When Jade’s dad fell asleep, she took his phone, and snuck off with George to Mr. Moon’s part of the house. She told George when they were in bed, and he told her Mr. Moon needed to know ASAP. “He will know what to do,” George explained.
Jade never have snuck around before, or even peaked at my dad’s phone, this was all new to her. However, she would have never done any of this if it wasn’t just so important.
When they entered Mr. Moon’s home again, he was up painting just like the last time. Was he always up at this time? Jade worried about him, but that was a question for another time.
“Simon . . . you need to see this,” George said, turning into a human form.
Jade pulled up the picture on the phone, and gave it to Mr. Moon. The second his bright blue eyes had laid on the screen, his face went pale. “Where did you get this?”
“My dad . . . this is his project at the Denver Museum. It’s . . .Runin.”
He nodded slowly. “It is him, I know that for a fact. When did you figure this out?”
“Dad was telling me at the movies.”
Noah sleepily walked into the kitchen. “What’s going on?” he asked followed by a yawn.
All three looked at him, and he knew something was the matter. They all sat at the table, quiet for the longest time, not sure what words could be spoken.
After a while, Mr. Moon said, “We have to take it.”
“Take it?” Jade asked.
“I will inform the conical at Ebieg Castle. I know Bellament will be there, and I know she will want us to bring this to her. George, can you deliver this message? I know you are going there next week for the yearly Guardian Meeting, but you need to leave earlier to tell them.”
George nodded. “I will.”
“Wait, you’re leaving?” I asked George.
“It’ll only be for a week. You will be safe. If anything happens, I will be back before you can click your heels three times. But Simon, with everything going on, shouldn’t I just skip this year?”
“No, it’s like asking us to miss our Divider Meeting. It comes once a year. It’s the only time where you get to be with your own kind. We will protect Jade. You’ve done a lot, George.”
He nodded. “I will go then,” he said. “Before the break of dusk.”
“Thank you, George,” Mr. Moon said, patting his shoulder. “As for you Jade, I am sorry, but we must put a pause on your training. If any Mages find out about you, then they will be after you. Demon followers and Mages want the worlds to be overrun with these type of creatures.”
Jade wanted to protest, but how much of this new world did she really know of?
How safe was she really?
“Noah, you won’t leave her side, understand?” Mr. Moon said.
Noah nodded. “Yes,” he agreed.
“Now everyone, back to bed with you. We cannot worry about something until the moment is here. Jade, I am going to talk to your father, get more information. You must not tell him about the Red Box.”
“What if he is in danger?”
“He is,” Mr. Moon frowned. “That’s why we must not tell him.”
Jade nodded. George and her snuck back into their home, and Jade slipped her father’s home under his hand, just where it was before. When Jade and the cat crawled back into bed, neither of them could close their eyes.
“George,” Jade said.
“Yes?” he asked.
“What are we going to do when we get the Red Box?”
“We will take it back to the castle, where it came be guarded.”
“What is Ebieg Castle?” Jade asked.
George raised his head. “Well, it’s in the main realm, the actually Inbetween. It’s said that this is where the Spirits had ruled the worlds from. The castle is on a floating island, and looks out to all of the land. It’s where Dividers and Guardians go once a year. You’ll get to go next year after Christmas.”
“What about Mages?”
“Well, they did go, a lot time ago. They’re still allowed, just . . . it’s frowned upon.”
“George? Do you think Mage’s are evil like Mr. Moon and Noah does?”
He thought about his words for a long time. “Honestly, no one is really all evil or all good. We just are. No more talking, close your eyes and go to sleep.”
Jade did what she was told. Luckily, she didn’t have any nightmares. When she opened her eyes for the next morning, George was already gone.
She was worried how she was going to get through the next week without him by her side. She supposed she just had to learn.