Cersei's POV
"Twenty thousand men, is it?" I ask Captain Strickland.
"Yes, your grace. And we have seven thousand horses."
"And elephants?" I ask in wanting to know. The Elephants are the main reason why I decided on the Golden Company.
"At first, there was going to be no elephants until this man stepped in and gave the ships needed to sail them here." Captain Strickland says then extends his arm out to the left of him.
I look to see a full headed helmet covering the face of whoever this man is. He comes forward in full armor like he was ready to fight right now within the Throne Room. He was almost as tall as the Mountain and built like he has been fighting his entire life. I glare at this unknown man but no glimpse of his face under that helmet. I see that the shoulders of his armor are covered in animal skin and it looks like the skin of a fox. The helmet man bows his head to me.
"Well, that would have been disappointing if they never came. Your elephants are one of the main reasons why I choose you through the Iron Bank." I tell him in some satisfaction.
"They are excellent beasts, your grace and will run through anything that gets in its way on the battlefield." Captain Strickland informs me.
"Good. Very good. And you are most welcome to King's Landing, Captain Strickland."
Captain Strickland bows his head to me. "We are looking forward to fighting on your behalf, your majesty." He turns away, walking out of the throne room.
I see Euron wanting to have a word with me; however the unknown man is still here. I slightly tilt my head at this man when he finally looks directly at me. He speaks to me, "I was hoping that we can speak alone and the Mountain can stay here while we talk. I have a little something that may interest you."
I stare at the man wondering that he has. However I would talk with this man rather than speak with Euron now. I nod my head to the man. Euron is about to speak but the Mountain stands before him. Euron does not say a word when leaving with everyone else. The throne room doors close that it is just me, the Mountain and this unknown man.
The man stares around the throne room like it is the first time he has ever been in the Throne Room. I exhale in the time that is being wasted by sitting here in silence. The man eventually looks back to me. "Never imagined to be in the Throne room this way but hey, you never know how or where you end up in some places. Name is Winter Fox. How are you doing?"
I will confess that his attitude is almost like we are friends and we are not friends. "What do you want? Tell me now. Otherwise you are wasting my time."
I stand to my feet but the man is quickly right up to me. "No worries. I am not here to waste your time and I'm a real fast talker. You see I have a proposal for you, Lioness. May I call you, Lioness? It is fitting after all."
He is not messing around in being a fast talker and being called, Lioness is not a bad thing to hear. I lightly nod my head to him. He is face to face with me. I can see just enough in his mask that he has blue eyes like the clear blue waters of the sea. It is quite impressive out of honesty.
"Long story short, I am a mercenary along with many others. We do things differently compared to others such as our line of work. And within that line of work, we need to ensure that we have an agreement with anyone on the throne or even trying to reach for the Throne. You are one of them. Depending on the end results in the Great War of the Long Night, my leader wants to make sure that we have a foot in each door of options."
I take in what he is telling me and realize the other door they need to have their foot in. Daenerys Targaryen, the dragon queen. "And Daenerys is the other door. What agreement are you making with her?"
"It depends on what we have to give to her but it is not on a personal level like yours is. It is something that you have wanted for a long time." He says.
I scoff in his words and begin to walk away. "I have all I need."
"Really? Because there is one thing you have wanted but never got. Or should I say, person that you wanted."
I stop in my steps wondering who he is speaking of. I feel the man slowly approach that he is standing behind me. "And who is this person?"
"If you agree to let us keeping on doing what we are doing, then I will give you the one person that you crave most in the entire world, Lioness." The man tells me.
I turn to be no more than an inch away from his helmet head. "Who will you give me?"
Suddenly, he lifts his hand toward me to show what is in his hand. I see that it is a necklace. The necklace has a few stones going across the neckline when being worn. I notice one of the stones missing. I instantly knew whose necklace it was. She wore it on the day of my son's wedding.
Without even saying a word to him, he leans close that he whispers into my ear, "Sansa Stark..."
I take the necklace out of his hand, glaring dead at the necklace. It is the very necklace, it was not a fake. I wonder how this man has it but it does not matter. All that matters is that if this man and whoever his forces are can arrange for Sansa Stark, that murderous little bitch to get within my reach, I will take it. I will have her head just like taking the head of her father, Ned Stark.
"You have a deal, Winter Fox. Bring that murderous little bitch within reaching distance of me, and you can go about your line of work." I tell him without a second thought.
I barely see what little of a smile I can see underneath his helmet. He takes a step back from me while I study every inch of this stone necklace. I then wonder why he would give her up to me. If I was to take her, the entire north would march behind Daenerys in order to get Sansa back. I know that those Northern asses have respect and loyalty more towards her because she is the Daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark.
"Even if I did get my hands on Sansa, the entire North would rally behind Daenerys in order to get Sansa back."
"Maybe. However the North is not big on outsiders especially if that stranger is the daughter of the Mad King. And even if they do manage to get their heads out of their asses, rallying behind the Mother of Dragons, all of your enemies will be right at your doorstep. You can prepare and predict their numbers if they all stand together. One of the reasons why I gave my ships is to sail the elephants here. Daenerys has her dragons; you have your elephants now. You can wipe them all out and no one will stand in your way after that. Your Reign will be secure and remembered in what you did. What more can a ruler ask for than that?"
This man speaks truth. I will have the upper hand over the North since the North does not do well when marching south for war. This could not have been planned more perfectly. I hold the necklace up, recalling the last time I ever saw her at the Red Wedding. She watched on as my son died the way he did. I remember the last look on my son's face as he died.
"Yes! Let's shake on it and I will get that arranged." He extends his hand out to me. We shake hands in making this deal together. Our hands come apart and I do have to ask one question to him.
