Jon's POV
I walk into the great hall to see every northern lord and lady. I make my way up to my chair at the table before the others. I see Daenerys waiting for me as well as Sansa. I try not to smile at Daenerys given she is wearing the white fur gown. I really like a north look on Daenerys. She wears it well. I take my place at the middle of the table. Sansa is to my right and Daenerys to my left. All three of us seat down at once.
Everyone else in the hall sit down as well. The lords and ladies still looking at Daenerys like they want to strike her down but I will not allow that to happen. Daenerys is not her father, The Mad King. I know that they will see it for themselves soon. I notice Ghost is lying in front of my feet. I pet him on the head for a moment then get right down to business.
"Now that we have Dragonglass, it is being forged into weapons as we speak. There is plenty for everyone. As for Valyrian steel, anyone who has even the smallest dagger made of it will also help fighting at the White Walkers."
I notice quite a few people showing their swords made of Valyrian steels. I wish that there was more than ten, including my own but better ten than none at all. I look to Sansa and ask her, "How is the progressing of training every man, woman and child?"
"I believe we are making good progress however there is only so few to train them. We will need more." Sansa tells me.
"I will help with training myself and if anyone else is good with a sword, spear or bow, it would be greatly appreciated to join in." I say. I know that many will need all the help they can get especially with them facing the Army of the Dead.
"If it is alright, I will provide any sources and men to help. My forces are not from Westeros but they are impressive on the battle field. I am more than willing to help in any way that I can as well." Daenerys speaks with great respect for all to hear in the hall.
Everyone clamors when Daenerys speaks. Some of them were shaking their heads no, wanting to refuse any sort of help from her. I stand to my feet in anger in how they are acting. "Let's get this out of the way now. All of you need to stop behaving like children. Daenerys Stormborn is here to help us. She came here to take the Iron Throne from Cersei but instead she came here, half a world away, helping to fight in the Great War. However difficult or absurd you might all find that to be, she is here to help. It is really quite simple. And..."
"Yes, we get that she is..."
"Do not interrupt me!!!" I shout to the lord that tried to speak.
Everyone is completely silent after my shouting echoes through the hall. Ghost stands to his feet growling to the lord that spoke. The lord has wide, fearful eyes to Ghost, knowing full well that Ghost can tear him apart if I gave Ghost the order to do so.
"I have sworn my sword to Daenerys if we survive the Long Night. I support her claim to the Iron Throne and I may be your King but that is not all I am. I am also a brother, a bastard son of Ned Stark that will do anything to ensure the survival of our people. And I refuse to waste any more time on important matters such as the approval of sources and help Daenerys is providing to use. All of your respectful support will be grand to have. But in the absence of that, I would highly and respectfully ask for only one thing which is not very fucking much. I would ask that you please keep your mouths shut in what you think of Daenerys when you do not even know her yet." I tell them while trying to keep my temper under control.
Many remain quiet in the words I have spoken to each of them. Then Lyanna Mormont stands to her feet. She comes forward to be standing not far across from me. "I cannot do that. You are my king, the King in the North. Nothing will change my mind about that. I will never trust her because she is the daughter of the Mad King. I was not alive during his reign but I know many others here were. They know what her father did and could have done if Jaime Lannister had not killed him."
Many people began to bang their mugs on the table in agreement with Lyanna Mormont. I sigh in frustration in how they are all reacting to the gracious help they are getting from Daenerys. Before I could say anything to Lyanna, Daenerys stands to her feet.
"My father was an evil man. I was told of the things he had done by a man known as Ser Barristan who gave my great council. I know that when people rose and revolted against my evil father, he set their towns and castles to flame. He murdered sons in front of their father. He burnt men alive with wildfire and laughed as they screamed. And his efforts to stamp out dissent led to the Rebellion that killed every Targaryen except two, my brother, Viserys and me. I swear to you all, I am not my father. The Mad King gave his enemies the justice he thought they deserved. And each time, it made him feel powerful and right until the very end." Daenerys says each word with a heavy heart.
