Blossom Fox’s POV
We thirty Foxes remain at the King’s Road past Barrowton and two hundred miles from Winterfell, waiting for any news to report to our Queen, the Winter Fox or if the Dead get past Winterfell and as we predicted with nothing of note so far. We remain hidden under trees in shelters built with windbreaks, hammers to prevent ice from piling up in the hooves of our horses, warm blankets for all of us including the horses. However the horses have developed their winter coat long before arriving in the North of Westeros.
There is plenty of food to last for the weeks we may be out here on watch and small fires burning deep downed wood. The small fires are to ensure we do not alert any eyes to spot our position. And we are five hundred feet from the King’s road, water sources and within traveling distance of White Harbor if there is no other choice but to abandon the land of Westeros all together.
I check on my horse that has a thick winter coat of gold with a matching mane and tail as such of my bastard homeland in the Reach of House Tyrell. I feed her the other half of an apple, smiling at my loyal horse, Takara. She has been the most loyal soul in my life. She has jumped through fire and water for me. I never thought a horse could do that until my leader, the Winter Fox showed me it is possible.
I grab a hammer and use it to get any ice out from her hooves then I sit down by the fire with the others. We have sat in silence while we have been here until someone asks, “How do you think it is going aside from according to plan?”
“It is exactly as it should along with priceless looks on their faces especially with Lady Sansa.” I answer.
“Why does she not like Lady Sansa? I have seen my fair share of people she has torn apart or did not enjoy the company of but I feel some underlying hatred to Lady Sansa.”
“None of us including the Winter Fox can deny that what she endured no one should ever go through; no one deserves it, not even our enemies. However our leader went through far worse and look at what she became. She used her experience to help so many; she took a right turn. Lady Sansa took a wrong turn in what she experienced. Lady Sansa speaks with two tongues; one in public and the other for herself. She only serves herself after all she has been put through. Imagine if she was to become Queen in the North and the North is independent from the other Kingdoms. How do you imagine her rule?”
Each of us does not give it much thought when they name things off back to back.
“She would never marry.”
“She would never bare children after that what was done to her.”
“She will have no good alliances with anyone in the South no matter who sits the Iron Throne.”
“She will never trust anyone because they are not blood.”
“She would never adopt a bastard as her own to further the rule of the North.”
“She will bring ruin and death expecting to live forever as Queen in the North.”
“She will use tricks she learned from Cersei Lannister, Margery Tyrell and Little Finger rather than being the actual daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark.”
“She withholds info until she sees fit to use it for her own gain; the army of the Vale in the battle of the Bastards is the prime example.”
“She protested against Jon’s decision to pardon the last members of the Houses that betrayed Robb Stark during the War of the Five Kings. King Jon made the right ruling in doing that but Sansa does not see the big picture.”
“She protested against Jon when he announced his decision to go to Dragonstone to convince Queen Daenerys fight against the Long Night.”
“And before those times, she protested against her father, Ned Stark when he wanted to return to Winterfell. Instead she wanted to be ‘his queen and have his babies’.”
We shudder in disgust that she wanted even have sex with that thing, to be Joffrey’s wife and mother to his children. We’d won the betting pool that Joffrey would die before ever having sex. We all made good coins winning that bet. One of us starts mimicking Joffrey choking to death at his own wedding and we start laughing in how he falls over like Joffrey died. We will never get over how he died and take joy in it. We move back to the conversation about Sansa Stark.
“All in all, she is unreliable, emotionally damaged, self destructive, and anyone she grabs onto will simply be dragged down with her. Sansa Stark, Catelyn Stark, Cersei Lannister and even Alicent Hightower are the exact same; believing themselves to be smarter than others when they are not as smart as they think they are. They spoke with different tongues to have their ways.” I say it to clarify why our leader does not like her. I certainly do not and never will even if I got to know her.
Suddenly we get silent as a crypt and turn our heads at sounds coming from the King’s Road villages leading toward King’s Landing and the road entrance to the South and East. All of our horses are snorting in displeasure, shaking their heads in anger of something coming. We immediately grab our weapons when the sound of marching is heard as it draws closer.
My fellow foxes uses small huts to put out the fires we have going to be safer than sorry. We ready to cover the horses when an unnatural smell of dead flesh fill the cold, crisp air along with growling of creatures we never expected to find here of all places. It is the Dead here on the King’s Road.
There are hundreds of them traveling north. They could destroy whatever survivors are left fighting in the North aside from Queen Daenerys, the dragons, war elephants and our Foxes.
