Jon's POV
Rhaegal flies through the thick clouds and I catch a brief glimpse of the Night King riding on Viserion. He flies directly upward through the clouds. I chase after him and emerge directly above the clouds. My eyes see the clear, starry night sky with a bright moon shining all around however there is no sign of the Night King. Rhaegal hovers in place as I look around for the Night King.
But he is nowhere as far as my eyes can see. I keep Long Claw ready in my right hand if he tries to throw an ice spear at me. My eyes go around until a blue light shines below Rhaegal. A jet of blue flame shots past Rhaegal. Rhaegal roars in anger then takes off upward.
I look over my shoulder to see the Night King right on Rhaegal's tail with Viserion speeding up. Viserion continues to breathe blue flames while Rhaegal struggles to keep ahead. I cry out in the piercing cold, yet scorching flames right behind us, ready to consume our flesh and bone.
Rhaegal starts to speed away with Viserion still on our tail. The blue flames no longer light the sky; the Night King ceases his dead dragon then disappears into the storm clouds. I struggle to regain Rhaegal's focus while his massive body spins wildly through the air.
Finally Rhaegal hovers above the clouds with the bright moon shining. My eyes scan the area but there is no sight of him. I look below and above me if the Night King is to do anymore surprise attacks. Rhaegal remains hovering and it appears he does not sense the Night King anywhere close to us in the skies.
My eyes go down to the dark clouds downward. I have a feeling I am going to regret this however I do not have any other better idea than to follow him. I lean forward, letting Rhaegal know to dive down. Rhaegal tucks his wings to his sides, going downward. I close my eyes in the fast wind, snow and ice clashing against my face, and cloak wiping all around.
Winter Fox's POV
I walk calmly through the charred battlefield. The White Walkers pick up speed, preparing to rip me to shreds. I smile to myself knowing that these pawns of the Night King do not have the ability to rip me apart. Right when they are barely five feet away from me, I draw out my dragon glass steel sword, staring at the black gleaming beauty of the sword.
I sprint toward the dead giving a battle roar, shoving the black gleaming beautiful sword through the stomach of the first white walker that charges me. I move the sword like it is nothing more than a painting brush among the dead, killing white walker after white walker like they are the paint to a blank canvas of snow.
Their bodies fall to my feet and I want to step it up more. I grab her axe and hold it in my right hand. I move the blade of the axe chopping of their heads like they were overgrown plants in my war. The swarm of White Walkers tries to overtake me however this horde of walkers cannot. I swiftly dodge swords and spears before tossing a white walker behind me. I cut through this division of the army of the dead like the insects and nothingness they are.
I grab the body of a white walker a bit larger than me, using it as a shield. I mow down more with this corpse shield before letting the corpse body drop to my feet. I use my sword and axe to take down multiple with one fluid movement. I cannot resist in my movements being like a rehearsed dance. And that is all fighting truly is; a dancing movement with a twist. I destroy dozens more white walkers.
A few white walkers manage to knock my axe and sword away from me. It is not setback for me when I grab the hand size metal bar from my weaponry belt. I push the middle of the metal bar as it turns into a long valyrian steel spear. I use my long spear to fend off a horde of dead men and women around me. I unleash a battle cry, impaling a white walker child through the stomach and spin the spear around to slash through many more.
I hold off them just as I have done before in the endless battles I endured. I do not hold back, stop, and lessen my killing pace. I hold nothing back against them. I give these fuckers the death they should have been given then mindless bodies of an army. I stride further into the corpse army, picking up my sword and axe. I place my spear in the holster on my backside. The sharp blades of my weapons slash through the rotten flesh.
I am unsure how long I have been fighting however I ensure more of their bodies fill the charred battlefield. I notice a large amount of white walkers go around me, going for Winterfell. They attempt to climb the flamed walls of Winterfell except more of their bodies fall to the ground burning along with the rest on the blackened battlefield.
