They were quiet, as they were picking up the dishes. After a while, Noah couldn’t take it. “Alright, what is up?”
Mr. Moon smiled. “Lots. Though, what do you think she is?”
“Something stranger, for sure. I know you know already,” Noah crossed his arms, making Mr. Moon laugh.
“Don’t you want to be surprised?”
Noah shook his head. “No, I want to know.”
“She doesn’t even know yet. It’ll take a day or two-“
“But she is for sure a Student though?”
“The spark was there. When we shook hands, there was a spark. She is a Student of mine, for sure.”
“Did you read her soul?” George asked. They both looked down to the fuzzy cat, sitting on the floor.
“I did, George, I did. Did you sense anything, yourself?”
“I could smell her for miles. She’s going to need me near her.”
He nodded. “Once word gets out . . . it’s going to be chaos.”
Noah was looking worried now. “Why?”
Mr. Moon smiled, “Because, young Noah . . . it seems her element is a Key.”
Noah’s mouth dropped. That small little girl, the one that had hit him on the head with a book, she was a Key? Her of all people? Mr. Moon was right for sure, it was soon going to be chaos.