The next morning, Jade felt numb. Not physical wise, more mental. She wondered if everything was a dream from yesterday, but then she touched her necklace. She looked at the colors again, studying them closely. They seemed to swim around, collating and pulling apart. It was like an art piece in the works.
George crawled up to her shoulders, in his cat form. “You are going to be a powerful Divider.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well, the broom swing wasn’t that bad of a hit, so at least I know you’re a fighter.”
Jade laughed, and rolled over to her stomach. “I’m sorry for freaking out.”
“No need. Not that worse reaction I’ve seen.”
“Have you been Guardians to other people?”
“What happened to them?”
“They don’t need me after a while. Some die and go the next world, and some . . . turned. I’ve been around for a while, I’ve seen a few things or two,” George had informed her.
“A while? Wait, how old are you?”
“I’m 72,” he answered.
Jade’s eyes widen. “But you look young. Not like an old man.”
He laughed. “Simon is just as old as I am.”
“Wait, when was he born?” Jade questioned.
“Um, let me think. . . . I want to say 1896.”
“What?” Jade raised an eyebrow. “Why does he look so young also?”
“Well, when a Divider becomes a Teacher, the Grim Reaper stops the biological clock for them, so they can train students. They don’t die . . . well, by old age at least. They still have to be careful.”
“Jade? Time to get up,” Jim knocked on the door.
“Okay,” she yelled back.
She got up, got showered, put on a sweater and jeans, and headed out the door to Mr. Moon’s part of the house, where they were waiting for her to get into the car. She hopped in the back, and soon they were on the road to school.
Things were getting to be normal for her. Despite her learning her elements, that there were different realms, a Mage trying to kill her, and learning that she was a Divider, it was a normal start of a first week.
When they got to school, no one seemed concerned about Storm being missing. Even with the class she had with her, the teacher never called out her name, and when Jade asked the other students about her, they all asked, “Who?”
She brought it up to Noah. “Oh, she must have been using a Shield, to slip into the school and trick people into thinking they knew her for a while, and once she’s gone, everyone slips out of the shield. I suppose that’s how it goes.”
Jade looked around, seeing the sea of students. “I wonder who else is a Mage.”
Noah tighten his lips, and didn’t say a word.
When art class came around, Mr. Moon went on with his lectures as if they were nothing, as if the whole world was its happy self. He was ludicrous, nonseries, silly during his talks. He did make the students laugh, so he must have known what he was doing.
He’s always been like that.
Insane man.
He thinks his innocence, pure . . . but he’s not.
It was that voice again. It wasn’t hers. She just placed her head on the table, closing her eyes, waiting for it to move on, get away from her.