We did not let anyone slip past our nets especially any of the dead which means something has happened for anyone that has died past the North is now become more bodies for the Night King. All of us knew we had to get to our leader with this knowledge. We immediately gather our belongings, putting out the fire and mount our horses.
The doorway of the hidden tunnels under all of Westeros is opened. We slip in before the dead could sense us. The doors close with layers of snow falling over the doorway. We ride with haste in the hidden tunnels and this way of travel gives days of a head start on them on horseback. They are marching at a pace in the deep snow rather than running to Winterfell.
Our horses run with ease and warm up fast being out of the cold weather and deep snow. Takara runs hard and with haste as do the other horses to reach the doorway near the encampment to our leader, the Winter Fox. I know this was not a part of the events she predicted. I can only imagine the dread this will cause on the surviving people of the North.
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Daenerys’s POV
I glare at Daario as he gives a smile happy to see me. And yet I am wondering why he is here of all places when he stands back up. I step forward without warning and get into his face saying, “You are under my specific orders to safeguard Meeren and the Bay of Dragons. Why are you here?”
“Yes; those orders remain followed. I came here because I received word that the Golden Company was hired by the one currently sitting on the Iron Throne. I knew they would be no challenge against your dragons but then I received a letter about the death of one of your dragons. When I read those words, I knew if one of your dragons could be killed then you could use every man you can get. So I ensured me and two other fighters to come to you. The Second Sons remain following your specific orders, my Queen.”
My eyes go to the other two men standing behind him. They step forward and kneel down before me. I tell them to stand and they do. “You received a letter. Who sent it to you?”
Daario reaches into his cloak and pulls out a folded up letter, handing it to me. I unfold it and see the ink written words on the parchment.
‘Seconds Sons, The Golden Company was hired by Cersei Lannister who sits the Iron Throne. Queen Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons lost one of her dragons against a deadly foe known as the Night King and the Army of the Dead. Wither you believe these words or not, Queen Daenerys will need every man she can get in the battle to come. Take only 2 men; do not draw attention. Make it to Winterfell by the King’s Road where you will find the Mother of Dragons.’
I look at him wondering who sent this when I look at the ink style of the letter. It is similar to the letter writing the Winter Fox showed me by one of her own before I flew South. I realize this was sent by the Foxes of the Sunset Sea. I hand the letter to Jorah to read himself when my eyes go around seeing where the Foxes are. Especially the Winter Fox since she was impaled by the Night King. But I do not see the main two I am familiar with.
“The Foxes of the Sunset Sea sent this to you.” Jorah says to Daario when he sees the ink styling on the letter as I do.
Suddenly it is almost like the light from his eyes vanish in fear in hearing those words as did the other two men of the Second Sons. I never thought Daario would show any kind of fear for anything until now. Then I realize other men within hearing distance also become silent when they hear the words Jorah said.
“Daario, what is it? You have heard of them before.”
“Hahaha! We have heard of them alright. Most mercenaries in the world do not believe they exist, a ghost story, a story to tell around a fire. The ones that do believe call them the Foxes of the Sunset Sea. The Winter Fox alone is credited with over ten thousand kills in the last two hundred years. No one has ever been able to find them and to those that have gone after them is a dead end.”
My eyes go to Jorah then to Jon when he walks up to hear what is being spoken of about the Foxes. I did not expect to hear something like this about them. However Jorah suspected that she was a mercenary and he was right. Only she is far more than we thought she could be and yet she is here to help compared to what Daario is speaking about her.
“Over the years, great fighters, killers and mercenaries have tried and died or vanished. I never would have believed it myself until shortly after I won my freedom from the fighting pits. I heard whispers of something precious from the Shadow Lands of Asshai. It was a bounty that no one never knew what it was but the prize for getting the bounty is what made any killer or fooled man with a blade attempt it. It was worth three million gold coins to whoever collected the bounty.”
I never know anything worth that much in coins and I look to Jorah to see the look on his face that he never knew what could be worth that much in the entire world. My eyes slowly look around to see other questioning what it could be but have no knowledge of what it could be.
“What could be worth that much in coins these days?” Greyworm questions Daario.
“It was nearly nine years ago after I won my freedom from the fighting pits, I asked for other fighters who won their freedom to split the money with me once we collected the bounty. These were good men I knew; fierce warriors worth more than many standing here. We knew no one stood a chance against us when sailing to the Shadow Lands of Asshai for the first time.”
Daario steps forward to the forest line observing the ripped part lands of the North recalling everything before speaking it out loud. He takes a deep breath like he is speaking of a ghost story now. Daario turns around, holding his hand on his favorite dagger trying to muster up the courage to tell the untold tale.