My eyes look around the entire hall. None of them were expecting her to admit this out loud to them. Daenerys goes over to the fire going behind us. Daenerys stares at the flames with a look of sadness, knowing full well of who and what her own father was.
"That is not all that my family did to Westeros. I know that my own brother, Rhaegar Targaryen took one of your own, Lyanna Stark and raped her. I cannot imagine all that the North alone has endured especially over the past few years. I know that the North was taken from you; your own warden of the North had his head cut off just for telling the truth. Robb Stark, the first King in the North in centuries was butchered at a wedding along with many of your own that pledged to fight with him. And all of you took it back. I can imagine that you all will never bow to anyone else again. I understand that quite well."
I see that Arya and Sansa have their heads go down at the mention of Robb's name. Daenerys takes off her right hand glove then literally places her hand in the flames. Daenerys moved her hand through the flames, unharmed, a part of the flames in some way. Everyone is whispering in seeing that Daenerys is truly the Unburnt. Daenerys stares into the flames like it is an old friend of hers.
"All of my life I have known only one goal, the Iron Throne. My own brother sold me off to be the wife of the Dothraki war lord, Khal Drogo in exchange for their armies for my brother to use in order to take the Iron Throne back. That is how far my own brother who basically enslaved me just to fulfill that goal. I learned that my own brother would never take back the Seven Kingdoms. He couldn't lead an army even if my husband gave him one. He would never take me back here to Westeros like I dreamed of since I was a little girl."
Daenerys turns to face all of the Lords and Ladies, putting her glove back on with her hand still unharmed from the flames. "In learning that, I swore to myself that I would never physically and mentally be enslaved by anyone else ever again. And because of that, I ended up freeing thousands if not hundreds of thousands of slaves across the sea in Essos. That is why the title, Breaker of Chains was given to me. And the North is brave, proud, never wanting to bend the knee to anyone. I am not asking for your loyalty like it is a wet stone to sharpen a blade. I know that I need to earn it. I hope I do earn it right to each of you. So please give me the chance to provide all that I can give to help with the fight to come."
Daenerys sits down in her chair letting out a deep exhale in all she said. She looks to me for a moment then Jorah stands to his feet, standing by her. I notice that many have nothing to say to her words. Ghost goes over to Daenerys and lays his head on her leg like he knew all she said, sensing her emotions of her story. Daenerys lightly smiles to Ghost, petting him on his head.
"If that is not enough for all of you, maybe this will be. I knew another Targaryen. And his name was Aemon Targaryen. His father was Micah the first of his name and his brother, Aegon reigned after him when Aemon had refused the throne. And he was followed by his son, Aerys whom they called the Mad King. He was a master of the Citadel bound in service to Castle Black and the Night's Watch."
Daenerys stares at me with a small surprise look on her face that I knew her great uncle. I recall the last council I received from him before heading to Hardhome. He passed while I was gone. I am glad that Sam was there in his last moments. He was a good man to the end.
"Aemon was a wise man. He counseled over a dozen Lord Commanders that came and went during his years of service. He was always there to council them. Even me during my time as Lord Commander, I trusted him with my life and he was a Targaryen. And I have that same trust in Daenerys Targaryen." I inform them because this was something that none of them knew.
Suddenly, someone walks in saying, "He came to us from Kings landing; a maester of the Citadel chained and sworn brother of the Night's Watch, ever faithful. No man was wiser or gentler or kinder. He was the blood of the Dragon and his fire had gone out; his watch had ended. I trusted him and if Jon trusts his great niece, Daenerys Targaryen so shall I. All of you should as well."
It was Samwell himself walking into the room. Without a second thought, I make my way over to him. Sam and I smile to one another before we hug it out.
Sam tells me, "My return."
I chuckle in his words and say to him, "Your return."
