"Are you sure you want that?" He asks me seriously as we stand in front of the house after three entire days. We went for breakfast and ended up in Madrid. We've disappeared, we've chosen it's best not to contact them, so I'm actually surprised that Denis hasn't sent the police after us.
"Of course I'm sure. I don't want to hide anymore," I smile at him, letting him know that I am sure in us.
"Are you sure you want to quarrel with him?" I ask him, just to be completely sure.
"We've already had an argument," he reminds me and decides to go in first, protecting me again. As we show up, Dan starts screaming.
"So is it possible that you two finally decided to show up? You have five minutes to explain to me where you were and what you did otherwise, I am not responsible for my actions," Denis, as usual, orders, but neither of us pays too much attention to that. I don't care anymore.
"Babe, go upstairs, get changed." Fedya smiles at me and removes his hand from my waist, giving me a chance to avoid an argument with my brother.
"Vika, stop right there!" Dan's angry voice stopped me. I don't think he's ever been this furious.
"What are you up to, Fedya? You think you can go who knows where with her, use her, and everything will be okay when you get back. Well, you can't!" He turns to Fedya, who is just smiling the whole time. Miraculously, he is totally calmed. That doesn't look like him at all.
"Babe, come on, please go upstairs. I would not like you to listen to our quarrel," he repeated to me once more, and I decided to listen to him. I disappeared upstairs before Dan could do anything about that.
"Fuck, Vika, where have you been? Dan went absolutely crazy." Katya spoke to me as soon as I was in the hallway.
"I see. We were in Madrid," I continue towards the room, and she follows me.
"You should have called," she says, apparently picking Dan's side in this situation.
"Dan shouldn't interfere with my life, but he still did. He attacked Fedya and told him a lot of things, just because we spent a lot of time together. Maybe he can get over it, but I certainly can't." I say everything I have to her face and I notice a certain change in her behavior.
"I didn't know," she says quietly, and I decide I don't want to argue. It's enough that the two of them will quarrel.
"It doesn't matter Katya, I don't blame you anyway." I feel guilty because they have been best friends for years, and they are now arguing over me.
Katya wants to go downstairs to divide them, so she looks at me confusedly after realizing that I wasn't gonna follow her example.
"You're not planning on separating them?"
"Nope. Fedya told me to be here 'cause he doesn't want me to watch their quarrel, and unlike my brother, I respect other people's wishes."
•Fedya's pov•
"Babe, come on, please go upstairs. I wouldn't want you to listen to our quarrel." I waited for Vika to go upstairs, so I turned to Denis.
"First of all, I don't wanna hear you raising your voice to her again, and secondly, calm your nerves. We are both adults, and we have the right to go wherever we want without your approval," I notice that he is even more annoyed.
"You can't go wherever you want with my sister."
"I can do whatever I want with my girlfriend," I finally reveal our relationship to him, which startles him.
"Girlfriend? But you're gonna hurt her," he continues with his hysteria, so I'm slowly going crazy.
"I'm gonna hurt her? Well, you're hurting her more with your nonsense!"
"How dare you?" He continues yelling.
"The truth hurts, doesn't it? I've been with her through all the problems she had, and you haven't. It drives you crazy that she always told me everything, and not to you," he approaches the stairs and starts calling her, so I lose my mind.
"I told you not to raise your voice to her. This problem is between you and me, and you won't involve her in this."
"Come here right now, Victoria!", Ignoring me, he shouted at her again. But no matter how many times he calls her, she does not respond, respecting my wish to stay out of our quarrel.
"Do you realize how unfair you are? It bothers you that she is with me, and she doesn't blame you for being with her best friend." I lower my tone, trying to calm down the situation at least a little bit.
"I'm not gonna hurt Katya," he calmed down too, but it's obvious to me that he's still furious.
"And who says I will hurt Vika? I'll just remind you that you had a lot more adventures and failed relationships than me." I manage to silence him for at least a few moments before he starts shouting again, probably upset because I told him the truth.
When he realizes that Vika won't come down, no matter how many times he yells at her, he decides to go up to her himself. I go after him, so he doesn't cause some trouble.
"Pack your things, you are going back to Russia," he declares from the doorway, and she glances at him baffled.
"Since I'm obviously not capable of keeping you under control, you're going home, so Mom and Dad see what to do with you," he says coldly, deciding to end our conflict as the coward.
"You always caused trouble, and I protected you from our parents. Well, enough is enough. I don't want to support your rudeness anymore." Vika just keeps silent and looks at him coldly, as if this doesn't touch her at all.
"Fuck Dan, you're not even aware of how ridiculous you really are. Rudeness? You think that her behavior in recent years is just rudeness?" I can't keep quiet. For the first time, Vika flinched at something we had said. She lets me know that she doesn't want me to tell him about what could have happened.
"And what it is if not rudeness?" He asks with an ironic smile, and I decide to comply with her wish.
"If you were a good brother, you would know."