“To those that have never seen or never will see the Shadow Lands of Asshai, it is easily the most mysterious region. It is also known as the Shadow. There is very little who know about it in detail. The only place is the port city known as Asshai which is where the bounty was said to begin and where trade happens for exotic items. It is unnatural, dark and creepy. It was covered in darkness with an unpleasant feel to it even to the people that walk alone with their faces covered.”
“There was a river nearby called Ash with the waters black during the day and glow green by night. We saw that their city stands at the edge of the world and any animals brought to Asshai they soon perish. At yet Asshai is home to all manner of magic users from pyromancers to shadow binders, necromancers and blood mages. No magic is forbidden in Asshai and the citizens are free to practice spells without restrain of consequences. It made us wonder what a bounty could be doing in a city like Asshai.”
“We traveled down the River of Ash as it gave off an unholy foulness when we reached the city on the edge of the world. We tied our boat when we saw a masked rider galloping away when a strange bell was rung, echoing through the city. Everyone in the city turned their heads to the rider which made us realize that they had the bounty. One of my men threw his spear, striking the rider. The rider nearly fell off the horse but hanged on with whatever life was left.”
“The horse continued on so we got back on the boat, traveling back down the river to the entrance of Asshai. Another one of my fellow men shot arrows at the rider but to no avail, the rider did not let go of the bounty with five arrows and a spear imbedded in the body of the rider and horse. Finally when we reached the entrance of Asshai, the rider fell to the ground which caused the horse to stop, neighing in distress of what happened. We ran up to the horse when an unsettling screech like cry came out of nowhere. It felt like we were being paralyzed in whatever it was.”
I notice others look to one another like they have heard that very same noise before. I wonder if something happened while we were gone to get the survivors. Daario turned around with a look of terror in what he was about to say next.
“That was when we saw a giant black horse at the end of the port, rearing up in a rage as we took the bounty off the dead body of a masked Fox. The bag was tossed to me and it felt like five stones by the weight of it. Then the rider rode in like Death itself with two axes, chopping off the head of a man I considered a friend. His headless corpse fell into the River of Ash, never to be seen again while his head rolled to my feet. We tried to flee in the boat with the bounty in hand but the death rider used one of their axes to damage the boat in one clean strike, causing the boat to sink into the river.”
“The four of us got out and started running. We separated but at the end of it, I was the only alive. Whatever this thing was, it hunted and killed them one by one; men I trusted torn open by an animal of some kind before their bodies kicked into the dull green river of Ash. I shed more tears for those men than anyone else in my whole life.”
“When all of their screams finished echoing through the city, the bounty disappeared as did the Death rider and rider we killed to get the bounty. I heard the whispers of the hooded folks saying the Foxes of the Sunset Sea lost one of their own in the first time in hundreds of years. That was the first time I heard their name whispered…”
My eyes go to Jon who is in shock of what is being told about them. I honestly do not have a hard time believing him in what we have seen and time spent with them. I can only imagine the horror of it all and Daario to be left alive at the end of it. I wonder why he was left alive and not killed with his men.
“I managed to get my way back to Essos. I swore to go after them to avenge my fellow men. The group managed to take some of their gold to get their attention and face us but when night time came, it happened the same way. Their screams echoing in the night and I was the only one alive again with their gold taken back. When the Death rider approached me as if it was Death itself standing before me and forced me to look into the dead blue eyes of the masked fox while saying these words to me.”
‘I know that feeling. You have pain and hatred for me because I killed your men twice now. However there is no one to blame but to those that threw the spear and shot the arrows that killed my fellow Fox that I loved as my own. And now the gold you took, I do not give a shit about. But I do give a shit that your actions with the gold cost the lives of a hundred children...’
My mouth dropped in the words he recalls her saying and he has such guilt filling his face to learn what the gold was used for. She must have been buying the freedom of children with that gold. And because of the gold being stolen, it cost the lives of young boys and girls. “She wrapped her hand around my throat, lifting me off the ground nearly choking the life of me when she lets me live again after finishing what she needed to say to me.”
‘INNOCENT CHILDREN!! No amount of money, pleading, killing or pound of flesh can make up for this short sightedness. You will live to tell the tales of what happens to those that interfere with the Foxes in any way shape or form and you will join the Second Sons. That is your debt to pay to me in what you have done this time. And the next time you come at me, come at me yourself.’
I felt my mind explode then light up in the words he said about his encounter with her. “She said your debt to pay for what you did was to join the Second Sons?”
