Welcome!!! Before going into the story, I wanted to thank each reader for giving my fanfic book a chance. It means a lot.
Share all of your thoughts in the comment section and don't forget to vote. Please and thank you. 🙂
Bare in mind that I have not read the books plus I don't want to if George RR Martin is not going to even finish the books. I do occasionally ask folks I know that have read it or even google it in case I am looking into it correctly for my version of GOT S8-S10.
Onto the game I have created for my GOT S8 and S9. Season 10 has yet to be written, etc.
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This game is pretty simple. I will have certain quotes or lines from other movies, tv shows throughout the fanfic book including S9 and S10. And NO looking up the line please!!! If you comment of who said it, and Guess the Line correctly, you will get a prize.
The prize is nothing crazy special however here are the prize options. 🎁 🎁
1: ask for a spoiler from my GOT S9 or GOT S10 ((depending on the spoiler though))531Please respect copyright.锛帮讥锛肌锛肌P7px3VAVps
2: Request something to happen in the story that will be fitting for the characters and/or storyline. It could be certain characters meeting and talking about something that never got answered in the show, anything.
I will be posting chapters that are basically an entire episode, etc. These chapters/episode will be posted every three weeks, maybe four. I was originally going to be posting the entire fanfic book but my job has been delaying me so this is smarter to do.
Also I did write this well before Season 8 ever aired and this is what I thought would go down. I was completely wrong halfway through the ending of season. 531Please respect copyright.锛帮讥锛肌锛肌RJQwBDfyME
Onto the story now! Hope it is a good read and please leave all of your thoughts in the comment section and leave a vote. Thank you and enjoy. : Author's Note - Julia Hammett 💜✝️
Welcome to Game of Thrones Season 8 - The Last Dragons
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