"How will you go about it?"
"You do not want the details but I cannot promise that innocent blood won't be spilled to make it happen."
"I could care less. Do whatever you have to. I want that little bitch."
"It will be done. I will send word and an exact location of where she will be for you to grab her. She will scream in horror when she is in your grasp. Plus it will be fun for me. I never really liked her. She is like her mother. Her mother was a bitch to me and my sister just because we were bastard children, nothing else." He bows his head to me then leaves the throne room lite up by the column fires going.
I walk back to the Iron Throne and sit down. I hear the doors close, being all alone now. I stare around this room and think about the endless memories in this room alone. But the one I remember the most right now is Tommen sitting on my lap as I tell him a story during the Siege. I place my hand on my stomach thinking about my child I will have when all of this is over. I lost my other children. I will not lose this one to anything or anyone.
Jon's POV
"Jon Snow..." I hear her wonderful voice whispers to me before the amazing feel of her honey lips press against mine. I lightly exhale in our lingering kiss, wanting to stay in our kiss before we have no choice but to get dressed. Our lips slowly part. She and I glare upon each other. I cannot help in brushing my fingertips through her silver hair hanging past her shoulders.
"Your hair is beautiful, Daenerys; you are so beautiful like full moon shining in the night sky." I say these words without even thinking.
Daenerys seems a bit caught off guard by my words. I wonder what it was I said. Daenerys exhales then stares at me. "My husband called me his 'Moon of my life' and he was my 'Sun and Stars'. I never thought I would hear anything close to those words until you said them."
I can see that Daenerys is holding a massive weight on her shoulders in talking about her passing husband. I want to take that weight off her shoulders. Daenerys deserve to have no weight on her heart like she does right now.
"Tell me about him. What was he like?" I ask without hesitation.
Daenerys looks down for a moment before telling me when she first laid eyes on him. Her brother, Viserys married her to Khal Drogo for his army. I realized what she meant in her words when I first met her. She was raped on her first night however she took the slavery her own brother put her in and turned it into something better. I lightly smile in her telling me about him.
Daenerys tells me about his death and what she did. I feel my mouth barely open in learning what she did to get to where she is now with her Dothraki forces. I know I have seen and endured many things myself. However the beginning of her journey was something I never could have imagined. She is one of the fiercest women I have ever seen. She truly is not like everyone else. She is a woman that endured impossible things.
I reach for her hand, wrapping both of my hands around hers. I gaze at this woman that I am choosing to be a Queen, a true Queen for me and everyone in the North. I am doing exactly like what her friend, Missandei said, 'She is the Queen we choose.'
"You are an amazing woman, Daenerys. I do not know if I could stay standing through what you have." I whisper to her softly.
She leans in and kisses me on the forehead. "Only a few know about my husband and now you are one of them, Jon."
"I am glad that you told me. I feel honored." I truly do feel honored that she told me. I can imagine it is not a simple thing to tell anyone.
We kiss each other once more before we have to get ready since we are about to arrive at White Harbor. I get up from the bed and find my boots and trousers. I put them on slowly. I do dread of what could come for the North, for us the more I get dressed.
My eyes turn to see Daenerys sitting up from the bed with the blanket covering up her upper body. I watch her stand up from the bed, letting the blanket drop. I stare at her glorious body. I still cannot believe that she and I were together the past two days. I have some trouble tying my pants while gazing at her.
I finally finish putting my pants then I reach for her dress she wore the other night. She asks me to reach for another dress and she describes what it looks like. I grab the one she wanted. I hand it to her. Daenerys steps into her dress. She is about to button it up however I stop her before she does.
I could not resist in helping her to button up the dress slowly while I am biting the bottom of my lip. I finish the last button of her dress. I see that it is the white fur dress she wore when flying out beyond the Wall to save us. I never noticed how marvelous the dress looks on her until now. I gently rub my fingers through the fur for a moment.
"This looks really good on you, Daenerys."
"Well, I knew if I was going to the North, I would need to dress for the occasion. And I have never seen snow before, so that is one thing I am looking forward being here."
I smile once more and it does not surprise me that she has not seen snow over in Essos. It is more dessert than anything else over there. I lean down and grab her boots. I actually kneel before her as I move my hand up her dress. Daenerys lets out a sigh in my touch. My hand stops underneath her right knee. I slip her boot on then do the same to her left leg.
"Can you grab my brooch?" She points to it sitting on the windowsill.
I grab the chain jewel with the three headed dragon brooch. I put it together with her fur dress to finish it. Daenerys smile to me while I see My Queen before my eyes. She is my choice and I know I will never regret choosing her.
Daenerys grabs my shirt about to lift it over my head but stops for some reason. I notice that she is glaring at my scars. She brushes her fingers slowly across each one of them. Her eyes studying my entire chest almost as if sees them like it is something to admire.
"They are beautiful, Jon."
I smirk for a moment and whisper, "Hardly."
Daenerys drops the shirt, putting both of her hands on my scars. "As horrible as it was for them to kill you and I cannot imagine the betrayal you felt as it was happening then waking up from death. I am certain that I would not be standing on my feet the way you are now. But in spite of all that, you dying and brought back to reclaim your home; to defend everyone against the Night King. And in all of that, we possibly never would have met the way we did. And we would not be here together like we are right now. They are beautiful to me."
I never thought of it that way until now. If they never did kill me then I would not be in front of Daenerys now. I place my hands over hers for a few moments while we stand here admiring one another.
She lifts my shirt up and slides it over my head. I put my arms in the sleeves as she ties it together. When she was done putting my clothes on, she put her arms around my neckline. I have to tell her this because we were approaching White Harbor.