We stand as brothers in front of everyone. I look back to see Gilly with her son, Sam who has grown so much since I last saw him. I go over to them in gladness that they are here in Winterfell. Gilly smiles when we hug for a moment. I kneel down to be the height of little Sam. "You have grown so much. Look at you."
Little Sam giggles to me and places his hand on my face. I chuckle in how adorable he is. I tell Davos to pull a chair up from Sam close to my table. Davos does so. I tell Gilly that she can sit near Arya. Sam comes over and sits down. I go back to my seat but stay on my feet wondering if all that was said is going to be enough for them to settle their thoughts about Daenerys for now.
Lyanna asks, "With all that has been said, there is only one thing that needs to be addressed. You left Winterfell a King and came back as what exactly? What are you now? Are you a Warden or just the bastard of Ned Stark? We declared you King in the North."
Many agree with Lyanna Mormont and she is right. It is important to tell them that I am no longer the King in the North since I have bent the knee to Daenerys. "It was the greatest honor I will ever receive in my life. I am grateful for all of your faith in me and when I left Winterfell to bring home allies, I had a choice to make. I would have to choose to protect the North or keep the crown all of you have given me. I choose..."
"Your King has done both. He has chosen the North, his people and the crown." Daenerys speaks before I could tell them I gave up the crown.
My eyes glare at her when she said King. Everyone around is stunned in her words about me still being their King. I do not know what she is doing but I pledged myself to her claim on the Iron Throne and gave up my crown. I wonder what she is doing in letting me remain King of the North.
"In the time I have known your King so far, he is a man worthy to be King. He is everything I was told he was. When I asked him to bend the knee and to join me, he refused. At first, I thought it was his pride in not bending the knee but I learned that it was all of you, his people, the North. He is your protector. You chose him because you believe in him and love him. Trust your king if you will not trust me in any way."
Sansa stands to her feet in replies, "All of you choose him to be your king and he still is. I trust in my brother, my king."
I lightly smile to Sansa. Some of the people are whispering while the looks on their faces change. The new lord of the Vale protector comes forward. He bows his head to Sansa then me. He barely bats an eye to Daenerys.
"Your grace, with respect I cannot remain silent in this. I remember the Mad King all too well as you know. A Targaryen cannot be trusted, no matter how many titles she has or forces. What makes you think that she is the Queen that Westeros needs?"
I slowly look to Daenerys, containing my intimate feelings for her. She looks right at me and before I could say anything. Tyrion stands before everyone, in full knowledge of how he will be treating before everyone.
"I know that many of you will never consider me a friend or an ally due to the things my family has done to all of you and the North. I do not blame you at all for how you feel. If it helps, I was in shock to learn what happened at the Red Wedding, and my own nephew, Joffrey wanted Walder Frey to send Robb's Stark head so he could have it served to Sansa at his wedding feast. I would not have it when I told him that she is no longer his to torment. He called me a little monster and in return I told him that monsters are dangerous and that Kings are dying like flies. My own nephew did just as much as the Mad King did to Westeros."
Sansa and I look at one another. I could tell that Sansa was in shock of what Tyrion said about Joffrey and she did not know that this happened. Tyrion barely has his eyes on Sansa then his eyes back on the rest.
"After fleeing from Westeros to Pentos, I was going to drink myself to death until Lord Varys told me that there is someone stronger than Tommen, gentler than Stannis. A monarch who can intimidate the High lords of Westeros and inspire the people; a ruler loved by millions with a powerful army and the right family name. I told Varys good luck in finding him. He tells me that he said nothing about him. Jorah Mormont got me to Daenerys in Meeren."
"Since meeting her, I learned that she is all that her titles claim her to be. Daenerys could have sailed for Westeros long ago but she didn't. Instead she stayed where she was and saved many people from horrible fates. Some of whom are right here in this very hall, standing or seating near you right now. You may only see her as the Mad King's daughter but she has protected people from monsters just as your king, Jon is doing. It is why she came here and she is here in the North to fight an enemy she did not know about until fourteen days ago and on a word of a man she does not know for very long. It was a not a reasonable thing to ask Daenerys at the time but here she is, protecting the North, all of Westeros from monsters. Children are not their fathers and Daenerys is not mad like her father was."
