Jade couldn’t understand what was in front of her. In big red ink, her test said “F, see me after class.”
She didn’t understand. She did, but she didn’t. The glowing thing, she had it during her test. She had circled the right answers, right? She didn’t really read the questions, but she knew they had to be right answers.
When the bell rang, everyone got up to go to lunch.
“Hey, sitting together for lunch?” Noah asked. Jade still had her paper in her hand. “Wait, you failed?”
Storm glanced over. “Really? It was easy.”
“Yeah . . .I thought it was,” Jade mumbled. “I have to talk to Mr. Moon.”
“Good luck,” Noah patted her back and walked away. Storm waited a second, but ended up walking to lunch herself. Slowly, Jade got up, and slowly walked to Mr. Moon, who was writing stuff on the board.
He looked over and smiled, “Oh, so you did read my message. Thank you for not running off.”
“Well, it’s big and in red on the test. Um, sorry I failed.”
He laughed. “I’m not.”
Jade was a little through off by his response, but went on. “Mr. Moon, I’m not good at art. But, I’m sure I was right on at least some of these answers.”
“Why is that?” he asked, walking to his desk, and leaning on the front, crossing his arms.
Jade froze. “Because, well, I was just really sure. Like, really sure I picked the right answers.”
“You didn’t read the questions, you just picked?”
Guilt seemed to shadow her. “Uh . . .”
He laughed. “So we picked the ones glowing, not the right answers, right?”
She felt stabbing pains in her chest. “I’m sorry?”
“The test. It’s design for people like you. Keys pick up this nasty habit to circle the right answers before reading the questions. That’s what you did, am I wrong?”
She was still lost. “I’m sorry?” she repeated.
“You know what I’m talking about,” he smirked.
She shook her head. “I . . . I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Mr. Moon straighten up, and held two hands up. “Jade, don’t be afraid, I promise, everything is okay. I’m here to train you.”
Jade started to walk backwards, trying to head out the door. “I’m sorry, but you’re really scaring me.”
“I’m sorry dear. But the day we met, the shock, that little spark in your hand, the nasty headache you get after it, that was your element coming through. When a Divider meets their assigned Guider, their elements comes into place. School has been a breeze, you can find anything you need, you can find all your classes. . . that’s what Key’s are designed for. I’m a Soul Reader, I knew it the first day I met you, I knew you were powerful. I was curious how this would play-“
“MR. MOON! Stop!”
He put two hands back up again. “Maybe . . .maybe I should show you. I’ll show you the Inbetween, okay?”
Jade raised an eyebrow. She was halfway out the door when she saw Mr. Moon tracing the closet door, and then knocking the door four times.
When he opened the door, there was no supplies, no brooms, nothing a normal closet would keep. Instead, inside the closet door was a city.