“Yes.” He utters the word like stones in his heart.
Daario approaches me with the same look of terror on his face that the Foxes of the Sunset Sea will kill me as they did to his men. He gently grabs and embraces both of his hands around my right one. His eyes go down then lock with mine. I see the look on his face was the same one he gave me when he wanted to come with me to Westeros.
“The Foxes of the Sunset Sea is the most dangerous killers and tricksters in the world. They are brilliant, ruthless and will not hesitate to kill to get what they want. Any time they are sighted, it is three, always in threes. And they kill for money, sport, you name it. They hunt and kill in that order. They do not leave survivors unless there is a purpose for that survivor. Every once in a while when one of their own Foxes gets killed, that is when they develop a whole new set of skills in fighting, weapons, tactics have changed that is almost like evolution. They make themselves into better killers, adapting. The Foxes of the Sunset Sea are interesting and amazing but they cannot be trusted; no matter what.”
Jon and a few others are shaking their heads no in disbelief in the words spoken about them however they do not use their tongues to disagree with him. I have seen they are interesting and amazing with weapons I have never seen before, neither has Jorah. And now Daario saying this confirms all the ghost stories about them must be true.
I take my hand away from Daario saying, “We have bigger challenges right now, Daario. However I take to heart in your words. Greyworm, see how many Unsullied we lost. I will speak with my Blood Riders. I suggest everyone else do the same before the next move is planned.”
Greyworm bows his head then goes over to his men while Ser Jorah and I go over to several of my Blood Riders. I walk with them to see what survivors are in the encampment. I kneel down before one of the injured Dothraki. He was stabbed in the gut but he lives. I am told that he will not be able to fight anymore in this fight.
I tell my Blood Riders that any survivors unable to fight in the battles to come need to be taken care of and sent to Dragonstone. If we do not succeed here, we will have a safe place to retreat at Dragonstone. The Unsullied and Dothraki start to get together supplies, horses and anything else they need to go to the White Harbor to sail in our ships for the wounded.
I see dozens of my men injured but I would rather see them wounded than dead; their survival is far more important to me. As for the horses injured, I let their riders decided their fate since they rode into war with them. The bond between the rider and horse with a Dothraki is something I will not get in the way of after Khal Drogo.
I continue walking around until I see Jon checking on the survivors of the North. I watch how he is with his own people including the Freefolk and men of the Night’s Watch. He truly is a good King and man. I try to put my focus back on my survivors but the only place my eyes went is to Jon. Jon and I gaze at each other from across the snowy filled encampment. I push my feelings away since I know it is not going to go change and never will.
Arya struggles to walk up to me but she is happy to see me when placing her hand on my shoulder. “Daenerys, we thought you left and give up on the North.”
“And how did you get all the remaining Houses of Westeros here to the North?” Lyanna Mormont asks me with a mouth full of bread and a blanket wrapped around her.
“How indeed is what we would like to know.” Sansa steps forward with some bitterness in her voice to see me back here in the North after the words spoken between the two of us.
“What does it fucking matter? The Dragon Queen returned, ready to burn them all.” A large man covered in fur made clothing says in gratitude that I am here. I recognize him from when I was at the Wall. He is the Freefolk man that is a close friend to Jon.
“Yes it does matter. I have to know why you returned after you clearly let the North know that you are not going to fight against the Night King. Why did you return?” Sansa questions me directly out in front of the mass of people.
The look on their faces expect to know what I am going to say but instead I am going to tell them something that only two living people knows about. Jorah and Jon is the only ones, nobody else knows this information about me. I look down at my feet for a few moments then my eyes look to everyone with their eyes on me.
“No soul here will believe me because of my father, The Mad King. And I do not blame anyone for what my father did. He was an evil man. I wish I could repair all he has done to the world but there is no power in the world that can change what happened. I was not even alive when he did his horrible acts upon Westeros.” I tell all of them.
“The past is already written. The ink is dry.” Bran says for all to hear.
I turn my head to see Bran a few feet away. He has the knowledge and power to know the past cannot be changed. If I recall correctly, he can warg into animals, even people, see the past, present and bits of the future. I imagine he probably wishes he could change the past more than anyone. And with all of his powers as the three eyed Raven, he is no more powerless than I am.
I shake my head yes in agreement with him then lightly smile since only Jorah and Jon know this story of the only place that felt like home. I recall the house with the red door and the lemon tree outside of my chamber windows. It was the first place I loved and never wanted to leave with my brother, Viserys.
