Arya's POV
I still cannot believe that a Targaryen is here at Winterfell, a real one. She is everything I imagined Aegon's sisters to be whenever I would hear the stories of them. I already know that many others do not like Daenerys but they all can fuck off since she is here to help. And she accepts Jon as a King, not forcing him to give his crown away.
I see Daenerys talking to her men that are able to help train but no one is willing to go over to them. I am curious in how good they are on the battlefield. I am about to walk into the fighting yard until I hear a voice say, "You left me to die, you cold little bitch..."
I instantly know who it is. I know his voice from anywhere, no matter how much time passes. I turn to find the scarred up fucker himself standing no more than a few inches from me, The Hound.
We glare at one another like no time has passed between each other. I cannot help but say to him, "I took all of your shit before I left you to die. And yes, I am a cold little bitch."
The Hound literally gives the smallest smile in the world to me when I said those words. "That explains why you are still standing and alive. Brienne spoke the truth when she said you do not need any protecting but the stupid one who gets in your way."
"She is not wrong." I give him the smallest smile back.
The Hound walks away from me. I turn to watch that man who killed the Butcher's Boy and who was on my list for a long time. Now he no longer is; for now at least. I suddenly see someone I truly never thought I would see again. My mouth drops for a moment when I see Gendry. He walks out with a Dragonglass blade fresh out of the flames, taking a hammer, banging on it just like the blacksmith he is.
I walk over to him as he continues to work. He does not notice me at first until he is finished with the blade. He freezes at the sight of me. "Arya..." He hardly has changed in his looks. He walks over to me in awe that I am standing here before him.
"I never thought I would see you again, Arya."
"That makes two of us, Gendry." I tell him smiling.
Gendry stares up and down at me for a second. "You look really good, Arya. I was afraid of what happened to you after the Brotherhood sold me to that Red Witch."
"You do as well, Gendry. I wondered if you were dead or alive after she took you away. I am glad that you are here and ok." I tell him in all honesty. I was afraid I would never see him again.
"You still have it?" He points to Needle.
"Yes. I managed to get it back and used it quite a lot after getting it back." I tell him.
"I have no doubt about that. However let me see what you can do now with it in the fighting ring." He smiles then lightly pushes me toward the fighting yard. I am looking forward to showing him what I can do now.
"I can see that when you hit steel, it still sings. I wonder if the White Walkers are going to sing when you hit them." I draw Needle out ready to train whoever dares to come into the ring with me.
He chuckles in some of the words he first spoke when I first met him in King's Landing. My eyes remain on him just as a young boy tries to attack me when I am not looking. I instantly dodge the boy, using my leg to have the boy fall to the snow and mud. Gendry smiles even bigger now as I begin to train this young boy.
Jon's POV
I enter into the courtyard to see Daenerys standing next to Ghost. Daenerys and I gaze at one another. We keep ourselves from smiling especially after being wrapped up to each other in her tent. It truly does feel like I am a stranger in Winterfell in how the Lords and Ladies are glaring at me.
I take my cloak off and ask Davos to take it. He does so while I see Brienne training some girls and boys. I even see Podrick helping to train. There are even a few others helping to train but I see quite a long line for those waiting to be trained but none of them are going to the fighting yard of the Dothraki men.
I do see Arya, The hound and the unsullied leader, Greyworm training a few. I am quite surprised that the Hound is helping at all. But Arya is having a grand time training a young boy. She still has the same happy smile that she had when I last saw her years ago.
I can tell that the Dothraki men would rather waste their time somewhere else than standing here, not training anyone. I exhale in frustration in drawing Long Claw. I walk up to Jorah knowing that he is a good fighter and he can help train as well. "Jorah, come next to me in the fighting courtyard?"
"Yes." Jorah says to me.
He grabs his sword walking behind me. I go to one of the fighting spots and Jorah right next to me. I shout, "Every single person here needs to train! It does not matter who! You need to learn how to fight! Pick someone!"
The people waiting finally manage to finally go to train with the Dothraki men. After each spot is now taken up, the fighting yard is full for now. I see a boy no more than the age of thirteen come forward to train with me.
He has a shield and sword, ready to come at me. I take my fighting position just as he swings at me. I can tell already that he is having some trouble. He is not focusing his eyes of where he should strike his opponent. "Stop for a moment, boy." I walk over to him.
I place my fist on his chest, looking him right in the eye. He is looking at me like I am death itself but I am nothing compared to the White Walkers he will be facing. "That fear you have in you now will be far worse the moment you lay eyes on the White Walkers as they are running at you, wanting to rip their teeth into you. So keep your shield up, use your eyes of where you want to strike. It is no different than aiming an arrow at the target. Do not be afraid to come at me. Give me everything you got."