I do not see anyone on the walls so I hope that they are going for the Crypt to escape. They do not need to be stupid by fighting in a losing battle. All they can do now is survive, no more bodies to add to the Army of the Dead. I glare around the battlefield to see that none of them come for me anymore. They are all going straight for Winterfell to destroy it.
I know I cannot hold them off anymore as I hear the sound of thundering hooves approaching behind me. I turn to find my horse stopping right in front of me. I smile at the sight of my beautiful horse. She always finds a way back to me and has been with me through many dangers.
I pet her on her forehead for a few moments then mount up. I am about to ride off to the Wolf-woods until I see a flash of blue and orange-red flames above Winterfell. My eyes see Jon on Rhaegal's back. Jon is hanging on for his life but yet the Night King is maintaining his sit on dragon back like he has done hundreds of times.
If Jon cannot maintain his seat, he will fall to his death. I need to find a way to get up there now. I scan around the whole battlefield to see if there are any items I can use to my advantage to get me to the sky however my horse snorts, shaking their head. I grin to know what she has in mind to get me up there.
"Mhysa, get back to Winterfell and make sure Monsoon Fox is out of there. After that, try to keep up with the dragons. I know you cannot outrun a dragon however I know you can keep up." I say to her as I pet her up and down her neck.
Mhysa shakes her head up and down before I stand up on her back with all of my weapons ready and in hand for what is about to happen next. We just have to wait for the right moment in order for this to happen. A perfect timing and it will be something that has possibly never been done. I smile again knowing I may be the first to do this.
Rhaegal flies through the raging blizzard with Viserion right on his tail and begins to get lower and lower to the ground. I ready myself as Rhaegal crashes through snow covered pine trees. I grab my whip and with a quick twist of my wrist, the force of the leather whip with valyrian steel embedded into the end portion of the whip goes around right when my chance comes. I give a slight whistle to Mhysa when she bucks me off her back, sending me into the air.
My body goes through the cold air and into the direction of Rhaegal. And with a sudden twist in my wrist, the whip wraps around one of the claws of Rhaegal's back feet. The end of the whip latches on like I expected when I grip both of my hands on the handle. I feel my body is being dragging behind Rhaegal at the speed of the dragon.
I grit my teeth when Rhaegal brings himself higher into the sky, away from the snow covered trees. Rhaegal flies to the right, speeding up and a bit further away from the Night King on Viserion. I see that Jon has no chance in a straight fight but to try to lose the Night King is something he can do. Rhaegal rises further into the air then takes a sharp turn that causes me to circle around. I hang on for dear life. Rhaegal flies over more land and toward more snow covered landscape far from Winterfell.
Jon needs to get Rhaegal back in the direction of Winterfell now. I begin to climb up the whip line. Rhaegal swoops down as we appear to be out of the snow storm. But thankfully Rhaegal circles around back in the direction of Winterfell. I keep on climbing then freeze when I see Viserion is hot on their tail. I finally reach his massive foot and climb within it.
I unlatch the whip from his foot, placing it back on my weaponry belt and look up to see we are back in the snow storm. I reach for a good grip so I can climb up his leg. I cannot help but notice how a dragon's skin is almost like that of a mountain side; tough and finding the right area to grip onto. I nearly fall right when Rhaegal dodges another jet of blue flames from Viserion.
I strain myself back up, climbing what feels like a mountain onto the dragon's back side. I stay on my hands and knees, grabbing onto whatever spikes I can. My eyes look upward at the sight of Jon's cloak flapping all over the place. He remains struggles to stay in his seat.
I am about to climb my way to Jon when suddenly the Night King lands a few steps behind him. Jon is not aware of this when the Night king draws out his ice spear. I immediately run toward him. The Night King is about to deliver the blow. I try out the ice spear on my back, deflecting his attack.
The Night King glares at me with his piercing blue eyes almost taken back in what I just did. My thoughts stop the moment I freeze at the sight of him. This is my first time seeing him since...
My thoughts get back on track when Jon finally looks back in shock that we are both behind him midflight on dragon back. I use this to my advantage, kicking the Night king back away from Jon. I twirl the ice spear in my hand unsure if I am ready to fight him but I will do whatever it takes. The Night King stares at me almost in curiosity. I cannot help but wonder if he remembers me in the smallest possible way.