“Years ago when I was a young girl, I could hardly count to twenty while moving from place to place due to Robert Baratheon sending assassins to hunt my brother, Viserys and I. During that time, we stayed in this small house; I remember it most out of all the places we have stayed at. A house with a red door and the first room I had to myself, a bed of my own. And outside my window, there was a lemon tree. Sadly we ended up leaving because of the assassins. I often think of that red door house with the lemon tree. I miss how peaceful it was and how the sunlight shined through that lemon tree. That is the only true place that ever felt like home and felt like I belonged after all these years.”
I notice the armies hanging onto my every word. My eyes go around knowing this is my chance to let everyone know I am not who they expect me to be. I begin to walk before everyone to see me standing with them rather than above them for a speech. I want them to see, listen to why I came back. Ser Jorah and Greyworm walk a few steps behind me for my protection but I extend my hand back to let me show that I am not afraid to be around them.
“I imagine not everyone has a home like that. You possibly have gardens with flowers or vegetables, armchairs, books, and stables, fighting courtyard you love being around all day, watching your children have the childhood you had or the childhood you longed for yourself to have but ensure that your sons and daughters have. That is your home, your place of belonging. And because of your home, you will fight for it to your last breath.”
Quite a large number of soldiers, leaders of their armies shake their heads in agreement about their homes and loved ones. I slowly go down the numbers when a line is formed down the armies for me to walk like I was walking to a throne. Instead I walk slowly, passing each one to view them as my people now. I will treat them like men and women just like the slaves I freed across the Narrow Sea.
“That is the exact reason why I am here to fight against the Dead. I do not have a home but I want something like that again; a home. And to those who have a home, you are here to fight and keep it. Or you have homes that were taken from you, and you are fighting to gain it back just as your ancestors did. I believe that is why you are all here just as I am. You are all here to fight for your homes or to fight for a home you want.”
“And none of us would be here now to fight for our homes or the homes we dream of without the King in the North, Jon Stark. King Jon came to Dragonstone telling me about the Army of the Dead leading to every beating heart here. You styled me, Defender of the Living when I am not deserving of that title. King Jon Stark, the White Wolf is the Defender of the Living!”
I raise my arm and point directly at Jon who never expected me to say these honest words about him. I keep my arm extending out when Arya tells him, “Get over there before I take your place, brother.”
Jon takes a deep breath and walks forward to me. He stands next to me as the men begin giving their gratitude to him, shaking his hand or bowing their heads to him or raising their weapons to him. Jon looks nervous in this happening but he greets each man as a King does. Even a few men kneel before him in thankfulness. Then a few men of the Golden Company step forward to Jon and I.
“But the Night King has the power to kill us all. We know too much death…” One of the commanders of the Golden Company says while his armor, face and hands are covered in the blood of his fallen men.
I take a step closer to him and the men standing behind him. I see the look on Jon’s face that we can never deny what he just said because it is the truth but there is something greater that Jon is about to tell him. Jon steps forward and placing his hand on his shoulder as he looks right at Jon.
“Yes, it is true. We have all known too much death. The Night King has the power to kill us and your families, the animals and the living of the world; the freedom of life. But there is one thing you cannot let him take away from us, the will to fight for your homes. A home worth fighting for and a home I will risk my life defending. We are fighting for our homes and for those who cannot fight for themselves. If the Night King gets past us and succeeds in whatever his goal is, he will destroy everything we hold dear. We are all that stands in the way from the Night King taking the living world. And if we lose our homes in defeating the Dead, we will rebuild it together.”
He slowly pulls his hand away from him to stand around for all to see him and me while I am ready to ask the one question I wanted to know since I returned to North. Except Jon speaks, “I know many will doubt her and I understand why. I doubted her myself. However the only thing I have to ask all of those standing here in these woods is this: Will you stand against the Night King? Will you stand against him with Queen Daenerys? What say you?!”
All of the warriors come forward, bowing their heads in respect while others kneel before me and Jon. In the process, many draw their swords and aim it upward and the others place their right fist over their hearts. They are placing their faith in me and it feels glorious to have their support in the fight against the Dead.
Then the Unsullied begin stomping their spears into the snowy ground, thumping them over and over again. The Dothraki cheering wildly, waving their axes while some of their horses rear onto their hind legs as Drogon and Rhaegal roar. They unleash their war screams and in between their cries, every soldier responded to me, “Yes! We stand with you! Aye! Aye!”
“Will you stand with me and kill every last of the dead, giving the world back to the Living?!”
