“I can’t believe you caused trouble again! Can you ever behave at least a little bit like a grown-up?!” I stand calmly and listen to my mother while my thoughts wander towards him.
Although he offered me, to stay with him for as long as I needed to, I decided to confront my parents. The more I put it off, the worse it will get.
“You have nothing to say?” She asked angrily, as she received no answer from me. I look at her indifferently, then shake my head.
“Everything I say just falls on deaf ears anyway.” Until just a year ago, in a situation like this, I would feel a lump in my throat and a desire to cry, and now I can’t care less.
“You’re totally out of control!”
In fact, for the first time, I’m in control. I have been unstable for so long that I learned to appreciate this present feeling of stability and safety. You never know when that feeling will go away.
“God, what have we done wrong?” Comments like this used to hurt. Not any more.
“Am I finally free?” I asked coldly and noticed that she looked at me confused as if she couldn’t understand why I was acting like this. How would she know, when she took care of her career all her life, instead of me? She wasn’t there when I was going through hell.
She sighed, then nodded, obviously tired of my strange behavior. I can hardly wait for permission to go back to my room. I lock the door behind me, so they don’t bother me, even though I know they hate it the most. I do not care.
You survived? 🙈
I smile when I see a message from Fedya, so I type a short reply.
You know I wouldn’t mind if you stayed? 😏
I know, and I know why 😜
It’s not a mystery, then? 😅
But you could seriously stay, and you wouldn’t have to listen to them 🙈
We should not postpone inevitably 😏
You know, I actually wanted to ask you something 😅
I am nervously waiting for the next message because I have no idea what he is thinking. It’s easy to read him when he’s next to me, but in these situations when we’re separated, I don’t know what to expect from him.
Would you like to come to my training tomorrow? 🙈
I smile after the question finally arrives, then pause for a moment. If I show up with him tomorrow at that training session, does that mean we are no longer hiding? Does he really want everyone to know he’s with me?
You sure?
I ask him because I am aware of what his question exactly means.
Do you doubt me? 😏
See you in the morning 💙
•Fedya’s pov•
You sure?
I read the message one more time, so I think about it. Am I really sure?
I am. I want everyone to know that she is only mine, just as I am only hers.
Do you doubt me? 😏
See you in the morning 💙
I smile when I see an affirmative response and a heart next to it. I don’t know what she did to me, but I can’t stop thinking about her.
As much as her insolent attitude sometimes drives me crazy, it attracts me as much. And the fact that she went through depression on her own, without ever asking for anyone’s help, fascinates me. Being the only one who knows about it lets me know that our relationship is something special after all.
The sound of an incoming message startles me, so I think that Vika can’t sleep. I frown when I actually see a new message from Denis.
Come on, buddy, how long are you going to ignore me?
And what do you think?
I ask angrily, so I get a chance to see him writing a novel. I have always hated it the most when he sends me a novel. Who even has the time to read messages so long?
Knowing you, until I apologize. So I apologize for reacting the way I did, although I still think that the combination of the two of you can’t bring anything good. And don’t ask me to support you, but I won’t interfere. Your thing.
I roll my eyes at his message, but I’m aware that this is the best we can get from Denis.
I will survive without your support 😏
Are we okay? 🙈
We’ll be okay when you stop treating Vika like she’s still a child.
I make it clear to him that I will not tolerate any disrespect towards her.
You know she’s my sister, and I should give you a lecture on how you should treat her? 🙈
I never hurt her. You did.
Although I know how harsh this sounds, I have to be honest. Pretending and avoiding the truth has never brought anything good.
You really care, don’t you?
You know I wouldn’t even be here if I wasn’t.
Truth is that just like him, I was able to leave Russia and build a career somewhere abroad. There were a lot of good offers. But still, I couldn’t leave.
I was convinced that something existed between Vika and me, even though it seemed completely impossible at the time. Many would say I’m a fool, but I’ve never been the type of guy who would easily bond with someone. And yet I have been attached to her all my life.
And even if this fails between us, I would choose the same again. My choice would always be Victoria.
•Vika’s pov•
“Wouldn’t it be better if you go alone?” I asked him nervously, and he rolled his eyes. My nervousness was gradually getting on his nerves.
“Victoria, calm down. No need to be nervous. It’s just training,” he says calmly, and I look down.
“Training that will be attended by all your teammates,” I say softly, so I feel his hand on my chin. He raised my head, forcing me to look at him.
“Where has your confidence gone?” He asked seriously, and I shrugged.
“It disappears every time I’m with you,” I say honestly, so I notice he’s surprised.
“Why?” He looks at me confused, waiting for my answer.
“Because I don’t understand why you’re with me when you can have whoever you want.”
“But I want to be with you. And now, please calm down and enjoy this. I know how much you love RZD Arena,” he smiled and shortly kissed me before dragging me to the stadium.