and the other “David.”
“Let me call Ma to come and share this moment with us.” He said.
She joined them and he opened the Champagne. “I hope that you will be happy here my darling, and Ma you are welcome to stay as long as you like because I know you will spread your love among the people here.”
"Thank you David. I'm going to take my Champagne to the room so you two can enjoy your-selves."
“Oh, my darling how much time I’ve wasted by being so hard headed. I hope that you can forgive me.”
After they had bathed and got dressed they went through to meet the others in the room they were to have dinner in. They ate and talked and Kim and Ma who was the center of attraction could not stop talking about what a wonderful reception had been arranged for them.
David went to see Simon. “Thank you Simon I will always remember what you did for me today.”
“For you Dave, It was a pleasure.” Simon said "At least when we come together in future it will be in even numbers."
It wasn’t long before David saw Copper stick his head in. “David you bugger.” He said. “Now that you are married who can I compete with for the lovely young women that keep on arriving at the lodge?” He said it so loud that every-body heard what he had said.
Kim came over and said to him. “Look you brute of a man, you leave my husband out of your little tricks, otherwise you will have me to deal with.”
They all burst out laughing. The sight of this small woman standing next to the huge man and threatening him was too funny. Then David remembered that he still had the business card that was left for him by the Belgium lady. David said to him. “If you are here tomorrow I will give you something that will send your blood pressure rising.”
Simon had organised some dance music and they invited some the guests staying at the lodge to join in. The night flew by as they danced to everything, sambas, tangos, rock n roll and old time waltzes and if they couldn’t do the steps for the particular dance they used other steps. The room was now packed as more of the guests joined in. For the rest of the night Copper kept asking David what it was that he was going to give him. “You have to wait till tomorrow Copper.” David said.
After the night ended Simon who had organized everything saw to it that the room was cleaned up and ready for the next day.
The next morning David left Kim to sleep and came down for breakfast with a head ache. He went into the kitchen to say good morning to the staff and found Ma with an apron helping them.
“Ma!” He said. “You should be relaxing in bed, not working in the kitchen.”
“David this is my favorite spot. Now if you go sit down I will bring you your breakfast.” David looked at Patrick who was standing on one side watching her. He shook his head and smiled then David walked out. It looked like we had another chef, whether it will please Patrick or not, we would have to wait and see
Copper arrived in the dining room. “Hey man what is this thing that you have for me.”
David looked up at him, then stood up from his chair and pulled out of his pocket an envelope and the card that he had torn in half then stuck together again. He handed it to Copper and he tore open the envelope.
“Shit David. This was written over three months ago. Why has it taken you so long to give it to me?” He asked sounding annoyed.
“Copper, if you came here earlier, or more often, or let us know where we could find you, I would have given it to you.” David said.
“David what is the time in Paris now?” Copper asked showing a bit of concern.
David looked at my watch. “It’s 10.00 o’clock now so it must be 9.00 o’clock over there.”
“Please my mate can I use your phone.”
“With pleasure, you know where it is. Ask the young girl in reception to help you.” David said then watched him dash off.
Copper came back half an hour later, he seemed excited and nervous at the same time. “Dave I got hold of her at her office and she’s given me her home telephone number just in case I come over and want to contact her.”
“Well what are you going to do, are you going?” David asked sharing his excitement.
“Dave I can’t just pack up and fly overseas when some bird is keen to see me. I have responsibilities.” He said walking about and scratching the back of his head.
“What responsibilities do you have? You’ve been fishing for three months.” David said and watched his re-action.
“Um. Dave I have to think of some-thing.” He said. Then he waved to the waiter to come to him. "kwami umNgane letha mina um lion tshwala jabulisa?." (Hey my friend, bring me a lion beer please?”)