“How could you keep that from me? It’s one thing when you don’t tell me that you slept, but to not mention to me that you stopped her from trying to commit suicide!” As I expected, Dan is furious. I would probably react the same way in his place.
“She assured me that she was fine and that she had recovered. And she really was good, so I just thought there was no need to worry you.” I try to justify myself, although I am aware that there is no excuse for that.
“I’m sorry, Dan, it’s my fault. I am guilty of misjudging the situation and giving her that stupid letter. I thought she could handle it. I screwed up,” I know he’s angry, but he’s not angry more than I am.
I am terribly angry with myself because I almost lost her ‘cause of my stupidity. I lose my mind from the very thought of what could have happened if I hadn’t come. My heart breaks every time I realize I could never see her again.
“You shouldn’t have kept quiet. These are serious things I need to know,” he calmed down, obviously realizing how sorry I was.
“I know, but I just didn’t want to ruin my relationship with her. Whenever she had a problem, I was the first she called. I felt special because I realized how much trust she had in me. I didn’t want to jeopardize it.” I know it’s selfish, but at least I’m honest.
“It’s not just you. Me too. I should have realized she wasn’t good. You were right in Spain. If I were a good brother, I would know,” he looked at me with tears in his eyes, broken by today’s events.
He headed back from the airport as soon as I called him. By the time he arrived here, Vika was already asleep, tired of all the tears she had shed. Maybe I should be mad at her, but I just can’t. On the other hand, she will surely be angry at me.
“Don’t talk nonsense, Dan. You couldn’t know. I wouldn’t have known either if I hadn’t shown up at the right time. By the way, did you inform Olga and Vlad?” I looked at him questioningly, and he shook his head.
“I called them, but neither of them answered. Whenever you need them, there is no chance of reaching them,” he commented with a sigh, which made me roll my eyes. I am very familiar with that.
“But why now? She read that letter last week. Why today?” Dan looked at me confused, obviously trying to connect things in some logical way, but I just shrugged.
“I do not understand either. Something had to happen. What could have been the drop that overflowed the glass?” Our consideration was interrupted by the sound of his phone.
“Mom,” he commented with a sigh before answering her call.
“No, I did not go to Spain. I had to come home,” he tries to calmly explain, obviously afraid of her reaction. I’m not afraid. They will send her to a clinic for recovery and totally forget that she exists. That’s why I never wanted to tell them.
“You must come here as soon as possible. It’s an emergency.”
“Fuck that meeting your daughter tried to kill herself! If you don’t come here in half an hour, I’ll take her with me to Spain, and I don’t care what the press writes,” he ended the call, visibly angry, and looked at me.
“Do you think she will come?” He asked me quietly, obviously aware of what their parents were like.
“It’s not for me to interfere,” I refused to comment, so I went to her room to check on her.
I lean against the door frame, watching her sleep. At the moment, she seems so calm, as if she has no problems. I look down at the bandages around her arms, which hide the true picture of her condition, and nervously run my hand through her hair.
You should have been there, idiot. You promised yourself you would always be there for her.
I slowly settled on the bed next to her, gently shifting my gaze over her face. I love her smile more than anything, and I haven’t had much opportunity to see it. Unfortunately, I saw many more tears.
“I promise you, you will be happy. I will do whatever it takes, but you will be happy.”
•Denis’s pov•
“Where is she?” Mom started to panic from the door, this time really worried.
“She’s asleep, shut up,” I say to her harsher than I wanted to, but I’m too angry with them to think about their feelings.
“What happened?” She looks at me scared, to which I sigh.
“I asked Fedya to visit her when he returned from the airport because Victoria seemed bad to me before I left. Imagine how I felt when he called me and told me that he had found her with a knife in his hand. Fortunately, the wounds are not deep, and he showed up on time.”
“But,” her eyes water as I tell her everything that Fedya told me.
“Mom, her hands are fully scarred.” I roll the part, which terrifies me the most over my lips. Who knows how long she has been self-harming.
“My poor child,” she starts crying, and I don’t know what to say. I want to scream that the two of them are to blame for everything, but I don’t have the strength.
“Did anything happen after I left that I should know?” I asked, sighing.
“We had an argument with her, and Vlad slapped her. I was worried when she told him that he could kill her, that she didn’t care. But I didn’t think she would really try to kill herself.” I get angry when I realize that he hit her. How dare he?
“What were you arguing about?” It must be some shit they caused again.
“We wanted her to stop going to the cemetery,” I froze when I realized what it was all about.
“Are you insane?! She has not been able to recover from his death for two years now, and you are asking for something like.”
“What’s going on?” Fedya appeared in the living room, watching us in confusion.
“You were right. There must have been a drop. Only in this case, the two of them filled the whole glass with their nonsense.”
“I did not doubt it at all. What have they tried now?”
“They forbade her to go to Dima’s grave.” As soon as he heard what it was about, he turned her gaze to Olga. If the sight could kill, I would be an orphan.
“She would sacrifice all of us so she could bring him back. She tried to kill herself after his death because she thought she couldn’t live without him, and now you’re trying to deny her the only thing she has left of him?”
“We’re just,” mom tries to add something, but he immediately interrupts her.
“You just tried to kill her again when she didn’t succeed for the first time. I knew that you were terrible parents, but that you were just so awful, I couldn’t even imagine.” I don’t remember the last time I saw him so angry.
“That’s it, you have exceeded every boundary. I’ll take her to my apartment, and you can forget that you will see her.” We all turn to Victoria, who appears at the door at that moment.
“You’re not taking me anywhere. I don’t want to be with you, just as much as I don’t want to be with them. I’d rather go to a madhouse than to watch any of you.”