Lyanna's POV
We stand before the hidden tunnel door ready to open it back into the crypts of Winterfell until one of the masked Foxes stops me from doing so. "What are you doing?"
All of the other Foxes force everyone back from the door. The other Fox picks me up with his gloved hand covering my mouth, carrying me away from the stone door. I hit him several times; trying to yell for him to let me go until he puts me back on my feet then has me look at him. He whispers the word, "Silent."
Everyone goes silent when there is a noise coming from behind the thick stone door. I quietly go forward, resting my ear against the stone door when growling sounds is coming from the other side. I shudder in terror when the entire door is banged on. I slowly back away, placing my hand over my mouth to remain silent.
"Oh shit." One of the Foxes barely lets out.
The Dead must have gotten into the crypts after we had to flee Winterfell. My eyes go to a few Foxes who are moving their hands in a sort of motion like they are talking through their hands so they do not make a sound. I go over wondering what possible plan they have next. I mouth the words, "What now? Do we leave?"
One of them lightly shakes their heads no as in we are stuck down here now. There is no way out unless we have to fight our way out through the crypt or go back out in the Wolf Woods. But we cannot fight our way out of here nor go back out to the woods. We will be killed no matter which way we go. We all back away until the door being pounded on stops.
We remain silent as the crypt in the hopes that someone will come for us or we stay down here until the Dead pushes south for the rest of the world of the living. Then two Foxes keep talking through their hands and come to an agreement of some kind. They pull me, Ser Davos and a few foxes to the back of the survivors so the Dead does not hear them whisper.
"My brother and I will go up and see what can be done next. There is some food and water that will last for a few days. Remain silent and do not leave the crypt unless the Winter Fox, or King Stark or Queen Daenerys gets you out of here. Understand?" One of the Foxes eyes go to me.
I shake my head yes in agreement. I know there is not much that can be done aside from that. I mouth the words for the two Foxes to be careful. They bow their heads to me in respect and take two horses that are capable of making it through what is to come. They go to the hidden entrance that the Wolf Woods and they vanish into the blackness of the tunnel.
I see some of the children with tears in their eyes, terrified that they will die down here. I sit down with some girls much younger than me. I take two in my arms to help keep them warm and give any kind of silent comfort that everything will be ok, surviving through this. Ser Davos sits across from me and does the same with a young girl and boy trying not to make any noise in their crying. All that can be done is for us to wait in the hopes the Long Night will pass or help will come.
Jon's POV
"We are fucked; so very very fucked." Ed says with some trouble to get the words out of his mouth in the sight before us.
"We will hold them off. Arya, Bran and Uncle Benjen know the hidden tunnels and can do it again. Hopefully Lyanna Mormont and the last of them are back in the tunnels or about to be there since they are on foot. You all need to get into the Crypt now." The Winter Fox pulls me over to the others while the Fox riders are mounting on their horses.
Suddenly two riders cut around the crumbled entrance and dismount from their horses shouting, "Do not enter the crypt!"
"What happened?" The Winter Fox questions in dread.
"The crypt is overturned. The survivors are holding up in the hidden tunnel between the crypt and Wolf woods entrance."
We see the two riders are masked foxes. I remember seeing them from earlier. They helped get the children to safety. I walk over in concern for those living asking. "Are the children alright?"
"The children are safe along with half of the survivors that were with Ser Davos and Lady Mormont. They have no choice but to remain in the hidden tunnels. The crypt cannot be passed through now."
"Why is that?" Podrick questions them.
"When the Night King awoke the dead, the crypt of Starks arose as well. Your ancestors are now with the dead lively bunch and serving the Dead King. But since the hidden tunnels were cut off, they cannot get to the survivors but they are all through the crypt. My brother and I came back out to the Wolf Woods to warn you."
"Shit! We should have known this would happen when he would awake the dead; those buried down there and remain intact would join. So unless you want to meet some of your ancestors like Torrhen Stark the King who knelt or Bran the Builder, no one else will enter the crypt." Monsoon Fox says in anger of this happening.