“We stand with you, Queen Daenerys! King Jon! Queen Daenerys! King Jon! Queen Daenerys!” They chant back and forth between my name and Jon’s endlessly, echoing all around.
I feel their loyalty to me. I want to ensure I earn it further in not just my words alone but an oath for all of them to hear. “I swear this oath before all of you; women, men and children will be liberated and freed from the grasp of the Night King! I will never stop fighting until the Great War is finished from Winterfell to Dorne, from Lannisport to Qarth, from the Summer Isles to the Jade Sea! I will fight to free all the people of the world! Will you fight with me in the War for the Dawn?!”
I draw my Dragonglass sword out and raise it in the air. The cheering of the living grows far louder than I ever heard anything in my life. I bow my head to all of those around me, thanking them for putting their faith in me. I never thought this was possible and never would I have dreamed it until now. And I have one person to thank for that.
My eyes go right down to see the Winter Fox ride up, dismounting. The Winter Fox walks toward me with three other masked Foxes behind her and their weapons in their air, cheering with the world of the living. I give a small smile to this amazing woman that helped to make all of this possible. None of this would have happened without her council as she stops a few steps away from me.
Everyone continues to cheer when I go to her, placing my gloved hand on her shoulder covered in fox furs in gratitude. She moves her left hand to my cheek and brings me closer that our foreheads rest on one another. I feel such relief knowing she will grant me victory at the end of all this just like she said she would. She gave her word and now I shall give my word in return.
We back away as I continue to give her a small smile among the cheering still going. The Winter Fox moves to the side, extending her arm out for Jon and I walk down the pathway made by living. We walk side by side as a Queen and King fighting for them. The Winter Fox truly is good at her word given she said this would happen when returning to the North.
Some other house leaders of Westeros come forward wanting to know should happen next. My eyes go to Jon since I will work side by side with him in this war. “To all captains, commanders, and generals, finishing checking on survivors then gather in the war tent. We will see what the next move will be against the Night King or where he may strike next.”
They do not hesitate to finish doing so when the Winter Fox turns to me and stands in front of me in amazement. She leans close and whispers, “All according to plan. How was the flight south?”
I whisper back to her in the fun I am having with the plan, “All according to plan.”
“Excellent.” She says to me in a playful manner. However I cannot help but to feel sadness in those who died in Winterfell. They would probably be alive if I remained here in the North.
Then the Winter Fox tells me, “Do not give it another thought nor lose any sleep over the lives lost in Winterfell and in the Wolf Woods. Most of them would have died all the same if you remained here or never returned.” She takes my arm in hers while we walk down the line of warriors to prepare for the next plan against the Night King.
Even though Darrio told me his encounters with her, I still gave some thoughts to how I feel when I am around the Winter Fox in the short time I have known her. It is almost like she understands how it feels to be in my place of power; how I will react to things happening around me and the exact council I need to get through it. She almost feels like something a mother figure would do for their child. I never had this feeling before and I do not want to let it go.
We both stop when three masked Foxes are standing at the end of the line with Jorah, Tyrion, Sansa, Arya and the others. The Winter Fox lets go of my arm when we get to them. “Queen Daenerys, these three Foxes have wanted to meet you for a long time. The Monsoon Fox you have already met. This is the Desert Fox and Ophidian Fox.”
They both bow their heads to me then one extends his hand out to me, “Daenerys, I have always wanted to met you and know that I am standing before you, I am so glad you take after your mother.”
“My mother?” I ask him in curiosity when I place my hand in his. He kisses the top of my gloved hand to greet me.
“Yes. I have seen her when I was a child and wearing the crown she once wore shows the beauty from her to you.” The Desert Fox says to me.
“Do you remember anything else about her?” I wanted to see if there was anything else known about her since I hardly know anything and Viserys never talked about her in our childhood years.
“I remember a little bit; she was very beautiful, kind but filled with sadness. Your mother and our mother had that in common.” The Desert Fox says then looks to the Ophidian Fox. These two foxes are brother and sister.
“My brother is right about you, Daenerys. It is an honor and pleasure to meet you. And I need to give my praise to Gara. She did well on your armor.” Ophidian Fox says when our hands come together and shake for a moment.
I look down at the well designed armor gifted to me from the Winter Fox. I must admit I love wearing it. It was made perfectly and I need to give gratitude to the one who made it. Then I notice Jon studying me in my armor and cannot take his eyes off of me like he wants to do certain things to me while wearing this armor.
“The armor on you fits you so well.” Arya says in the amazement of the armor due to her admiration of House Targaryen.
“It most certainly does.” Jon blurts out like he thought he said that in his head instead of out loud.