"Things will be different in Winterfell and if those that swore their houses to me find out about us then they will quickly turn their back. No one can know during this time of the Long Night. They need to see us as allies, fighting for the North together, nothing else."
She shakes her head yes in agreement to this. "I know. But I must admit, it will be hard to keep myself from looking at you especially because of what we did in that very bed." She smiles to me.
I could not help but to smile back to this amazing woman. We do not take our eyes off of each other. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her one more time. She deepens her lips against mine as her fingers run through what bit of my hair that was not up.
After what seems like a lifetime, our lips slowly part and she heads for her chamber door. She looks at me one more time before she opens the door for me. I walk out of her chambers while I hear her close the door behind me. She closes the door behind her.
I begin to head my way up to the top deck of the ship. I come out to a gray sky and some snow falling from above. I take a deep breath, taking in everything that happened last night hit me all at once. And I remembered one thing from the Night's Watch from Aemon.
Maester Aemon was right when he told me these words years ago. 'What is honor compared to a woman's love?' There was nothing compared to what happened last night between Daenerys and I.
Daenerys's POV
I stare into the mirror recalling that once fragile girl with a mad brother that sold me off to a Dothraki warlord for an army. I am no longer than same girl I was. I am now a Queen, a Khalessi and the mother to my dragon children. I will prove to the Northerners that I am someone worth following and trusting. I will earn it however I can earn it to them.
I hear a knock on the door knowing it must be Tyrion or Jorah telling me that we have arrived. "Come in."
I turn to see that it is Jorah. I smile at the sight of this man that has been at my side since I was once the fragile girl. I do not know where I would be without this man by my side now. "Jorah, I still cannot express the joy that you have come back to me. I feared that you never would but you kept your word and came back."
Jorah smiles to me and comes face to face with me. "I feared the same, Khalessi. I am grateful to be back. I am hoping that we can speak about something before we arrive to Winterfell, if you will allow me."
"Of course you can, Jorah. What is it?" I ask him.
"You have never been here before; the North. It is unlike any places you have been to. You cannot demand their loyalty here. You have to..."
"Earn it. I am aware of what I am going to need to do to earn their trust and loyalty." I tell him. I am glad that he wants to talk to me about this because he also knows what I am going to face soon.
"That is one of the reasons why you are worth following. You are aware of what you may face." Jorah says with a small smile. "And I am sure that is one of the reasons that Jon Snow follows you and more..."
I see the look upon his face. He knows that Jon was with me. I look down in the hopes that he would not know so quickly about Jon and I. I do not know what to say to him right now since I know how he feels toward me.
He grabs my hands gently. I slightly tremble in sadness. "He is a good man and I would rather it be him that you are with than any other man on this side of the world. I will confess that I wish that I have could have what you two have. But I am alright where I am with you, being a part of your life is better than not a part of it at all."
I lightly sob in his words because I wish I could love him the way he loves me. He truly is an honorable, trustworthy man I have ever had in my life. "Jorah, you are one of the most important people in my life and I wish I could return the same feelings to you. I truly do..."
Jorah shakes his head no to me. "Khalessi, please do not do this to yourself. You have enough weight on your shoulders." He places his hand on my cheek as I feel some tears stream down my face. I cannot remember the last night I have cried like this.
He wipes them away, framing my face in his hands. I deeply sigh at the sight of Jorah when he gently places my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me for a moment and that is all it took is a moment for me to being crying. I wrap my arms around him, letting out a few sobs in terror of saying those words to him.
He rests his head on top of mine. I cannot control myself in telling him over and over again, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Don't be..." He whispers to me softly before kissing me on the top of my head. "All I ever want is to serve you. I love you, Khalessi. I will always love you."
I embrace my arms tighter around him in his words. "And I love you, Jorah. I always will." I admit out loud for the first time. I know I will always genuinely care and worry for him even all we have endured. I will always need him by my side especially when I take the Seven Kingdoms and restore it after all Westeros has endured through my Father's Mad Reign to this day under Cersei Lannister's Reign. He is one of the three men I will ever trust in my life.
I gaze upon this honorable man before me. He extends his hand to me while his other hand turns the knob to open the door. I take his hand and we walk out together onto the deck. The moment I come up on deck, I see that the clouds are dark grey but no snow falling like I was half expecting it to be. Then again, it will make it easier during the travel with no snow falling.
Jorah and I walk off the deck stepping onto solid ground of White Harbor. I already notice the people of the North glaring directly at me. They know who I am without even a word spoken. I exhale and remember what Jon told me. I need to earn their respect. I cannot demand obedience like I have and still do in Essos.
Jorah tells me to wait here so he can grab the horses for us. I stay where I am, looking among the men, women and children. I notice that they look at me just like the slaves did when first seeing me. They are unsure about me. I understand their reason for it.
I begin to realize how cold it is becoming around me, even seeing my own cold breathe. I cannot help chuckling since I have been beyond the Wall but never realized the small things about winter season. I begin to rub my gloved hands together to keep them a bit warmer right as Jorah comes over with our horses.
I grab the reins; check the stirrups before mounting up. Jorah mounts up next to me. We lightly smile to one another. I am so grateful that we finally talked to one another about our love and care for each other properly. I still feel the weight of sorrow, knowing that I cannot return those same feelings back to him.
My thoughts stop when Jon rides over. I see Missandei, Greyworm and quite a few others on their own horses. Tyrion and Varys get into a carriage. We are all ready to ride on to Winterfell. Jon circles his horse around before telling everyone, "The roads can be tough for some horses in the snow. We have at least 12 days of travel ahead of us. My Queen, don't stay far behind me. Now follow me." He walks his horse forward and out of the Harbor.