Davos comes forward, giving me a practice sword. I hand him Long Claw. The boy stills gulps when I am standing across from him. I nod for him to come at me. He gets his shield up and runs at me. I lift my sword up, meeting with his. I use my leg to kick him back. I strike right back at the boy with everything I got. He is quick on his feet, I will give him that.
I hit his shield a few times before I tap him on his chest. The boy stops moving the moment I got him. "You are quick on your feet. Remain quick like you are but keep your arms within your space so the White Walkers will not be able to hit your chest so quickly like I did. Here is how your arms need to be."
I put down my practice sword then go behind the boy. I place my hands on his wrist to show where his arms need to be. "Keep your arms close to your body like this. It will help you to move fast and a better chance to dodge attacks from your sides and in front of you."
I go back, grabbing my practice sword. I face him again. "Remember this and use that fear to help you fight, the fear of what will happen to your family, your life and turn that fear into a rage to fight them off."
We go at it again. He remembers everything I told him and does well that I allow the Master of Arms finish with him. I stand back to watch him for a little longer. The boy even hits the Master of Arms twice in a row. I smile at the boy and he smiles back at me.
I walk on with Davos handing Long Claw to me. I move onto the many round training rings through Winterfell. It is all going very well now since people are finally learning from the Dothraki. Some hours pass when I finally sit down. I ask Davos to get me some water. He walks away to find some.
Before I knew it, Daenerys was sitting next to me. There is enough space between us that no one will question it. However I cannot help but admire the dark red dress that Daenerys is wearing. She wears that color well but I cannot help but wonder if she is cold right now.
I whisper playfully to her, "It is pretty cold up here for a southern woman."
She chuckles in my words and responses back, "So keep me warm, Northern man..."
"Seven hells, woman." I groan in already feeling like I want to take her to my chambers and keep her warm right now. But I cannot, not here in Winterfell. I will tonight though. I know that in her tent, around her forces, we do have some addition freedom to be together.
"You will keep my warm tonight, my king." She says to me.
She walks away a few moments before Davos comes over, handing me a skin filled with water. I thank him as I take it. I drink half of it within a few gulps. I look to see Daenerys approaching Sansa but Sansa walks away rather quickly. I hope that Sansa will grow to trust Daenerys in time, hopefully quick time. Daenerys then watches Jorah in the fighting ring. Her eyes meet me that we do not contain our smiles.
"What has gotten you in a decent mood? Earlier, you wanted some alone time. What brightened your mood?" Davos asks me.
I stop smiling in an instant, knowing I have to give him an answer. "Surprisingly, it was Daenerys presence. It's far warmer in her camp than it is in my own home."
I notice that many Northern men hear my words about them. Out of honesty, it is something that I want them to know. I hand Davos the water when I notice Gendry and the Hound taking a break along with Arya. I can tell just by watching that they know one another.
I thought that Arya was all alone during the years she was gone. I am glad that she had someone with her at some time during those years. The thought of what she and Sansa endured over the years is something I cannot bare to think of.
My eyes go around to those talking and learning how to fight, all of us coming together to fight against one enemy for now. The more I see it; I begin to have an idea for everyone here to do together. I tell Davos that I am heading to my chambers and ask Sansa to join me along the way since she does want to speak to me.
Sansa and I enter into my chambers. I add a few more of wood to the fire then sit down, grabbing a quill and paper. I start to use ink, writing down the idea I have a little bit ago. Sansa does not say a word for a while as I am writing. I ensure more ink is on the tip of the quill.
Sansa sits across from me and lets out a sigh as if she is trying to get my attention. It appears like I am going to have to speak first since she apparently is not going to.
"You wanted to speak to me?" I ask her.
"Yes, about Daenerys." She tells me in a cold tone when she says Daenerys name.
"What about her, Sansa?" I keep on writing all of the ideas I had and what else could be done. It is so simple but yet something worthy to do in respect between all that are here.
"Have you ever thought to think about my thoughts on you backing Daenerys for the Iron Throne? Did it ever occur to you that I should speak and council on your decisions?" Sansa tells me.
I briefly look at her and I will admit that I never did ask her what she thought of all of this and my decision. She is my sister after all and I do need to let her know that I do care for her council. I put the quill down and lean back in my seat.
"Alright. Let me know your thoughts, Sansa."
Sansa seems a bit caught off in how quickly I am willing to listen. Sansa looks down for a moment then tells me without hesitation. "Daenerys is going to be a problem if she takes the Iron Throne and becomes Queen of Westeros."
I cannot say that I am surprised she would feel this way. I felt the same when Daenerys immediately asked for me to bend the knee in our first meeting. "Daenerys is here to help us to defeat the Night King. I know that without her forces, her numbers, we do not stand a single chance against the Army of the Dead. We needed allies and here they are. Even if she did not come to Westeros, I would have eventually sucked it up to that cold heart lioness bitch of a woman, Cerise in order to have her forces to defeat the Night King. Daenerys is the better option, a far better option. And if we survive the Long Night than it will be because of her that all of our lives are saved along with future family lines of Westeros."