Everyone looks at Jon when his eyes become a bit wide in coming to the conclusion that he did say that out loud. I cannot help but to smile a little that he is still looking at me like he did before he learned the truth of who he is. If I had my way, I would pull him into my tent so he could do what he wants to me in this armor. But there is no point to think like this anymore.
Suddenly Daario came charging at the Foxes. The Foxes draw their weapons but the Winter Fox holds up her arm, stopping them from doing anything further. The Winter Fox delivers a punch that sends him flying and slamming him into a tree. Then he lands face down on the ground. I want to go over to Daario but he gets to his feet. He attacks the Winter Fox with a vengeance and a fist fight ensues.
Except the Winter Fox dominates the fight, crushing him to the ground then shoves his face into the snowy ground. “I knew I would see you again. And your eyes would be full of hate, keeping you alive and gave your strength to be where you are now as I predicted, Daario.”
“You remember me?” He weakly says when he struggles to get up.
“Of course, I do. You and your men killed one of my Foxes in the Shadows of Asshai. That fox you killed was a husband and a father. He alone is worth a thousand soldiers.” The Winter Fox says to him when he gets to his knees.
“You killed good men and they were worth…” Daario says and spits blood out of his mouth from the punch she laid on him.
“Good men? The only thing they had going is fighting, butchering and killing to earn freedom in the fighting pits. Other than that, all you and those men ever did was drink, caroused and feed your every desire. And now it is only because I let you live that you drove to work your way up to the Seconds Sons, leading to Queen Daenerys as I planned the moment I walked away to let you live in Asshai.”
My mouth slightly opens in what she said and I look to Ser Jorah who also has a look of shock on his face. “You planned for him to get in my path way?”
“I certainly did. I knew what kind of man he was when I grabbed the bounty off of him. I knew he would only do what he wanted to do. And seeing your beauty alone would mean more to him than serving any men that gave him orders especially orders that involved killing you. He is a simple man after all.”
My eyes go to Missandei who is standing next to Greyworm. She was in the tent when he delivered the heads of the men that ordered to kill me then swore to fight for me. Daario still struggles gets to his feet then looks to me like he had no choice in the life given to him since the Winter Fox let him live in Asshai.
Jon steps forward and extends his hand to him, offering to help him up. Daario takes his hand and stands face to face with Jon. Jon takes a step back then goes to the Winter Fox. He moves the cloak away to see the stab wound from his sword in her armor. Jon is in shock that she is even standing before him. I am in as much shock as he is about all of it.
“I saw you die. He impaled you. You died…”
He places his hand over the stab mark before she places her gloved hand over his. “Jon, look at me.” His eyes are afraid to lock with her until she gently uses her fingers to move his chin up to look at her. “Over the countless years, many people have tried to kill me and I am still here. And any questions you have, I will answer it after the meeting.”
Jon presses his lips together as she nods her head to Jon in assurance before he walks back over to his sisters, brother and uncle. The Winter Fox looks over to Daario who has a bloody nose as his two fellow men stand with him. They glare at the Winter Fox, wanting to kill her but it would be no good.
“When everything is sorted with the survivors and injured, these are the roll call of people that need to come to the tent. Monsoon Fox. Desert Fox. Ophidian Fox. Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Lady Missandei. Greyworm. Ser Jorah. Lord Varys. Tyrion Lannister. Jon Stark. Tormund Giantsbane. Ed, Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Arya Stark. Gendry Baratheon. Benjen Stark. Bran Stark, the Three Eyed Raven. The General and Captain of every Westero House; Samwell Tarly. Gilly Tarly. Lyanna Mormont. Brienne of Tarth. The Hound. Ser Beric. Bronn of the Blackwater. Jaime fucking Lannister. Oh and Sansa fucking Lannister.” The Winter Fox says like she says doing a sort of name roll call in her army.
“I am not a Lannister.” Sansa says in anger to the Winter Fox.
“Oh, little Bird Sansa, yes you are.” The Winter Fox says in disagreement with her.
“What do you mean she is a Lannister, Winter Fox?” I ask in dread.
“During her time in King’s Landing, she and Tyrion married before all in King’s landing. Then the purple wedding happened, Joffrey Lannister poisoned at his own wedding by Lady Olenna. But Tyrion was accused and took to trail. He was sentenced to death but his brother Jaime and Lord Varys helped him escaped his death sentence. Since Tyrion Lannister is still alive and your second husband, Ramsey Bolton was killed by his own hounds while you watched, Tyrion is still your husband.”