The rest of us do the same. Jorah and I stay shortly behind Jon while he leads the way from White Harbor. Most of us remain in silence of taking in the views of the North. After many miles, Jon has his horse walk next to mine. "This stretch of road will continue straight. I need to talk to Tyrion for a moment. Need to give him a warning of what his welcome alone will bring."
"I am sure he is aware of what it might be however go right ahead." I tell him.
Jon trots his horse back toward the carriage that Tyrion is riding in. I look ahead at the stretch of road covered in mud and water from the snow all over the ground. I am amazed in how the land looks covered in white. It is almost like the color of my hair. I have imagined snow several times as a child. It does not compare to seeing with my own eyes during this ride.
Jon's POV
I ride past several riders until my horse is approaching Tyrion and Varys. I turn my horse around so we are walking next to the carriage. "Tyrion, I was wondering if I could have a word with you right now."
"Go ahead, Bastard of Winterfell." He tells me with a small smile.
"Dwarf of Casterly Rock, I figure I would warn you of the welcome you may receive when arriving." I tell him while Varys slightly nods his head in agreement.
"I am well aware of the kind of welcome I will receive. I had quite some years ago when I first came here. It feels like a lifetime ago and now I am back again. Do you remember when we first meet?" Tyrion asks.
"I do. Your advice is one of the best I still carry with me. It was in the training courtyard. Catelyn Stark thought my presence would offend King Robert during the feast." I tell him.
I recall that night. It does feel like a lifetime ago. I am no longer that same bastard boy no more than Tyrion is not the same drunk, pissing off the edge of the wall man; at least not entirely.
"The last time I was here, I had one heck of a time with that beautiful red head, Ros. She certainly knew how to pleasure men. Better than anyone I will probably have compared to the girls in King's Landing. I learned that it is true what they said about the Northern girls." Tyrion tells me.
When I heard Ros name, it made me think of what I told Samwell about her. I came close to having sex with her but I couldn't, I wouldn't due to the fear of getting her pregnant with a bastard child, and raised up like I was or worse.
"Ros was quite a woman." Tyrion said.
I noticed that he said that in past tense. I glare at him and ask, "Was?"
Tyrion stares at me with a look that she is dead. I freeze in knowing she is died. I look back at that night when I could not do it. She was fun to talk to and her smile made me smile during her company. She knew how to be good company especially with her life work in a whorehouse. "I did not know her very well but she was beautiful and she deserved a better life than the one she had."
Tyrion shakes his head in agreement. "She certainly did. I tried to protect her but my sister found her, threatening to kill her. I could no longer protect her after that. Now I am trying to help council and protect another with what power I do have." I notice his eyes move up to Daenerys then back to me.
I look down and should have known better. He knows about Daenerys and I. "You of all people should know better, Jon Snow. This will cause problems."
I do need to get this out of the way with Tyrion since he is Daenerys hand. I see that Varys now knows. He does not say a word about it.
"Aye, I should. I will not blame you if you are about to speak about my brother, Robb. Do not bother saying that is what got him killed. He married a woman he never should have married. It was his death sentence but at least he fell in love. I've only ever been with one other before meeting her. I never thought I would be with another again. There's no point in fighting it after she saved my life. I feel no more or less than a lowly bastard boy or a King in the world. I am human after all, Tyrion. We are nothing more than allies during the Great War against the Night King. If we survive then we will figure it out, until then we are just allies." I make sure I don't raise my voice so no one else could hear us.
Tyrion moves closer to the carriage window saying, "I knew that you fell in love with her before you even admitted it yourself, Jon. What makes you think that the Northern Lords won't see the same as I do now?"
As much as I do not want to admit it, Tyrion's right. He knew it before I admitted it to myself. I begin to fear that the Lords of the North see it as well. I must and have to contain my emotions around her.
"Daenerys and I have already discussed it. Plus, who better to contain us than our advisors?" I look at him then to Davos who is further ahead of me. I urge my horse forward, riding back out ahead of everyone. I decide to ride alongside Daenerys and Davos rides to my left side.
We manage to get to the King's Road. The pathway of King's Road is hard to ride in but the horses manage through. I see Daenerys out of the corner of my eye riding by me.
We travel for two days until we see the Dothraki where I predicted we would meet them on the King's Road. Jorah remains riding on Daenerys right side to protect her and I see her Unsullied leader, Greyworm behind her. I glare back to see the Hound and Gendry.
The Dothraki yell their battle cries when seeing Daenerys. We all continue to ride onward to Winterfell. I then hear a roar from above, high in the sky. I grin before looking up to see Daenerys two children flying high. I will never grow tired in how glorious they are. They certainly do take after their mother.
I know that we would not have the true fighting chance without them. I know they are quite the beasts when they need to be. They are going to give those fuckers a fight they will never forget. I will happily take in the sight of the white walkers becoming nothing but ashes when the time comes.
We ride on to mid-afternoon then stop for camp. Daenerys and I manage to keep ourselves under control whenever we are around each other. During the time of night, I manage to slip into her tent just to sleep next to her. I know that we have at least another nine days before arriving to Winterfell maybe ten given the winter snow.
We only stop at night to rest but travel during the time we have some daylight under this snowstorm. We do not want to waste time stopping very often during our travel. Daenerys flies with her children for the next few days as well which I know it brings her joy to be with them whenever she can.