Some of the Lords remained silent, unsure of how to respond to Tyrion's word. Tyrion looks to Daenerys then goes back to his seat.
"She is everything that Tyrion says she is. She is the Queen they chose just like you chose me to be your King. And I hope you will all see her as the rightful ruler and person she is."
The protector of the Vale has an upset look on his face. Lyanna Mormont breaks the silence in saying, "As long as you remain King, I will trust you." Several agree in her words however I still see that some are not convinced in all that has been said. I stand to my feet in anger.
"As your King, you will trust my judgment about Queen Daenerys. That is my decision and my decision is final." I shout to everyone in the room. Lyanna Mormont is about to speak again but I stop her. "Start their rounds with weapons and train hard. Daenerys let me know how many men and sources you are able to give to help in training. My lords and ladies." I look to Daenerys and bow my head to her. "My Queen."
I walk away from the hall and right to my chambers. I take a deep breath in opening the door. I close it behind me. I take my clock off, setting it on top of my chair. I press my hand against the back of my neck. I knew they would not agree in choosing Daenerys to be the Queen. But the glares on their faces as if they would kill her the moment they have a chance to do so.
I sit down in my chair, starring at the map of the North. I rub my hand against the back of my neck then rub to my eyelids. Before I could think of anything else, someone knocks on my door. "Come in."
I see Davos enter into the room. "Jon, I really think you should reconsider backing Daenerys claim to the Iron Throne. It is already making others uneasy of her presence alone at Winterfell. All of them will continue to be ice cold to her, no matter what is said about her."
"Davos, for now I need to be left alone for a while please." I tell him in a begging tone.
Davos can tell in my voice that I truly do need some alone time. He does not question me then leaves my chamber quietly. I rest my arm on the chair, placing my hand on the side of my head. I remain in the quiet for a bit. I listen to the sound of the fire crackling as it is burning.
I stare into the flames when suddenly I feel as if a voice is calling to me from the flames itself. I am about to stand but I hear my chamber door open. I was expecting it to be Sansa but instead it is Daenerys. She closes the door behind her, walking over to me.
Daenerys places her hands on my shoulders while we smile to one another. Daenerys begins to rub her hands deep into my shoulders, massaging them. I lean my head back in how nice it feels. I did not realize how tension my shoulders felt until now. Daenerys keeps on going while I let out a small moan in feeling relief from what happened earlier. "That feels really good, Daenerys."
She continues to massage my shoulder for a few moments longer then rests her chin on top of my shoulder, wrapping her arms around me. I let myself sink into her embrace. We listen to nothing more than the fire going and our breathing.
"Thank you, Jon for everything you said in there. As you said, stubborn as an ass they are." Daenerys whispers when I lean my head against hers. "Did you really know my great uncle, Aemon?"
"I did. He was a good man. The last time I saw him, he told me that I would find little joy in my time as Lord Commander. I am starting to see little joy in being a leader for the North. He told me something that I will never forget. He told me to kill the boy and let the man be born. It turns out it did happen in more ways than he thought would happen."
"I wish I knew him..." Daenerys softly says.
I stand to my feet, wrapping my arms around her. I embrace her a bit closer. Then I see that her eyes are a bit rid with some tears in her eyes. I knew that those were tears for her great uncle, Aemon.
"He told me about the days he received the news of his family during the Rebellion. His exact words were this: 'The Gods were cruel when they saw fit to test my vows. They waited until I was old and what could I do when the ravens brought the news from the South? The ruin of my house and the death of my family, I was helpless, blind, frail. But when I heard that they had kill my brother's son and his fore son and the children. Even the little children.' He made the choice himself and lived with it to the rest of his days.
Daenerys has a few tears going down her beautiful face in Aemon's words. I wipe the tears off her face. "He saved my life, probably more times than I know. I wish he got to meet you before he passed, to know the woman you are and that you will continue on your family legacy."
