Daenerys’s POV
I sit by the fire, watching the flames burn the wood into ash. My mind is racing in knowing who Jon is. I brush my fingers through my hair, recalling the main thing flooding my mind. Jon nearly kissing me but withdrew. I stop myself in thinking any further on it.
Instead my mind goes to more pressing matters at hand. Jon will face his lords and ladies when he returns. I can only imagine the cruelty of Lady Sansa and the others toward me than when I first arrived.
Suddenly, a fear plants deep within me that no matter what I do for the North, even saving them from the Dead; their judgment of me will remain. A part of me cannot risk any of my Dothraki and Unsullied if the North view will not be shaken.
I stare into the fireplace and wonder if I should leave and take the Iron Throne like I sailed to Westeros for. The truce with Cersei still stands if her army comes as she gave her word. Then again, I feel that Cersei may not keep her word knowing Jon swore his loyalty to me.
However I swore to Jon I would help him destroy the Night King. I have to keep my word to him just as he will keep his word to help me take the Iron Throne. I know Jon does not care for the Iron Throne. I have no worries of him reaching for it.
My worries are for his sister, Sansa is the one I am concerned about. If she knew the truth about Jon, she would play little games that will destroy me. I need to be a few steps ahead of her while I have the chance.
I remain in silence, knowing I need to find a way for the Lords and Ladies of Winterfell to trust me or at least some respect toward me. But I do not think there is anything that will change their minds even if I left.
“Daenerys?” I hear Tyrion say my name when he and Varys enter my tent.
“Lord Varys and Lord Tyrion, you may approach.” I rest my left hand on my forehead feeling ashamed in what I am going to ask them. I need their honest council in what I am to do next. I close my eyes in dread.
“Are you well?” Tyrion comes over with concern.
“No, I am not. I am in need of your council and for both of you to be aware of something I learned. And I’m choosing to tell you because you are different from the others here in Westeros just as Jorah Mormont. You both have a center and clearness that are shortage in others. You know full well the minds that think, scheme and betray. You understand and know how to handle it accordingly. That is why the two of you are my chosen advisors of my war.”
“Yes, Queen Daenerys. My council is yours now and always. What is it you have to tell us?” Tyrion says sitting across from me as does Varys. The wonder on their faces of what we are to speak of.
“Before I do, I want you both to swear with your lives that this conversation will not be spoken or written to another beyond the three of us and if you break it, I will burn you alive.”
Their eyes remain calm and normal when I threaten to burn them alive. Tyrion stands up and goes over to the side table and pours three glasses of wine. He gives one to Varys then extends one to me. I refuse the cup. He sits across from me again, ready for what we are about to discuss.
“I have been made aware of something that can be used against me if anyone else were to find out such as Lady Sansa and the North leaders. It is something that will destroy me.”
Tyrion has a look of terror on his face in my words. I try to gain my emotions but I let out a sob knowing I am about to betray Jon. “I am glad that I know what I know but I wish he never told me because I would be happy right now even in the possible end of all life. I am trying to push it aside but I cannot.”
“Jon Snow is not Ned Stark’s bastard son. He is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. His real name is Aegon Targaryen and my nephew by blood. Ned Stark raised him as his bastard son.” I tremble out the words to both of them.
Varys and Tyrion are speechless by just the look on their faces. Tyrion takes one large gulp of his wine then another. Varys does the same. I fix them with a hard look while Tyrion shakes his head processing the truth.
Tyrion stands up and pours himself another drink. He drinks it down as fast as he did the first one. He braces himself on the wine table. Varys drinks a good bit of his drink then glares at me.
“How many others know?” Varys questions.
“Bran Stark, Samwell Tarly, Jon and the three of us. I am unsure if Jon has told his sisters yet but I believe he will soon. He is an honorable man and he will tell them the truth.”
“It is no longer a secret anymore. It is information that can be used especially when Lady Sansa learns of it herself. You are right; this can destroy you, my queen. Soon the knowing few will become hundreds.” Varys speaks truth.
Tyrion turns to face me. “Jon is the last living son of House Targaryen. His claim is stronger than yours. Does he want-“
“No. I know he does not want the Iron Throne. But it will not matter. Lady Sansa and the others will pressure him to take the Iron Throne. His refusal for the throne will not matter to them. His true name will take on a form that none of us will be able to stop. Jon can bend the knee or swear his loyalty all he wants not to be King of the Seven Kingdoms but many will do everything in their power to make sure he sits on the Iron Throne.”
