It took been a good two hours to get all the boxes from the vehicle and into the new house. They were so worn out by the end. It wasn’t as if they were out of shape, they were not used to the Colorado air.
Jade had felt as if her lungs were going to implode. Her father had wanted to take a nap, after a long day that they had.
He promised that he would take them out to get dinner after two hours of some shut eye.
She did not mind. It was an opportunity to explore.
Overwhelmed by all the boxes and her new brand, she decided it was a good time to go outside and explore the backyard a little bit. It was a pretty good sized yard, freshly cut. There was one tree and nothing else around.
She sat under the tree for some time. It was a peaceful feeling to finally just sit down.
Her stomach was very upset, and she wanted to go back to her new home to lay down. Her head was killing her, given her the most gruesome headache.
She had never had a migraine before, but she felt as if it might be coming. Maybe it was the lack of air.
A fuzzy creature brushed against her arm, making her jump. It was the cat from before. “Hello there,” she said petting the cat.
“He really likes you,” the boy from before said walking up to Jade.
She turned red. She was still embarrassed from before. “That’s . . . good.”
When he walked up to her, he could see she was trying her hardest not to look at him. “So, I have a question.”
Jade looked up. “Yes?”
“If I was a robber . . . a book of all things, do you really think that would have stopped me?”
She couldn’t help to laugh and bury her face in her legs. When she looked up again, he was sitting in the grass with her. “I’m sorry . . . it’s just been a long day, and . . . well, it hurt didn’t it?”
“It left a bump.”
That answer did make her grin. “Well . . . I did my job then.”
Noah laughed. “If you say so.”
She shrugged. “Though, I do want to say sorry for it though. I didn’t mean to really hurt you . . . now that I know you live here and stuff.”
“Don’t worry about it. I would have hit you too.”
“Thanks?” Jade nervously laughed. “With a book?”
“Well, knowledge is power,” Noah said. “Powerful enough to hurt your head.”
Jade laugh, making Noah happy. “So, Mr. Moon is your dad?”
“Yeah, and I heard Mr. Cooper adopted you?”
“Yeah. Funny, huh?”
“Do you know what school you’re going to?”
“Hawkins, just down the street I think,” Jade said, trying to remember if she was right or not. She didn’t know the area that well, and just had to remember whatever Jim had told her on the way over to Colorado.
“So, we will be in the same school,” Noah smiled.
“I suppose so. Mr. Moon is an art teacher there?”
“Oh yay, and he’s cool about it. He’s one of the more relaxed teachers. Everyone loves him there,” Noah explained. “I’ll tell you who to look out for when we get there Monday.”
“Good, thank you.”
George had snuck into Jade’s lap, and rested his hand on her knee. Noah just laughed at him and said to him, “You’re getting too spoiled there, you know that right?”
Jade pet him again. “It’s okay. It’s nice having a loving cat. The one that lived around my old apartment never wanted to be approached. Mean old cat would bite me. And we weren’t allowed to have one of our own.”
“We didn’t want this one,” Noah glared at George. Jade could have sworn the cat rolled it’s eyes.
“Your cat seems to have a personality.”
The cat purred and closed its eyes once again.
“Would you like to come to my part of the house? We were going to invite you guys for dinner. If that was okay with Mr. Cooper?”
“I’m sure dad won’t mind. It’s been a long day for the both of us.”