Chapter 35.
They got to Muizenberg with no further problems and Peter came into the hotel with him. He went to reception and asked the lady for the key of the room where his suit case is.
“Here you are sir. Did you have a good day?” She asked smiling at them.
“I don’t think I’ve had a better day in a long time.” David replied.
“Very well; I hope it continues like that for you.” She said and then walked into her little office.
“We went into the room and opened their shirts and pulled the money out our trousers.” You know Peter.” He said in a whisper in case somebody passing would hear. “I’ve only seen this once before. My dad came back from the races and did this with the money he won.” David said then giggled at the thought of what we had done.
They lay the money on the bed in piles of denominations and counted it. There was USA$319920.00.
“You know what that is Peter.” David said. “That’s USA$80.00 stolen. That’s why he was 5 minutes late in Kommetjie. David said. It was one note from some of the bundles thinking we won’t check the money.”
“You know what we should do?” Dave asked him.
“No.” He replied.
“I think we should return it and ask for the right amount. What do you think?” We both burst out laughing softly so no one could hear.
Dave got his suitcase and packed all the money inside and then my clothes on top. “Peter let’s get out of here. He didn’t know about Peter but he had, had enough of Cape Town.”
“That sounds great; to me.” Peter answered.
David booked out then they went to Peter’s hotel to pick up his suitcase. David remained seated while he went inside. Ten minutes later he came out with a brawd smile, put his case in the boot then they went to get Andy. Peter went into the hotel to tell Andy that they were leaving. Andy had to pick up Copper and they would meet at hertz.
It was nearly 8PM when they stopped in Bloubergstrand to look back to Cape Town. All of them had seen this picture many times on calendars and other pictures advertising the city but none of them had ever seen it live. It was more beautiful now with the beach and sea in the forefront and table mountain with the cloud in the background.
They got back in the car to what was going to be a 9 hour drive to Keetmanshoop. David first stopped at the police station and left a tube on the step with information where Robbie was to be found. They each had a chance to drive which gave the two others a chance to sleep. All of them were so wound up that they spoke very little to each other. They arrived at the border at 5AM and had to wait until 8AM before it opened.
When we got through the border Dave stopped the car and they all got out. He couldn’t hold back his emotions and neither could they. It had been sixteen hours since they got the money and nearly a month since this all started and in that time David had experienced ups and downs like never before and now was the time to let it all out, all those emotions that had built up inside of them. They grabbed one another, jumped into the air and screamed with happiness and joy for having succeeded in their mission. Dave remembered he still had a bottle of Johnny Walker Black under his car seat. He took it out, they looked at him and Copper said. “I can always rely on David to bring out the goods.” They stood there and drank from the bottle. That would also be another first for Dave. After finishing it he put the bottle back under his seat and traveled on until they came to a lodge that was about a mile off the road.
They booked in and Dave went to his room. He phoned Kim and she cried when she heard his voice.
“Where are you?” She asked.
“We’re on a hunting trip in Namibia.” Kim knew he was lying because he hated any animal being shot. What’s happening with the house?” He asked.
“Oh, they’re nearly finished and when they’re all done I’m going to put it on the market. I saw an estate agent a couple of days ago and she said that I should get a good price for it."
“Don’t be too hasty okay.” David said. He didn’t want her to lose money by selling it to the first person who came along.
“No. I won’t do that.”
“Okay I must go. They’re having a night shoot this evening.” He said, again lying.
They spoke for 5 minutes longer and then said their good buys. He lay on the bed and when he awoke it was nearly 6.00PM. After a shower I went onto the veranda where he met the other guys. They were already on their 5th beer.
“Oh by the way; they paid us USA$105.00 short and it’s coming out …”David broke off laughing at himself.
“It’s coming off the money I owe you.”
“What’s USA$30.00 when you’re getting USA$31,000.00.” Andy said.
“Okay it’s your round next Andy. I’ll have my normal.”
“Oh, is it,” murmured Andy.
Later I gave them each their USA$31,000.00. I owed them and I took Copper to one side “That ten thousand you owe me, I’m writing off.” I said feeling charitable.
“Dave; do you really mean that?” Copper asked all surprised.
“Of course I mean it.”
“Dave I’ll never forget this.” He said in astonishment then added.” You’re a great friend to have and a better friend to borrow money from,” he replied bursting into laughter. “Tell me,” he went on. “While we’re on the subject, can you lend me another ten grand?”
“Now that is taking advantage.” David answered.
They spent their last evening in Windhoek and David made arrangements to meet in Johannesburg the next day.
They booked into a hotel, it would be their last night together and David wanted them to enjoy it. They split into two's. David and Andy would share a room.They came down later and saw Copper and Peter talking to some women.
They knew it wasn't the time to but in and spoil their fun so they walked past ignoring them.