The Winter Fox comes back over with her horse behind her. "Jon, can you feel Rhaegal close by?"
I try to focus if I can to see if he is close by, but I don't feel anything of Rhaegal being close. I look up to the dark skies in the hopes I can see him; still nothing. "No."
"You can call your dragon but not in the way you call your direwolf. Close your eyes and concentrate." She tells me.
I exhale and close my eyes when I hear the sound of her circling around me while her voice fills me up while whispering, "Targaryens have been either dreamers or dragon riders. Almost any Targaryen could and can be a dragon rider but the rare few had a bond unlike others to their dragons. Their rider can feel when they are close, even their heartbeat, strong wings, legs and breathe even see through the eyes of their dragon in their dreams. I want you to focus on Rhaegal as if he is standing before you and allow that feeling to fill you up, losing yourself to it."
My mind fills with Rhaegal standing before me with his massive size, the color of his green yet hint of red scales so strong that no common blade, arrow or spear can pierce through it. His sharp claws digging into the ground when running forward to take to flight. The way his eyes focus on me like I am a part of him and he is a part of me. Suddenly the blackness of my closed eyes suddenly light up as if I am flying through the Long Night storm.
I couldn't help but smile a little in the feeling as if I am actually flying through the snow coming right at me while shifting through the high winds over the vast lands of the North. Then I feel it so easily breaking through the thickness of the storm to see the army of the dead before Winterfell, ready to attack at the command of the Night King.
I open my eyes when I hear the song of Rhaegal approaching and land directly in front of the crumbled entrance. I am overcome with relief to see Rhaegal patched up from his wounds while he keeps his wings extended out ready to take flight once we are on his back. Rhaegal lowers his head; softly growling to me as if he is feeling the same relief that I am alright when I walk over and stand before him.
"Rhaegal, I am glad you are alright." I whisper to him.
He lays his head down on the ground for me to rest my hands above his nostrils. His eyes look at me like he is happy to see alright as well. I notice that we both have the same area of injury and we will both have similar scars to share between each other. Arya slowly approaches to Rhaegal but stops when Rhaegal looks at her. I extend my hand to Arya for her to come over. Arya smiles with a few tears in her eyes to be so close to another dragon such as one like Rhaegal.
"Rhaegal is a rare one. If it was not for him, the survivors would never have survived." One of the Foxes says to us.
"The beast saved them? That is not possible." Sansa questions in complete shock that a dragon especially with no rider on his back could do such a thing.
"If our word is not enough, Lyanna Mormont has her own account of this. And Rhaegal saved their lives because he could and he did. He used his mighty flames to blow white walkers away to ash before another living soul was taken. He is far more than a beast. Give him some fucking credit." The Fox says toward Sansa in spite.
"Fly out of here. Rhaegal is your only chance to get out of here now." Winter Fox tells me about to mount on her horse.
I shake my head no, I refuse to let her face against the Dead. She and the others will be slaughtered. I walk over to her and I grab her hand in the hopes it will stop her, she freezes. She looks down to see her hand into mine. Every person notices that I do this but I do not care. I do not want her and her fellow foxes to risk or die fighting for us. They have already done more than enough in helping the survivors get this far. I take her hand in both of mine to show her that I do not want to leave nor survive without her.
I cannot explain why I am already feeling so close and latched to the Winter Fox but I know I cannot lose what I have with the Winter Fox. I have a strange feeling in regard to the Winter Fox as if I have a string tied around my heart with a similar string around her heart. If she was to die and I live, I know it would snap. I would never forget her and take it inwardly. It is not the kind of string I have toward Daenerys but it is a strong string between the two of us.
"I want to fight. Let me fight with you." I tell her.
Arya comes forward saying, "I want to fight as well. I am not going to stand by either."