"How in the Seven hells did you get up here?!" Jon screams to me.
I shout in response, "Get Rhaegal to Winterfell now!"
I advance forward to the Night King. I try to jam the ice spear at him but he dodges my attack. I stomp on his foot then elbow him. The Night King tries to throw me straight off the back of the dragon but I wrap my thighs around his upper body. I cannot stress enough how really hard it is to fight on the back of a dragon through an almost blinding snow storm.
The Night King turns me over that I am on my knees, wrapping his ice arm around my neck. I use his own strength against him, flipping him onto his backside. He tears the ice spear from my hand and is ready to fight me with two spears, standing to his feet. I draw my right handed ax, stopping the edge of the ice spears an inch from my face.
We battle one another when I see we are above Winterfell now. I use a spinning kick to force the Night King further back that he is near the backend of Rhaegal. My eyes go to a fight taking place in the Godswood tree area of Winterfell. I see Arya and Gendry fighting off one of the Others.
Arya is struggling to fight against the Other. She appears to be wounded and no weapon within reach. I grab my whip, using a flick of my wrist to take back one of the ice spears.
The ice spear is brought back to my left hand. I quickly wrap the whip around the ice spear then throw it directly toward the Godswood tree. The Night King tackles me the moment after I send it. I head butt the Night King but nothing happens. He spins his remaining ice spear and shoves it right into my chest.
"No!!!" Jon screams that I was just stabbed.
I glare into the ice cold blue eyes of the Night King when he pulls the ice spear out of me. I smile to see his confusion of not an ounce of blood on the ice spear. I have nothing but an open hole in my armor from the stab. I sigh knowing I am going to have to repair my armor again.
"Ow... Here we go!" I say to the Night King out of humor.
I run to him, jumping up to wrap my legs around his neck. I flip my body backwards, bringing him face first into the back of the dragon while I am on the Night King's backside. This is definitely a familiar place between the two of us. However the Night King uses my own strength against me to separate us.
I get to my feet, placing my fingers into the open wound just before I catch the Night King's fist from punching my face. The Night King and I trade punches before he wraps his arm around my throat, trying to choke me.
Jon yells in desperation for my life, "Winter Fox, save yourself!"
However he has nothing to fear in my life being taken.
"Mind taking us down toward the tree lines, Jon!" I respond back to him before I grab my valyrian steel weapon, placing it to his side, pressing my finger over the button. The Night King must have sense the type of steel and lets me go. The spear does not stab the Night King in his side like I was hoping.
The Night King goes for my throat again. His chokehold does not affect me. He grips his hand around my wrist holding the spear so I cannot make a move with it. I notice Jon did not hear me earlier. I turn my head right when Viserion opens his jaws wide with a light of blue erupting from the back of his mouth. This jet of blue flames will possibly be the death of Jon and maybe even me.
"DIVE!!! DIVE!!!"
Jon leans forward and Rhaegal dives down, barely dodging the jet of blue flames. I fall down, nearly sliding off the back of the dragon but I manage to grab a hold of a spike as my feet are hanging in the air. The Night King is sent back but grabs a hold of the tail end.
Rhaegal struggles to correct his descent but manages to level out, soaring just above the tree line. Viserion drops in right behind Rhaegal with his large leathery wings keeping his speed. I hang on and know that the Night King cannot get back on the dragon of Rhaegal or Viserion. He needs to be forced to the ground.
"Spin!!" I scream with all of my might and thankfully Jon hears me right when Rhaegal barrel rolls through the sky. I cannot hang on anymore that I am sent flying in the air. I thought my body was going to gain speed in free falling but something else unexpected happens.
My body hits the chest of Viserion. I bounce onto the back of the dead dragon. My hands wrap around two spikes as my stomach side lies on the Dead Viserion's back. I begin to laugh knowing that this dragon can be a bit more controlling than a dragon alive. This dragon can be ridden by anyone dead, not just a rider with Targaryen blood.