Sansa has a look on her face like she knew I was going to say that already. Just the look on her face is enough to know that she only wants to voice her council about her and nothing else.
"Jon, you know what her father did to our grandfather and uncle. He burned them alive. She will be no different, Jon." Sansa tells me.
"Daenerys knows exactly who her father was. She said all of the things he did in the Great Hall. She knows full well. And in truth, you should be thanking her the moment she arrived. Without her, I would not be alive." I tell Sansa.
Sansa freezes in what I just spoke to her. "What do you mean, Jon?"
"When I went beyond the Wall to get a white walker, she flew out there, helped all of those in my company escape. But in return, she lost one of her children right in front of her. The Night King took one of his spears and butchered one of her children out of the sky. And believe me I wished to the Old Gods and the New that it never happened because those dragons that many consider beasts are the only children she will ever have in her life. Why do you think she is called The Mother of Dragons, Sansa?"
Sansa look of shock seems genuine and sadness in what Daenerys lost. I lean forward and place my hand on top of hers. I can imagine that it is a carriage load to tell her the way I did. "I know that is a lot to take in but it is true, Sansa. She saved my life as did Uncle Benjen."
"Benjen? What? He is alive? How? I thought he was dead or he went missing beyond the Wall. Where is he?" Sansa questions in relief to know that he is alive but it will break her with telling her what happened to him.
"Benjen gave me his horse and sacrificed himself for me. He fought to his end against the Army of the Dead. Uncle Benjen was outnumbered but he still fought against them. I did beg him to come with me but before I knew it I was looking back to see the White Walkers overpowering him, Sansa."
Sansa has a few tears in her eyes while I am telling her about Uncle Benjen. It still brings me such pain in knowing that he was alive the entire time he went missing beyond the Wall. I wish he would have come with me, to be here at Winterfell and to see Arya, and Sansa now.
"Sansa, I know you and many out there want to worry about Daenerys and her many titles, what kind of Queen she will be. But right now, none of that matters. All that matters is that we need to ensure that we stand a chance against the Night King. You told everyone in the hall to trust in me. But do you have any trust in me, Sansa?" I ask her, wanting to know if she even does trust my judgment.
"You know I do, Jon. You are my brother and I love you." Sansa whispers to me.
"And I love you, Sansa." I say it back to her with a full heart.
Our hands embrace for a moment as brother and sister. If someone would have told me years ago that Sansa and I would be having this moment, I would have thought them to be toying with me.
After a few moments, someone knocks on the door. We look to see that it is Daenerys and Jorah. Sansa and I stand to our feet as Daenerys asks, "Is it alright if I can speak to King Jon for a moment?"
Sansa does not say a word and leaves my chambers. Jorah remains at the door. Daenerys and I stand across from each other. Daenerys looks back at Jorah. He is checking to see if it is clear then closes the chamber door.
"Is everything ok with your sister, Sansa?"
"I hope it will be. I told her what happened beyond the Wall. It made her somewhat speechless in the fact that you saved my life. And in seeing everyone training, working together, I had an idea. It is something that we all can do before the war to come."
I grab the parchment and hand it to Daenerys for her to look at. She stares at my list and small drawing I made. She smiles at my idea. "This is a wonderful idea, Jon. This truly is something all can do to honor the fallen in the past and soon in the future against the Night King in the Long Night."
That is another reason why I want this to be done because of the possibly loses in the war. I think a night with joy, laughter, celebrating would be good for everyone. I grab my cloak so I can give these plans to the Maester. Daenerys helps me to put my cloak on.
I see that something is on Daenerys's mind. "What is it, Daenerys?"
"We may be able to keep our feelings hidden from them now. But I fear eventually they may figure it out. I would rather have a proposal in mind before we are discovered. But before discussing this proposal, you need to go and see your brother, Bran. Have you seen him yet?"
Seven Hells! I screamed in my mind. No one else bothered to mention him to me since I arrived. I wonder where he is since I have not seen him in Winterfell so far. Daenerys sees the look on my face, knowing what I must be thinking right now.
"Go and see your little brother, Jon. When you finish catching up with him, we can discuss the proposal. Now on you go." She turns me around and smacks my ass, urging me to go. I am somewhat stunned that she just smacked my ass.
I quickly turn around in a playful way and tell her, "Ok..."
Then I start kissing her on her neck then work my way down in her dark red dress that I want to tear off her now. I continue kissing her but making a noise like I am munching on her playfully. Daenerys giggles in what I am doing to her right now. She runs her hands though some of my hair hanging past my ears.