"I know you do, Jon and Arya. I want you to fight but your survival matters more. All of you even the Children of the Forest need to survive so the world of men can survive. You cannot die in this fight. The love of my life, my wolf remains in a losing battle to this very day. I will not let you be in a losing battle either. You already lost when you got killed by your own brother's of the Night's Watch. I won't let it happen again to either of you. Please go." She tells me when her hand parts from mine.
"You are going to your own certain death." I tell her because it appears like she does not care if she will live or die.
"Almost all death is certain. However mine was not but if I do actually greet Death, I shall tell your father and mother what you have become. You truly are their son." Her words about my mother and father hit me as if she drove her own ax right into my chest when she walks away.
Uncle Benjen and Gendry come up behind, holding me back. I don't want the Winter Fox to be in this losing battle either. I try to get out of my way while shouting, "Let me go! We cannot let them do this!"
The children of the forest walk up to the Winter Fox when she tells them, "You need to leave now before it is too late."
"We came here to write the wrongs we did centuries ago. The two of us will fight alongside you rather you like it or not. We too are also prepared to die in this fight. The other eight of us remain to fight the rest to come for the survivors." One of them tells her.
The Winter Fox knows she cannot change their minds and she bows her head in respect to them. Then she takes a step closer to them. "I remember you now. You were there. You are Willow and Wind, sisters. You haven't changed a bit." She says to them like they are old time acquaintances.
They both say at the same time, "Yes, we are. You have changed a great deal."
"With good reason and fine; you want to die fighting alongside side each other as true sisters would rather than live without one another. I respect that. Come on. All of you mount up." The Winter Fox gives a bow to them then goes to her horse, mounting up.
The Foxes mount up on their horses and get into formation at the ready with all of the weapons collected throughout Winterfell. The Winter Fox and Monsoon Fox stand in front of the formation, ready to lead their charge. The two children of the Forest are on the back of their horses with more of their devices ready.
But if they go into battle, it will be absolute slaughter. They will all die but they know it will be their deaths facing the entire army of White Walkers. I turn to uncle Benjen in the hopes he will understand why they cannot fight and die out like this but Benjen shakes his head no to me.
"We would not be standing here alive without them. We cannot let them do this, Uncle Benjen." I tell him.
"They made their choice. I do not like their methods or how they think but she is right. We have to survive in any way we can so the world of men can survive. We need to go now." Benjen tells me before wrapping his hand around my arm.
Rhaegal roars which turns everyone's head toward him wondering what he is doing. Rhaegal lifts his head still roaring like he is telling Benjen to leave me alone while briefly flapping his leathery wings. I pull away from Benjen knowing he will not understand why I cannot let this happen. But it is too late when the Foxes ride out from the ruined courtyard and around Rhaegal to be before the army of the Dead.
The Winter Fox starts trotting her horse back and forth down the line in front of her own and starts speaking to them, "I know you are the only Foxes that volunteered to stay and fight while the others came because they wanted to fight for Daenerys support to the Iron Throne. And since she left, they had the choice to stay or leave the same as all of you. I would never force them to stay in a losing battle in the Great War. I won't do the same for any of you. If any of you want to leave, you can right now. You know the way to go."
The Winter Fox stops directly in the middle before them waiting for any of them to leave. None of the Foxes move or leave. They will stand and fight with her because she gave them a choice and she is a good leader to them. I see all one hundred Fox Riders ready for her command.
"My Foxes, I am here before you with one simple truth, we were born for this! And why were we born for this?!" The Winter Fox shouts to them.
They start banging their swords or spears, or axes against their shields twice in a row in a perfect motion while the Winter Fox speaks her words. Arya and the remaining others have the same look on their face like they have chills in how they have no fear in what they are about to take on.
"We were born for this because we were broken ones with hearts never tamed, forged into warriors who learned to love the pain. We all come from different places but we have one roaring storm raging inside because we were born for this! We were born for this! And if you do die a mighty death on the battlefield than greet Death like an old friend with a smile because that is what Death is for us Foxes!"