Eventually, more days pass of traveling until I stop at the bottom of the hill, knowing that we are close. I ask Daenerys if she would like to see the view of Winterfell now. She agrees and tells everyone to stay back, letting it just be the two of us. Daenerys and I ride our horses up the snowy hill, getting to the top. Daenerys sees the view of Winterfell for the first time. We stop our horses to look at the sight.
I take a deep breath in. I begin to hear the bells ringing from the Bell Tower of Winterfell. They were signaling our arrival given that the whole army approaching is not hard to miss. I know that the people are preparing for our arrival.
I look down at the snowy ground that my horse is standing on. I am beginning to feel more fear if the Lords of the North learn about me and Daenerys. I hear her ask me, "What is it?"
I know that she has enough worry on her shoulders; I will not add my worries to hers. "For the first time, I feel like I am actually coming home for the first time in a long time." I tell her while looking at the sight of Winterfell.
"Then welcome home, Jon Snow." Daenerys says to me.
My eyes meet hers. I do not know why however in looking at her, I know that everything is going to be alright. Daenerys and I ride on with the others shortly behind us. Time for the people of Winterfell to meet their future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and I dread of what Sansa may say or do when she meets Daenerys.
Sansa's POV
I am standing at the view where I can see Jon arriving with this Queen, Daenerys Targaryen. I'm surprised by how many men this queen has gained over the years. I see half of them marching on foot and the other half riding on horses like savages. I know that the people of the North will not like this. I do not like this at all.
Suddenly, some sort of loud roaring comes from somewhere. My eyes bolt around in seeing nothing. There is only one place that roaring could have come from. I slowly look up. I let out a gasp when I see two dragons flying right over Winterfell. They let out another roar as they flap their wings out. They go right over me.
I begin to hear many shouting in fear at the sight of them. Several men, women, children flee into their homes, closing their windows, and hiding away I glare at them knowing the damage that these beasts can do alone. After all, Aegon the Conqueror only needed the dragons in order to forge the Seven Kingdoms.
I do not want these things here because they are a threat especially if this Queen asks for the North to remain a part of the Seven Kingdoms if she does take the Iron Throne from Cersei Lannister. I will ensure that the North will stay a separate Kingdom like it once was before the Targaryens ever came to these shores centuries ago.
I know I have to be in the courtyard to greet Jon soon. The new acting Lord of the Vale approaches me. "It is time, my lady."
I make my way down to the Courtyard. Every Lords and Ladies of the North is waiting as well when I come down. I stand in the exact spot where mother and father did to greet King Robert when he came to Winterfell years ago.
After a short while, I could hear the horses trotting around the corner into the Courtyard. Jon rides in with this Queen Daenerys by his side. They both stopped their horses a few feet before everyone to take in the sight of Daenerys Targaryen for the first time.
I snare in disappointment because she was far more impressive that I expected her to be. She has this silver hair like all of the Targaryens did. She has a white fur gown on, keeping her warm in this cold weather. Her silver hair halfway up in a braided style like I have never seen before; in seeing this woman, I remember what Littlefinger told me himself.
'The dragon Queen is quite beautiful. Jon is young and unmarried. Daenerys is young and unmarried. An alliance makes sense; together they would be difficult to defeat.'
I look at them no more than two feet away from each other, already making them look like quite powerful. Jon smiles when his eyes met mine. I softly smile back at my brother. I am glad that he is safe and back here even if he has a dragon queen at his side. He dismounts and does something I was not expecting him to do.
Jon goes over to the Dragon Queen as she mounts off her horse. Jon extends his hand out to her. She hesitates for a moment then grabs his hand. Some of the people around were whispering. Jon walks her forward holding her hand like she is already the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
"My Lords, my Ladies and my people, I present to you, Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful Heir to the Iron Throne and the Mother of Dragons." Jon says for everyone to hear.
No one bowed to her like I was expecting it to be with her arrival but then someone I never thought to see again was actually here, Tyrion. He and Varys step out of their carriage, observing those watching them. I freeze at the sight of him. I truly never thought I would ever see him again. I believed him to be dead until receiving word that he is the Hand of the Queen to Daenerys.
Tyrion sees me. I remember the last time I saw him. It was at Joffrey's own wedding then died shortly after taking his vows to Margarey Tarrell. I left Tyrion to escape. He has been the only one that has never hurt me. He has been more of a real man of his word to me than any other man will probably be to me in my life.
I try to keep myself together when he stands next to Daenerys. He gives a small grin at me. I feel unsure of how to act with him being here in Winterfell. I will admit that it does bring me some gladness that he is alright and not killed for a murder he did not commit.
I let out an exhale taking in just this before even speaking a word to Daenerys or Tyrion. Jon walks up to me with Daenerys by his side. Jon smiles and wraps his arms around me for a hug. I embrace him back. Jon stares at me with pride.
"Thank you, Sansa for looking after our home, our people. I cannot express my deepest gratitude to you." He kisses me on my forehead like he did when he told me that we needed to trust each other after Winterfell was ours.
After he finishes his kiss on my forehead, I see Daenerys smiling. She steps forward to me, this Targaryen Queen...
"Daenerys, this is my sister, Sansa, The Lady of Winterfell. Sansa, this is Queen Daenerys." Jon informs me
Daenerys continues to smile when she speaks, "Lady Sansa, Jon has mentioned you and what you have done to help him as King. And I also wanted to thank you for everything you have done while he was at Dragonstone. It takes a good ruler, a good king to trust someone to watch over his people."
I nod my head to her then begin to notice the stitching detail in her white fur gown and how beautifully it was done. I am impressed with its work. "Where did you get your dress, your grace?"