I instantly maintain a solid seat on the back of the dragon, holding onto whatever I can. I lean forward to guide Dead Viserion. However Dead Viserion lets out an undead chilling like roar, trying to get me off their back. I do not ease my grip, not letting up any different than a horse trying to buck me off their back. I no longer see Rhaegal and Jon when Dead Viserion easily submits far quicker than I expected.
I guide Dead Viserion into the direction of Winterfell until I hear Rhaegal roaring just ahead. I see just enough through the snow storm to see the Night King hanging onto Rhaegal's tail but starts to climb. I know that look in the Night King's eyes. He wants Jon for a purpose and there is only one true purpose he could have for Jon. The Night King wants Jon as one of the Others. I will not allow him to take Jon.
Rhaegal struggles against the powerful winds of the snow storm. He tries to fly forward. Viserion has no trouble soaring through it that we catch up. I stand up right when Viserion is within biting reach of Rhaegal. I instantly run onward the neck of Viserion. Once I reach the edge of his head, I jump into the air, landing directly on top of the Night King. I force the Night King onto his back side when Jon looks over his shoulder in shock that I made it on Rhaegal's back a second time.
We instantly get to our feet. I grab the Night King by the neck of his armor; spin him around before I kick him off Rhaegal's back. The Night King falls off but lands on Viserion's back. I snarl in displeasure then turn to seat right behind Jon on dragon back.
"How are you still alive?!" Jon shouts in shock.
"Never mind that now! You need to use your speed, not power then you will win against him! Follow the feeling of my hands, lean with me!" I tell him.
I place my hands on top of his with my front side right against his backside. I rest my chin on his shoulder so I can show him what he needs for the dragon fight to come. Jon seems taken back in what I am doing but he goes with it.
Jon's dark, wet hair wipes around his face when we glance around to see the Night King and Viserion have disappeared into the snow storm. I fear of where he could be. I know he has not left his pursuit of Jon. He wants Jon for his own and he will do anything to get him. He is close by, I can feel it.
Jon follows my lead when we circle back to Winterfell. Suddenly Rhaegal gives a piercing shriek when the Night King and Dead Viserion burst out from the storm. Dead Viserion nearly grabs Rhaegal but narrowly dodges him. Rhaegal speeds through the storm when Jon and I glare back in the terrifying sight of Dead Viserion snapping his jaws at us.
Rhaegal veers to the right while Dead Viserion charges toward us. I lean to the left as Rhaegal turns back toward the Wolf Woods flying above the tree line. We quickly fly away from them. I see Jon's face strain against the storm. My eyes go up to see Dead Viserion soaring above us.
He continues to follow us until he fades away in the storm. I peer through the clouds but there is no sight of him. Rhaegal begins to hover over the tree line. Jon and I scan as far as our eyes could see in the storm; there is nothing. Jon looks back at me with a look of wonder in what we should do next.
"Head back to Winterfell and go high above! Attack him from above!" I raise my voice to him.
We both lean forward to guide Rhaegal back into full flight, climbing higher and further through the storm. Rhaegal flies just high enough that we can see the flames lighting up around the charred battlefield and through Winterfell. Our eyes finally see the Night King descending Dead Viserion toward the castle.
They pass over the flames outside the walls just before Viserion shots a jet of blue flames. The blue flames break through one section of the walls, the wall crumbles to the ground killing anyone who happens to be underneath. Jon yells in anger, driving Rhaegal right into Dead Viserion like a sudden lightning bolt.
I smile at the marvelous force when slamming into the dead dragon. Rhaegal and Dead Viserion collides midair above Winterfell for anyone alive to see these mighty beasts. Each dragon giving out roars that echo across Winterfell. Jon and I struggle to maintain our seats while the two dragons tear into each other.
The dragons' claw at one another, trading blows of biting or clawing on the neck, chest or legs. Rhaegal moves his long neck then pierces his sharp teeth into Viserion's neck. I feel Jon losing his grip but I keep my weight with him so he does not get sent to the ground or the fall to his death.