Every single Fox Rider says in a war chant that echoes throughout Winterfell like they are thousands upon thousands of warriors ready to face Death like greeting an old friend.
"Will you still follow me at your own will?! Do you want to make history in the Great War?! Will you go higher and further with me?! Onward and upward?!" The Winter Fox screams when drawing her axes, holding them above her head.
They scream their battle cries right back to her, holding their weapons over their heads ready to make their own history with the cold flesh of White Walkers. They all scream with a might like I have never seen before, chanting over and over again, "ONWARD AND UPWARD!!!!!"
The Winter Fox's horse rears up on their hind legs for a few moments then turns around to land back on all fours before rearing up again going around for her fellow foxes. Rhaegal roars right when I see her horse do the same exact powerful thrust forward into battle. All of their horses take off in one stride following their leader, their Queen, the Winter Fox into a losing battle. But at least they know they will die together.
I have only seen just devotion from soldiers, the Unsullied and Dothraki to Daenerys, now in the Winter Fox. We are all that remains in Winterfell. The Foxes travel through the once flamed charred battlefield covered in snow. My eyes marvel in their horses lifting their heads up letting out their own sort of battle cries when they begin to form two lines right down the middle.
The Night King lifts his arm up and sends in several thousand white walkers to face them. He knows that they are not threat against the amount he is sending to face them. The white walkers go on his command, running in a frantic charge to the Foxes of the Sunset Sea. The white walkers' growl with their arms extending out, ready to tear them limb from limb.
The Foxes stay in the two lines until they are about to reach the portion of dead. They divide into separate lines. One of the lines going to the left and the other to the right while the snow erupts into the air with the two separate army parties charging at one another. There is nothing but the complete silence of the world until they slam right into each other.
The battle screams from the Foxes and the unsettling sounds of the dead going at each other the way a direwolf attacks its prey. Their horses run white walkers down, even jump over a few while their riders uses their sharp weapons even their shield to take as many as they can before a few foxes met their final death but it does appear like they are welcoming Death rather than screaming for their lives.
Then I notice they appear to be circling around the small portion of the dead, actually taking them out like they truly have gone into battle in small forces against a larger force but still came out winning. The Winter Fox rides through the battlefield throws one of her axes and it lands into the skull of a white walker. Its body falls and she rides by grabbing the handle of her ax, going after several more. She beheads more deadly walkers. The Foxes are actually getting the better of them. I am stunned to see that they are holding out as long as they are and winning. I smile in relief that they are.
However I see the Night King sends another large number of white walkers on his command directly for Winterfell. We have a chance to run but I cannot run from this fight. My eyes go to Ghost and his red eyes stare at me. Ghost does not want to run either. My eyes go to Rhaegal and I already know that Rhaegal wants to fight rather than flee.
We can run and live, we will help the world of men to survive. Or we fight to our very end and the survivors can help the world of men survive. My eyes go to Arya when I see she draws her sword, Snow and the dagger willing to fight even with her bad leg. Nymeria and her pack stands with Arya. Gendry has both of his hands around his hammer, ready to bash white walker heads in. Tormund walks over placing his hand on my shoulder while Ghost stands next to me.
"Are you with me?" I ask Tormund still unsure if he will follow me to his own death. He has every right to want to flee and live, not just for himself but his daughters.
Tormund says with his crazy smile, "To the Death, my little crow. Let's give these fuckers a fight." He draws his weapon. I draw Long Claw ready to fight along with everyone by my side.
I grip the handle of Long Claw knowing they are waiting for me to give the command as a set of white walkers are charging at us. If we are going to die, may as well die in killing as many of the dead we can before we join them. What more can a warrior ask for than to fight and die along those who believed in you unlike anyone else?
Suddenly I hear a dragon roar but that is not Rhaegal's roar. Rhaegal lifts his head up to the skies in the direction of the King's road. He smells the air like he knows something is coming. I begin to feel it down to my bones that something is coming our way.
