During first period, while Jade looked to each desk, looking for an empty one, a girl ran up to her.
“Are you new?” she asked with excitement.
“Yes,” Jade answered in a small voice.
“What’s your name?”
The girl took her arm. “I’m Storm. You should sit by me.”
Jade wasn’t given a choice as she was drugged to the back corner and took an empty sit next to Storm. At first, she thought she must be that weird girl who is trying too hard to make friends, but as more kids walked in, they all spoke to her, and soon they had a group conversion.
“Where you from?” the attention being thrown onto Jade.
“What’s in Kansas?”
“Hmm . . . nothing much really.”
“What’s your name?”
Soon the teacher came in, told the class to take their sets. He called role. When he got to Jade, he started. “Allisilon?”
“It’s Jade,” she answered.
“Oh thank god . . . I mean, nice to meet you,” the teacher said, moving on.
Storm lean over, “Do you not like your name?”
“No, it sounds too foreign.”
“Stormellae,” she said.
“I’m sorry?” Jade asked.
She laughed. “That’s my first name. Our names don’t roll off the tongue in these parts.”
Jade straighten up, and gave a smile. Maybe her parents were foreign and cursed their child with an odd and long name, just like herself. . “At least I’m not alone.”
The period went by fast. The last ten minutes were quiet, so the kids bothered Jade again. When the bell rung, Jade asked herself where her next class was, and the path appeared for her. She didn’t feel as scared of it like she did before.
When third period rolled around, the teacher handed out a small quiz. “Sorry honey, we do this every Monday. You can sit this one out-“
“Actually, I would like to try, at least.”
The teacher smiled and was shocked. She was more shocked.
Jade looked through the quiz. The answers glowed out in front of her. The bubbles were calling out for her. She didn’t think twice and filled them in. Five minutes later, she went up to the teacher to turn it in.
“Honey, there is no way you could have finished that.”
“I’m done,” Jade said, leaving it on her desk. The teacher eyed her and started grading. Jade returned to her desk. She watched the teacher as she graded. Her frown slowly turning into a shocked face. When she was done, she looked to Jade.
She got up and walked to her desk. “How did you know this?”
“We learned this last year.”
Students were starting to stare. “All about this? You got a 100%. You didn’t miss a single answer.”
Jade stayed quiet.
“Good job, I except a lot of you Ms. Cooper.”
Jade smiled, looking at her test that the teacher placed on her desk.
She could really use this.