Daenerys smiles and spins around to show the dress off better for me. "One of my closest friends, Missandei helps make my gowns for me." Daenerys stretches her right arm back to give her praise to a dark hair and skinned woman. This woman, Missandei bows her head to Daenerys. Daenerys turns her head back toward me. "Your dress is also beautifully done. Did you make it yourself?"
I smile when she asked that question. "I did."
"Maybe you can teach me sometime. I would love to make myself a cloak like the ones worn here, they are beautiful. There is no winter in Essos, just scorching hot deserts, nothing else. The cold winter is entirely new to me; after all I am a southern woman." She tells me. I smile and part of me wanted to teach her how to but I still do not trust her.
Davos approaches Jon as does a man that I do not recognize until Lyanna Mormont shouts, "You! How are you even here, Jorah?"
Everyone takes one look at the man. I realize that this must be her cousin, Jorah Mormont, the very man that my father chased after for enforcing slavery. The man, Jorah stands before Lyanna. "Here I stand to serve my Khalessi."
"You have been serving the Dragon Queen the whole time you were banished from Westeros?" Lyanna shouts in anger.
"No. He fought for the Golden Company before pledging his sword to me. I trust him with my life, Lady Mormont. He would not be here to help me if Ned Stark did not hunt him away from Westeros. He has counseled and helped me to show the people through Essos to freedom. The title Breaker of Chains would not be mine if it was not for him. His loyalty means everything to me." Daenerys speaks to Lyanna Mormont.
Many people are quiet as a crypt when Daenerys spoke those words to Lyanna Mormont. Lyanna stares at Jorah with such daggers in her eyes to him. The silence is broken with one of her savage men speaks to Daenerys in a different language I have never even heard until now. Daenerys speaks the same language back to him.
"Jon, where do you suggest that my men make camp?" Daenerys asks.
"There is some low ground to the left of Winterfell. They can make up camp there. If they need any assistance, I am happy to offer some of my men and sources just as you did when mining for the Dragonglass. As soon as they set up camp, your generals should come to the war meeting later. There is to be plans for training and preparing for the Great War."
Daenerys faces her savage man and they speak in the foreign tongue. The savage man bows to her then walks away. Then over possibly thirty wagons are heading this way. I do not know what is in them. Jon walks over to the first one that came in. He opens the back door of the wagon, revealing what is inside. There are piles upon piles of some sort of rock. It has to be Dragonglass. Many of the people in the court yard were happy to see those weapons.
"Daenerys allowed me to mine the dragon glass and turn pounds of it into weapons. Daenerys has pledged to fight for the North against the Night King." Jon tells to everyone.
Many of the people stared at Daenerys in shock that she is here to help us fight. Jon really made an alliance with her just like he aimed to do when he first left to meet her at Dragonstone. However, I am not going to trust her as quickly as he did.
Jon tells the blacksmiths to make the Dragonglass into weapons and a man named Gendry will help in learning how to do so if any needed help doing so. The smiths take the wagons over to their stations and do as he asks them.
Jon walks back over to me and asks, "After some time for Daenerys and her forces to settle in, I ask all of the Lords and Ladies of the North to gather in the great hall for the War meeting. It is time to start preparing for the war to come."
It takes people a few moments before they go back to what they were doing before their arrival. Jon is about to walk away when I grab his arm to stop him from walking away. He wonders why I stopped him.
"Jon, you may want to go to the training courtyard right now. There is someone waiting to see you." I tell him.
Jon instantly learns that I am talking about Arya. Without another word, Jon makes his way over. I watch Daenerys follow right behind him. In seeing them walking together, I already feel like things are strange between Jon and Daenerys.
What if Littlefinger was right about the two of them? They are both young and unmarried and would be difficult to defeat as powerful as they are together. Could it be that Jon does have feelings for her, maybe even to marry her?
Jon's POV
I make my way to the training courtyard. I see Daenerys walking shortly behind me. "Who is here waiting for you, Jon?" She asks me.
I stop when I am a few feet from the shooting targets. I feel myself being flooded by a certain memory years ago. I lightly smile but feel sorrow in all who are now gone. I slowly circle around the yard then stop in front of Daenerys. She has a look on her face, wondering what I am thinking about.
"I stood with my brothers, Robb, Rickon and Bran in this exact spot long ago. It feels like a lifetime ago already. Bran was learning how to use a bow. He was having some trouble shooting the arrow anywhere near the target. Right when Bran was about to release his arrow, an arrow went dead certain in the target. We look back to find my little sister, Arya, no more than nine years old make the shot. Robb couldn't believe it. I did when she did a small bow making the shot. Bran started chasing her because she made the shoot and he didn't. I wish I could go back to that day again; being able to laugh like that again; to see my sister hit the target."
Before I could say anything else, an arrow is fired right by me, hitting dead certain of the target. I turn to see the arrow hit the target exactly like I remember. I freeze for a moment then turn around. There she is, Arya. She is standing no more than four feet from me.
"You use to be taller, Jon." She speaks with her voice that has changed a little but it still sounds like the little sister I have missed since the day I have left for the Night's Watch.
My tough little sister, Arya has grown and short brown hair with trousers, boots instead of a dress. She never did like wearing dresses because it got in the way of running whenever she would. I smile the biggest smile to her when she drops her bow and comes running to me.
I run over to her as well. Arya jumps right into my arms like the day I gave her sword, Needle to her. I embrace her, not wanting to let her go for a long time. I could feel some tears coming down my face. Arya lets out a deep sigh as I hold her. Arya buries her face in my shoulder. I keep her off the ground in our hug.
She whispers to me, "I stick them with the pointy end like you taught me."
I smile and embrace her a bit more before putting her back on the ground. This little girl now a woman before me; Arya never seemed to fit, no more than I did. And yet she could always make me smile. I would and will give anything to be with her now, to mess up her hair once more and watch her make a face, to hear her finish a sentence with me.