I can feel her when I run further out from the crumbled entrance of Winterfell to see something I never thought would happen; just when all hope was slipping away. All of the fighting in the army of the Dead ceases and heads turn to the sight of a dark winged shadow flying above the snow storm. My body is sent a chill, a good chill shaking me down to my bones. It is the kind when something is about to happen for all to witness in glory.
Then erupting out of the snow storm, Drogon dives down and he appears to be wearing what looks like armor on his chest and underbelly to protect him from any weapons the Night King may through his way. I see at the front of his chest armor is the three headed dragon sigil made in silver, possibly valyrian steel. And riding on his back is Daenerys is fully armored including an armor helmet looking like a dragon head.
"Fuck yes!! The Dragon Queen has returned!!" Tormund screams in happiness with his arms in the air praising her return.
Drogon launches himself closer to the army of the Dead. He does not breathe fire on them but flies above them, roaring with all of his might before circling back around to the Kings Road. He is letting the Dead know he is here to fight against them. The howling winds of the snow storm turns into the sound of armies marching together as one along with something much larger when large animals emerge from the falling snow. My mouth drops in seeing what looks like hundreds of thousands of men from all remaining Houses in Westeros.
Jaime's POV
I freeze at the sight of the Dead. I gaze over the legions of dead corpses and animals alike. There are hundreds of thousands of numbers before the ruined Winterfell still burning away. I know I saw one dead white walker in King's landing but to see this large amount like the Dragon Queen said there is enough to make me turn back. Or even shit my pants like I am sure other men around me want to at the sight of them. Even with the Golden Company Elephants, it is not enough to defeat them or make them retreat. They will easily leave what remains of Winterfell into nothing but stone dust and whispered smoke.
Bronn and I both have our mouths gaped open in the barbaric sight before us. I have seen and done so many things in the service of the King's Guard and my family. But nothing comes close to what I am seeing. I can even smell the rotting, dead corpses from here that it is making my stomach turn, making me have the urge to throw up. I cover my mouth in the awful stench filling the air. Bronn gags in the horrible smell air as well.
Then Bronn taps on my shoulder to have me look at something in the dark snowy skies. I notice there is something far darker flying through the skies; almost like a dark shadow. It must be the dead dragon that Desert Fox mentioned on the road. I shudder in the sight of the shadow that we are all about to join the dead now. The dark shadow breaks through the snowy skies and it is actually the Dragon Queen on her large dragon.
The Dragon Queen herself is on dragon back with full armor with her dragon wearing a sort of armor on the chest and underbelly. There is a silver three headed dragon on the front chest of the armor. I must admit that I am amazed in how they look for all of us to see. I can see the power of a dragon just as I did when I first saw her on her dragon flying straight at us and the Lannister army. Her dragon did such damages like I have never seen before and that is without the Dothraki army on the ground against us.
The dragon dives down low enough for the dead to see her and stop the attack happening on the soldiers on the battlefield and quite a number of white walkers heading to Winterfell. The Desert Fox was right that there are survivors left. We need to get them out of here now before they become the added numbers to the dead.
Then the sound of marching overpowers the sound of the snow storm and even the ground feels like it is shaking in the marching as it comes closer and closer. My horse snorts before pinning his ears back, trying to move about in fear of what is marching toward us. I turn my horse in the direction that the marching is coming from.
The Golden Company War Elephants bring all of their elephants to a complete stop in a formation. The Golden Company elephants let out a roar, lifting up their tusks to the skies knowing they are about to go to war. However I am unsure if they go to victory. The enormous carriages strapped to the elephants with the men a top their backs get their arrows and spear ready but they all appear to be like they have seen this size of army before and they are not afraid of it.