She kisses me. I kiss her right back because I know that I cannot resist her honeyed lips on mine. She pulls her glorious lips from mine. "You are making it somewhat difficult for me to keep my hands off you."
"Part of me cannot help it when I am standing near you. Odd thing about a heart, damn thing does what it wants." She whispers.
I am about to kiss her again but she places her hand over my lips. "Not here. They will hear us. Come to my camp. None of the Northerners will attempt to enter within a mile of my camp. All of my forces will not say a word about us to them."
"That works really good because I did say that I need to see what men and sources you are able to give to help. Let's get going." I tell her. She grabs my cloak, I put it on quickly. I allow Daenerys to leave first to ensure that no one saw her leave my chambers. Jorah was waiting a few doors down for her. Daenerys and Jorah begin to make their way down to the courtyard.
I wait a few moments then leave my chambers. I see everyone has their eyes on us. I see Daenerys and Arya talking to one another. I am glad that they are getting along so far. I notice that Sansa is with the Lords. I know that she is not fully trusting of Daenerys yet. I hope that she will trust Daenerys sooner than the others.
I approach Daenerys as everyone is watching. "Queen Daenerys, I would like to see what men and sources you have to offer."
"Of course, King Jon." Daenerys says.
Jorah comes over with three horses. Daenerys and I mount up. Sansa approaches me, "Jon, when you get back, we need to talk."
"We will, Sansa. For now, need to make sure that we get things moved along." I tell her.
Daenerys, Jorah and I ride out of the courtyard toward the camp that Daenerys forces are staying at while here at Winterfell. We get there quickly. Daenerys is greeted by a few Dothraki. She speaks to them while Jorah takes our horses. Daenerys comes back over to me, telling me that she has at least seventy Dothraki willing to train people.
"Good." I know that will make a difference in training people until the Lannister army arrives to Winterfell. I know that their army is not use to traveling in the winter as much as we the North does. It may take them three more days to arrive here.
"As for the sources such as weapons and food, they are gathering the numbers and will tell me soon. I told them that I want to be left alone while they are gathering the men and sources. For now, come to my tent." Daenerys says.
I notice that she is trying not to smile when she enters into her tent. I slowly walk to her tent. I enter to find that it has many animal furs on the ground, all over her bed. In the middle of her tent was a fire going. I see that there is a small table filled with fruits and glasses of wine. I see quite a number of candles all over. I see a bathing tub as well. Daenerys goes over to a case filled with her clothes alongside a table that is holding a brush, bands for her braids and the lotions for her bathing.
The last thing I see in her tent is a bed that is worthy for a queen such as her to sleep in. It looks nicer than my own bed. Daenerys is taking down her hair from the braids. Daenerys is a southern woman and I am impressed with how well this tent is put together. She and her forces are well prepared for the cold winter.
Daenerys comes over with her dress halfway undone. She knew I would want to take her dress off. I smile in unhooking the bottom half of her white fur dress. The dress drops to the ground. I take in her body like it is the first time all over again.
I move my hands down to her knees, placing my hands around the back of her knees. I lift her up while she wraps her legs around my waist. I kiss her honey lips. I carry her over to my bed. We fall onto the bed with her on top of me. Our tongues are in each other's mouths. We both moan in how amazing it feels to be like this again.
Daenerys helps me to get my clothes off. We have no worries of our loud our moans are here. I know that the North Lord and Ladies will not come anywhere near this camp. Daenerys and I have a temporary place to be together.
Daenerys and I become consumed in each other, feeling every movement we are doing, being wrapped up in each other. It feels just as amazing as our first time. I place my arm around her back, embracing her closer. I kiss her over and over again.
Daenerys turns me onto my back side. She moans in pleasure closing her eyes, and lifts her head up. My hands gently embrace around her rare breasts. My lips kiss every inch of her neck down to her breasts then back up to her lips.