I instantly try to mess with her hair. Arya laughs an adorable laugh. "You have no idea how much I have missed you doing that, Jon." She giggles to me.
"Where have you been this whole time? I thought you dead." I rest my hand on her shoulder.
"It is a long story, probably as long of a story about you still being alive after being stabbed in the heart."
"Yes, it is a long story..." I softly tell her.
We look at each other for a few more moments before Arya pulls out her sword, Needle. She extends it out to me and I take it in my hands. It is still as sharp as the day it was made. I admire the handy work of our old blacksmith, Mickens. I brush my finger over the maker's mark.
I give Needle back to her. I continue to smile. She really has grown up. She is no longer the little girl when I gave her Needle. Arya notices the cloak I am wearing. "It is somewhat like Father's. Did Sansa make it?"
"She did." I tell her.
Arya smiles in admiration saying, "My brother who is now King."
I could not help but to pick her up in my arms again. I carry her around like she was a princess. Arya groans in frustration in me doing this. I chuckle in her reaction. I exhale when I walk over to Daenerys; I know Arya will enjoy meeting her since Arya loved to hear the stories of Aegon and his sisters.
I set Arya back on her feet. Arya does not move the moment her eyes see Daenerys. "Arya Stark, this is Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons."
Daenerys smiles to Arya. "It is so wonderful to meet you, Arya. Jon mentioned you. I could tell how much he cared about you when he learned you were here in Winterfell."
Arya looks at her like she is the greatest person she has meet. I admire my sister and a woman I care deeply for, already liking each other at first glance. "Are those dragons flying above yours?"
Daenerys chuckles for a moment. "Yes. They are my children." Then I see a small look on her face of sadness about her child she lost beyond the Wall.
"I grew up on stories of your ancestor, Aegon Targaryen and his sisters. Many talk about Aegon but I talk about Visenya and Rhaenys. I liked the sword, Dark Sister. It is a great name for a sword especially when women are not meant to be warriors in men's eyes to this day."
"I did as well. My brother, Viserys did not like it when I would ask more about Visenya and Rhaenys than Aegon. And I could not agree with you more. I may not be handy with a blade like you or Jon but I will more than willing to fight just like they did. Do you know the name of their dragons?"
"The three great dragons are Vhagar, Meraxes and Balerion. Balerion the dread is the very dragon who forged the Iron Throne, the breath of the greatest dragon." Arya says in happiness speaking their names out loud with no judgment.
"I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear those names again. I have not heard their names in a long time. I do remember my brother telling me that they use to decorate the throne room with their skulls. I never saw them but he described that the skulls were small like a dog's skull, closet to the door. As you got closer to the Iron Throne, they got bigger and bigger. My brother never wondered what happened to the skulls but I often did. If the skulls were still intact, I would like nothing more than to do the same with the skulls. The dragons are a part of my family history just like direwolves are for you, The Starks.
I continue watching Arya and Daenerys talk about dragons to one another. I cannot wait to see Arya standing before Drogon for the first time. I know she would do far better than I ever did when first seeing them. Before I could say anything, I hear something walking up to us.
I turn around to see what it was. And it is not what but who that is before me. It is Ghost. I smile at the sight of this direwolf that was just a runt when I found and grown into the mighty direwolf that he is.
"Come here!" I yell to him in joy.
He runs right at me then jumps. I let out a yell laughing as he does so. I fall onto the snow and mud. Ghost starts licking my face like a puppy excited to see me. I am laughing in how much he is licking my face. I was petting him up and down his neck smiling of being back with my boy.
"Good boy, Ghost. Good boy." I tell him over and over again. Ghost barks back at me in excitement while I am praising him.
After giving him some more love and belly rubs, he eventually lets me stand up. I keep my right hand petting the top of his head. His tail is swinging back and forth while his big red eyes stare at me. "I've missed you, boy."
I remember the day we found the pack of puppies of what seems to be left of the Direwolf line. Ghost is the runt of the litter and now he is one of the strongest of the pack. Ghost then focuses his attention elsewhere. I see that he is looking at Daenerys.
Daenerys is smiling in amazement at Ghost. "Jon, can I..."
"Yes, Dany." I step away from Ghost so I could see this.
"Oh, he is beautiful." She says while extending her hand out to Ghost.
Ghost sniffs her hand then starts licking her face. Daenerys giggles in giving her some love as well. I notice that Ghost and Daenerys hair color nearly matched. Then he starts rubbing his face against her hand, wanting her to pet all over him. Daenerys rubs her hands all over his fur, reaching down to his belly. Ghost lifts up one of his back legs, shaking it while she does so. Arya and I laugh in how Ghost is shaking his leg the way he is.
"Incredible. I only ever heard of direwolves but never knew any were alive. He is gorgeous." She says right before Ghost jumps up on her so his paws are hanging over her shoulders. Daenerys wraps her arms around him like they are hugging one another.
He truly is like the biggest puppy in the world right now. Daenerys and Ghost is something I never thought I expected to see but it is one the best things I will remember now. I smile at the sight of this.
"How did you manage to find a dire wolf?" She asks.
"We found his mother in the woods on our way back to Winterfell. She died from her wounds from a Stag. She had a litter of five pups. I told my father that his children were meant to have them and they were the symbol of his house. He let his children take them. Then before we left, I saw some white fur hiding behind one of the rocks. I gently pick him up and found Ghost. He was the runt of the litter."
"Look at you now, boy." Daenerys tells Ghost continuing to pet him for a few moments longer until Davos comes up.
