"Why didn't the guys come with us?" Katya asked in disappointment as I rested on the deck chair. I adore the sun.
"We're better off without them," I know she would disagree with me, but I want at least one day without them. They don't leave us unattended for days, and I haven't talked to either of them since my previous intoxication.
"We're sorry to ruin your party then. Actually, no, we're not sorry." I glanced up and saw Fedya above my deck chair.
"Hey Katya, I'm heading to the sea. I would rather hang out with sharks than with the two of them," I say briefly and try to get away from them.
I thought Denis would be the one to give me the headache, but I was terribly inaccurate. Fedya is ten times worse. It is as if he had purposely chosen to ruin my nerves.
He flirts with every girl who approaches him, and then he attempts some tricks on me regarding how he can't get me out of his head. It's like he has bipolar disorder, God forbid.
I move away from the coast and swim towards the buoys, skilfully battling the waves. I close my eyes, appreciating the mixture of sea and sun. I would love to stay here to live.
I wince after feeling someone's arms around my waist. My heart is already pounding.
"Are you fucking insane?" I state through my teeth because I almost had a heart attack 'cause of him.
"You tell me," he whispered, to which my body responded instantly.
"I would say you are," I try to move away from him, but he still holds me close. A moment later, he placed his lips on my neck.
"Denis will see us." I try to end this madness, even tho I actually enjoy it.
"I don't care," he says coldly, although until a few days ago, he was saying the exact opposite.
"But I do. And you said it yourself - my brother would never approve." For the first time, I let him know that I remember that night, but he does not pay attention to what I'm saying.
"And when did you ask approval for anything?"
Never, because I never cared.
"Why do you believe I want anything to do with you?" I glanced at him questioningly, expecting him to remain speechless after that. But how could he ever be speechless?
"Are you aware that you are still in my arms?" He questioned with a smile that I had long ago fallen for.
"We have to stick to the boundaries," I suggest that we simply stay in a safe zone and not complicate our lives even more.
"We crossed them. There is no going back now." He looked at me deadly serious, apparently determined to fight for us. The real question is - am I willing to fight too?
•Fedya's pov•
"Hey, do you want to go out with us?" Katya asked excitedly, and I shook my head.
"I'm drained. The sea is absolutely exhausting." I see how Vika giggles at that, but we don't say anything more.
"I don't want to be the third wheel," Vika emphasized our theory that something is going on between Denis and Katya, and Katya accepts it with a smile and goes back upstairs, assumably to share our decisions with Dan.
"I am really exhausted 'cause of the sea. I think I'll go to bed earlier tonight," I say seriously, which makes her laugh.
"It was nice today," she looked at me for a moment, then shyly looked away.
"You didn't predict it, did you?" I ask amusedly, and she reveals that she didn't.
"I can still amaze you," I grin, pleased with myself.
"I believed I already knew all your sides."
"There is enough time for that. You'll get to know them," I say softly, sensing that this is it. I stopped a long time ago to just like her. I love every one of the flaws she owns.
I'm aware of how challenging it could be, but I believe we can endure it if we try hard enough.
We wait for them to leave us alone, so Vika finds a movie to watch. And while she's actually really committed to it, I'm committed to observing her. I placed my hand in her hair, playing with it. Vika apparently noticed that I wasn't paying attention to the movie, so she turned to me.
"The movie is dull to you, isn't it?"
"It's not. You are simply more fascinating to me." I managed to put a smile on her face, so I feel proud of that.
I adore it when she laughs.
•Denis's pov•
"Today was interesting," Katya smiled as we walked back to the beach.
"For me too," I say frankly, observing her all the time. I noticed how she shivered after it suddenly got chilly, so I took off my sweatshirt and handed it to her.
"Thank you," she grinned, as only she could, and glanced at me once more with her gorgeous eyes. Unconsciously, I look down at her lips, so when I realize that she also lowered her glance, I decide to take the first step.
I placed my lips on hers, and she shyly returned the kiss. We slowly separate from each other, and I resume eyeing her, waiting for a response. She doesn't say anything, she just smiles and keeps strolling in front of me.
For a moment, I just stand and look after her dazed, so I hurry after her.
"What was that?" I ask, totally baffled because there is complete chaos in my head.
"What?" She asks naively, and a smile is already dropping from my face.
"Well, I thought," I ran out of words, so I shut up.
"I'm joking, Dan. Relax a little," she says amusedly through laughter, while to me, it's not actually funny.
"I like you, Katya," I say, more nervous than ever, but I'm relieved when she offers me another radiant smile.
"I know, Dan. I like you too."
Why does Vika come to my mind at this very moment?
"And Victoria?" I asked with a sigh, and she shrugged.
"I would say she doesn't mind. Moreover, she and Fedya were joking about us. I'm sure they already know," she casually states as I watch her in surprise.
Fedya must have told her. In any other situation, I would have killed him for this, but now I am just grateful. If my sister is going to be okay with this because of him, I'm thankful to him. He has always had an impact on her. More significant than me.
They were always close, and I think she somehow trusted him more than she trusted me. I know that they have been in some sort of conflict for the last few months, which is why I called him to be here with us.
Since I moved to Spain, he was the only one who could control her; the only one who could ever influence her. And that's, exactly, why I want them to reconcile.
But still, I don't know what to say when I catch them sleeping next to each other on the sofa while the TV is still on. I don't like where this is going.