We keep on kissing until we have to get air in our lungs. Our lips rip apart. I run my hands through her hair hanging past her middle back. Her fingernails gently run against my arms to my stomach. I bury my face in her breasts for a while then gaze at her. We keep our eyes on each other the rest of the time when we are not kissing one another.
After a while of us being one, we were both sweating and breathing hard when we are done. Daenerys turns over next to me in bed. She is smiling and sits up from the bed, using the fur blanket to cover up her breasts.
I run my hand against her back and have a small smile on my face. I felt at peace, being with her like this. It's like everything around me vanishes and we are the only two left in the world.
I lean up against her and whispering, "Aemon once told me this: 'What is honor compared to a woman's love?' I never fully understood what he meant by that until you."
She turns and kisses me. We stay in a lingering kiss for a moment. Afterwards, Daenerys comes into my arms still smiling. I twirl my fingers through her silver hair . I cannot help but think about what happened in the meeting.
Daenerys looks to me as her fingers gently brush over my knife scar at my heart. She whispers, "What is it, Jon?"
"My people think that I am or will be a better King than my brother, Robb, even better than my father although he was the Warden of the North. That is what I want to be but doing what is right to survive is more important than how they feel about you or when they see the Lannister army arrive to Winterfell soon. It will make them more of an ass than they are now. If anyone was to find out about us, they would think of me as my brother, Robb. The day he lost the war against Cersei's son, Joffrey was the day he married his wife, Talisa. He should have married the daughter of Walder Frey. It just feels like my decision about helping the Free-folk to cross beyond the Wall at the Night's Watch all over again."
Daenerys rubs her soft, warm leg against mine. She tells me, "Davos told me that you faced impossible things. And your people know that, they know you have great strength, the kind of strength they want in a King. I have seen it too. You have greatness in you, Jon. Greatness is not only seen in the eyes of your people but in the eyes of your enemies as well. And you showed that to everyone in the Dragonpit when you remained true to your word, being honest to the woman that has caused many horrible things to your family and people. It did nearly cost us to have Cersei fight with us but you told the truth. That, my king, is a measure of great strength."
I gaze into her eyes when she said 'my king'. "King? I am Warden of the North now, not a king."
She stares back into my eyes saying me, "I realize that you are a king. And you have pledged yourself to help me in the fight against Cersei when we finish the Night King for good. I want you to remain King, Jon; it is the best chance for your people, King Jon. That is why I said what I said to them."
I wondered why she told them that I was still King until now. I smile when she calls me that. "When you say it, it has a nice ring to it unlike when others call me King."
"That is because I mean it, Jon." She whispers to me.
I kiss her on her forehead and embrace her closer to me. We lay here listening to the firewood burning in the fireplace of her tent. We both even hear the sound of the cold wind and snow falling outside the tent. Some time passes; I knew that the training rounds need to begin soon. I take a deep breath.
Daenerys whispers, "I know, Jon. Do not worry about what they think of me. Right now, think about the Night King and preparing everyone. Go and be their King."
I smile and kiss her once more before I get up from the bed. I quickly get dressed as does Daenerys. She fixes her hair back to normal while I grab my sword and dagger that I will need with the training. I turn to see Daenerys wearing a dark red dress. It is the same dark color red as her house colors. It makes her look fierce, terrifying but at the same time in awe. She sees how I am looking at her in her dress.
"Daenerys, I know that what I am about to ask you will be risky of everyone seeing us but I want to ask you if I could stay with you tonight? I am beginning to feel more at home here than I actually do in Winterfell now." I say to her.
She smiles nodding her head yes. I smile back when she gets up from the bed. Our lips meet one last time before she leaves out of her tent. I remain in her tent for a little bit longer. I think about what she said about seeing greatness in me.
It makes me think about what Aemon said. I did find little joy in my command as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Now, I will have little joy in my reign as King. Instead of let the man be born, let the King be born. I will show everyone the right King that they need and not want. It is time for them to see the King that Daenerys sees in me.
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