I see out of the corner of my eye that the Night King still has his ice spear and aims at us. Before I could grab one of my weapons, Dead Viserion snaps at us. Jon lets out a scream when the teeth of the dragon barely miss Jon but enough to tear away his cloak and it is sent flying. Rhaegal bites down hard, sinking his teeth deeper into the flesh of the slightly smaller dragon.
Finally Rhaegal rips away a large portion of Dead Viserion's bottom jaw while puffs of blue flames snap out through the new hole. The dragons keep on circling through the air above Winterfell. My eyes go down to see many watching like it was a show however they need to get out of there while they still can.
Jon and I cry out as Dead Viserion snaps at us repeatedly when Jon cries out with all his might, "DRACARYS!!!"
I feel a strong pulse running through Rhaegal's stomach up his neck, all the way to his head. Rhaegal unleashes his pure fire so bright. The pure flames strike Dead Viserion and it causes the Night King to nearly fall off Dead Viserion's back. Jon and I continue to cling onto Rhaegal's back. Rhaegal moves forward, chopping down on Viserion's neck, using any force necessary to rip his neck from his body, attempting to finish off his own dead dragon brother for good.
But to no avail, Dead Viserion manages to rip himself away from Rhaegal's jaws. Before either of us could see it coming, an ice spear comes right at us. Jon and I lean to move out of the way; the ice spear gashes right through Jon's side but not through his rib cage thankfully.
"Ahhhhh!" Jon lets out in the terrible wound given to him when the ice spears lands directly behind me. I lean back to grab it, ready to use it to my advantage.
Rhaegal unleashes his flames directly into the mouth of Dead Viserion. It does not seem to affect him as Dead Viserion wraps his fucked up jaws around the throat of Rhaegal. Rhaegal lets out an unsettling scream that could cause a skull to split open.
"RHAEGAL!!!!" Jon cries out in the agony of his dragon screaming.
Rhaegal keeps on screaming when I take the ice spear, throwing it into the eye of Dead Viserion. The ice spear goes right its dead right eye, the ice cold blue fades away in taking the eye out. Dead Viserion releases his grip on Rhaegal. Rhaegal breathes fire into Dead Viserion's face to fall away from them.
Rhaegal flies away due to his terrible injury. Jon and I see he is losing blood and if he gets injured any further, he will be killed. I hear Jon sob in the terrible pain Rhaegal is in. He has that bond, connection that a dragon and Targaryen rider should feel faster than I expected him to have. Rhaegal's wound is weakening by the feel of his flight speed every few moments that pass.
Dead Viserion and the Night King still chase us, ready for the final blow. I glare back at them knowing there is a way to weaken Dead Viserion. We need to finish this now before another mighty dragon is taken from the world.
"Jon, both of you is going to get through this together! I know exactly what to do!" I assure him. Jon does not question me and guides Rhaegal where he should be so if he falls to the ground, he will have a soft landing.
Dead Viserion delivers several blasts of blue flames, Rhaegal evades it in any way he can. I position myself where I need to be on Rhaegal, hanging on with all my might and right when the Night King attacks from above, I scream, "Now!!!"
Rhaegal flings his tail right toward Dead Viserion, sending me into the air. I shout my battle cry, soaring right into the Night King. And finally by Death's blessing, the Night King plummets off Dead Viserion, disappearing through the thick clouds below. I slide across Dead Viserion's back, trying to grab whatever I can but it is no good.
I begin to fall to the ground when I see Rhaegal collide with Dead Viserion for the final blow I asked Jon to do. Rhaegal's own teeth rip into Dead Viserion's wing, causing Dead Viserion to be unstable to fly anymore. I smile knowing that Dead Viserion is down for now.
I begin to worry at the view of the ground rushing up below me with my swift falling speed. There are no trees to help ease my landing which means this is going to hurt me terribly. I am now more than maybe half a mile from the snowy ground when a strong grip of Rhaegal's foot catches me.
