Her head was thumping hard. She wanted to open her eyes, but it all hurt too much. She must have hit her head on something. Everything felt like a dream, she felt like she was flowing in space, never coming down.
But it was a lie, it was not a dream. And lying to herself wasn’t going to help anyone. When she finally was able to open her eyes, she saw she was in the nurse’s office. A woman, tall and tan, looked to be in her mid-30’s, was at her desk.
“Oh, she’s awake.”
Jade didn’t know what to say. The woman, who must have been the nurse, stood up and handed her a glass of water.
“Don’t worry, lots of student Dividers that grew up in this world get overwhelmed at first when they learn about the other worlds.”
“Which one are you from?” Jade mumbled.
The nurse laughed. “Funny child, please drink, sit up. I have an apple here for you, and a little bit of chocolate to get your blood sugar up too.”
Jade took the treats, stuffing the apple in her pocket, but eating the chocolates.
“What did you think of it?” the nurse asked. Jade looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Of my hometown.”
“The thing in Mr. Moon’s closet?”
“The Capital of the Inbetween.”
It was real then. Unless this was a cruel joke and people were just seeing how long they could trick her, but it didn’t seem it was a prank.
“It was . . . it wasn’t real.”
“Still in shock. You’ll be okay, child. You’ll be wiping in and out of Doors in no time.”
There was a knock at the door, making Jade jump. Mr. Moon popped his head in, the last person she wanted to see. “Oh good,” he grinned at her. “She’s siting up and awake. Karenlea, can you give me and Jade a moment?”
“Of course.”
The nurse left the room, making the room cold and tense. Mr. Moon lean against the nurse’s desk, and crossed his arms. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
“It was all real?” she asked.
“Of course.”
“It’s not a dream?”
Jade let in sunk in. “Okay.”
Mr. Moon laughed. “It’s all reality. Jade, you are a Divider. When we shook hands, your element activated. That’s what happens between students and teachers. My element is Soul Reading. So I knew the moment I meant you that you were a Key. However I didn’t expect you to be my student.”
“Well, Keys are very rare. I didn’t think I would be honor with such a challenge. You are very smart, and wise, I know you were given the right one.”
“None of the makes sense.”
“I suppose not. You can ask me any questions. I am your teacher now. Not just an art teacher, I am here to teach you how to use your powers.”
“I got a question, what drug did you use on me?”
Mr. Moon sighed. “Jade, I know it’s . . . a lot, but that’s how it always is in the start.”
She shook her head. “No, Mr. Moon, there is no world in your closet, I didn’t almost get killed, they’re . . . made up. I’m not sitting here-“
“Look, would it help to talk to Noah?”
“Why would I talk to Noah?”
“Because he’s my student also. He’s from the Capital. You’ve met thousands of people in your life not from this realm.”
Jade’s eyes widen. “What time is it?”
“School just got out five minutes ago.”
“Where is my stuff?”
Mr. Moon answered, “In my car, ready for us to go home.”
Jade held her hands up. “You stay away from me. . .you . . . you stay away.”
Mr. Moon’s face dropped. “Jade, I’m trying to help,” he said taking a step closer.
Jade got down from the bed she was laying on. “Don’t,” she said, opening the door with anger and nearly running down the hall. He was right, school just got out. Kids were running to buses, getting into cars.
Jade started walking home, feeling her body still in shock. The farther she got away from the school, the faster she started to run. Kids were looking at her funny, but she didn’t care, she wanted to get home, she wanted to be safe.
Everything was a lie. This was just a prank on her. It was not real, not what so ever.
But why did it all feel so real that?