“No. It’s impossible.” Sansa struggles to say while looking at Tyrion.
“Actually, yes he is since your Bolton name died with Ramsey. And your first husband lives, you are still a fucking Lannister until Tyrion dies. Tyrion is still your husband and you are still his wife by law and tradition. Tyrion and Sansa Lannister are back together again since the Purple Wedding. It is quite poetic to be honest.” The Winter Fox says then walks toward to the war tent.
My eyes go to Tyrion in disbelief of what was just said. I never knew he was married to Sansa before he came into my service as my Hand. Tyrion steps forward, asking in shock, “Lady Olenna killed Joffrey?”
“That is what you are thinking about? That incest twat deserved what he got. The fact you are still married to that is what you should be thinking about. ” The Ophidian Fox says to Tyrion when pointing to Sansa.
My eyes go to Tyrion then to Sansa in worry of what their marriage could mean. Then again, maybe their marriage can come in handy in terms of rebuilding the North. Or I can use this to get Sansa’s support by annulling their marriage. I use this to my advantage if I cannot gain her support through my actions alone. However I need to speak with Tyrion and Sansa about this before I act on this.
“Tyrion!” I hear a voice calling for him.
I look to see Jaime going for his brother. Tyrion has a look of relief on his face that his brother is alive and here in the North of all places. Tyrion goes over to him for Jaime to hug him. “Jaime, what are you doing here? We received word that Cersei lied in bringing the Lannister Army to fight in the North.”
“She did lie so fuck loyalty. I came here and gathered what men I could to fight. And I could not let my little brother get into trouble with me. I can only imagine what our father would say being here.” Jaime says smiling to Tyrion.
I never imagined the Kingslayer to have that kind of smile on his face especially toward his brother. However Tyrion is one of the reasons I am allowing Jaime to continue living and to fight in this war. Bronn chuckles to see the two brothers back together as well. I can see how the three of them are a pair together. I can guess what kind of trouble they would get into if these three were left alone in any town.
“Did I just hear that Lady Olenna poisoned Joffrey and your marriage to Sansa Stark remains intact?” Bronn asks like he is trying to settle a bet.
“Yes. She confessed to Jaime before she died. She wanted Cersei to know it was her. Her last thorn to give for the fierce rose she was. I have seen my fair share of amazing, strong women but there will be no one like Lady Olenna. I shall never see the likes of her again.” The Winter Fox says for all to hear then enters the war tent.
Everyone looks stunned in this information; none of us knew this information. How does the Winter Fox know this along with everything else she told me before I flew south? I want to know how she knows but for now, there is something else that needs to be handled.
“Tyrion and Sansa, may I speak to you both privately?”
Tyrion and Sansa stare at me. Sansa has a displeasing look on her face while Tyrion has an unpleasant look of how this talking is going to go. Jaime tries to follow behind his brother but Tyrion stops him from doing so. Jon is about to walk in except I place my hand on his chest to stop him.
“I am going to annul their marriage if that is what they want and something else before the war against the Night King goes any further.” I tell Jon so he has nothing to worry about.
Jon nods his head and walks away when Sansa walks past him. Jon does not bother to look at her and walks right to the Commander of the Night’s Watch. I stand at the entrance of the tent, extending my arm out for her to enter before I do. Sansa musters up the strength to walk by me into the tent.
I walk into the tent to see the same table I saw before flying south. I see the Winter Fox add more wood to the roaring fire. The fire brightens up the whole tent when I see details on the war table that I did not see before. I brush my fingers over it as the Winter Fox uses a torch to light a large tray of candles. I watch her light up every last one then takes the large tray of candles to an opening space underneath the table.
She positions the tray into a slot under the map table and I watch at the go from black to glowing orange revealing various locations, names that were carved into the table. I smile to see how something so simple can be so beautiful. I walk around the table and stand at the head of it with the roaring fire behind me.
The Winter Fox lights up more candles in the room as Tyrion and Sansa remain in the corner. They are waiting for the Winter Fox to leave and she approaches me. “Your grace, would you like me to stay here?”
“You tend to your wounded, Winter Fox. And thank you for everything.” I tell her with a smile in gratefulness.
“Of course; anything for you, Queen Daenerys.” She bows her head to me then leaves out of the entrance of the tent.
Tyrion and Sansa stand across from each other as I stand across the glowing orange table of the world from them. I exchange a look with them wondering what I am going to do about this. However I am going to use this to my advantage before Sansa can use it to hers however she can.
“Shall we begin?” I tell them with the roaring fire crackling behind me.
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