Jade entered her 4th period class with a smile.
“You’re happier,” Mr. Moon said. Jade stopped and looked around. She didn’t even question where the path was taking her. She pulled out her schedule and realized art was her 4th hour.
“Yeah,” she shrugged. “Good day.”
“Are you liking the school so far?”
“Good, good. Making friends?”
Just as he said that, Storm from 1st hour appeared and grabbed her arm. “You’re in this class too?”
“Oh, yeah,” Jade said turning her attention to Storm.
“You have to sit next to me.”
“Storm,” Mr. Moon got onto her without even looking at her. He was writing something on the board. “Let Jade choose where to sit.”
His tone was cold, sharp, to the point.
Jade was thrown off as she was used to his friendly voice. “Oh . . . it’s . . . okay, I can sit next to Storm.”
She was drugged off by Storm. When Jade looked back, she saw Mr. Moon crossing his arms and staring hard at her. After a moment, she realized it wasn’t her he was staring at, it was Storm.
Noah entered the room, going to Mr. Moon before taking his seat. Jade saw from the desk she was placed that Mr. Moon and him were talking, both glancing over to her.
When Noah walked up, she felt nervous. “Hey, Jade-“
Storm turned around. “You guys have met? I thought you would! You seem like you two would get along very well.
Noah didn’t acknowledge her.
“How is your classes going?”
“Really good. Do we have any more classes together after this?”
Noah told her his schedule and Jade gave him her barely used schedule. They ended up having only one more class afterwards, but promise to eat lunch.
“Jade, you should eat with us,” Storm cut in.
“What? Oh, yay, that sounds good.”
“But Jade, you just promised to eat lunch with me,” Noah protested.
She looked back. “I did?”
“Yes, just 30 seconds ago.”
She felt confused, dizzy all of a sudden. “I did . . . I um . . .”
The bell rung and class had started. Noah took a chair behind Jade. She started at him, and then to Storm.
Something felt off.
“Morning class,” Mr. Moon started. “Just wanted to state that we have a new student with us today.”
Jade felt herself shrink.
“Stand up please,” Mr. Moon said.
She took a second, but finally did with a few laughter around the room.
“What is your name, dear?”
If looks could kill, Jade would have blown him up in the air. “Jade.”
“Good to meet you Jade! What is one thing you know about art?”
“I know I’m not good at it.”
There was some laughing. “Now class, can we tell Jade our motto here in Art Class?”
There was a bunch of mumbles and groans. Mr. Moon shook his head. “Class, class, class . . . that was just awful. I’m sorry for that, Jade. One more time, class.”
This time, Jade could make out what the class was saying. In a weird chant like tone, the class said, “You’re never bad at anything, you just haven’t practice enough.”
“See there Jade. You’re not bad at art, you just have to practice. We’ll get you there. Now class!” Mr. Moon went on. Jade slowly took her seat. She listened to him as he went on with the lesson, something about last week and how they started chapter something- something, and did this and that.
Jade wasn’t paying attention much.
She felt somewhat lost.
Come find me
Jade gasped, looking around. It was that thing from her dreams, it was his voice talking to her. Jade felt a tap on her shoulder, turning around to see Noah giving a look. “Sorry . . . cold chills.”