I playfully munch kiss my way back to her lips. She wraps her arms around me, putting her tongue in my mouth. I sigh in how it feels to have her tongue inside my mouth. Then she slowly pushes me toward the door while I have a hard time parting from her. But I do need to go and see my brother.
"I will see you in your tent to keep you warm, Southern Woman when I get back." I say to her.
"You better, Northern Man." She giggles one more time before I leave my chambers with the parchment papers in my hand.
I walk around for a little bit then find the Maester and tell him about these plans I want to be done and to tell Sansa so if she wants to help with this plan, she can. I know her needle work will be done really good if she helps with this. I tell him that I would like for everything to get ready by tomorrow night if it is possible.
He tells me that it will be done then walks away. But I stop him and ask, "Where is Bran Stark at?"
The Maester seems a bit disturbed in what I just asked him. Then I see Sam walking to me with a small smile on his face. "It is quite good timing since I was about to ask you if you want to see your brother, Bran."
"You know where he is?" I ask Sam.
"I do. He is at the Godswood tree. Do you want me to come with you?"
"Of course, Sam. We need to do some catching up as well. So tell me, how is Gilly and little Sam? I see how much he has grown."
Sam and I talk the entire way to the Godswood Tree. When we reach the view of the tree and I cannot remember the last time I was here at this very tree, I do remember that my father, Ned would come here and sharpen his sword, alone to his thoughts. I think it was the one place he could think for himself without anyone rattling his ears about anything.
That is one of the reasons why I never bothered him when he was at the tree. Sam and I walk onto the snow covering the entire ground surrounding the tree along with the same creek in here. The closer I get, the closer I see the red leaves almost the color of blood with all of the snow around it.
I stop in my steps the moment I see Bran, my little brother. I already see that he is no longer little like the last time I saw him before leaving to join the Night's Watch. He has grown up so much, almost a man. Bran turns to look at me with the same brown eyes. Bran looks like both Ned and his mother, Lady Catelyn. I was about to walk to him but I do not move in seeing that he is sitting in a chair, a pushing chair of some sorts. He still cannot walk after his fall.
I go over to him and kiss him on the forehead like I did before leaving Winterfell years ago. I let out a sigh in relief that he has also been alive this entire time just like Arya and Sansa were.
"You have grown so much, Bran. You are no longer that small boy. Sam told me that he helped you passed the Wall. I wish I could have been there when you did. I am sorry that I was not there, Bran." I continue to stare at him. "Sam told me on the way that you are now the Three-Eyed Raven. I never heard of that but I only ever came across a Warg beyond the Wall. You must have different sort of powers compared to a Warg."
Bran tells me, "Of a sorts, Jon, however more powerful. I can see everything, the past, the present, and even some things that will happen soon."
I cannot help but notice how much deeper his voice is than I remember. It appears to no longer have the innocence of the little boy I knew. It is now almost full with knowledge and wisdom beyond his years in just his voice alone.
"I saw you beyond the Wall, Jon. It was at Craster's Keep. You were fighting some men that were Night Watcher deserters. I called out to you but you were in the middle of fighting. I wanted to stay and go with you but I needed to keep going to find the Three-Eyed Raven, the one before me." Bran says to me almost like I am a complete stranger to him, not a brother of any kind.
I cannot find any words of what to say in response that we actually came close to each other a few years ago. I feel like I am sucked back into the room where I woke up from death and I feel like I failed. I have that same feeling in the pit of my stomach. I failed him. I should have seen him that night but I didn't. I failed my little brother when he needed me.
"Jon, do not blame yourself and you did not fail me. You never have." He tells me almost as if he was reading my mind. "And that is not important right now. Jon, there is something you need to know about yourself. No one else knows about this but me and Sam. My father once knew before his death."
I hear the words echo, 'My father once knew before his death.' It is as if he does not consider me to be his half brother or any sort of brother to him anymore. "What is it, Bran?"
"It is about your birth mother and father." Bran tells me.
My heart feels like it has been stabbed in again as those words come out of his mouth. "What are you talking about, Bran? Ned Stark is my father, our father."
"No, you are not Ned Stark's son. You never were."
I keep on feeling like I am being stabbed over and over in his words now. I walk over to the Godswood Tree, placing my hand on it. "Bran, how can you say that?" I ask him in shock.
Before I could say anything else to him, Sam places his hand on my shoulder telling me, "Bran and me worked it out, Jon. Listen to what he has to say, Jon. It is the truth, all of it. I even have some proof of it."
I shudder while looking at Sam then to Bran. The pit in my stomach becomes even greater. I knew that my world is about to change in what he is going to tell me about my mother and apparently my birth father. My eyes turn to stare into the face of the Godswood Tree as Bran and Sam begins to tell me...
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