Even if they are afraid, they are hiding it well and willing to go into ruin through fighting like the warriors they are. The elephant's massive feet stop them in their tracks and only six in a row like they are going to send six elephants in then send in the other six elephants into battle when they are needed. It is good they are not sending in all twelve of them at once. They would be like putting in all of your money in the first round of a card game when gambling. They are smarter to hold half of them back.
However the marching sound continues from behind the war elephants. My eyes see that Bronn, the commanders of the Riverlands and the Golden Company also look to where the marching is coming from. I cannot tell if my eyes are tricking me into the sigil banners that become larger as they get closer. There are many houses from all over Westeros that are actually here even houses that I thought wouldn't have the balls to leave the comfort of their castles.
There is over from what I see one hundred banners of houses from the east, west even the south; all of their men fully armored, with their weapons in hand ready to fight. I cannot help but laugh in shock of the thousands upon thousands on horses and horns being blown to announce their arrivals to all of the living.
Their lines are stretched as far as they can on the King's Road in evenly spaced rows to help ease in their travels all the way to the North. The ones holding spears are pointing them skyward while each house has their commanders and captains at the head of the whole armies with themselves and their horses in full armor. They all freeze in gazing upon the dead legions of white walkers.
I imagine quite a few of them are shitting their pants right now in knowing the white walkers always have been real, not just a story to be told to pass the time around a fire. I can see many men in awe struck or stunned in what they are about to battle against. I see commanders snap their men out of the frightening state while trotting their horses down their army lines.
"Form ranks! Form ranks!! Get your shit together! All of the men with spears at the front and archers at the back and ready!" The commanders scream to their men to ensure they are heard and their orders are repeated by their captains who did not hear the order the first time.
There is no delay in the joining of their forces alongside ours and standing a few paces from the massive war elephants. The armies form up in their positions ready. I see that they have those with pikes, spears in the front lines and archers behind. I know that this was already planned for the ranks to charge into battle as one. They all stomp together as one when they are in complete formation of their ranks.
I do notice that everyone is formed up into three massive lines. One is for going straight into battle, while the second is to catch any stray white walkers that come our way or try to flee. The last one is nothing but defense. And their job is to hold off the white walkers for as long as possible to get the survivors to a safe place if the world of men is to stand a chance to live through this.
Now that I see what the Desert Fox was talking about when he said we will know when to attack. There is no doubt in my mind that the Desert Fox knew this was all arranged and planned out before ever arriving to Westeros. And I have no fucking problem with this all being planned out since there is well over one hundred thousand now able to face the army of the Dead.
Although I still have some doubt that it will take a bit more than the same numbers to defeat them. I recall the battle story against the first white walkers, the leaders and heroes that first faced the army of the dead many centuries ago only drove them back, never truly finished off every single one of them like they should have from the start.
This time, every white walker and their leader need to be slaughtered to finish the job properly and win this Great War as King Snow spoke of them in the Dragonpit. But those thoughts vanish when I am at a loss of words when large cannons, catapults and somehow the same kind of scorpions that were specifically made to kill the dragons are brought to the front of the line and archers getting prepped up with large bonfires being started up for flaming archers to be in positions if any white walkers dared to come to the King's Road. We have the numbers in men, the war elephants and the weaponry to take them out now.
I see the small army of soldiers on the battlefield ride this way. The separate white walkers join back with their dead others as if knowing what is about to take place. I freeze when I see the soldiers ride up in full armor similar to what the Desert Fox was wearing. They are covered in guts, rotten flesh from whatever amount they managed to kill on the battlefield before we arrived.
There are other Foxes like him but one stands out above all the others when the fox that appears to be their queen as the Desert Fox called his leader comes up on horse looking at all that is before her. It is almost like she expected for this massive army to be here when the soldiers with her join in the ranks without a moment to spare.