Tyrion and Varys know full well this is what will happen when others learn of the truth. I will lose the North and the Iron Throne as soon as Sansa knows. That bitch will make sure of it.
“Daenerys, I know that the two of you love each other. Would it be possible for marriage? The two of you can rule together with no chance of losing the North or the Iron Throne. And yes, I know you are his aunt. But that never stopped any Targaryens before.” Tyrion speaks the words I never thought of him to say.
“That is a solution however he grew up here in the North, a Stark through and through. The marriage of an aunt and nephew is not common in the North.” Varys says to Tyrion.
“A marriage is a good solution. He is a good man, temperate and measured that even some of the Southern Lords will find appealing if you have Jon as your husband and king consort, my queen. But the main questions are, does he feel differently about you since learning the truth? Will he marry you if asked?” Tyrion asks me.
I stare at them not knowing the answer if Jon would even consider marrying me now. A small part of me wondered if we survive the Long Night, would he want to marry me. Sadly that small part disappeared when Jon withdrew kissing me.
“I’m unsure what he would say about marriage. However what other solution is there? If marriage is not an option, what else can be done? What will I need to do?”
Varys and Tyrion glares to one another than to me. Tyrion comes face to face with me. “Daenerys, you have already given more and lost enough to the North. You lost one of your only children in order to save Jon and to bring Cersei into the fight. I can only imagine the further hatred the North will have when the Lannister army arrives here.”
“All in all, you are unique and you do not owe any soul here anything more than you have already given. My council to you is to leave the North now while you still can and take back the Iron Throne. After you take the throne, you can be the final stand if the Night King gets past Winterfell.”
I feel a terrible bit in my stomach that he understands my situation. Tyrion places his hand on my shoulder while I struggle to keep the tears in my eyes. “I would be taking back my word to Jon. I swore I would help him destroy the Night King and breaking the temporary truce with Cersei as well.”
“Yes, however if we live beyond the Long Night, none of it will mean anything to the North. You will always be the Mad King’s daughter in their eyes. As for my sister, she may have her forces kill what is left on the North when all of this is over. Even with my brother standing at the head of her army, they will follow Cersei orders no matter what.”
A few tears go down in my face in the horror if that is all I will be remembered for in Westeros; the Mad King’s daughter. I sniff before I wipe the tears off.
“Am I still the Mad King’s daughter in your eyes?” I ask both Varys and Tyrion.
“Yes and no…” Varys softly speaks to me.
He stands to his feet and comes next to Tyrion. “You are many things, Daenerys Stormborn but you are more than the Mad King’s daughter. You have given all of us here purpose and treat us with respect. And the amount of trust in telling us the truth proves it even further.”
My eyes study these men before me. If someone had told me years ago that these two men would be counseling me, I would think them to be tricking me. And yet here they are, counseling me.
“I knew I can trust the two of you. I believe you both grasp the necessity of it all. But my main question to you both, what should I do?”
Varys and Tyrion do not say anything for a few moments. I sense that they are not sure what to tell me. I wonder what I have to do if marriage with Jon is possible. I exhale in the fear returning until Jorah enters into the tent.
“Khalessi, someone wishes an audience with you.” Jorah tells me. He comes next to me.
“Jorah, whoever it is, it needs to be another time.”
“This someone has something we all need to know before the North learns of it.” Jorah firmly tells me.
“What is it?”
Someone enters the tent and I see it is the armored warrior that helped me with my dragon brooch. I glare at the full masked warrior. The warrior is in full armor, ready to fight even now. I notice that I cannot give get a glimpse of his or her face under the helmet. I see the shoulders of her armor are covered in animal fur but it is not wolf. The fur is too small to be wolf so it has to be a smaller animal of the north. The warrior bows their head to me.
“Forgive the intrusion, Queen Daenerys. There is something I think you should know along with your advisors. I am…”
“You are The Winter Fox. That is quite a name that is not easily forgotten.” I admit to this warrior.
“Always pleased to know my battle name is never forgotten especially by Daenerys Stormborn. I told you earlier that the other foxes and I are willing to back your claim to the Iron Throne and this is proof of our loyalty to you.” The Winter Fox shows an unsealed parchment scroll.
I stand to my feet wondering what it says on it. I hope it is news that will help with my next move. The Winter Fox takes off the seal, flattens out the parchments then reads aloud.
‘To my fellow foxes, Cersei has broken her word. The Golden Company has arrived in King’s Landing. However Ser Jaime Lannister rides with a force of five thousand men from the lands of the South and River Run. I have secured twelve elephants from the Golden Company and three thousand golden company men who are loyal to me, the Desert Fox and to our future queen, Daenerys Targaryen. Long may she Reign.’