"You should get clean up, Jon while everyone is setting up camp." He tells me.
I nod my head to him. I do need to get cleaned up especially since I am covered in mud due to Ghost knocking me to the ground. Davos walks away. Arya is about to walk away until Daenerys tells her, "Arya, would you like to meet my children?"
Arya freezes in what Daenerys just asked her. She shouts in joy. "Yes! I'll follow you!" Daenerys likes how Arya told her yes. We are about to walk away however there is one thing I must do before we get to the serious matters.
"Arya, we will meet you outside the gates. I need to talk to Daenerys for a moment." I tell her.
Arya does not question it and starts running to the entrance gates. I look around for a moment to ensure no one is around to spot us with where I am about to take Daenerys. I grab Daenerys's hand and whisper, "Come with me."
Daenerys does not question me and follows me. We both make sure that no one sees us as I walk us to a fairly hidden corner below where my father use to watch us above the shooting area. Daenerys puts her back to the corner while I glare around knowing that we are alone.
Before Daenerys could say anything, I cup her face and kiss her honeyed lips. She falls into my kiss as I embrace my arms around her. Our lips brush up against one another a few times. Daenerys lets out a sigh in our deep kiss. Then we stay in a lingering kiss for a few more moments.
Our lips slowly part and Daenerys asks me, "What was that for?"
"Even though it is probably the end of the world, everything the past two days has made me happy for the first time in years. You being here and reuniting with my sisters again. And Ghost. He instantly trusted you. It has made everything almost perfect."
She brings her hand to my face for a moment, resting it on my left cheek. Her fingers gently rub across my small scar. "I know the feeling..."
We briefly kiss one more time then chuckle because she mentioned how difficult this was going to be and she was completely right. I do not want to leave this spot now given how close we are.
"Let's get back before someone notices. Come on, My Queen. I am looking forward to Arya meeting your children. I know her heart is going to stop when she is face to face with Drogon." I extend my hand to her so I can walk her for everyone to see and ensuring that they know that she is going to be the future Queen of Westeros, including the North.
We both walk to the entrance gate. I know many are staring at us while I walk with her like I am. Daenerys and I stop at the entrance gates where Arya is waiting. I notice people are gathering behind us at the gates. Daenerys walks further out then stops to look up. Without warning, her dragons roar. The people watching begin to shout in terror or shouting that they are beasts.
They swiftly dive down, flying right over Winterfell. Drogon flies right over it that his shadow is seen reflecting the snow. Drogon keeps on roaring, making his presence known to everyone here at Winterfell. Drogon circles back around with his massive wings extended out.
Drogon then hovers above his mother. Daenerys lifts her hand up to him. Drogon immediately lands face to face with Daenerys. The snow on the ground erupts from his landing. Daenerys places her hand on the tip of his nose. Drogon tucks his wings in and loves being with his mother.
Daenerys turns around to see the look on Arya's face. Her face is filled with wonder and awe at this close sight of him. "Come and meet my son, Drogon."
Arya is stuck where she is standing. I try not to laugh in her reaction as if her heart truly did stop. I use my hand to push her forward, giving her a start to go over to Drogon. Arya walks slowly over to him that she is face to face with him like I was. Daenerys grabs Arya's hand, bringing it closer to Drogon.
Drogon stares directly at Arya just as Daenerys places Arya's hand on the tip of his nose. Drogon is breathing deeply, feeling the touch of her hand. Arya lets out a chuckle but a sob at the same time. I walk over to them to see that Arya has a few tears in her eyes. I knew that her tears were showing that she was terrified to be before him but the extraordinary sight of a living dragon right in front of her.
Arya is lightly shaking when she takes her hand away. "When I heard that the last dragon died over a hundred years ago, I felt such sadness because I imagined how amazing you were, down to every scale, spike, the size of your wings to carry you into the sky with just a few flaps. And you are right here in front of me. You are far more than I ever imagined."
Daenerys places her hand on Arya's shoulder. "Yes, they are. They are terrifying, extraordinary. They filled people with wonder and awe especially through my family history and to me now. And they are my children. They are the only children I will ever have."
Drogon then lowers his right shoulder down to the snowy ground. Daenerys asks Arya to step back given how he will possibly blow her away when taking off. Arya backs up to be standing next to me. Daenerys steps onto Drogon, climbing up to his back. The people watching are talking in how Daenerys is doing this with a dragon such as Drogon.
Daenerys sits on Drogon's back, leaning forward ready to take flight. Then Drogon uses his wings to take to flight in just an instance. Arya does not take her eyes off of him while climbing higher and higher into the snowy sky. The snow forcefully comes off the ground, blowing wind from his wings flapping. Daenerys and Drogon hover above Winterfell for all to see and I am glad they are seeing this. They need to see that her dragons are here to protect them.
Drogon roars louder than he has done earlier before flying off with Daenerys riding him. Rhaegar flies shortly behind them. They both fly above Winterfell, heading over to where her forces will be setting up camp while they are in the North.
Arya and I smile at the sight of them flying high up in the sky, taking in their wonder and awe in just watching them flying. "That is amazing..." Arya says.
"It certainly is." I respond back to her.
I know that I need to head inside to get cleaned up. I walk away knowing that Arya is going to watch them for a bit longer. I walk past the people that were watching what just happened. I do not say a word when walking through.
Many of them glared at Daenerys with a look that makes me concerned but ready to fight them if I had to. The judgment of her father, The Mad King is clouding their judgment on the fact that she is here to help and fight for us.
I know that Daenerys will prove to them that she is a good queen just like everyone around her sees and what I have seen. She will prove to them that she is different and makes impossible things happen.
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