"Jaime fucking Lannister, it is nice to finally meet you in person. I did not like your father but I respected him as a leader of an army. I am the Winter Fox, Foxes of the Sunset Sea leader. You should know that Brienne of Tarth is with Sansa and Arya Stark in Winterfell. You can still keep your word you made to Catelyn Stark long ago. Also your brother Tyrion Lannister is still alive and far enough to safely see the battle, yet not be involved. He wanted to be involved in the battle but Daenerys needs him alive since he is the hand of the Queen. I ensured your brother, Tyrion that you would be here." The Winter Fox extends their hand out to me.
Bronn appears to be stunned staring at this masked armor woman like she is the most fierce and beautiful woman he has ever seen but he hasn't even seen her face. I am impressed with the amount of detail in her black armor and the black fox fur on her shoulders and neckline to show she is the leader of Foxes since the others have the basic orange, grey or white fox fur on the shoulders of their armor.
"It is pleasing to meet you. And that is good; I was worried for my brother. You knew my father personally?"
"I knew him enough to have some conversations with him. We did some trade over the years during the reign of the Mad King but I stopped trading with him when he was drowning in debt with the Iron Bank. I do not do business with those in deadly deep debt like he was. He would have become an anchor ready to drag anyone with him to the deep ocean floor."
I reach my hand to her and we shake hands for a moment then parts our hands. Her horse turns around when we hear more marching coming from the King's Road. She rides forward on her horse that is not armored like the others. I did not realize that she is riding on an all black horse, pure black like a dark night with no moon or stars to brighten up the night sky to even see. The jet black horse is wearing nothing but what looks like a valyrian steel rope around its shoulder.
She rides past the second large army of Dothraki and Unsullied already in formation, ready to charge into battle on a single command of their dragon queen. I notice more fully armored men and women like the other foxes that she stops her white horse in front of. This must be the army of Foxes the Desert Fox mentioned on the travel here; Foxes of the Sunset Sea army joining the battle against the Dead.
This is basically all of humanity right here in the heart of the North; the living against the Dead. The only house and army not here is the Lannister army because of Cersei's doing. I know that with her as Queen of Westeros and not here to aid in the fight against the dead will come back to get her.
If the Dead somehow win against our new numbers, they will spread through every corner of the land and kill everyone. If the living win, then they will support Daenerys Targaryen for the Iron Throne, march south and kill Cersei without hesitation or trial. I warned Cersei this would happened if she did nothing and it is going happen if the living wins.
My thoughts come to a complete stop when the dragon roars from above, much closer than before. The dragon is just a few paces overhead of all of us. This massive beast flaps his wings, descends its body downward to the ground, landing before all of the armies with snow erupting into the air from the weight of the dragon's landing. I still see the Mad King's daughter on dragon back before she starts walking down the shoulder of the dragon. She steps down on the snowy ground in her riding boots.
The Mad King's daughter walks to the head of her dragon smiling while she caresses the dragon's large spike on its jaw line. Her dragon gives a small roar before giving a sound almost like a cat would be purring from being petted. I never thought a dragon would be like this at all. But I imagine any dragon is like this with only their Targaryen rider and no one else.
The dragon queen walks away from her dragon but instantly stops at the sight of me. I quiver in fear that she will immediately order my head to be put on a spike or command her dragon to burn me to ashes since the last time I saw her, I was riding directly for her with a spear in hand, ready to kill her and end the war. But her dragon got in the way and Bronn intervened saving me from the dragon's fire.
She does not look away from me when her dragon also sees me and begins growling, ready to roast me alive. Then a man walks up to Daenerys, stopping her from taking another step. They quietly talk for a moment and she tells him, "Fine."
Daenerys then points to me then to Bronn, "I will speak to the both of you afterwards. That's if you are still living though." Daenerys walks past her fellow man and she positions herself for as far as the eye can see.
I can see everyone is whispering in her appearance of her silver hair barely showing under her helmet and the dragon standing behind her, extending its wings out. I see the man that stopped her earlier standing next to her, not afraid of the dragon unlike the others around. I believe the man to be Jorah Mormont, a seasoned warrior on her council that I saw in the Dragonpit.