I stand to my feet in hearing those written words. Cersei has broken her word, the truce between us no more. I can leave the North and take the Iron Throne before the Northern Lords and Ladies can act against Jon’s wishes for the throne. The Winter Fox extends out the parchment toward Varys and Tyrion.
Tyrion takes the paper and reads it in shock. He thought he convinced his sister to join the fight. Tyrion was wrong. Tyrion has a dread of terror in his eyes when he looks at me. I am disappointed in him but he is not entirely at fault. We all underestimated Cersei but no more.
Jorah takes the paper from Tyrion to read for himself. I look at the ink on the paper. The Winter Fox spoke it word for word. It has to be true however it makes me wonder that these Foxes want from me. As a ruler, someone is bound to want something from me; anyone claiming otherwise is a liar with a motive.
“What do you want?” I ask the Winter Fox.
“Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?” The Winter Fox comes a bit closer. The light of the fire shines upon the black sinister helmet this unknown warrior wears.
“If these words are true and you are as loyal as you claim to be, then what do you want from me?”
“Nothing except to keep letting us do what we do. And in return, we will give you everything you want.” The dark but yet calm voice under the mask speaks to me.
“What could you give me?” I approach the Winter Fox that we are face to face.
“How does the respect and support of the entire North sound? The only thing you have to do to make it happen is to listen to me. Then you will climb those steps to the Iron Throne and rule well.” The Winter Fox softly says in a playful but trickster tone.
My mind immediately goes to the thought of Jon taking those steps up to the Iron Throne and becoming King while I am tossed aside like a useless brood mare.
“Would you rather have another sit on the Iron Throne?”
“There is no one else worthy of the throne than you, Queen Daenerys.”
“Not even The King in the North, Jon Snow?” It felt like a knife in my heart to speak these words out load.
“Him? Never would have thought of him as a choice until now. However I’ll confess, he is a good man and an honest one like his father. But the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, there is no way. He will not reach any higher than King of the North. Jon Snow is quite a man in person. His stubborn ass people would force him to reach for it if they knew there was a chance for him to take those steps.”
“You met him?” Tyrion asks then drinks more wine.
“What? When was this?” I ask.
“Earlier, we had some wine and fucked well.” The Winter Fox says with a sense of pride.
I look to the Fox in horror that Jon has slept with someone else! The Winter Fox sees the look on my face then slightly holds their gloved hands up as if trying to reassure me with what they are about to say next.
“You don’t know I am kidding. I am tricking you. We only had wine. Nothing else happened. Anyway, back to what I said of you climbing those steps to the Iron Throne. The Fox can help the Dragon do so.”
The Winter Fox and I glare at one another. I see just enough of the eyes. I notice their eyes are blue but not the common blue. I see no light in their eyes, almost like the eyes are dead, no longer a person before me. I sense that this Winter Fox is something else entirely, not natural.
“What about you, Winter Fox?” Jorah breaks the silence.
The Winter Fox glares over at Jorah with their unnatural eyes. “What about me?”
Jorah steps closer to the masked warrior. “I have seen many kinds of warriors in my life. I spent time with the Golden Company, Seconds Sons, Windblown, Bright Banners, and many more. You seem to be an all together different sort of sells sword. But in my eyes, you are a mercenary, far worse than the Second Sons. A mercenary wants something. What about you?”
“I want nothing more than vengeance and I shall deliver it. You got a problem with that?” The Winter Fox snarls to Jorah.
“Not at the moment.” Jorah says with some hesitation if he already takes issue with the mercenary.
“Good.” The Winter Fox and Jorah stare each other down until Jorah takes a step back. The Winter Fox eyes meet with mine again.
“What do I need to do to get the respect and support of the North?” My curiosity speaks out to this trickster masked as a Fox to me.
I want to see what this Winter Fox has in mind to gain the support of the North. I know helping the North will never be enough even if I save it from the Army of the Dead and the support of Jon as King in the North. What else can I do to make it happen?
The Winter Fox closes the distance between us. The Fox slowly lifts their gloved left hand to my chin. The Fox and I the Dragon do not look away. This masked warrior gazes into my eyes almost searching for something in my green eyes.
“The deal is on but first things first, let’s have a discussion.”
The Winter Fox slowly walks past me and sits down in the chair across from mine. I sit down as well. What tricks does the fox have for the dragon?
“What do you know about Lord Eddard Stark?”