I look up to see that Jon guided Rhaegal to catch me. Rhaegal's wounds are too much that he surges toward the ground. Jon loses his grip and is set flying off his back. I get out of Rhaegal's grip. Jon collides right into me just after I am out of Rhaegal's grip. We both groan in agony due to the impact of our bodies hitting. I do not let go of Jon when we both hit the ground, sliding across the snow.
Jon is on top of me and I take the entire blow of the landing. I am just grateful that the landing on the ground almost felt like landing on a pillow due to the amount of snow covering the ground. Jon gazes at me while he is on top of me. He seems to be in awe and shock that we are both even alive after all of that.
"Like landing on a pillow." I tell him before Jon strains himself to get up. He stops in hearing Rhaegal cry out.
We both see Rhaegal trying to land on his feet, then slides across the snow on his belly before coming to a complete stop near us. Jon gets to his feet, holding his right hand to his wound then offers his left hand to help me up. I grab his hand, getting to my feet. We both run over to Rhaegal.
Rhaegal is bleeding from his neck wound; thankfully it was not deep but the bleeding needs to be stopped. Jon places his hand where he can try to help Rhaegal. I look around for anything that can be used but there is nothing large enough around to help stop the bleeding.
Rhaegal only has one choice. He needs to get to the encampment in the Wolf Woods. They have more than enough to treat his wounds. My eyes go beyond where the encampment is and I look to Jon knowing he is the only one who can convince Rhaegal to fly without him.
"Jon, tell him these words and he may listen."
"What words?" Jon tells me as his hands are covered in dragon blood.
"Soves! Azantys baelagon odrio, gienemagon!! Zokla guesin! Soves!! Point to the Wolf Woods as you say it. He will receive the care he needs but he needs to go now before it is too late." I tell to him.
Jon takes a moment when Rhaegal stares at him. Then slowly lowers his head to Jon so they can look at one another. Jon places his blood covered hands atop his nostril with the look of sadness on Rhaegal's eyes as if knowing what Jon is about to ask of him.
"Soves. Azantys baelagon odrio, gienemagon! Zokla guesin! Soves!" Jon points directly to the wolf woods while begging Rhaegal to go.
Rhaegal has a look of sorrow on his face, barely brushing his face against Jon's chest. I see Jon's eyes fill with tears knowing Rhaegal does not want to leave his side. However he has no choice. If Rhaegal stays, his wounds will be the death of him.
I take a step closer before Jon begs Rhaegal again. "Soves! Azantys baelagon odrio, gienemagon! Zokla guesin! Soves! Go! Please Rhaegal!"
Rhaegal lets out a wailing cry almost not wanting to leave Jon no matter what. However Rhaegal knows he has to leave. Rhaegal regards Jon's request when he stomps forward before leaping into the air. Jon and I step back while the wind bursts around us from his sudden take off. His wings carry him across the tree line heading in the direction of the woods where he will receive the care he needs.
Jon and I watch him until we can no longer see him through the thick clouds. My eyes go to Jon's wound. I tell him to take off his main shirt. Jon does not hesitate to untie and lift it over his head, handing me his main layer clothes. I grab a hold of the sleeves. Jon is about to ask what I am doing until I rip off the sleeves of his clothes. I tell him to lift his shirt up. Although he appears like he does not want to.
"I've seen my fair share of wounds. Lift up your shirt." I tell him kneeling down so I can better tend to his wound.
I grab out my small pack filled with a few herbs and wraps. Jon finally lifts up his shirt. I see a big gashing wound that thankfully is not bleeding out. It will possibly be a scar over time. I grab some of the snow on the ground and let it melt slowly on the wound then pour the mixed herbs on it.
I use enough wrap to secure it in place then use the ripped off sleeves to finish tying it around his rib cage. Jon releases a stinging moan when I tie it snug tight. I stand up and let his shirt back down, finishing up. He will need some stitches but for now, keeping it clean, making sure it does not get infected is what matters right now.
"I did not expect him to do as I asked. He is a dragon and Daenerys once told me that a dragon is not a slave." Jon says with a look of depression on his face.