Everyone is ready to listen to what words she has to say. Daenerys walks and stands before every single commander and captain for all to see her. I see that everyone is expecting a speech of sorts from her. She seems ready to give a speech like she has do so with her forces from across the Narrow Sea.
Daenerys's POV
I can see that they are all expect of me a speech and I have only one to give. I look to Greyworm and one of my blood Riders to translate to those who do not speak the common tongue. They nod at the ready for me to speak. My eyes go to Jorah who gives me the same look he always give me since he first believed in me before I thought I could ever believe in myself.
I know that they all heard stories of me from across the narrow sea and my father's madness. However there is one thing they do not know. I want them to know because they all want the same thing I want. To defend their homes they built or find the homes they belong to and they cannot do that if the Dead win.
I exhale in taking off my dragon helmet so they all can see all of my silver hair in its half updo braid style for the battle we are to face. Drogon lightly growls when every single armed warrior keep their eyes on me. However some of them have a problem with eye contact and understanding given my presence alone. But they will not think that of me much loinger.
"You all know of me and especially my father, King Aerys also known as the Mad King. My father was a mad man as such were others before him in ruling throughout Westeros. I understand that you may see that same madness in me. I often wonder if I have it in me as well. I heard a saying about us Targaryens. Every time a Targaryen is born and the Gods flip a coin to see if it will land on madness. I know this, you all know this. But there is one thing you do not know about me."
"I aim to be queen of Westeros but not all because it is my family's ancestral throne. I want to see Westeros united, living in peace and to help heal the kingdoms after all the scarring and dividing between the kingdoms by my family and those after my father, the Mad King. I hope I can bring that healing to the vast lands of Westeros if I am to rule as Queen."
"And if that is not enough, I hope this will be. All men and women are born to die, we know it. Every single one of us carries it with us always. If my day be today, so be it. Or mine will be tomorrow or possibly in my bed at the age of eighty to possibly a hundred if I am blessed enough. And if your day be today, so be it. Mine today and yours tomorrow or yours today and mine tomorrow. It matters not. All that matters is you know this in your hearts and today you are the kingdoms united as one army. You are Westeros, you are the living! Each and every one of you, Westeros is you! And it is the area between you! Fight not for yourselves, fight for that area, that home you have or long to have! Fill that area! Make it matter! Assemble it! Make it impassable! Make it yours! Make it Westeros! Make it Westeros! Captains! Commanders! Lords! Ladies! Fight for your homes, the living and destroy the Dead until there is no more left! Great men and women to it! Aaaahhhhhhh!!!"
I let out a battle cry, unleashing everything in me knowing that every single person here wants to fight for their loved ones, and ancestral homes. If the Dead win, every person who ever fought, bleed and died for what they have now will be for nothing. I spread my arms out and slowly raise them up, shouting with all my might.
I continue shouting when the Dothraki, Unsullied shout along with me then army after army join in shouting their mighty cries for all to hear. We all roar as one entire army when I turn around to face the whole sight of the Dead. I walk to Drogon and mount back on him. I take my position on his back when Drogon lifts his long neck and head up, briefly shaking his head before all to see him then he lifts his head up unleashing his mighty roar, joining with the living army's battle cry.
Once Drogon is finished, he turns his whole body around to face the army of the dead while the living keeps giving their battle cries. I smile knowing that the Night King must be staring directly at me like the Winter Fox said he would when he sees an army such as this one at my back.
"Fly!" I yell out. leaning forward for Drogon to take to fight.
Drogon takes a few steps forward through the snow storm and his wings flap a few times, lifting us in the air just above the living army to face the Night King and the army of the dead. My eyes look down to see my armies and Westeros armies charging into battle together, no matter their rank, station or where they are from. I fly over the army while Drogon lets out another one of his mighty roars to install fear into the army of the Dead and hopefully the cold, dead heart of the Night King. 264Please respect copyright.PENANAIipV7LAT3y
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