"He knew in how you asked him. You were not demanding him like he was a servant of yours. You asked in order to save him life. Rhaegal knew that before he took off. And before you ask, we could have flown on dragon back with him however the Night King will be expecting that. The element of surprise against him can give us an edge. For now, my horse is going to arrive any moment to take us to the others."
"I didn't think he would since I am not..." Jon stops in his words as if he is unsure what he is saying. I know that look on his face. It is the look of doubt which he cannot have right now.
"Look at me, Snow. Look at me." I place my gloved right hand on the side of his neck. He struggles to look at me for a moment. "You once told Theon Greyjoy that he is a Greyjoy and a Stark in the throne room of Dragonstone. You told him he didn't need to choose. Neither do you. You are a Stark and a Targaryen. Ned Stark knew that and that is all that matters, Jon."
His eyes shine a bit more due to holding back some tears before I bring his head into my shoulder. He lets out a sharp exhale. I gently rest my helmet mask cheek aside his head. I can tell something else is on his mind.
"Speak what is on your mind."
"I went in full headed. I nearly got Rhaegal killed because of it. It was the... The power of a dragon... It was unlike anything I felt before. I felt like I could take on the entire army, burn them all. And finish it before anyone else would be killed."
I knew how he was feeling because I heard similar words from someone else before. "You've been up there on a dragon's back. You have barely begun to taste that power. You are one of the rare few that ever will. You are not the only Targaryen to get taken away by its power alone. Aemond Targaryen felt the same when he first rode the Mighty Vhaegar, the last dragon from Aegon's Conquest. After he claimed Vhaegar as his dragon and his brief taste of its power, he lost an eye because of it. You and Rhaegal will have scars of your own in remembrance not to sink into that power like quicksand."
Jon continues to let his head rest on my shoulder listening to every word I speak before I have him look at me one more time. "If you wish it, I will be there to make sure that power does not overtake you again."
Jon has such trust in me in the short time we have known each other and all the same, he shakes his head yes to me. I stare at this man who has endured enough. He deserves to have someone by his side to help pull him back or push him forward and I will be exactly that for him while I am here in the North.
Our eyes do not look away until the sound of hooves come running this way. I turn to see my horse coming to a full stop. I smile, extending my hand out to her. I knew she would come like she always does. I grab a hold of the rope embedded in valyrian steel around her lower neck, mounting bareback.
"We need to get deep into the Wolf Woods. That is where the others will be when they make it out." My horse walks up next to Jon when I extend my hand to him. Jon grabs a hold of my hand as I help him up. He sits behind me when I see his eyes go to the view of Winterfell.
My eyes take in Winterfell that is burning, overflowing with white walkers. And it appears that Monsoon Fox used the barrels to blow an entire wall out in order to take out as many white walkers he could before fleeing to the Wolf Woods.
"Do not worry. As long as a Stark remains, Winterfell can be restored and will always have a future except with Sansa." I whisper to him and he does not respond.
Jon watches his childhood home burn away. He wants to believe in my words. Although Winterfell fades away along with his hope of anything be restored. I ask my horse forward and she moves on walking to the Wolf Woods before carrying us into a full speed galloping away from the fallen Winterfell.
Hey everyone. I hope this chapter was a lot of fun especially with the dragons and it was stepped up more than usual. Please let me know your thoughts of it. I have to admit it was hard to find high valyria words for the Winter Fox and Jon to Rhaegal due to lack of the words of the language in the Game of Thrones world show and books. ((Thanks George RR Martin for taking over a decade to finish, etc.)) I managed to find a few words in low valyria to at least complete the words i needed. Here are the word translations to anyone interested.
Fly! – soves
Wolf – Zokla
Woods – Guesin
Help – Baelagon
Warrior – Azantys
Wound – Odrio
To Treat – Gienemagon
Again, I hope the chapter was a fun read. Next one to come soon. I hope all is well with everyone. Have a good one. :-) - Author's Note - Faith Hammett XOXO
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